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/lit/ - Literature

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21197062 No.21197062 [Reply] [Original]

It's that time of year again boys, tomorrow!

Are you ready to write a 50,000 word book in 30 days? This extreme exercise begins on November 1st and ends at midnight of November 30th. It doesn't matter whether you want to write a novel or some short stories so long as you write 50k words during the month of November.

Invite to the official 4chan NaNo Discord. Join for casual writing talk, stay for the familiar 4chan autism.

Use this thread to discuss ideas, ask questions, and tell us it's not possible to write anything worth reading in 30 days.

>> No.21197117

>more than 1 word per minute
Literally impossible.

>> No.21197417

yes. I'm finally going to write a book this time.

>> No.21197427

Do you guys actually post to the site or just gauge yourself?

>> No.21197438

Most people can POMP up those numbers if they are bogpilled

>> No.21197445

Reminder that 50k words isn't a marketable novel so the best you could realistically do (if you take yourself seriously) is a too-short first draft.

>> No.21197485

If you're a name you can do what you want, as always. And if you're a strong enough writer you can probably do what you want as well. But yeah, it will significantly reduce your chances if your first novel is 50k. I've seen some agents who say they won't accept that length at all, usually with some sort of provocative remark like "50,000 words isn't a novel". Probably as a defense mechanism against the flood of NaNoWriMo retards who think 50k is sufficient as a general rule and not as an exception to the rule in the case of high quality.

>> No.21197543

Mines a novella which will be optioned into a film anyway.
90 minutes is proper film length.

>> No.21197559

>i started
>I haven't wrote a single word to my story

>> No.21197560

Start your story with "I started"

>> No.21197563

Yet, some of the greatest classics are 50k...

The problem is Fantasy tomes that is the norm now. With 20k worth of sex scenes in a book filled with 50k filler, 20k sex scenes, 10k plot, and 30k action, and 50k of exposition.

>> No.21197568

What's the ideal ratio to you?

>> No.21197579

I'm starting to want to shift towards 60k words, or about 200 ~ 250 pages. Get through stories quickly and move on to the next one.

I'm reading Shadow of the Gods by Gwyne, and holy shit man I'm 176 pages in and the plot finally started. I could have finished Heart of Darkness and Mice and Men by then. And the latter are much better books.

>> No.21197713

I just want to forge a consistent writing routine desu.
Might as well try to do it now

>> No.21197787

I keep thinking I can write that much but I don't.
A story in the mind is a lot different from one on paper.

>> No.21198036

Not joining your discord.

>> No.21198075

I will write my first novel this month. It's been on the backburner since fucking June and I will not allow the year to turn without completing one little novel.

>> No.21198297

Should we lost work here or in the discord?

>> No.21198534

I’m not joining a discord but I’m in, good luck autists

>> No.21198617

I want to start but I never feel ready enough. I'm an incredible outline fag that thinks he's going to die if he doesn't get every detail of world building and the lore right.

>> No.21198634

The medicine for that is understanding that the otline must meet writing to be completed, not as in the story gets written, but that putting the lore and details into writing unfolds whether they actually work together. Outline and the story are a feedback loop that changes both.

>> No.21198645

The discord is full of trannies and mentally ill people.

>> No.21198750

OP there already was a NaNoWriMo thread. Now there are two.
Anyway, I guess it's on. This year for sure. I am going to crush it. I feel it in my veins.
I don't use the site at all.

>> No.21198884

what about the book about the guy who falls in love with the angel of death and he kills people to get close to her and he eventually anheros to finally be with her and first half of the book is that and the second part is from the pov of a woman who had a crush on him but he didn't know, he thought he was forever alone incel, and the woman goes on a quest to save his soul from eternal damnation, doing rituals with ayahuasca, conversing with spirits and so on? Would you read that? I've started writing today

>> No.21198900

I like it

>> No.21199021

thanks man

>> No.21199030

Isn’t the first part a subplot of Deadpool? Anyways, I think the entire premise is a little bit too edgy for me, but many would probably enjoy it

>> No.21199041

Yes, but I'm cheating. I already have 20,000 words of a novel I'm working on.

I'm still gonna fail.

>> No.21199043

>get up 6 in the morning
>have breakfast and drink coffee in the morning
>read for one hour
>finish the 1700 words of the first day
>it’s only 10:30 PM and I can now work on my job as well

Productive day :3. Just write, dudes and reading beforehand helps a lot.

>> No.21199049

it's fucking thanos' backstory. death loves deadpool.

>> No.21199061

mfs be like “let me tell you how to make a book that sells” and then literally have never written a book or sold one smdh

>> No.21199069

I don’t read comics, it just got mentioned somewhere and I randomly remembered

>> No.21199090

no, sorry, I was directing the fucking at the other anon, not you.

>> No.21199119

i haven't seen deadpool and i don't know who thanos is

>> No.21199120

This, I’d rather have written 100 50k novels.

>> No.21199127

>i don't know who thanos is
you goddamn liar. everyone knows who thanos is whether they want to or not

>> No.21199225
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>trying to write

>> No.21199263

without googling, no

>> No.21199280

he was the main antagonist in endgame. they tried to make him an anti-hero or some bullshit

>> No.21199289

i tried few mcu capeshits, i didn't like them, dropped them quickly and just didn't bother with the rest. Legion tv show is pretty kino tho.

>> No.21199304

yeah, they suck, but they're everywhere, is my point. I actively avoid that shit and I still know that.

>> No.21199314

>determine what you want to write
>outline a point-by-point list of what happens and in what order the events will be written
>write it

>> No.21200411

my opening:

>My name is Sneed Penis, owner of the Dimmsdale DimmaPenis. The Dimmsdale DimmaPenis is a DimmaPenis located in the city of Dimmsdale, my home city. A DimmaPenis is a creation of my own invention, which is somewhat like a DimmaDome, but instead of a mere Dome, it is constituted of a cylindrical shaped base supporting a upper Dome shape above. In this way, it is shaped like a Penis. It is also the future when i am writing this, And there is no negative connotation to saying the word Penis out loud and naming your structure after a Penis if it has a Penis shape, the name is merely a descriptor. There is nothing Vulgar about it. There is also nothing weird about my last name, which is also Penis. In the future this is a common surname among the people and there's nothing weird about it. I do not believe there is any correlation to my surname being Penis and me naming and shaping my structure after a Penis, but, in the grand scheme of things, one can never really say what subconcsious forces are at work. Perhaps my name (which is not uncommon or weird) has had an effect on my actions, or maybe this is merely an instance of coincidence. Many deep minds have asked this question for time immemorial. Does a name make a man, or does a man make a name? Does a Rose by any other Name smell as sweet? For me, my name is Sneed Penis, but you already knew that. Everyone in this city knows that name, because i am a great and powerful man. As for my first name, it was given to me by my father, who was my father and therefore had the right to name me. There is a bit of a story behind this first name which also ties in with my last name, which i will now endeavor to relay to you, dear reader. My father was born Charles Batman Ironman Sneed II, but everyone called him Chuck, so as not to confuse him with Charles Batman Ironman Sneed the first, his father and my grandfather.

let me know what you think

>> No.21200441


>> No.21201135

>can't decide on a story to write
It's over. I might as well just write some generic story, maybe mileage is the best I can do.

>> No.21201900

the discord invite link is invalid btw, it expired for me, can you make another one?

>> No.21201903

Every great writer is a philosopher first. Your issue is that you have nothing to say

>> No.21201915

You have completed your first 1,667 words, right?

>> No.21201932

You make a good point. I now have direction.

>> No.21201934


>> No.21202019

It's going to be dogwater generic derivative af but I'm sticking to it

>> No.21202250

Don't be one of those who "waits for inspiration.". Write an outline, even if you're a pantser-type writer, and plan things out at a bare minimum. Also keep a list of things handy and close by that inspire your current project - such as music, movies, or other things in the genre - close at hand that you can look at when you need a creativity boost. Block in at least 2 hours a day towards your project and write in spurts, 20 to 30 minutes at a time with a small break in between. If your brain starts to unfocus, then just free-write whatever comes to mind and revise it later when you are focused.

>> No.21203245


>> No.21204048

how’s it going bros

>> No.21204093

not to brag but i wrote a shitting sequence during my morning shit today, during which my protagonist struggles to decide between reading the UNCLE JOHN'S EXTRA LARGE BATHROOM READER his uncle left inside and tearing out a page and folding it into a paper airplane, and before he can decide he's finished shitting and realizes he has to start wiping.

>> No.21204877

you know it's good when there's no posts because it means people are writing

>> No.21204888

I take it you’re not writing then.

>> No.21204925

Hi, I did manage to get to 3400 words today. Even if I have an idea of the plot. It can be really hard to put into words. I am going to keep going though, no matter how bad it turned out to be. Right now, it’s going surprisingly well when I read it after I am done

>> No.21204962

I’m at 3500 words total. Trying to do 1800 words a day

>> No.21204974

I am finishing off a lot of notes which I needed to write, but I keep getting new ideas too, which I will need to make new notes on, so I am in a bit of a difficult situation.

>> No.21205065
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NaNoWriMo day 2
0 words written
I'm fucking DOING THIS

>> No.21205110

I've wanted to write novels and stories since I was a little kid but i'm from a poor family and they pushed me to go to college to learn computer stuff so I never did, but this year I think I may throw destiny an 8 inch boner and say fuck it. Now if only I didn't stink at grammar. I guess that's what editors were born for though.

>> No.21205205

Why do you think having a job affects this exercise? I am deadly serious when I say I can write 1700 words before 10:30 PM, exercise, then do work from home, then go out with friends at night. Ar enough guys that and at time management, or is it the case that you’re a perfectionist which leads to procrastination?

>> No.21205221

I wrote a huge paragraph full of excuses but honestly I'm just lazy. Nothing I could point to as an obstacle would be insurmountable. Also I'm exceptionally frightened that if I begin writing in earnest that I won't get any good feedback (or worse) and i'll have the last dream I'm holding onto ripped to shreds.

>> No.21205252
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, TalkingPeople14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine writing in 2022

Dog, my last novel got 67 downloads. Pic related. The comedy of it all.

>> No.21205267

okay so if I actually finish my book and put it on Amazon, how do I get peopl to buy it. I don’t have any friends

>> No.21205305

You need to spend money advertising. You're actually selling yourself, not your book. Your book can be absolute shit. Many are. What you sell is yourself. Once people attach to you, the author, they'll eat all the litslop you can cram down their gullets. So you need to put a few books out then advertise and pretend your some hotshot big nuts god of the written word. People like that shit. People like machismo, no matter how much feminist fuddy-duddies like to say otherwise. You can do it buddy. Lesser people than you have done it. Also, get yourself an agent.

>> No.21205310
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thanks anon

>> No.21205318

I haven't spent a single keystroke on this

>> No.21205333

Of all the people I've never known, you my friend will make it furthest of all.

>> No.21205973

Made it to 5k today, trying to stay ahead of the curve because of the end of month holidays but I might be hitting a wall here soon.

>> No.21205980

What's stopping me from copy and pasting a manuscript?

>> No.21206007
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I'm at 238 words already!

>> No.21206021
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self respect

gj pal

>> No.21206122

Damn writing about dragons and magic spells is pretty easy huh

>> No.21206414

4channel being 4channel
literally troons

how does this happen, do they just lurk for discord posts, is lit really that full of underage YA reading troons

>> No.21206425

How did you know I wrote about those?

>> No.21206711

It's probably because 4chan is anonymous so you don't really get to know other posters unless you spend all day here and learn how to recognise the posting patterns of specific schizos. Meanwhile, Discord is a chat service so it's much more suitable for the oversocialised and lonely.

>> No.21206758

Pretty well. NaNoWriMo is always less of a challenge in terms of actually writing so much as it is one of sticking to a schedule and for the previous two days I've actually gone well over the daily minimum.
I have no issue sitting down and writing. I just lack the ability to do it well.

>> No.21207661

Hey! Discord link doesn't work, please post another one.

>> No.21207855

Made it to 11800 today. Honestly don't feel too great about the quality of what I'm writing, but I'm treating it as a first draft and approaching it as a borderline stream-of-consciousness deal where I just want to say as much as I can say and finish the story at 50k as quickly as possible to then go back and weed through the bad to find the good before finishing it. Fun either way though.

>> No.21207858

Started on day 3. Got 2k words in. Think I'm doing fine.

>> No.21207863

How am I supposed to write when I keep having to piss and shit so much what did I eat it just doesn’t stop cooming

>> No.21208124


i would be overjoyed if 67 people downloaded and read something that I wrote

>> No.21208175

It's a matter of audience, really.
If you write for a hungry market you'll get a hungry response even if your work is shoddy.

That being said, if you're only writing a book for the popularity you shouldn't be writing at all.
I consider my fiction successful if it gets ten or more views. I figure if ten people see it, statistically at least one of them will have enjoyed it. That's enough for me.

>> No.21208280

if you want views and a shit-ton of readers write some monster romance, people love romance and nothing is hotter than romancing an elder god

>> No.21208724

I'm not.
^not me

>> No.21208735

it's all about marketing. how are you expecting people to find it otherwise? you have to sell it, not just put it up for sale.

>> No.21208738

I wrote 250 words today. Maybe more.

>> No.21209009

how? I’m at 4.4K and struggling with hitting 1700 a day

>> No.21209139
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Its all habit anon, as soon as you're able to actually force yourself to sit down write and not do anything else (not getting side tracked, not going back and worrying about what you've done before and being tempted to rewriting before you even finish a first draft, not alt-tabbing into a different program even to talk for a minute or two, just working on that blank page) it gets hard to stop, and if you're genuinely interested in what you're writing you'll have those moments where you're walking around or doing something else during the day and think "oh shit, I just had an idea for that project!" But then again, I'd rather finish a first draft even if it is not great at first glance and then go back and editorialize from the beginning than working on something strenuously chapter-by-chapter, so at the end of the month I might end up scrapping thousands of words off the top. I think it's all just a matter of perspective, and writing little per day doesn't matter as long as you manage to get across the finish line at the end of the day. Good luck, I hope you make it.

>> No.21209738

NaNoWriMo is so fucking stupid. This is not how creative writing works. It's not even a constructive exercise. Wtf are you learning by forcing yourself to write garbage with no feeling behind it? If you need this "program" to get yourself to write then face it, you don't fucking like writing and you shouldn't be a writer.

>> No.21209929

Got a little stuck today in the section i was writing, and figured I'd just move on rather than keep writing it.
Probably a sign that it needs to be either edited down/out or I need to make it more interesting to read because if writing its hard i can't imagine what reading it will be like.
Hope other anons are having great success so far with writing their stories.

>> No.21210614

The biggest problem of creative writing is procrastination. NaNoWriMo tackles specifically that.

>> No.21211184

It’s not procrastinating if you’re working on world building, is it?

>> No.21211291

Fuck off. This is how F did it and this is how we're doing it from now on. I am writing an erotica about black penis because that's what sells. What are you doing, you poorly-read troglodyte?

>> No.21211316

>It’s not procrastinating if you’re working on world building, is it?
Not if you are putting it into notes, no.

>> No.21211331

>erotica about a black penis
but what's it about?

>> No.21211365

If you're procrastinating doing something, you don't actually want to do it and you shouldn't do it unless you're being graded for it. Stop kidding yourself.

>> No.21211377

Your mom and her friendly new neighbor

>> No.21211465

Fuck off retarded demoralisation shill. lol.

>> No.21211514

For? And you want to be a writer.

>> No.21211623

How am I supposed to know that? Maybe you're just a self-hating POS who wants others to hate themselves too. Personally, I always knew I was going to write a story, and Nanowrimo is just a fun challenge to bring my ideas into being. I am sure there are other anons who are similar. So maybe it's just you who's miserable?

>> No.21211642

>Personally, I always knew I was going to write a story
So then write it bitch, why do you need to play pretend and follow an imaginary deadline?

>> No.21211857
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Because it's fun.

>> No.21211864

If you start today you have 25 days of 2k words/day with 1 day off. Building a writing habit is more important than any word count or shitty novel you produce at the end of this experiment. Just get typing and enjoy the process.

>> No.21211910

miserable cretin

>> No.21211932

the first half sounds really cringe but the second half sounds cool. change the first half i would suggest make it not so super heroey and gay sounding

>> No.21211948

Serious question, how unhinged do you have to be to write 20,000 words a day? Curious.

>> No.21211981

You’d need to allot most hours of your day to writing and have a great idea of what you’re trying to say. You’d preferably have a solid outline and already have much of the content written in your mind. Chances are that 20k words will be shaved down a couple k after editing. It’s not impossible but a tremendous amount of work and focus.

>> No.21212146

>Serious question, how unhinged do you have to be to write 20,000 words a day? Curious.
Depends. There is one famous writer that does it, Pirateaba. He writes The Wandering Inn, one of the most successful webnovels on the internet. His...addiction...to writing is startling, but at the same time surprising how little time is spent on it. He writers on average 4-6 hours a day for three days, then publishing a chapter that goes from 25k to even 40k words. Two times a week. There were times when he wrote 20k or close to it in a single day.

Even scarier is the consistency, he started writing in November 2016 and has written 11 milion words of the story since. 11 Million words in just 6 years. A story that is considered extremely good.

Let that sink in.

>> No.21212156

He’s probably using an AI to write

>> No.21212192

This is not actually possible. Maybe if you spend literally every single waking moment writing, and you skip sleep completely, and have completely planned out those 20k words from beforehand, and also write without any concern for quality at all, then you would be able to do it. My absolute max in a day has been 8k.

>> No.21212231

>He’s probably using an AI to write
He literally streams it. For two years he's been streaming every chapter he writes. Every word. This quality and coherency is not something you can achieve with AI.

Last stream was yesterday:

>> No.21212249

"Writing" litrpg webnovel schlock can hardly be compared to real works of fiction creatively.

>> No.21212345

Thanks for adding more trash to the trash heap.

>> No.21212683
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>"Thanks for adding more trash to the trash heap!"

>> No.21213109

>Didn't write yesterday so made up for it today with 3200 words.
>It's all shit.
It's a weird feeling to be able to consistently sit down and get words on paper but look at them and see how flawed they all are. This isn't me fishing for sympathy, I am trying to figure out a way to make this work while being a shit writer. Because I know people who are far better at this, but lack the ability to get to A to B to C and Z consistently and burn out quick but I'll write 100,000 words and have to reedit it multiple times before realizing it's just not worth saving.

>> No.21213178

>There is one famous writer that does it, Pirateaba. He writes The Wandering Inn, one of the most successful webnovels on the internet.
Genuinely hope you die.
>Even scarier is the consistency, he started writing in November 2016 and has written 11 milion words of the story since. 11 Million words in just 6 years. A story that is considered extremely good.
>A story that is considered extremely good.
>A story that is considered extremely good.
Please never post here again you fucking soulless retard.

>> No.21213207

I stopped coming to /lit/ awhile back because of posts like that, couldn't do it anymore. Eventually I realized it was like getting mad at youtube comments. People like this are going to exist anywhere you go, just accept it, thank God that you can't relate and move on. I can say coming to a NaNoWriMo general of all places is asking for trouble no less than going to their manchild containment general, so you could pick your threads better. They aren't going to show up where you don't want them to be, I guarantee it, so don't come somewhere like here and make a scene either. They have to exist somewhere, just let it be.

>> No.21213328

Seething pseud

>> No.21214365

Yea first drafts are always shit. As long as you can keep that tenacity when it comes to editing, you will be alright bro.

>> No.21214556

Impressive. I thought there'd be more tricks to it like text to speech with very heavy editing. Also writing under pressure on stream must be awkward but probably keeps them on track.

>> No.21215136

Is that discord server LGBT friendly? It’s very important to not just have a place to discuss my writing but my quasi sexuality as well.

>> No.21215311

yes, it’s discord, so LGBT is implied

>> No.21215318

>keeps them on track.
Are you some sort or discord tranny afraid of gendered pronouns? Fuck off to your pirate-bussy forum

>> No.21215582

Don't you guys have better things to do than this?

>> No.21215666

Just about finished with the outline for my novel bros, then it will be time to start cranking out words

>> No.21215775

What is the novel about anon?

>> No.21215798


>> No.21215824

It’s a Picaresque novel, about a man returning from a year long journey seeking fulfillment but he comes back empty handed.

The theme of the story is essentially, “Man cannot live on bread alone” and all of the main characters are searching for a means of fulfillment but they all come up short one way or another.

The only real means to an end is found when the character turns to god.

>> No.21215830

it’s very much influenced by Been Down So Long it Looks Like Up to Me by Richard Fariña, but set in modern times and with a far more religious bent.

>> No.21215896

Shut the fuck up you insane nigger.

>> No.21215937

I started and finished a novel before November. What now, niggas? Bet you're all super jealous of my superior novel writing strategy.

>> No.21215942

Yeah, I liked it when it was called The Avengers Infinity War.

>> No.21217309

Both halves are just Thanos+Deadpool.

>> No.21217382

Mine is about a futuristic amusement park, where dinosaurs are brought to life through advanced cloning techniques. I call it: Billy and the Clonosaurus.

>> No.21217440

I’m just trying to fit in with the kind of people I’ve had to endure at nano meetups.

>> No.21217456

I went to a nano meetup, never again. It’s like Reddit amplified

>> No.21218532


>> No.21219264


>> No.21219564

Successfully caught back up with where I needed to be today after struggling with writing for most of the day.
Getting up and walking around a bit in between scenes helped the flow of them I feel.

>> No.21219691

What a horrible book that was. It's the only thing of Gwynne's I've read, but it makes me wonder how he's published like 6 books.

Terrible, terrible writer. And not even a minority, so...how?

>> No.21220217

Somehow I’m at the proper number of words for being 5 days in, no idea how. I really thought for a second I was gonna let it get away from me. Considering the pacing of what I’m writing though, I get the feeling by day 10 I’ll be at the end of my story, and I’ll really have to think about things to add (besides description).

>> No.21220552

You're actually not wrong. A surprising number of authors don't actually want to write. They need some sort of external motivation to do so. And NaNoWriMo provides that.

>> No.21220667

I'm 72k words in, 28k left. Technically I started 4 months ago and I'm not doing Nanowrimo, but I'm using the Nanowrimo website to track my progress. It's pretty handy for that.

>> No.21221139

Would there be any market for a sci fi book with a female protagonist?

>> No.21221181

There is a market for anything, the real question is how big? If your book is good, people will read it.

>> No.21221215

What app is that?

>> No.21222070

There are plenty of sci-fi novels with female leads; the big new Warhammer 40k novel series has one.

>> No.21222717
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>Everybody writes fiction
>Nobody writes non-fiction or essays

>> No.21222779

It’s the NaNo website.

>> No.21223318

Bumping. Tomorrow is 1-week on from Nanowrimo starting. How's everyone's work ethics holding up?

>> No.21223340

Currently at 9200, my confidence is failing but I will continue anyway

>> No.21223369

how th fuck do you write 50k words in one month ive been writing since january and am at 47k

>> No.21223380

>be a neet

>> No.21223411

I have an idea for a novel, but i haven't written in a long ass time. I was planning on writing short stories involving the idea for practice first. I might just jot down ideas and a rough outline and write unrelated or related short stories before coming back to my main idea.

>> No.21223417

Or die and then someone finds it kek

>> No.21223427

>Word count
you could write penis 1000 times a day,
for 100 days

>> No.21223548

>I could have finished Heart of Darkness and Mice and Men by then.
Imagine the hubris to try to write a book when you haven’t even read the two works above yet.

>> No.21223624

i wrote about 2.5k today to finish a 14k story, easily the longest thing i've ever written. it completely drained me. i'm just not cut out for writing.

>> No.21223634

Doing stuff is draining, anon. So long as you can actually do the stuff before you are drained, you are indeed cut out for writing.

>> No.21223745
File: 140 KB, 492x556, tbh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got an ok idea for a story, not sure if I should write it into a book in my native language or draft a story script for RPGMaker-ish game.
No, I am not capable of writing a whole book in English, my English is shite.

>> No.21223999

I wrote 100 words today. Maybe more.

>> No.21224289

Outline for my novel is finally written, will begin actually writing tommorow bros, feels very good

>> No.21225823


>> No.21225846

Honestly I've just been masturbating to unemployable mid-20s women doing vlogs about it on youtube. 0 words.

>> No.21225896

>One day
There you go anon, I started it for you

>> No.21225974

100% sex scenes of course, no one wants that other stuff

>> No.21227000


>> No.21227123

Share with the class

>> No.21228113


>> No.21228129

You can write a short story in a week, you can definitely write 50,000 words in the span of 30 days.

>> No.21228368

>office crashed and I lost the entire day's writing
Fucking goddamn it. I know it's going to be worse second time around because I have less energy and enthusiasm for the passages.

>> No.21228664

I know how that feels anon. Don't the new versions of office use recoverable autosaves though?

>> No.21228666

I hadn't set up autosave properly.

>> No.21228671
File: 19 KB, 420x300, 1648877587579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>written 900 words

>> No.21228673

>i-if i shit out a crappy novel in a month, it means my time was well spent!

>> No.21228685

I realise my writing is generic but I don't think there's any way to improve than to work through it.

>> No.21228957

Indeed. Also, if you are aware of the flaws of your writing, that is already half the battle won. The people who do not improve are those who are not aware of their flaws. The much more difficult thing is to become aware - to fix the flaws is easier, and just a matter of time, effort and attention.

>> No.21229270

Really shitty push ups, with your belly still on the floor, are still good exercise!

>> No.21230672

unironically yes

>> No.21231191
File: 226 KB, 1410x2250, My Christmas Fuck-List.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone post the discord invite. The one in the op is invalid.

Also, anyone found a way to sell more copies of your self published books?

I have wrote 14k so far and uploaded the first part to smashwords. See pic related.

>> No.21232511

>Can someone post the discord invite.

>> No.21233319

can someone post the god damn discord invite

>> No.21234146

I had a headache and slept a lot last night, but I actually managed to keep pace. Gotta go for it again tonight.

>> No.21234148
