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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2108618 [Reply] [Original]

Hello denizens of /lit/,
I would like to know what is your opinion about the implications of technologically enhancing, replacing adding and generally meddling with ones brain.
I'm talking specificaly about consciousness and p-zombies. /sci/'s opinion is that if it's externally the same, then nothing else should matter. What do you have to say?

>> No.2108624 [DELETED] 
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>./sci/'s opinion is that if it's externally the same, then nothing else should matter

I would be more inclined to believe that their opinion was something along the lines of philosophy being a mental masturbation, while only they can see the truth using their superior brains, and their less than elementary knowledge of pop-science acquired from 10 minute youtube videos and random trivia from magazines. And I'm pretty damn sure all this was expressed in the form of a: >2011, >I seriously hope you guys don't so this

That said I would never wager and subject myself to this kind of technology.

>> No.2108647

If it affects the cognition, then i'd avoid it. Anything else is bearable, but don't expect any individualism to be about to arise from such uniform meddling.

>> No.2108661

>implying cognition isn't merely an illusion.

>> No.2108710

OP here. I'm gonna bump this just this one time, in case I get some more input.