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File: 29 KB, 450x371, alg_statue-of-liberty[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2116126 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I need some good literature recommendations that will make me feel patriotic as fuck.

>> No.2116133

Anything written by an American that is phenomenal makes me feel patriotic as fuck. Subject matter is irrelevant. i.e. don't read Ernest Hemingway; he pussied out of America

>> No.2116131
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dumping beautiful America porn for bumps

>> No.2116134
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>he pussied out of America
Care to elaborate?

>> No.2116136
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Walt Whitman. Patriotic as buttfuck.

>> No.2116139

John Steinbeck- The Grapes of Wrath
George Orwell- 1984

>> No.2116146

Patriotism is a joke built upon the flimsy stilts of lies.

>> No.2116148

He moved to Paris and then Cuba. That's where he wrote most of his stuff. He's not an American

>> No.2116151

cool story bro

>> No.2116152

lame metaphor, bro

>> No.2116158
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fuck america. fuck your patriotism to a piece of land and the people on it that you have no relation to.
Like Herodotus said on what constitutes a nation:
>homaimon: "of the same blood"
>homoglōsson: "speaking the same language"
>homotropon: "of the same habits or life"
You americans do not possess a single one of these characteristics. Or you could try and redefine the word "nation" so we could argue semantics, and keep the tradition of insubstancial conversation in 4chan.

>> No.2116159

Dude...Stop talkingt. Most products of American companies are produced in China.

>> No.2116162

If you're going to quote someone as some authority on something, you can do a bit better than an "historian" who thinks people don't live in (present day) Northern Europe because there are tons of bees in the area.

>> No.2116167
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>> No.2116172

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi German

>> No.2116178

This is beyond irrelevant. I weep for your family anon

>> No.2116182

I'll remember that, when I quote Newton on the laws of thermodynamics, since he thought that sex was a sin punished by god

Furthermore your ad hominem is so blatantly obvious that it hurts. Find an error in my argument instead of defiling the man.

>> No.2116185

Henry Ford: THe international Jew
Kevin MacDonald: The culture of Critique

>> No.2116189

When people use the term 'patriotic', do they refer to loyalty to their nation or their state?

>> No.2116190


>> No.2116192

A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier.

You'll think twice next time you complain about the cold.

>> No.2116193
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>an "historian"

>> No.2116196

>"of the same blood"

Eliminates most countries.

>homoglōsson: "speaking the same language"

Eliminates most countries.

>homotropon: "of the same habits or life"

Eliminates most counties.

>> No.2116203

>I'll remember that, when I quote Newton on the laws of thermodynamics

Science does not rely on authority. You don't anything about science. Science is based on observation, testing and retesting. His ideas stand up because they can be confirmed by others.

>> No.2116211

>Eliminates most counties.
By the same logic, we have 1 000 000 green sheep and one purple sheep. Looking at them as a whole (incorporating the purple sheep in our notion of that group) they are not a homogenous group.
Therefore we have to look at the green sheep as a different "nation".
Also you are convoluting the term country (a piece of land and an official entity) with nation ( a people).
Nation being a people who possess these characteristics.

So next time I quote somebody I'll have to make sure the person holds a correct view in every possible aspect? Also Newton didn't use the scienific method in most of his views. The theroy of gravity for example.

>> No.2116216

>people on it that you have no relation to.

All humans are related by common ancestry.

>homaimon: "of the same blood"

No nation share an exact genetic makeup. Genetic differences always exist in populations, where you draw the line to classify "same blood" would be arbitrary. The populations genetics would constantly be changing as well, no population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

>"speaking the same language"

Give some examples of countries where the entire population speaks one language without exception.

>homotropon: "of the same habits or life"

No countries population has the exact same habits throughout the entire population. Where you draw the line would be completely arbitrary, and as soon as you drew it you would find exceptions.

>> No.2116219


Newton did not formulate the theory of gravity, he formulated the law of gravity. Two different things.

>> No.2116224
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Welp, this thread went downhill fast.

>> No.2116230

The Tunnel (Gass-style obvs)
Anything by Don Delillo
Infinite Jest
Any bestselling WWII novel

>> No.2116243
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>All humans are related by common ancestry.

>No nation share[...]Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

But you do not consider bananas as part of your nation. Ultimetely that is a continuum fallacy and I could agree that you cannot tell for certain where the line is, but the general distinctions are pretty clear.

>Give some examples of countries where the entire population speaks one language without exception.
I addressed that here: >>2116211 using the sheep metaphor.
For example, I would not consider some Italian part of the Italian nation if he speaked chinese, or if he was from pakistan.
The distinction is: You cannot say that a country is constituted of one nation without one single exception. But that is not what I said: Country =/= nation.

>No countries population has the exact same habits throughout the entire population. Where you draw the line would be completely arbitrary, and as soon as you drew it you would find exceptions.
Again continuum fallacy. I obviously wouldn't consider statistical flanctuations pertaining to individual differentiation as part of "homotropon". Picking your nose, for example. But praying to allah in Greece... I wouldn't say that is arbitary to not call that person Greek.

>> No.2116248

I think it is our duty as Americans to read a lot of the political works that came out of the Enlightenment, the same works that influenced people like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. It is out of those works that we derive our core values and shit. Locke, Paine, Rousseau, etc.

>> No.2116253

>our core values and shit
you "core values and shit" are egalitarianism, miscegenation, cultural marxism and consumerism. (Look at al these -isms!)

>> No.2116259

What are you so upset about?

>> No.2116264

I'm not upset my friend. I simply despise modern day america. Let me clarify, that this doesn't mean I despise every single americaN

>> No.2116269

Read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution god dammit.

Read anything you can about what led up to them

>> No.2116271

>what led up to them
I know this one! It's the Rothschild's interests! How close am I?

>> No.2116273

You have not drawn any arbitrary lines even yet. At what point is there too much variability in a population? The continuum argument works just fine because you have not draw up any lines. And you will not draw those lines because you can't.

>> No.2116275

Nationalism is Cancer, OP.

>> No.2116276
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>egalitarianism, miscegenation, cultural marxism and consumerism

>> No.2116281

Except when your hating a nation right?

>> No.2116284
File: 32 KB, 307x475, 40929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go.

>> No.2116291


>Except when your...


>hating a nation right?

No, even in this situation Nationalism is stupid as fuck. There is no need to be proud of the achievements of a country you where born in for casuality. The only persons that embrace Nationalism are the ones that do not have own merits, therefore their only choice is to feel proud about other stuff that they can feel related to (i.e. National literature, National wealth, and so) and yet don't have anything to do with it.

>> No.2116299

I do not have to name every single characteristic a person can have in order to adequately draw a line. But there are certain characteristics which are definite.
Let's talk about the Greeks.
Someone who had not two Greek parents was not considered one. Now you might say: what if they had a non-greek grandparent? Then their parent from that line wouldn't be greek making them not greek. You may find this as a form of elitism that does not fit, today's societies. ? So, let me talk about today's societies:
If your ancestry is not Italian (aka from the origianal roman people) you are not italian. If you do not speak speak italian, you're still not italian. If you worship Budhha you are still not-Italian.
But instead of providing me more and more arguments to address, why don't you lower the attack for a while and answer me: Where do you draw the line (if you do).
Do you consider a brown woman with pakistani ancestry who prays to great hadji-bhibe and a wite man from germany who prays to jesus, part of the same nation?

>> No.2116330

I use the term nation like most people do. A people who share a common territory and government irrespective of their ethnic make-up.

>> No.2116339

>I use the term nation like most [americans] do
Don't make assumptions about the rest of the world being as corroded as you.

>> No.2116342

by the way if you have read some orwell you would know about the term "duckspeak".
This turned into a redefiniton of words as I foretold in my first post.

>> No.2116343

...you should* know about...

>> No.2116368
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>> No.2116393


i don't care how newfellow i sound , i need to know more about this image. who is that individual and why is he famous?

>> No.2116398

Thomas Paine. Don't compromise for anything else.

I am not even an american but I happen to be patriotic and this man... was a genius and a patriot.

In fact, there is something subtly great about the independence movement of the USA.

>> No.2116402

USA was the cradle of greatness that eventually birthed an ogre. Its a tragedy in making.

>> No.2116408

Tony Kornheiser, google it

>> No.2116412

may I say that the person hatin american has a point? not that i hate it, though.

>> No.2116420
File: 1.09 MB, 600x600, cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you'll make me seem like a samefaggot, damnit! And yes i have a point. Not every wall of text in 4chan is insubstancial.
On retrospect it is. Fuck, why the hell am I awake at 4 'o clock trying to convince someone in the nets?
Goodnight everybody!! have a .gift

>> No.2116447


this gif is awesome, please post more like it

>> No.2116454
File: 32 KB, 500x272, Vertigo%20pic%204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very Vertigo.

>> No.2116475

The Fountain Shrugged

>> No.2116603
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I know srsly.

Essential Americana: Thomas Paine's work, Henry David Thoreau's, Herman Melville's Moby Dick, and Walt's >>2116136

>> No.2118587


ultimately nationality is a choice. That's right, a choice. It is birthed by the voluntary assumption of a myriad of cultural characteristics. Those who state citizenship as defined by where you were born and how you were raised are identifying only the MINIMUM characteristics.

Is America deeply flawed? Absolutely! Like any and every world hegemon through the ages has done it is sinking under it's own weight: the weight of avarice, immorality, and cultural degradation. Rome, Greece, Persia, British Empire, Ming China and all their many metamorphic intervals...

Big fucking deal. I still love my country for its greatness and core values, burning down or no.

Continuing onward:
Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield

my favorite book. About America? Nope. But about the core of glory and patriotism that resides within us nonetheless.