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21205053 No.21205053 [Reply] [Original]

What books should I read as a 30 year old virgin?

>> No.21205060

I'm a 24 year old virgin. I love reading Henry James.

>> No.21205064

Hold off buying books for a few months and get yourself an escort for goodness sake.

>> No.21205068

this but 20yo khhv

>> No.21205071

10 Easy Ways To Rape And Get Away With It
Practical Illustrated Guide to Suicide With Foreword by David Foster Wallace
From Seneca to Tate: The Road to Inceldom
Collected Paintings of ShindoL
The Ashley Book of Knots

>> No.21205074

>10 Easy Ways To Rape And Get Away With It
What's no. 6?

>> No.21205085

Just read whatever you want, there's no turning back now.

>> No.21205089

just one - Phänomenologie des Geistes

>> No.21205092

>Collected Paintings of ShindoL
Sounds fun.
>The Ashley Book of Knots
I've been burned by a title like this before—dogs or nooses? They're going to be put to the same purpose regardless but it's good to know ahead of time what one will get.

>> No.21205095

Soon to be 23 here.

I get scared when looking up guides for strangulation noose suicide: how do I bind my hands? It seems scary; how difficult is it to properly drop-hand oneself off a tree?

>> No.21205099
File: 492 KB, 828x1261, AC9CFBE9-73EF-4BDC-AADD-B66F6F757DB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's so over for me

>> No.21205111

I hate women

>> No.21205119

How do I pull this off but as a man going after a woman?

>> No.21205121

Dubs confirm.
Trips hyper confirm.

If quads I an hero and take all women with me.

>> No.21205129

you can't

>> No.21205146

What was the point of all this keikaku? Just send him nudes that works for 99.9% of males

>> No.21205157

she wanted to larp as a "not like the other girls" girl

>> No.21205279

this is how i got a hot dancer gf in high school but with music instead of books

>> No.21205295

I would be disgusted if a woman sent me nudes. Maybe he was the same way and she could tell? or maybe she didn't want to send nudes, especially to some dude she may never see again (why would she?).

>> No.21205311

>What books should I read as a 30 year old virgin?
get married have kids and read books about construction and farming

>> No.21205405


You need to do the 666

6 inch dick (both length and girth)
6 feet height
6 digits salary

Also you need not be on 4chan. The christcuck said it better “ Abandon all hope, ye who enter here”

>> No.21205413

>6 inch dick (both length and girth)
Done. A bit bigger than that.
>6 feet height
Done. Taller than that.
>6 digits salary
Well 2/3 isn't so bad is it?

>Also you need not be on 4chan. The christcuck said it better “ Abandon all hope, ye who enter here”
Kill me.

>> No.21205427

>tfw tall with borderline micropenis

>> No.21205432

Suicide, mode d'emploi of Claude Guillon et Yves Le Bonniec . 25 old virgin here , im sure in 5 years i'll be literally you

>> No.21205811

6. Convince people you are irreparably mentally retarded.

>> No.21205832

Join incels.is

>> No.21206157


I am a 5’8 not particularly attractive med student with a good fizeek. If I can fuck 5-7 foids, everyone can. You just need to stop being a fucking autist.
It’s not a problem that is gonna be resolved by a book.

Go to /fit and start going to the gym.
Get good fitting clothes.
Get a good haircut.
If you are not redpilled on women read the book series “the rational male” by Rollo Tomassi. Especially the first one. Most of the rest people on the redpill are pseuds.

If you have anxiety about sex, get a prosty. If you are really 30, get a prosty anyway just to shed the sex problem so you realise it’s great but not the whole world.

Lower your standards on women at first. You just need to fuck some foids at first to loosen up. The vast majority of them are retarded, like no joke retarded. Speak to them like they are 15 but with sexual innuendo. They don’t mature after 15 anyway.

Once you realise how truly deeply low iq they are and stop fucking caring about them, you will stop respecting these fags.

1 year ago I fucked a girl that I knew her boyfriend. Right after sex we cuddled and she was telling me how good her boyfriend was and all. This was the moment I lost all respect of them. They can rationalise anything they feel is ok. The are legit walking psych cases.

They don’t deserve you anon. The more misogynist I got, me the 5,8 medfag midget, the more they cared.

>> No.21206226

Why are you posting a pic of my internet girlfriend?? She's mine, didn't you know that!?!

>> No.21206253

Why do failed normies always write walls of text about this shit trying to e-coach other retards like they've cracked the code? At least read Weininger or something. His prose is tolerable. Better than that cringe normie boomer faggot Rollo talking about thots and their "cooters" lmao.

>> No.21206378


I was 20yo kissless virgin fag and by doing this by 22 I have fucked 7 women. These were the stuff that I did and it worked for me.

Tomassi’s books are good, you would know if you actually read any of them. I watched some of his livestreams and they are cringe ngl. He has to make money somehow I guess. Still tho, the books are good.

Day Bang by rooshV was good too. Started to talk to foids by using his method. It’s more like training wheels for previous autists like me so you can start talking to some. Then you drop them naturally.

>> No.21206387

>8 inch pene
>neet approaching wizardry
should just give it to charity at this point, women on the apps are resentful and say hurtful things or ghost

>> No.21206388

Bhagavad Gita or something inspirational. Anything that would start to plant the seed that your reality is something you can shape

>> No.21206473

I would so like to push my smelly uncircumcised unremarkable phallus into this women's face aha

>> No.21206740

Are these fungible? I want to try to shunt some of my dick-size points to my salary.

>> No.21206742

>implying I'd take notes on suicide from a frog
They're only capable of killing their own governments.

>> No.21206746

People can't stop being autistic, faggot. Of course all women are whores, but they're percentile whores who can't whore themselves with the milieu but only the cream, regardless of how creamy that cream is.

>> No.21206749

Calling you out as a fellow
>6 4
Chad. You just radiate overcompensation.

>> No.21206757

That's okay, but for every point you subtract you need to add two to a different parameter (and you can't split the two points between the remaining two)

>> No.21206770

But that would mean all transfers reap a 100% increase, hence I could shunt dick points over to height, increase my yield by double, that transfer em back.

If I could actually allocate points IRL I'd spend a shit load getting rid of the 'tism. I'm not stupid nor too terribly ugly but I hate human beings so much it makes any kind of success impossible.

>> No.21206773

But, anon, Date said that was the inscription above the gates of hell, not 4chan. The only way it would be fair to make the statement was if 4chan itself was in fact...—oh God, How did I fail to realise?!

>> No.21206780

not gonna read this shit but heres a you

>> No.21206795

Then why have sex at all? Just to make your penis feel good? Seems like a waste of time to me.

>> No.21206802

Also the risk of pregnamcy, STD, foid scams (rape accusations, pregnancies that aren't yours, dealing with former or current partners)

>> No.21206817

End goal of being redpilled on women isn't to use cheat codes for sex, it's to make sure the less-retarded one you settle down is in a good relationship you control. When you start seeing women themselves at the end and not what they're designed to do (be mothers and wives) you end up in nihilism. Join a Orthodox or Stricter Protestant church to find moral women. Or Islam if you're Brown.

>> No.21206837
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Typical 24 year old virgin choice. But far from what a 30 year old virgin would read. He would be more inclined to read something like pic related

>> No.21206858

not all women are garbage, if you really dated as much as you did youd know that too

>> No.21206900

Definitely not books recommended by femanons and femboys. Unless you want to become a sissy.

>> No.21207048

this maybe true, however I am filled to the brim with resentment for life on a deep level, as I approach wizardry, it is difficult to imagine any life where I begin to cheerfully and whimsically approach any relationship.
Short of becoming homeless, I have no mobility.

>> No.21207235

I would not even be mad. If a woman is that committed to unriddling me and securing my affections, and I'm not shred enough to see through her schemes, then not only has her diligence won her the day, but I would apparently be in need of her council, lest I be taken for a fool by those with intentions far darker than marrying me.

Still, I would rather be smart enough not to fall for it.

>> No.21207354

>people on the bird app are calling this woman a creep for
>as a woman
>[current year]
that said she's probably a golddigger

>> No.21207415

How to Win Friends and Influence People
No More Mr. Nice Guy
The Rational Male
Models: Attracting Women Through Honesty

>> No.21207443
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Not having sex with a woman unless I love her. Sorry not sorry

>> No.21207507

>No matter how amazing your day game gets, you won’t be able to get
more than an overall 40% close rate. Therefore, 60% of your approaches
will be dead in the water before the first word even comes out of your
mouth. This is because most women are in a serious relationship, have fuck
buddies, are in a bad mood from PMS, are homosexual, or are experiencing
a herpes flare-up that makes them suicidal.

Dangerously based

>> No.21207522

God bless you lads, you shouldn't be reading. You should be writing the works we, your inferiors, would be reading.

>> No.21207539

This is the cringeiest cringe of all.