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21204157 No.21204157 [Reply] [Original]

This is the book that unironically convinced me completely without sarcasm that book burnings can be in some instances absolutely justified

>> No.21204166

Kindly kill yourself anon. He is the author of the greatest autobiography written, and the greatest technician of the English language of his age.

>> No.21204170

Oh, look, this thread again
No one cares what you think about getting filtered by your starter chart intro /lit/, newfriend

>> No.21204174

The main character is depicted as insane and bad person, but okay. You have heard of unreliable narrators, right?

>> No.21204191
File: 141 KB, 1200x1200, 154F2B98-1EC7-4819-823F-C630D8A16485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>>>>>>”””””””of his age””””””””
Nice carve out there buddy
But to be honest neither me nor posterity give a fuck if you think he had the best prose in some arbitrary 10 year period or not
He doesn’t stack anywhere within the top 100 and his work is on par thousands upon thousands of midteir writers throughout history from fucking Stephen king to George r Martin
He was a smut writer who enjoyed writing about raping little girls for an audience who wanted to rape little girls
He and the people who defend him were and are nothing other then dead eyed philistines
The last gasps of gratuitously worthless cultural tradition

>> No.21204198

why does threads like this exist

>> No.21204217
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Just as they say Macbeth is
The entire point of giving a character first person perspective is to make the reader sympathies with them
And Nabokov fucking knew this, he wasn’t an idiot, and he wanted to sell books (in this case to other pedophiles)
Everyone KNOWS what it is
Every person who defends this fucking erotica does it full well knowing it premoted and sexualizes child rape knowing it may well lead to others developing harmful fethishes and as such will indirectly lead to the rape and abuse of young girls
They just don’t give a fuck
And they don’t give a fuck because their (((culture)))) tells them not to give a fuck
They are dead eyed soulless consumers no different then fucking marvel fans happy to stand atop corpses of as many abused and discarded children as ikr fucking takes to allow them reach trough of “woke” culture
All to avoid being the “racist” and “sexist” “rednecks” they have been acculturated to despise
It’s no fucking different then the cuties movie
It’s the bloody screaming victim at the heart of liberal culture that you are told to ignore so don’t get called a bigot.

>> No.21204223

Oh is it annoying to hear some one shit all over the false gods you (literally) sacrifice unborn children to???
Oh no
How sad

>> No.21204225

It took me long enough to realize what sort of thread I am posting in, and what sort of dunce I am talking to. And no, he is not
>neither me
hardly a milestone
>nor posterity
hardly true
>he had the best prose in some arbitrary 10 year period or not
Please, please google "aesthetics", and then read more substantial writings on the topic, ASAP. Until then, don't post here.
I stand corrected; he's not the best master of English prose "of his age", since that is too nebulous for you and doesn't offer a clear time frame. He is the best since Joyce, and hasn't been surpassed. But then you think Ulysses is pornographic too.

>> No.21204231

> The entire point of giving a character first person perspective is to make the reader sympathies with them
Try reading less fan fiction, and more real books.

Though it's a story about love, so yo are still right in some sense.

>> No.21204253

because we /pol/ now

>> No.21204254

Woman asks pedophile man to take care of her 5 year old daughter when she is away. Girl is standing on her head, she puts her legs upward, she spread her legs, turn herself backwards - she does lot of kid things that guy perceives as sexual. Man is thinking very deeply if he should fuck her or no, he realizes it would ruin his life so after long hour of mental fight he decides not to. He takes the kid out of his sight - she watches cartoon in the other room when man go back to playing video games. But there is one thing he forgot about - in hentai mantas on he has hide drugs. Girl finds it, eat it all thinking its candy, she gets seizure and later dies in hospital. Man realizes that if he fucked her back then he would actually save her life

>> No.21204266

Faulkner was so much better than him.

>> No.21204268
File: 17 KB, 183x275, E09C447B-FF0B-4552-AA5E-58F02136DF45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ulysses Isn’t about fucking child rape and the issue is not about the use of fucking sex it is about the promotion of pedohilic sex
Just because the only experience you’ve ever had was with a drugged out 5 year old doesn’t mean it’s qualitatively the same catagory for the wrest of the fucking species
While I could make a stronger case with a better writer just for the sake of showing how fucking midteir Nabokov is if unironically put Stephen fucking King as a better writer then him.
His descriptions are more enthralling
The shit he deals with in his work is more important and more specific to the human condition
And he does a better overall job of putting the reader in the place he wants them Nabokov ever fucking did with his tepid and pathetic invitation for the reader to put himself in the headspace of a fuucking child rapist I’m a cold unsympathetic back room porno esque shit show
He’s about as convincing as a brain damaged cereal murder on the stand claiming he “didn’t do it that lying bitch” between lines of broken English and trailing off sentences
No shit I’m fucking right
The point of the book is to defend child rape
And anyone who defends it as suing is complicit in child rape

>> No.21204282
File: 649 KB, 373x498, F5261CEB-133B-4D08-BD7E-5E0D7B7392B7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How hecking deep and enlgihtened!
>We need more stories like this to change the world for the better!!

>> No.21204287

Literally just one example that is obviously and unequivocally correct

>> No.21204290

>this post
>with this image
>from a mobile

>> No.21204291

>this fucking erotica
There's only one explicitly sexual scene that I remember and even that was heavily veiled. Really it's a book about the disconnect between Old Europe and Virgin America. Parents never fully understand their children, after all. Also Humbert is very clearly a despicable worm, the whole time I was reading it I wanted to ring his neck.

>> No.21204295
File: 133 KB, 800x948, lolibooru 312611 asashio_(kantai_collection) black_legwear kantai_collection looking_at_viewer looking_to_the_side pinafore_dress skeb_commission twitter_username.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing it may well lead to others developing harmful fethishes
Men by nature want to fuck young girls. That's what this book explores. Any man in close distance to a tight hebe will be puzzled by the fact they want to go balls deep inside them with no protection, which wasn't that odd less than three biological generations ago, but will dismiss these thoughts based on the social risk it'd mean and their own moral mettle. Nonetheless, this is an unavoidable fact. You don't seem to understand how human beings work, and believe most are as brittle in mind as you are and as easily influenced. Fact is, language is how we rationalize actions and feelings that otherwise seem to happen regardless of our conscious thought.
Books like Lolita don't spread the ""fetish"", which is really just normal in any man, they explore through fantasy what it would be to live out these impulses. And Humbert essentially ruins his already mediocre life and deeply regrets tarnishing the only thing he's loved in his life beyond any sort of repair. There's a reason it's not banned or burned: most individuals a mere decades ago weren't so reactionary as to act in disgust of the first half or so of a book, too afraid to explore their own condition and entertain the thought.

>> No.21204302

This poster is an argie with small arms. I know him, ignore and move onto better topics. Like saging wojakposters.

>> No.21204311

I generally find the most performatively anti-pedo people are the ones who, over a quiet drink, will admit to being that way inclined. Like how the loudest homophobes are always eventually found being shat upon in a motel room by a Filipino rentboy.

>> No.21204324

It's true. The unconscious rejects the shadow until it becomes a complex to project onto others.

>> No.21204337
File: 847 KB, 1520x2351, 87AC6912-CF9E-4BA6-9A6A-A2C7CB080C39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that’s more for the dickless perverts that defend this after pretending their a different gender that which they were born as for a few years or so
> Humbert is very clearly a despicable worm, the whole time I was reading it I wanted to ring his neck.
Finally a person who has the correct reaction to such
But this hardly matters as regardless of how mentally healthy you yourself are the factor of the matter is the sort of limp wristed pseudo intellectual effeminate creatons who make the majority of academia (and the fans base of the work) do not get that message and as such utilize it as thinly veiled jerk off material which they promote into the culture at large further segregating our civilization
Mind you NONE OF THEM have any issue seing the
>”detrimental effects”
Or even nuanced representations of “racist” points of view being premoted to graduate students and as such dessiminating into broader culture
It’s only instances that premoted child rape or other debaucheries were they act like rationalist libertarians believing all humans having a supreme ability to decide independently how cultural products effects them
It’s hypocracy
And it’s all further cynically dishonest
(((They))) all know EXACTLY what they are fucking doing
They just don’t care

>> No.21204354

you meant hebephile. There is not a one sex fragment in entire novel, except at the beginning between kids of same age

>> No.21204378

>Finally a person who has the correct reaction to such
I'm pretty sure this is how most people feel about him. I've only ever known one person who thought Lolita was romantic, and she was a girl in my high school

>> No.21204395

It in no way promotes pedophilic sex, you have to be a legal moron to come off with that interpretation after reading the book.
>While I could make a stronger case with a better writer just for the sake of showing how fucking midteir Nabokov is if unironically put Stephen fucking King as a better writer then him.
in other words you are shitposting, I get that anon.
I will explain it the same way I would to a retard:
The book is not an apology of pedophilia, so much as it is a denial and a case study of it.
Humbert, like all paedos and all people who slyly advocate for pedophilia, especially nowadays under the guise of social justice, is self-righteous. He is tricky, full of rationalizations, hypocrisy and lies. But even from his own account of what transpired, the most deluded account, the most charitable to himself, and the most debauched, it is very obvious to see that he has destroyed the soul of Dolores so utterly.
Just as Dostoevsky did not advocate murder in Crime and Punishment, Nabokov does not advocate child rape here. Authorities that apprehend pedophiles, fuck's sake even Chris Hansen, put themselves in the headspace of a child rapist as you put it. This does not make of them child rapists. You must understand that pedophiles ultimately belong to the human species. The FBI, nonce stingers, and Chris Hansen all understand this. Superiority to a pedophile is nothing to be proud of, yet it's all you have to flaunt.
I also advise you to read Speak, Memory without any prejudices.
Faulkner is better at building a mood but he's not remotely close in terms of free-flowing, elegant language.

>> No.21204404
File: 8 KB, 193x261, BF90F9B4-7422-476D-9678-B47C9DFA3CED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Men by nature want to fuck young girls
Men by nature want to rape women
Men by nature want to kill each other and take the shit of the people they kill
It is only through our evolved rationality that we as a species were able to create social formations that were more evolutionarily advantageous to us then those outcomes which our mere instincts would provide
This in turn led to the creation of morality and the very conceptualization of “good” and “evil” itself
A base instinct which leads to a less evolutionary advantageous outcome (such as desire to rape a young woman which would lead to her descent into mental illness and thus and I capacity to raise well adjusted children capable of survival and reproduction) does not as such creat a moral justification
On the contrary
It infact provides a moral condemnation in the most objective term possible; that which is based of the very nat IE Al selection that gave rise to the human concept of morality in the first place
> You don't seem to understand how human beings work, and believe most are as brittle in mind as you are and as easily influenced. Fact is, language is how we rationalize actions and feelings that otherwise seem to happen regardless of our conscious thought.
Literally all the data we have on human psychology from the last 50 years disagrees with this thesis
> Books like Lolita don't spread the ""fetish"", which is really just normal in any man,
It’s “normal” in so far as the instinct to murder another is normal
There are all sorts of aspects of self destructive human savagery that has a instinctual basis from dopeamine receptors that react to opoids to suicidal thoughts brought on drone boredom or isolation
Doesn’t mean any of this is “good” or ought be normalized
And it doesn’t mean the normalization of such is any less suicidal for us as a species
> There's a reason it's not banned or burned
Our civilization losing its will to live after the Second World War

>> No.21204431
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Yeah dudes
Every person who is disgusted by slugs or rats or fucking centipedes secretly wants them to crawl over their genitalia
Lit finally cracked the code
Reactionary CHUDS btfo
How tf will they ever recover??

>> No.21204440

The anon doth protest too much, methinks.

>> No.21204441

That would be alive in wonderland

>> No.21204478
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> It in no way promotes pedophilic sex, you have to be a legal moron to come off with that interpretation after reading the book.
Do you understand now?
Or do you still need to read fucking Hegel.
> Humbert, like all paedos and all people who slyly advocate for pedophilia, especially nowadays under the guise of social justice, is self-righteous. He is tricky, full of rationalizations, hypocrisy and lies.
And yet he is still portrayed in the first person
If the books was to be written all the ONLY acceptable frame work would be to show him as a villian, as a person whose acts we witness not as perpetrator but as the onlooker and whose sins (ultimately) justify is own torment and death.
There is a fundimental REASON why people have dehumanized others throughout human history anon and that practice is infact vitally necessary for the survival of the species
The fact of the matter is, regardless of if you are strong enough to accept it or not, people who commit acts such as pedophilia or rape or abortion aren’t meaningfully
In the sense it is correctly understood.
They are outside of the communion of the species and have as such relocated their place to one of the oppositional forces of nature no different then any other predator in their seeking to harm our species and our children
People who have to as you put themselves in the “head space” of pedos walk fine line and in many cases themselves DO succumb to amorality, cops become corrupted, cereal killer researchers become interested in the act
The difference however is that such work NEEDS to be done for such evil to be combatted
This book DID NOT need to be fucking written (or read) and as such anyone whor premotes is engaging without justification in the poisening of the world and the future rape of children

>> No.21204491

Anon even if we accept this the harm caused by some millions of people being deprived of a shitty pedo sympathizing book that makes them feel disgust is far outweighed by the harm of the same book left intact creating thousands or even hundreds or even a SINGLE child rapist through exploration of the “desire”
It should be burned
There is (literally) no other justifiable conclusion

>> No.21204529

She was probably banging an older man ;)
A reaction formation, as it were.
>Every person who is disgusted by slugs or rats
Your autism is showing. Or is it just narcissism? They sometimes get mixed up.

>> No.21204530

Burn the Bible too then for all the child marriage in it

>> No.21204544

pedophilia normally manifests in adolescence. you won't "convert" people into it with books barely any adult in the US can even read at this point. made-up problem.

and in the extremely unlikely scenario that you could causally link the book to real child abuse i'd still defend it because i'd rather live in a world where anyone can write anything they please rather than some sjw hellworld where i'm not allowed to write "and then a guy punched a lady" in my novel because that might make real world violence against women 0.0000001% more likely to occur. "normalization" is a fake problem bugmen use to oppress people with souls.

>> No.21204570

>This is the book that unironically convinced me completely without sarcasm that book burnings can be in some instances absolutely justified

Then you didn't read it. It's not the celebration of pedophelia you presume it is. It's a dark story of manipulation and abuse.

>> No.21204579


>> No.21204603
File: 80 KB, 639x766, 496B13E7-9B9C-4C08-A449-4C9E21DB0F98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bible doesn’t describe the act of sex with a minor to my knowledge and further if it did I doubt many Christian’s would take much issue with it being censored if it meant an end to all the cancerous fucking child rape and child “trans” shit shilled in the media
The Bible literally isn’t even a culturally relevant text anymore
Fucking NO ONE reads it after the bloody war liberalism waged on Christianity over the last 4 centuries
Lolita however is unironically premoted as
>”one of the greatest works of literature of all time”
And shilled by closeted faggot “intellectual” pedophiles as seen here and in universities across the west
Anon you do realize literally no one gives if this only results in 30% of all pedophilia right?
If a single
Sexual reaction
To the content of this book which depicts a sexualized minor???
Then the book should be burned in its totality period
No possible good that could create will EVER outweigh the evil caused by pedophilic thoughts and actions
> and in the extremely unlikely scenario that you could causally link the book to real child abuse i'd still defend it because i'd rather live in a world where anyone can write anything they please
Yeah no shit you’d fucking defended because your a fuicking nihilist who sees your god damn consumption of content as (quite literally and explicitly) more valuable then the life of another human being
This doesn’t surprise me or shock me in the slightest
There are millions of fucking subhumans EXACTLY fucking like you in the liberal west unique from basically ever other culture on earth in willing yo accept mother fucking CHILD RAPE as a worthwhile price to pay for your cultural consumption
It is a suicidal value system
And it has already (perhaps for the best) led directly a world of collapsing supply chains and international order due to the inability of the west to value its own continued existence
The only people who will (or can ) survive the crisis already taking place are those that care about other people within their group more themselves
People like you will be wiped from the face of the fucking planet over the next 10 years
Thankfully my grandchildren won’t have to deal with shit like you

>> No.21204606

>This book DID NOT need to be fucking written (or read)
What a fucking dull view of art anon, and once again what a disregard for aesthetics. I'm not sure that you fully commit to yourself. Does your house have no painting, and no flower pots which "did not need to exist".
>and as such anyone whor premotes is engaging without justification in the poisening of the world and the future rape of children
You will be happy to find out that I have done no such thing, and have conceived of no such plans. Same for murder, theft, shoplifting et al.
>And yet he is still portrayed in the first person
What a fucking weird thing to obsess over. Rapists have internal monologues. Killers. Tyrants. I don't know how being exposed to a (fictional) one is so harmful.
What you don't understand is that, by having the most delirious champion of pedophilia in Humbert narrate the book, his defeat is all the more relieving. Even he, pedophile that he is, in his most disingenuous, self deluding mental gymnastics, lets it slip through how he has utterly crushed a twelve year old girl. Even in his sick mind, he does not enjoy the moral victory, he knows the gravity of his crime. If an actual child rapist realizes the depravity of his actions, so can anyone.
Again, I doubt that anyone, including you, actually believes in this. I think 4/5 of all works of art would vanish overnight if this dogma would be applied.
>If the books was to be written all the ONLY acceptable frame work would be to show him as a villian
Anyone who's not a fucking microbe realizes that he is indeed a/the villain.
Suppose I were a killer, and I spoke to you (as is natural) in the first person. Would my doing so magically make you side with me or make you sympathize with me?
In fact the idea is all the more clever nowadays because every sexual deviant and every such criminal is a silver tongued devil. They are all masters of rhetoric and of P.R.

>> No.21204608


>> No.21204615

Strike a nerve?

>> No.21204620

>Men by nature want to rape women
>Men by nature want to kill each other and take the shit of the people they kill
>It is only through our evolved rationality that we as a species were able to create social formations that were more evolutionarily advantageous to us then those outcomes which our mere instincts would provide
Even males gorillas and chimps forms societies and collaborate, and most of the males don't need to rape females to reproduce, you stupid fucking retard. Shit post, shit thread, shit board, fuck you all.

>> No.21204662

>If a single
>Sexual reaction
>To the content of this book which depicts a sexualized minor???
>Then the book should be burned in its totality period
you're a schizo that craves levels of social control that are, thankfully, not possible. a pedophile will have sexual reactions to non-sexualized imagery of children, like a normal tv show, where a pretty 10yo smiles or dances or whatever, he will have sexual reactions to simply walking past a child on the street, same way that a normal guy will get hard at the sight of a hot woman even if she's not naked or bending over or doing anything else sexual. the only way to end this would be to hide all children in bunkers.

suffering exists, injustice exists, a million children are being molested at this instant. you can learn to live with this or you can kill yourself to escape. trying to correct the world via removing "problematic" art is the response of a schizo grasping at straws.

>> No.21204695

>a fuicking nihilist who sees your god damn consumption of content as (quite literally and explicitly) more valuable then the life of another human being
nah the right to free expression is what's more valuable than maybe, possibly reducing child rapes by 0.00000004% per year. that's not nihilism. if a guy reads lolita and then rapes a kid, the responsible party is the fucking rapist not vladimir nabokov, and to silence all artist from speaking of immoral acts in order to (very dubiously) lower the probability of immoral acts occurring irl is pure control freak insanity.

>> No.21204706
File: 2.87 MB, 750x1334, 735EAA13-5FAE-40C5-A6AD-3A73892B0100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What a fucking dull view of art anon, and once again what a disregard for aesthetics. I'm not sure that you fully commit to yourself. Does your house have no painting, and no flower pots which "did not need to exist".
My house does have art and it does have literature however I fail to se how it is “dull” that I consider virtually every piece I own to be “needed” in some sense
Even shit that I own like the communist manifesto which does have a subversive quality IS needed as it informs one of the arguments of the satanic left which MUST be adressed in order for history progress
No one (or at least the populous not concerned with the policing of pedophilia) needs to know how a pedophile feels
Their is use in them understanding love in its varying forms
There is use in them understanding pain in its varying forms
There are many useful books that have dangerous risks of subversive influence
But Lolita (just like any other work of child pornogrpahy) is one of the few works were the risks tottally and completely outweigh ANY potential benefit from the book by and large
Other then perhaps fro criminal physiologists
> What a fucking weird thing to obsess over. Rapists have internal monologues. Killers. Tyrants. I don't know how being exposed to a (fictional) one is so harmful.
Because it makes you sympathies with them, that is the nature of the literary framing itself, especially when written as Lolita is written
> Even he, pedophile that he is, in his most disingenuous, self deluding mental gymnastics, lets it slip through how he has utterly crushed a twelve year old girl. Even in his sick mind, he does not enjoy the moral victory, he knows the gravity of his crime.
Only serves to make him a more sympathetic character further normalizing his “condition”
Someone who feels shitty after killing their wife is a far more sympathetic character then an unrepentant wife murderer. And for natural reason to as the act of self felt guilt shows a return to the common humanity which humans due to evolutionary selection recognize in one and other. However, as such, acts of false contrition have also been utilized by predators throughout human history in attempt to allow for further opportunity to abuse their victims
This is what wife beaters do
And this infact what the author does in the book itself
> Suppose I were a killer, and I spoke to you (as is natural) in the first person. Would my doing so magically make you side with me or make you sympathize with me?
It would depend how you said it anon; said correctly possibly yes.
This is true for all people when they are told of a crime in sympathetic manner they may feel more willing to accept the crime
And what’s precisely what the book Lolita accomplishes
By your own acount it is written in fantastic prose
By your OWN account it creates a compelling story
Apparently the best story written since James joyce

>> No.21204716

Make a cuppa and have an early night, anon.

>> No.21204721
File: 8 KB, 401x367, 1642958146533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of all the pathetic developments in recorded history, this trend of schizzed-out, terminally online postmillennial males raised on fps games and energy drinks growing up to be tragic tardclones of the pearl-clutchers and prohibitionists their boomer and gen-x parents rebelled against due to zero pussy and hitler memes has to be up there

>> No.21204744

>I didn't read the book I want to burn
Every time.

>> No.21204847

Your brainlet diatribes are boring

>> No.21204883
File: 31 KB, 427x396, 561477b95c11a1226f586f9a6c48a5d674c1f32f291d724d73e886de63d5a3cd_1~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>How hecking deep and enlgihtened!
>>We need more stories like this to change the world for the better!!

>> No.21204903

>It would depend how you said it anon; said correctly possibly yes.
But you wouldn't suddenly condone murder, or my murder. In your rational mind you would not undergo a change, you would still think of murder as murder. You would still disdain murderers.
As for your last point, it is written in fantastic prose, it is compelling in its destruction, and no, I don't think it's Nabokov's greatest work. I really urge you to give Nabokov a shot. Many of his novels aren't that long so it's not that much of an investment, not on epub certainly.
I don't think there's any point to arguing with you any further, especially when you speak of subversiveness and a satanic left, which at the very least are not anxieties to be felt in the society I live in. With this I bid you good night.

>> No.21204919

>knowing it may well lead to others developing harmful fethishes and as such will indirectly lead to the rape and abuse of young girls
Yes, anon, that's an idea presented in the book.

>> No.21204952

>The entire point of giving a character first person perspective is to make the reader sympathies with them
are you fucking stupid? It's to give you a look into their mind and their way of thinking. If you sympathize with half of what you read you'd be an emotional sponge and a little bitch to boot.

>> No.21205000

Who can understand evil better than a man with whom it's well acquainted?

>> No.21205030


Don't be dismissive.

I'd be more than happy to sacrifice live children too.

>> No.21205044

Europe is over
Eurarabia is the future

>> No.21205116

I haven't read the book but Peter seller's is next level Obi-Wan bullshitter mode in the movie

>> No.21205197

Fucking freak tranny. Go back to Tumblr and have another hysterical keke with your weird folx about how Mad Men promotes OMG Mad Men is so fucked up it promotes violence against women! John Hamm is such a fucking creep for playing that role!!!! God you are such a little baby jokeman. I'm almost mad at myself for biting your bait but I can't help it you are that much of a faggot

>> No.21205209

Indeed, indeed. The creature that made this thread, so full of acid and "righteous indignation", he makes me sad.

>> No.21205229

>absolutely abhorrent thread
>created by a stupid /pol/ack

>> No.21205234

>write NT
>people can't stop crucifying Gods

>> No.21205241
File: 221 KB, 1600x2400, JewStarBookCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>book burnings can be in some instances absolutely justified

Don't talk like that, homie. The Gestapo already burned my works, and now I'm hiding in the old attic of Neocities. Pic related was "too Jewish" for state-approved channels.

>Remember OP
>Hitler killed retards long before he touched any Jews
>I'm already hiding in the attic
>Understand that you're in grave fucking danger, homie

>> No.21205246

Shut the fuck up, faggot. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about and you should either kill yourself or be curb stomped

>> No.21205373

terrible bait

>> No.21206842

Hitler wanted you to fuck minors, OP. You're a dysgenic faggot.