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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2114689 [Reply] [Original]

A few months ago I locked myself in a room for 3 days and shat out a novella.
I haven't really touched it since then, and it's barely proofread, but I want you to have it /lit/.


So enjoy or cringe, love or hate, finish it in one sitting or stop at the first page. It's all up to you, what you do with it.

And hopefully this thread is still around so I can found out, but if it isn't, it doesn't matter.

>> No.2114691

Did you EDIT it though? Writing has more steps than just "shitting."

>> No.2114703

Not anymore, man.

Tao Lin, Pynchon, George RR Martin, Franzen, Chabon. None of these books are edited at all. All writers nowadays don't edit a fucking thing. They just send it on to someone who proofs it and publishes it.

>> No.2114709

Christ OP...
If I wanted to hear the rantings of a 20-something again I'd read catcher in the rye for the 5th time.

Has storytelling become a dying art?

Read your work over once more OP. I believe you have something here, it just hasn't realized its potential as a body of work.

>> No.2114707

Not yet, barely proofread.
When I finally edit it, it will likely be beyond recognition, that's part of why I want to just carelessly throw it into the wind as it is.

>> No.2114727

What the fuck is with all the disjointed wording?

Seems like a pretentious piece of garbage, but at least you're writing something.

>> No.2114728

Oh don't worry, that segment ends very quickly.
I apologise, I really don't want to become a helicopter hovering over this thing. So I'll leave whoever is out there now to read in peace.

>> No.2114733

lol i love that tao lin is supposed to be the first name in the modern-day popular canon. never change, /lit/

>> No.2114756
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>> No.2114770

How is he trolling or stupid? I don't think Gravity's Rainbow was edited.

>> No.2114772

All of the authors mentioned either have editors, or assuming that the authors never once went through their work and edited it is retarded.

>> No.2114776

Ok OP here are some things. No I didn't read it.
The thing is, that I don't want to read something that isn't edited.

I know how you feel. You are happy you finished something and want to throw it at people and want to get prais, but that won't happen, especially here. People will laugh at you for misspelling a single word for hours, but don't tell you anything about your idea.

Take your time. Writing isn't about finishing right in time or being the fastest. Let it rest for a little while and then read it out loud and mark everything that sounds stupid. If this is too much, mark everything that sounds ok / good. Edit it and do that again and again and again...
And when you are finally at the point, were you like it or don't really know what is wrong with it, than it maybe is time to post it here.

>> No.2114787

This is sound advice except I'd like to add that you should not edit over and over, take it as it is a few times and then leave it alone, and a good rule of thumb is: subtraction is better than addition.
If you feel like something needs to be taken out, think of a way to rewrite the thought or remove it outright. Do not add more. This is how you edit something to death, second-guessing what's there as not enough.

>> No.2114788

If Tao Lin has an editor, he/she is asleep at the wheel.

>> No.2114790

Don't you write crappy bathroom fiction? Drop trip and stop giving advice, hack.

>> No.2114794

How did you not read about the notorious passage in the final third of Freedom where, in the space of 20 pages, Franzen accidentally reproduced the same paragraph twice in slightly different forms, somehow pasted in the grocery list for his 2009 Super Bowl party (Ro-Tel cheese dip, how uninspired), and included a lengthy diatribe about the lack of transparency in voting on Dancing with the Stars that was later traced back to the Television Without Pity forums. Some people absolutely went to the mat defending it as an experimental technique but then the corrected Kindle copies went out and that theory went to shit.

>> No.2114796

>I have her pinned against the wall. Legs are up in the crooks of my elbows. Harder. Harder. Her back hits the concrete. Let's out a small cry of pain. Pleasure. I fuck her harder.


>> No.2114799

Please let the story be true.

>> No.2114805

>bathroom fiction
I've been published for my serious efforts. Want me to prove it? Too bad, suck my dick.

Yeah, I totally do this for the money. That short story I got paid $20 for, wow, man, I knew right then that I'm in this for the fucking cheddar.

He fucked up and so did his editor. Oh well. My point isn't phased by this, you've given me one example of one work by the author which would have been corrected by _closer_ attention to editing, not to mention it only reaffirms my point that editing is essential.

>> No.2114807


>> No.2114810

Yeah, yeah, tripfag. And I'm the President of the World. I was unanimously voted in yesterday. Want me to prove it? Haha. Faggot loser faggot.

>> No.2114811

Agreed, and it's why I don't pay attention to the people who post OC here unless it's been edited and proofread. If you haven't put effort into it, please explain why I should.

>> No.2114866

Prove it.
All I see is this:

>> No.2114869

He looks so fat and old in that photo.

>> No.2114880 [DELETED] 

>mfw when it's a self-interest combined with wish fulfillment
Well, it worked for Twilight

>> No.2114887
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Did you honestly think this "experimental" typography was a good idea?

See pic, due to board limitations.

>> No.2114894

godawful fight club imitation right down to the fucking annoying style but even worse

>> No.2114899

>I feel badass.Feel like Tyler Durden.
And that only confirms it

>> No.2114909

Uh, dude, I'm not doing your homework for you. You probably also missed the initial print run of ADwD being pulped on account of GRRM blindly approving a spellcheck correction of every instance of "Dany" to "dandy" and the time McSweeney's printed a Chabon essay that turned out to just be the product of his cat walking on his keyboard while Gmail was open

>> No.2114916

>implying giving citations/proof for your own statements is doing someone else's homework

>implying the burden of proof is anyone but yours


>> No.2114920


how hard did you just get clowned on, out of 10

>> No.2114921

Fucking lol. Am I arguing with the one person on Earth who hasn't heard the story about how the only reason Tao ever wrote for Thought Catalog is because his phone autocorrected a note he wrote to himself while drunk to something along the lines for "submit a lot of work to a really terrible website" and he just went with it? I know nobody on this board keeps up with shit written after 1950 (read: shit that doesn't get assigned in 12th-grade English class), but Christ.

>> No.2114923

shooting aspies in a barrel tbh

>> No.2114926


reading your posts is a burden

>> No.2114928

You do a good job at making plausible lies.
I hope you work as a advertiser, marketer, politician, consultant, lawyer or other similar professions where making plausible lies is well-rewarded.

A conman works as well I suppose.

>> No.2114948

Lifetime total, how much money have you sent to Nigerian princes in desperate but temporary circumstances

>> No.2114957

I'm not sure. Around $2,528 I think.
I'm just happy that I was able to help them out even if I don't get anything in return. I wouldn't have accepted the money anyway.
I would have donated it back to the charities there but I suppose they did that for me.

>> No.2115044

Am I the only one who actually thinks the prose is quite good? I mean, considering it was written in three days, the OP obviously has some skill.

I'm enjoying the story thus far. I could tear into the grammar and general theme {as illustrated by folks above} but as far as I can tell, you just wrote this for practice.

Well done is all I can say.

>> No.2115050

yes. yes you are.

>> No.2115056


'I find it difficult to be insulted by a post devoid of grammar,' he says smugly.

>> No.2115410

he is the beneficiary of some really unrealistically flattering jacket photos

>> No.2115414
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>> No.2115475


I thought he was in his 20's, and so always excused the bad writing and the pandering novel topics. That photo made me check his real age. The bitch is in his fucking 50's. I had absolutely no idea.

It makes me judge his stuff even harsher. How is it possible to be 50 years old and write with such naivete?

>> No.2117379

OP here. Woooh,
I shouldn't have specified that it wasn't edited and just left it as it was. I could lay out the text and explain what I wanted to do, but hey, that's no fun.
Thanks for the feedback so far, constructive criticism and... uhm, unbridled insults?

>> No.2117751
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It's the only time they get to insult anyone, anonymously, here on 4chan where they are safe. Do not waste your time minding the bottom of the sewer.

>> No.2117756

lol like I haven't lost random bitches and bros on Facebook because I couldn't help but bother fucking around with their abhorrent statuses. lol bros get the most upset. Threaten to beat your shit.

But guess what? You just make good IRL being a good dude. lol your insecurities are showing

>> No.2119531
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