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21204825 No.21204825 [Reply] [Original]

Is there homosexual subtext in Lord of the Rings

>> No.21204833

No. Tolkien was a conservative Catholic and would probably slap you for thinking that close male friendship had to have a sexual meaning.

>> No.21204852
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No. Progressives should be kicked to death.

>> No.21204856

this image is ruined by the infantile phraseology - "dad" "get stronger" "parent" instead of "father"

>> No.21204863

In the 21st century, "homosexuality" and "male-male love" are conflated so much that people think that any expression of tenderness between men has to have some kind of sexual connotation. There are a lot of factors explaining why people think this way now and all of them are very depressing and gay.

>> No.21204889

The infantile phraseology comes from an infantile way of thinking. Only a manchild would have created an image like that.

>> No.21204904
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>> No.21204908

It's more like class subtext. Not to say Tolkien was an aristocrat or something, but he was a junior officer in WW1. He felt moved when he saw the willpower of the average soldier to endure the horror of the war, and he felt some relative disdain of the more upper class officers who didn't seem to value or respect the strength of the soldiers. Sam, as a servant and ultimately secondary character to Frodo, is meant to be like those faithful soldiers that carried the weight of the war and went unnoticed.

>> No.21204910

Yeah, I believe that a lot of those "fashwave" and man mode aesthetic compilations are made by terminally online loser faggots. Though this is not to say they're wrong to try to get people to take more responsibility for their lives and be less apathetic of course.

>> No.21204916

These (admittedly pretty funny) maymays are what passes for "arguments" or "proof" to the online rightists. They are unable to think beyond images, symbols, and signifiers.

>> No.21204928

Gay people and women need to be excised from literature and academia, because they ruin everything pure between straight men.

>> No.21204929

>admittedly pretty funny

>> No.21204943

No. There is comradeship and male bonding, something which the person who drew that never experienced in his life.

>> No.21204947

Scum. Humorless scum. Your life is less worth than the three letters you have just typed.

>> No.21204966
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>all this coping
Angloids are extremelly faggy. It's a ritual for them to bugger each other in their boarding schools. LotR is filled with classic Angloid faggotry, even if Tolkien did it subconsciously.

>> No.21204969

>something which the person who drew that never experienced in his life.
But that's just an illustration of a scene from the book with an accompanying quote

>> No.21204977
File: 86 KB, 500x497, 1662673088547920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are unable to think beyond images, symbols, and signifiers.

The image, that one in particular, expresses a whole pargraph worth of information and context. Some are garbage, but that accurately presents a solid position.

>an ugly male, past his prime
>sligtly photoshopped for a more disgusted reaction
>the unsubtle charicature of his ethnicity
>the implication that the usual chud attacks are not working
>what may be a coordinated attack by different actors, or at least the appearance of such
>the phone to the ear implying they are far removed from any consequences from them meddling

It is true a picture is worth a thousand words.

>> No.21204983

isn't there a part where sam starts kissing him too? there is a way to interpret the books in that way, though tolkien clearly didn't mean it in that fashion, consciously.

>> No.21205010

OK you have a point, but I still think they rely way too much on being "in the know" so that you have the ability to recognize all of that going on from a single image. It doesn't say much of anything if you don't already agree that all the picture represents is exactly the truth of the world. Also come on dude
I think you're making way too much out of a picture that really should just be a hecking top kek

>> No.21205011

My humour is not at the level where I can laugh at stupid memes, image macros, and reaction images. You're an idiot.

>> No.21205013

>information and context.
but no argument or proof of anything

>> No.21205015 [DELETED] 

Psychojews at it again. Why do they project their insecurities, illnesses, and degeneracies onto everyone?

>> No.21205020

Exactly. I Was trying to say that here >>21205010

>> No.21205051

No, it has fagging instead. see >>21204908

>> No.21205106

Samwise was just a good friend, man. Why read into it?

>> No.21205118

Friendly reminder that when Lewis wrote a book on male friendship he spent the first half trying to argue (failingly) that it isn't at all gay.

Friendly reminder: sexuality and gender ARE fluid and its merely historical expediency (of the highest and most necessary for civilisation to exist, granted) to conform to a strict LEGAL binary. Sex partakes to a degree in all social relationships, just as much as it takes part in all aesthetic judgements; likewise, all other non-sexual components of society partake in sex, too.

It's a mishmash. Attempting to separate out any of these parts from the whole is stupid. Equally so is trying to emphasise a single facet to the total exclusion of the rest. There's nothing wrong with very strong male male friendships, just as there's nothing wrong in that there is a sexual aspect to them.

>> No.21205810

>Liberals cannot comprehend brotherhood and duty: The thread

>> No.21205833

Sam is literally the unfailingly devoted and loyal but suitably distant commoner servant archetype to the aristocratic Frodo

>> No.21205859

What a meaningless post. You're a religious fanatic ranting to the sky about vague regurgitated sentiments that must be all-important because uhh...

There's either a sexual aspect or not. And in this case, there is not. Sexualising male relationships, fictional and nonfictional, is a serious and creepy problem exclusive to Westerners. No one else has the impulse to think something is homosexual when it is not sexual. Part of it is porn-addled wishful thinking, but it is definitely a society-wide fixation. If you weren't such a cultural chauvinist and knew anything about other cultures or just the past (yes even Tolkien's time), you would know this recurring and clearly self-indulging topic forced into every single male friendship is completely absurd and weird and irrelevant. Like an incel misinterpreting politeness from a random woman as an invitation to sexually harass her in the most socially inept, mutually uncomfortable way.

>> No.21206522

>Is there homosexual subtext in Lord of the Rings
No, and its sad that you think any type of male friendship is rife with homosexual subtext

>> No.21206566

i canttt lmfaooo

no lol, it's just sympathy, sweetie, that's it

>> No.21206620

Absolutelt not, but that pic is cute.
Fap before you post.

That's a lot of effort to cope with unfunny schizoposting.
>but that accurately presents a solid position
The position is "it's da joooooos", and it's being used to defend a lame westernaesthetics.com pic from the anon who criticized its choice of language: not the message, mind you, just a detail of how the message is conveyed.
This is not a solid position.

>> No.21206624

Give me a MacArthur Foundation grant and I will find one.

>> No.21206626

I'm just letting you know that the subversive actions of the Tolkien Society will have dire consequences.

>> No.21206808

The fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.21206926

>going to the gym so you can more aesthetically sit in your cubicle
Unironically cringe.

>> No.21206962

When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

>> No.21206974

No, you porn-drowned loon. Stop trying to pervert pure, natural things through your wretched enslavement to your own genitals.

>> No.21206984

>trying to encourage self-improvement through negatives
Most intelligent tradLARPer.

>> No.21207208

You're both retarded.

>> No.21207218

strong means above 6 feet i presume?

>> No.21207240

You'd wipe out half of the western cannon (or more) if you did that.

slender twink fingers typed this post
we know your game, frenchie

>> No.21207242

Tolkien was always a good Catholic (not like that ever stopped anyone) but towards the end of his life he did start to feel more comfortable doing things which he used to disapprove of as "fruity," like dressing up in long furs. I think there's probably an element of repressed homosexual desire in his work, but not necessarily so much more than might exclude him from it still describing a perspective of heterosexual normalism. The elements of transvestitism and same sex desire don't map neatly onto "tipping over" Tolkien into being a gay author, but they do complicate our idea of what the basis for ordinary boys lit is insofar as it doesn't deal with homosexuality outright.

>> No.21207766
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I legitimately have a 150 IQ and yet I still howl-laugh at things like pic related. Makes me think IQ doesn't mean that much.

>> No.21207796

I always found these "Jew nose" memes hilarious because my German grandfather and his friends, all Wehrmacht veterans, all looked like that in old age.

>> No.21207898

Can't find the propper translated Book by Margaret Carroux of The Silmarillion in german. only by that german freak Wolfgang Krege
>translates Master Frodo to "Chef Frodo"
Chef as in "Boss"
Why live ?

>> No.21207903

To be fair, you need a very high IQ to appreciate anal vore snoyjak.

>> No.21207921

>Christcucks read Virgil's Eclogue IV
woah he must be talking about Jesus
>Faggots read anything
woah he must be talking about faggots

>> No.21208003

Yes they were homos
Gollum is also a metaphor for the non-binary trans experience.

>> No.21208066
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>You'd wipe out half of the western cannon (or more) if you did that.

>> No.21209150
File: 143 KB, 604x562, 1640932970297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, honestly
there is something primal about 'jaks

you'd be left with the half that was written by closeted gays

>> No.21209163
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 66f-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'd be left with the half that was written by closeted gays

>> No.21209170
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what's the point then?