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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2111220 [Reply] [Original]

Anything from the mid-20th century onwards. Read Kafka, read a few other things, now I want something new. Also please provide a brief description.

>> No.2111231

"Eeeee eee eeee" by Tao Lin
it is an in-depth examination of modern american life

>> No.2111243

L'Etranger, or The Stranger by Albert Camus. I would recommend Kafka, but it appears you've beaten me to it.

>> No.2111250

Kafka's short stories >>>> The Trial, The Castle

>> No.2111254


Are there collections of these stories available? I have read the Trial and liked it and have some other stuff by him lying around and want to read it, but I would also be tempted to read some short stroies.

>> No.2111256
File: 31 KB, 241x360, Catch22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2111267

Slaughterhouse-Five or Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut. It's a more American style of absurdism, but it's absurdist nonetheless

>> No.2111272

I'm sure there is. Get an edition with In the Penal Colony and the short stories he published while he was alive (ie. the ones he considered worth publishing).

>> No.2111276

Catch-22 also gets my vote.

>> No.2111523


I had never thought of them as absurdism, although I've read both. I suppose fatalism, as shown in the books, is kind of absurd. And the killing spree in BOC is absurd, too.

>> No.2111533

you want to know what's absurd? your absurd. how about that for absurd, huh huh.. herp derp

>> No.2111538


Deep thoughts on /lit/, as usual.

Lololol. Derp.

>> No.2111543 [DELETED] 
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>mfw everytime we have these thread nobody mentions the theatre of the absurd or tristan tzara
if you want to be hardcore pick up the ones that are hardcore: ionesco, albee, durrenmatt etc

>> No.2111565


O yeah, well fuck your shit.

>Nouveau Roman
>Michel Butor
>Nathalie Sarraute
>Marguerite Duras
>Alain Robbe-Grillet

>> No.2111580

Go for bret eston ellis

>> No.2111775


Wouldn't call BEE absurdist, though the last half of American Psycho and pretty much all of Glamorama come closest.

>> No.2111780

He said he wanted absurdist novels, not things that'll turn him pink gay.

>> No.2111781

beckett's molloy

>> No.2111787
File: 9 KB, 133x225, jealousy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insane book here