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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2106644 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/

i dont come here often, but i was watching the tv show castle, and I'm really enjoying it. I was wondering if you guys could recommend me some good crime fiction similar to that. Preferably some modern books, 2000s and maybe 1990s.

Much appreciated

>> No.2106645

Why not just watch CSI miami where they take real crime, but change the races around so instead of it being reality(blacks attacking other blacks or whites) it's the evil white supermacist nazi racist man attacking innocent wonderful blacks/mexicans who just want to work hard and raise their family.

>> No.2106651

because i want to read a crime book after watching a show about a crime fiction writer

>> No.2106657

Why do you want to read a crime fiction...
Oh do you mean sci-fi crime fiction? There is plenty of that.

>> No.2106660

whatever you guys want to call it, i just would like some recommendations for books about cops/detectives solving crimes, etc.

>> No.2106665

i hate the anxiety he has towards the chic that got shot, like she should be responsible for his feelings for her, it's just something i take from it. i just did that myself it was fucked, i am fucked, men are fucked. men try but can do nothing. woman try but can do nothing. nothings changed except we've been thrown into the same proximity more often,

>> No.2106697


Chill the fuck out, yo.

>> No.2106702

Okay, a real recommendation here. Go oldskool, OP. Read The Big Sleep. It's a really cool book with a great main character.

>> No.2106705

Dresden Files, but only because Nathan Fillion IS Harry Dresden. No one can convince me otherwise.

>> No.2106706

I loved that book. Check it out x2

>> No.2106730
File: 52 KB, 700x750, Drake_U1_render_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crime tv show featuring Nathan Drake
I must see this.