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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2120405 [Reply] [Original]

Newfag here to /lit/. I'm quite well read and I was wondering if you had some sort of list, similar to /mu/ (see pic), so that I can get some new insight on what to read.

>> No.2120408

Read the sticky.

>> No.2120409

Did you check the sticky? There are a ton of good books there!

What kind of stuff are you interested in?

>> No.2120426

I've been reading a lot of old ones lately like Faust, Paradise Lost, Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Kapital but I have a penchant for stuff like Fahrenheit 451 or Catch-22.

>> No.2120438


That sticky is garbage, written by a faggot. I don't know who's responsible for it, but they should hang their fucking head for that entry level bullshit. And for giving every fuck-knuckle on the board the chance to go "sticky sticky sticky" like a bunch of retarded fucking crows every time someone asks for a recommendation.

As for the OP, you can fuck off as well, you cunt.

>> No.2120454
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what ever bro.

>> No.2120458

Wait, what's a fuck-knuckle?

>> No.2120462

Why did you use crows as your example? Corvids are well-known for being very intelligent.

>> No.2120464


Ok, if you enjoyed Faust, you might like The Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe. Also Schiller's The Robbers is awesome.
If you liked Paradise Lost I might recommend Dante's Inferno or all of his Divine Tragedy.

Hm if you like Fahrenheit 451, you should enjoy 1984 and probably Brave New World, but haven't read it myself yet.

Other than that, I greatly enjoyed Picture of Dorian Gray lately. Another book I really liked was Crime and Punishment, but it is a pretty slow book and might seem tedious at times, still worth it and damn rewarding when you finished it.
Most of the stuff I mentioned here is pretty entry level though.

>> No.2120478
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OP here;
read 1984, brave new world, divine comedy, and crime and punishment. Keep em coming.

>> No.2120480


Not OP, but what is "The Sticky"?

>> No.2120487

It's the only currency your mother will take.

>> No.2120489


Stay classy, /lit/

>> No.2120521
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comme ceci?

>> No.2120541
File: 14 KB, 792x612, Ultraviolence0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read Don Quixote, Alice in wonderland, Robin Crusoe, brother's Karamazov, Moby Dick, Les Miserables, Treasure Island, Ivanhoe, Anna Karenina, the Jungle Book, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Stranger, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Grapes of Wrath, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Ulysses, Unbearable Lightness of Being, Slaughterhouse Five, The great Gatsby,

>> No.2120552

^That was OP by the way^
same here
Those are what I've read, requesting more.

>> No.2120617


Purely for onamatapoeia and however you spell that motherfucker. I loves me the crows and the magpies, and would never impute them their brains, but every retarded bloodclot on this board just screams "sticky sticky sticky" at everyone who ever comes to this board and so help me it reminds me of a murder of crows, sitting on a barbed wire fence, heckling sheep.

And that is not intended to insult anybody.

>> No.2120627


wow man, you certainly sound like a buttfrustrated faggot.

As for OP, we have a wiki of a bunch of different stuff, http://4chanlit.wikia.com/wiki/Recommended_Reading

Take your pick hombre

>> No.2120636
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> Beloved

>> No.2120641
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>> No.2120648
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Kay, thanks thats exactly what I was asking for.