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21064043 No.21064043 [Reply] [Original]

>He reads non-fiction books without taking notes and rehearsing the material using spaced repetition to store the knowledge in his long term memory

>> No.21064047

how do I do that

>> No.21064052

Have you gone to a school? You should know how to study books and learn from them

>> No.21064059

>autistic time-consuming rituals that make you feel like you're learning
Performative erudition, it's called. You're only fooling yourself.

>> No.21064060

Speedread all the bullshit content the night before the test, ace it, then forget it all?

>> No.21064064

>reading books to learn and study
lmao what a faggot, I read because it's fun

>> No.21064076

>he doesnt do what works best for him

>> No.21064081

I don't need to take notes nor recite it to myself. I literally remember everything I read. OP is a fucking BRAINLET who needs NOTES

>> No.21064097

Why would I do that when I can just remember it all?

>> No.21064101

indeed. the only way to truly learn something is by teaching it. I've discovered that in college and all went smoothly

>> No.21064288

what a beautiful woman... her expressions,. delightful! delightful! kra kra kra

>> No.21064406

>I read because it's fun
Fucking retard

>> No.21064405
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based bonbi poster.

>> No.21064420
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>> No.21064454

I don't get it. Is she disgusted by her uncomfortable level of attraction towards me after learning this information?

>> No.21064475

Notes are for people who can't keep track of 10,000 different ideas in their cranium and can whip them out at any given time. Autism has its drawbacks but sometimes there's hidden advantages

>> No.21064493
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No I think its something else.

>> No.21064544 [DELETED] 
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human brain is faulty no matter what you do, op
just forget and it come back to later when you come across it again in other books

>> No.21064546 [DELETED] 


it will come back to you*

>> No.21064556


is it a woman? it could be a male weeb in a wig

>> No.21064814

This is only for people that are preparing for a specific test/lack the will to read further.

>> No.21064815

If you want to remember shit just turn it into an image. 17 years ago some random fuck told me that you can remember neon is the 10th element on the periodic tablet because you can imagine a hen doing all the flips and shit with guns that Neo does with Trinity when they're recusing Morpheus. Neo sounds like neon, and hen sounds like ten. So neon is tenth. It's somehow been burned into my memory and I can't forget it. The imagery is just that dumb. People who memorise the order of decks of cards as a magic trick do it by converting each card into an image then telling themselves a story based on the order of the images.

I can't remember what the thread was about at this point, I'm drinking homemade beer.

>> No.21064823

>spaced repetition
Joke's on you bonbi, I build a memory palace to store everything I read. Including fiction, manga, and Choose Your Own Adventure books (branching memory palace).

>> No.21064833

QRD on memory palaces? What do you use them for?

>> No.21064843
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My IQ is sufficiently high that I don't need repetition or notes.

>> No.21064870

You pick a physical location that you're very familiar with (e.g. your house/palace, your bedroom), and then map every element of the thing you want to remember onto some characteristic of the location. Could use positions in the location, views from the loction, things in the location, position of things in the location, the possibilities are endless (assuming you own enough stuff). After doing that mapping (which is arduous and time-consuming) you can then imagine yourself at a particular place in the location, or looking at a particular thing etc, and you're instantly reminded of the thing that maps to that (e.g. a sentence from a book). You don't even need to be in the location, you have it all in your mind.

>> No.21064893

Basically, associate what you want to memorize with an image of a place you are very familiar with. When you recall that image or place, by association you will recall what you wanted memorized.

>> No.21064907
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>his spaced repetition isn't just biennial review of notes

>> No.21064988 [DELETED] 


>> No.21065035

>he doesn't have early onset alzheimers/neurodegenerative disease

>> No.21065244

>the possibilities are endless (assuming you own enough stuff)
I used to think memory palaces were dumb, but now I know I can use them to flex on plebs. Thanks anon I will investigate further.

>> No.21065665

You should remember everything that you need to remember and actually applies to and is relevant to your life when you need it. If you don’t remember it then it’s not actually needed. Or you have dementia lol (or maybe I’m coping for my laziness to take notes or maybe it’s not because I enjoy reading and actually do talk about the e what?

>> No.21065673

I take note by hand to help with retention, but I don't study that shit afterwards, I read another book.

>> No.21065694

I only do that for some non-fiction books. I don't need to know ever specific detail that history books have to offer. I do like to takes notes/create a basic outline on arguments and their counterpoints for books that deal with topics like ethics.