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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2118857 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/, I bought this book about 6 days ago and have never been as disappointed in a book as much in my life. With numerous threads about it on /x/ and just the general media hype about it I thought it was going to make me shit bricks. It was the first horror book I have ever bought and I will never pick up another as long as I live. Was I missing something? Spent like $50 on the hardcover to!

>> No.2118861

There are many books with that title.

>> No.2118865

Books aren't scary. Surprise.

>> No.2118866

Fuck you OP. Fuck. You.

>> No.2118867

I was just expecting to much from it I think. I defiantly should have done a lot more research into the book before I picked it up. Although there was one story in there that I like it was Hubert West - Re animator

>> No.2118879

Did anyone here enjoy the book or feel the same as me?

>> No.2118881

OP was expecting "Hollywood" horror

fucking pleb

>> No.2118882

I loved the absolute shit out of it.

>> No.2118890 [DELETED] 


I really honestly wasn't I am not really a fan of horror at all never liked Stephen King or anything like that I would be more into like beat writer like Burroughs and Kerouac. I don't know what I was expecting but what I felt I got a disturbed Lord of the Rings, bot my cup of tea at all.

>> No.2118895

everytime I read "definitely" spelled this way, I can't help laughing.

It just completely changes the sentence to something more badass--in this case "Fuck you! I'll do my own research!"

>> No.2118897


I really honestly wasn't I am not really a fan of horror but just what I was reading on /x/ and online I thought that this would be a book that would get me into this genre. I never liked Stephen King or anything like that I would be more into like beat writers like Burroughs and Kerouac. I don't know what I was expecting but what I felt I got was a disturbed Lord of the Rings, not my cup of tea at all.

>> No.2118917

I loved all the mysticism and weird stuff of it, but i read it when i was a teen, i'm pretty sure if you're old you won't get it.

>> No.2119299
File: 12 KB, 185x244, 97140096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why the fuck would you get that and not this instead?
>More content

>> No.2119307


necronomicon is leatherbound, and doesn't look like a kids book.

>> No.2119312


this is not a horror book OP. I don't know why people call Lovecraft horror.

But read it anyway. It's very well written.

>> No.2119315


This somehow reminds me of these tens of thousands of disappointed Twilight Imperium players. It's a Cold War in space, but they all wanted to play some kind of Risk.

Anyway - OP should sell the book or keep it so he has some cool story to read for his children.

>> No.2119340

H.P Lovecraft is definitely not for everyone. He belongs to a strange era of very wordy pulp "weird" stories that aren't necessarily up to contemporary standards of scary. However, it's worth sticking with him, if only so you can learn about your dark master Cthulhu!

>> No.2119506

If you use an "A" in definitely, you're definitely an A-Hole?

>> No.2119509

That's weird. I just pooped.

>> No.2119512 [DELETED] 

Why wouldn't you get all three volumes of the H.P Lovecraft omnibus?
Pic related, my copy (got it for $30 Australian). Also has my copy of tales of h.p. lovecraft
I'm kind of a fan...

>> No.2119522

Well OP, next time you're thinking about throwing your dollahs into a realy expensive book, you better go online first and read about it, specially if it's a book of short stories like this.
Lovecraft stories are everywhere on the Internet, besides it's not like H.P.L is alive and kicking and in desperate need of people buying his book, you should've downloaded a few of those stories before.

tl;dr you only buy hardcovers of books you absolutely love

>> No.2119528

You know OP all the stories that he wrote are now in the public domain. You could have all the stories that are in that collection if you would have downloaded a e-book in whatever format for free. Next time look up what your reading and not just go in head first.

>> No.2119701

>> With numerous threads about it on /x/ and just the general media hype about it I thought it was going to make me shit bricks.

I lold, big time.