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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 70 KB, 480x640, typical literature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2118194 [Reply] [Original]

What types of genre fiction are the best?

>> No.2118203

what a dumb question

>> No.2118207

Whatever genre that book is. There is no other answer.

>> No.2118212

That picture is glorious.

>> No.2118221
File: 10 KB, 234x251, Dude woah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2118234

* The 28th Amendment allows any "naturalized citizen" to become President.
* A messianic cult-figure born abroad(a thinly disguised Obama) is elected.
* He immediately carries out an outrageous and impossibly evil plans:

' Every soldier overseas is summarily recalled to the U.S. Chaos ensues.
' All payments stop to all military personnel. Then all support of any kind stops. Soldiers flee.
' All oil and gas imports stop, "so that our geniuses will be properly motivated to find swift `green' substitute energy sources";
' The Supreme Court is first placed in "protective custody"; then resigns "en masse", and is then replaced w/o Congressional involvement--there is no longer any judicial oversight available;
' All the "poor" get $100,000 cash; all the "rich" get all their money taken away;
' Inflation exceeds anything seen before;
' Congress is disbanded;
' A new flag, a new name for the nation, and a new name for the president as "Supreme Commander" is announced.
' Jihadists attack, with nuclear weapons, and the U.S. goes to hell, literally and figuratively.

These are, surely, exaggerations for the sake of emphasis. But they are far from impossible, and they highlight a few horrible truths:
* An evil "commander in chief" can truly wreak havoc.
* The problem of "gee, things can't really get this bad, this quickly" is shown as an impossibly optimistic hope.
* The manner in which our military is gutted, dismissed, and then vilified could be taken from today's news.

>> No.2118239

Only one flaw with that book, its target audience isn't literate.

>> No.2118240
File: 44 KB, 576x460, ABBIE-HOFFMAN-NYC-196-2-th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Islamic Republic of Enlightenment.

>> No.2118253

Haha. This.