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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2114343 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like prince Hamlet. I don't know exactly why, but whenever I think about my feelings, I associate with Hamlet. I feel I am his incarnation, I feel I'm becoming more and more like him as I can run from this association. I've seen 4 or 5 different Hamlet plays. I carry the book whenever I go and when I finish it, I start over.

Have you ever felt something similar for a character?

>> No.2114359

Ever read Macbeth?

It explains your predicament.

>> No.2114363
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>Associating with Hamlet
Not too many people would admit that they associate with an insane chickenshit with Asperger's. I applaud your bravery. Pic related. 'Tis Hamlet.

>> No.2114368

Protip: You're nothing like Hamlet.

>> No.2114369

>can't run

>> No.2114406


I know that. I identify myself with him on the good and the bad things.

>> No.2114418

These days I just really feel like I'm Leon Trotsky
It's true, my eye even hurts like shit.

>> No.2114421

>I feel I am his incarnation

Go shoot John Lennon or something, psycho

>> No.2114448

>Enter university
>Be attractive guy, well-read, analytical though a bit pretentious
>Go to party
>Feels socially awkward man
>Hesitates and deliberates everything since I have a habit of over-thinking
>Feels lonely, man
>Can't connect with people since I share almost no similar taste in music or anything, but connect with classmates on a variety of subjects
>When I do do something to connect, I end up thinking it was stupid or embarassing or the wrong thing
>Everyone is comfortable around each other, and I try to analyze my own faults and get weary
>My face when I feel like my wonder years and youth are passing me by
>Forever alone

I read Prufrock a year or so ago. Re-read it for class. My face when I embodied J. Alfred Prufrock.

>> No.2114449
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There is a little Hamlet in all men, there is a little Ophelia in all women.

>> No.2114483

I kind of feel like Winston Smith. I feel very detached from society because of my superior intellect, coupled with my attraction to open-mindedness. I feel very estranged by the sheep strolling near me daily. It's tough trying to relate to everyone else, knowing that they're all really just mindless heaps of carbon and water combined to make some sort of meat. I know I'm not the only one. There are others like me, but I feel like I am the only one. 1984 is the only book I read any more. I just continue reading it. I think once I finish part three again tomorrow, I will have finished it for the 195th time. I always keep the same Signet Classics copy in my back pocket, with that lone eye, staring, just like Big Brother...and the corporation...and the U.S. government.

>> No.2114485

I hope everyone in this thread is 12. I have NEVER felt like Winston Smith, Prufrock, and certainly never aspired to be like Hamlet (I may be like him in that I think too much and waffle, but fuck if I'm going to be proud of that).

You people are sick.

>> No.2114493
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>> No.2114497


OP here, I don't want to be like Hamlet, I just can't get off my mind how much I already am like him.

>> No.2114508


You sound more like Holden Caulfield than Winston Smith.

Also, I hate you.

>> No.2114526

That section of text made me vomit to read.

You are not as intelligent as you believe.

Read better books.

>> No.2114529

I feel I am in a lot of ways similar to Othello.

It's uncanny.

My life has played out exactly as his did, sans skin colour and military involvement.

Suffocated my girlfriend in her sleep and everything.

I even refer to sex as tupping.

It's nice to know that there are other literary otherkin out there. I've gotten so tired of all the anime-inspirons of my kind.