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[ERROR] No.2114963 [Reply] [Original]

So what books do you like these days?

Just curious, if it isn't a mystery thriller it's usually some newagey concept piece; isn't it?

>> No.2114964

>implying it isn't fantasy

>> No.2114967

well i just read the corrections and enjoyed that
so i'll probably read freedom pretty soon
i'm not really into mysteries
and define newagey concept piece

>> No.2114968

Historical fiction is pretty awesome. Started reading 1812 a Novel in jail the other day. Now that I'm out I bought it earlier. Pretty historically accurate from what I hear.

>> No.2114973


It's a moniker I apply to any book that starts in a direction that causes me to violently close it in disgust.

>> No.2114975

I just finished reading Political Ideologies by Andrew Heywood. I'm going through The Prince by Machiavelli once more.

If you're really into quality historical fiction and have an interest in ancient history, read The Masters of Rome series by Colleen McCulough. It's no light reading, but your mind will be blown.

>> No.2114982

Cool thanks for the recommendation, will definitely check it out!

>> No.2114986

I am reading classics right now. Got myself a big list and now I have around 60 books I want to read. So far I have read:

Wild - Dorian Gray
Dostoyevsky - Crime and Punishment
Orwell - 1984
Kafka - The Trial
Dante - Inferno
Dickens - A Tale of Two Cities

Right now I am reading War and Peace, but I am gonna put in some Shakespear plays right now (want to read Hamlet, Othello and King Lear).

>> No.2115000

Fantasy and Sci-Fi.

>> No.2115003

I can't stop reading "A Little History of the World" by E.H. Gombrich. I'm really angry that this book wasn't available in English when I was a kid.

>> No.2115006

Gaiman's "American Gods" engulfed me. Not enough belief going around right now and that's what the book is about.

Gaiman wrote the great American novel for our current circumstances and he did it a decade ago.selykit the

>> No.2115012

obviously, that's the only shit people here read

>> No.2115015

So I take it you don't read much.

>> No.2115016


yeah... that's sounds pretty new agey. would put down.

>> No.2115017

It's a fantasy book.

>> No.2115021


Why haven't you critiqued my book you pretentious bastards?! validate my existence with your opinions!!! please validate my existence!!!

>> No.2115022

a woman in the book dies with a cock in her mouth and is later turned into a undead guardian of her husband.

this book will sdecimate your forehead with a sledgehammer if you call it new age again, nippledick

>> No.2115023
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Socio-political history with generally focused studies of the Byzantines and the modern ages revolutions and their aspects of social justice.
I do this in my spare time for reasons I can't fathom. I just know I'm enjoying the intro to my copy of the Odyssey and will put it down for another non-fiction right after. I seem to have gotten tired of fiction. I wont give up on it though. Just none this year.

>> No.2115025


the whole relevancy of eroticism coupled with gods manifesting themselves from human imagination and such is pretty new agey.

>> No.2115026



fucken auto complete

>> No.2115029

well now that you mention it, Bilquis does make an appearance, swallowing a supplicant with her cunt. Tis a shame that the Internet runs her down with a limo in the Hollywood hills.

>> No.2115031
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Crystals and Hari Krishnas are "new agey"
Christians will call Gnosticism "new agey" even though its the elder. Its fantasy, now shut yer pie hole.

>> No.2115032
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Just purchased a Kindle wifi with keyboard and am blowing through books now that I don't get numb hands from holding up thick hardcovers in the bathtub for hours.

Finished Don Delillo's Underworld. I get the hype.

Killed Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent, pretty great easy read. Wondering what you guys would suggest I move onto next in Chomsky's prolific back catalogue?

Killed McCarthy's Child of God. My God, the guy has stayed remarkably consistent through 30 years of writing. All I have left is Outer Dark and The Orchard Keeper and I'll have completely read his works. Probably my favourite author.

Started working on Vollman's Imperial. Very interesting and I'm reminded of _Borderlands_ which I think is heavily influenced by Vollman.

>> No.2115034

>Wondering what you guys would suggest I move onto next in Chomsky's prolific back catalogue?

Syntactic Structures

>> No.2115035

Read that in Linguistics! Fuck English ling. Anything on Israel that gets him death threats that you'd rec?

>> No.2115036

nah, dude's totally right. A zombie vomitting maggots is the new purple chakra.

>> No.2115041

Christianity: power-bottom of the world religions

>> No.2115057


sounds just like something a new ager would say

>> No.2115059

I'm currently reading The Long Goodbye by Raymond Chandler. Hardboiled as fuck, man.

>> No.2115074

didn't you read? op will condescend your mystery thriller crap.

>> No.2115075

sounds like something a churchgoer would say

>> No.2115078

revolutionary road changed my life.

So did terry pratchett
so did the just so stories.

>> No.2115127


I will condescend most readily, best to save your fragile egos

>> No.2115138

var condescend = loudly_announce_ignorance

>> No.2115144

I'm seventeen, and I've recently started to read the works of Immanuel Kant. I'm currently reading Critique of Pure Reason. It's quite heavy for me, so I have a side book by C.S Lewis, that I read whenever I want a brake from philosophy.