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21060635 No.21060635 [Reply] [Original]

>muh culture
>muh tradition
>muh values

>> No.21060645

What did it say about islam ?

>> No.21060647

I honestly don't care about the culture or traditions as long as they don't involve "let every brown person on earth move in."

>> No.21060666

Do you really need a third eye to know this? It's just 'Islam bad'

>> No.21060691

True lol, did it say anything about countries like albania, kosovo and bosnia since majority are muslims

>> No.21060730

>muh culture
>muh tradition
>muh values


>> No.21060748

A thread died for this.

>> No.21060754

Define culture, define tradition, define values

>> No.21060755
File: 1.44 MB, 449x498, Muslim stoning.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inshallah, I shall see Douglas Murray throw from Big Ben when England becomes a caliphate.

>> No.21060760

This book stopped being relevant like 3 years ago when nothing he "predicted" happened.

>> No.21060764

did he predict Europe will be taken over by Muslims in 3 years?

>> No.21060765

It did happen except instead of eastern/Islamic values it all got overthrown for American consumerism.

>> No.21060769

havent read, don't plan to, but do you not like those things?

>> No.21060789

those things don't exist in the first place for me to like

>> No.21060797

Most of Europe stop accepting brown refugees, compared to 2016 and prior, when this book was written.

>> No.21060799

Long term, will Muslim demographics outpace Muslim assimilation to secular Western culture?

>> No.21060800

But this is wrong? He doesn't drone on about culture and tradition in Europe, he's a gay atheist himself. The only tradition he wants to protect is Liberalism and most of the book is him whining that Islam is a threat to it

>> No.21060802
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x720, OK.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>secular Western culture

>> No.21060840

I dont think you believe that.

>> No.21060843


Well, any analysis of Europe's present situation that ignores biological race is always going to be flawed. Islam isn't the problem, it's the sub-100 IQ followers that are. They'll keep worshiping their Jew god, their magic meteorite and their Arabian caravan raider because they aren't capable of anything else.

>> No.21060911

When someone approves European culture/tradition/values, anon goes on weird tangent pretending not to understand terms and mocking the very notions.
When someone asks about islam, anon mocks people disliking it.
Makes you think.

>> No.21060924

That's not true though

>> No.21061720

Consider that the former is vaguely defined and highly diverse whereas the latter has known values

>> No.21061727

You don't know Islam to pass judgement on it, calling you a donkey would be disrespectful to all donkeys

>> No.21061741

this book was such a waste of my time

>> No.21061778

Anon i simply asked you to define those European values/tradition/culture that you guys love talking about

>> No.21061807

Universal Suffrage
Free Press
Minority Rights

>> No.21061916

You don't have to taste dog shit to know it's not food

>> No.21062045


Murray is a psuedo-intellectual and culture war grifter, his books are poorly researched reactionary screeds.

He was a neocon until about 6 years ago and the wars he advocated for in the middle east helped create the refugee crisis that he now declaims against. Hes a dishonest piece of shit.

>> No.21062062

I'm under no obligation to explain myself to you.
If you don't know what these terms are and need them explaining, why are you mocking them?
Disingenuous tranny, YWNBAW :)))

>> No.21062064

These all sound awful

>> No.21062081

Current state of Europe is a consequence of Europe backstabbing Russia in 1917, killing Russian elite and then losing control over situation in the world without Russia. Today, Europe, former center of the world, is colony of non-European power who openly humiliates European nations when it feels like. There is no happy ending to this.

>> No.21062098


If an Arabian businessman declared today that he had seen the archangel Gabriel and was tasked by the Jewish god to start a new religion would you follow him? Even if he claimed that god told him that it's perfectly justified to commit theft, slavery and murder as long as the victims oppose his cult?

If not, then you have absolutely no reason to believe that it was true of a 7th century Arabian businessman.

>> No.21062155

I can't take whites seriously.The one time in history a dude came around trying to save you guys, you yourselves worked to defeat him. Hitler was defeated by whites. Not Blacks, not Muslims, not Jews, not Indians, you guys. Now you reap what you sowed and have the gall to mope about it.

>> No.21062172

Haven't all of these things only been around in Europe for at most 2 centuries? And for many European countries even shorter.

>> No.21062289

>If an Arabian businessman declared today that he had seen the archangel Gabriel and was tasked by the Jewish god to start a new religion would you follow him?
It doesn't work like that. Proper religion is supposed to be already old in the first moment it is revealed to the world, certainly old enough for nobody who lived when it was "founded" to possible be alive today, preferably at least 200-300 years old.
>I'm a prophet, divine truths were revealed to me, every other religion is false, follow only me
Way to become laughing stock or end up in mental institution
>I'm a humble keeper of legacy of great messiah who performed divine miracles 300 years ago but this was obscured by unbelievers and satanists. We had to hide in the underground all this time from them, but today I am ready to share revelations with you.
Now we're talking, how you can actually pull that off if you know how to bullshit, and even better, if you got material resources to back your bullshit up.
It is likely that Muhammad never existed, at least in the way he is described, and was made up by arab monarchies later to give more imposing background and esoteric legitimacy to themselves. Same goes for other abrahamic religions.

>> No.21062297

>I don’t have to live in a dictatorship that bans books and blasts propaganda in my face 24/7
I’d consider that a win, but maybe I’m the only individualist here

>> No.21062331
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>The one time in history
>The one time

>> No.21062341

Mom told me to not talk to people who do freemason gestures.

>> No.21063236

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the last prophet, so no I wouldn't follow anyone who came after him because they would be a false prophet.
I refer you to the post you are replying to and reiterate that point.
Please learn Islam

>> No.21063244

>arab monarchies
You'd want to check the historical list of those.

>> No.21063262

More like Muhammad was the first satanic paedophile xD gottem

>> No.21063681

I just know you think you’re smart as hell

>> No.21063786

it gave u the values with which u critique it u shit for braines

>> No.21063802

Nah, Murray's take is more nuanced than the title suggests. He's also more sympathetic to migrants than you might expect. You should read the book, you might find it interesting.

>> No.21063813

this is what his work boils down too. The only actual solution is to set the clock back 2000 years by nuclear war

>> No.21063830


>> No.21063884

what about Islamic futurism?

>> No.21063890

the hatchling - leftists suddenly act like they were just born and need everything defined as to divert from the main topic

>> No.21063974

>the 3 worst countries in Europe
>all Muslim

>> No.21064002

These are jewish values not European. European values are Traditional Catholic values:
Submission to God, The Holy Trinity.
Catholic traditions
Yes they are
Yes and I wonder who was allowed back in after being kicked out and then promptly started to control all forms of media subverting peoples culture and values
Please read above

>> No.21064104

None of you fuckers have read the book. I'm not saying it's a masterpiece, but it's clear none of you have actually read it because you think it's some sort of anti-migrant screed.

>> No.21064144

Not an argument

>> No.21064155

The 3 worst countries in Europe my ass faggot what are you lying for

>> No.21064173

Finally a good answer but unfortunately today’s Europe’s values and tradition are not any of these anymore

>> No.21064174

t. Jew

>Europe backstabbing Russia in 1917
Do you know what most communist russian revolutionaries had in common?

>> No.21065087

Moldova is definitely in the top three though.

>> No.21065215

>it's likely Mohammed never existed
Mohammed definitely existed, I don't even see why it would be hard to imagine he did. He conquered a bunch of land and his successors conquered more in his name, he isn't like Jesus or something where he was an obscure prophet while he was alive that just preached to people. He was a warlord prophet whose conquests happened in the historical Era. His revelation was political and religious, it was a rallying cry against shared enemies. People still try to change the world under the banner of ideas synthesized by what is basically otherwise an unimportant person. Look at Marxism-Leninism. Marx weaves together a bunch of abstractions about the destiny of the working class and it becomes a rallying cry in the early 20th century that builds a new empire. Why was anyone listening to HIM? Because what he was saying was useful, it resonated at the right pitch at the right time, and the right people took it up and then you have statues and portraits of him in schools where people studied his writings to understand how the end of history would be brought about etc.