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21060449 No.21060449 [Reply] [Original]

>responsible for tradCaths being economically illiterate.

>> No.21060454


>> No.21060494

Not really. He rightly understood that so-called free market capitalism is a revolutionary force that tears families and communities apart. How are you supposed to uphold tradition with a mobile workforce? I hope the American right figures this out someday.

>> No.21060497

Utterly retarded take.

The West had free market capitalism for centuries before becoming pozzed. Besides, capitalism simply works the best, distributism is s LARP.

>> No.21060499

By creating enough wealth and technology for you to visit your families whenever you please retard.

>> No.21060632

capitalism is a dead end all materialism is self defeating if you haven't figured this out you're stupid

>> No.21060665

See this is what I mean, anti-capitalist aelre too low-IQ to understand that having a free market is a separate matter from whether a society has a non-materialist end.

>> No.21060678

Who's responsible for imbibing infinite-growth ethics? They need to have never existed.

>> No.21060686

No it hasn't. Mercantilism is a far cry from free market capitalism, especially in its industrial and post industrial forms.

>> No.21060694

no it's not you're just stupid

>> No.21060704

Yeah, it's great being estranged from your family and belonging to no community, but at least I get to travel once or twice a year to see the family I'm not close to. It's no wonder apartment are all beginning to look like hotels now.

>> No.21060711

How do you figure?

>> No.21060725

Anti capitalist trads think capitalism causes society to become pozzed, when in reality capitalism only drives degeneracy after a society already become pozzed.

There's a reason corporations support pride month in the West but not in Asia or the Islamic world.

>> No.21060738

Why do you think Asia and the Middle East aren't pozzed? Because they don't have free markets. Their markets are highly regulated to prevent cultural degeneracy.

>> No.21060759

>Yeah, it's great being estranged from your family and belonging to no community, but at least I get to travel once or twice a year to see the family I'm not close to. It's no wonder apartment are all beginning to look like hotels now.
Speak for yourself subhuman loser.

>> No.21060761

I think there's a different reason. Islam is militant to the point they will kill a CEO if it threatens their sanctity, we just have to get to that point ourselves

>> No.21060777

Do you really think it's a wise idea to compare Western Capitalist societies with Asia and the Islamic world when we're discussing why societies become "pozzed?"

>> No.21060826

>the Islamic world is capitalist
That's that happens when all your knowledge is from the internet

>> No.21061058

>South Korea
>no free markets

Come on m8

>> No.21061069

Most of it is, plus SE Asia outside of China, NK and Vietnam definitely is.

>> No.21061158

Is he smiling because he has a really small cowboy hat?

>> No.21061174

holy shit retarded thread. capitalism is anti-tradition.

>> No.21061380

It really isn't, pseuds just think it is because they can't think critically.

>> No.21061400

No it didn't. You are a fucking retard.

>> No.21061403

Explain how

>> No.21061419

And again, what's the alternative? Distributism is a LARP, there's no way to implement that would result in heavy handed statism.

>> No.21061432

It's not about capitalism making people turn gay it's about financial capital literally tearing apart nations and peoples.

>> No.21061438

>There's a reason corporations support pride month in the West
They do in Taiwan and there is a growing pressure to do so in Japan and Korea.

>> No.21061447

What a coincidence that these are some of the most cucked countries in asia.

>> No.21061477

"tearing apart nations and peoples"
Weird how that wasn't happening until like 30-40 years ago. Almost as if there's better explanation than muh heckin capitalism.

>> No.21061486

Not true in any sense fucking retard.

>> No.21061504

Were America, Canada, Britain, France, Italy etc pozzed in the 1800s or early 1900s?

>> No.21061512

You can't read I'm not talking to you anymore

>> No.21061631

>what's the alternative?

Third positionism. Ban lending money at interest. Support strict social conservatism with a liberal social welfare state. Tear down all international finance and welcome whatever destruction this brings. Return to monarchy and aristocracy as systems of government.

>> No.21061643

American right is hilariously intellectually bankrupt.

>> No.21061669

Is being able to go to a dentist with the latest space age technology to fix my teeth dead end materialism, is it selfish consumerism? I'd like to know because if it is then I'm all for materialism.

>> No.21061672

>being economically illiterate means you don't want jews to wipe out your history and trade you back and forth as a corporate slave
wtf i love economic illiteracy now

>> No.21061677


>> No.21061742

Third positionism is largely a meme.

Franco's Spain and Salazar's Portugal tried to implement "alternatives" and both had to go chamge to free marlets when their systems failed.

>> No.21061876

>that wasn't happening until like 30-40 years ago
u wot m8

>> No.21061931

Western countries were all like 90%+ white until recently, and all had strong manufacturing domestically.

>> No.21061969

>Support strict social conservatism with a liberal social welfare state

Begging trads and Nazbols to read Thomas Sowell. An overbearing welfare state is what tears down the family unit, not free market economics.

>> No.21061974

>it’s the welfare state that turned both men and women into wage drones dont you see

>> No.21061988

Complaining that free market Capitalism doesn't solve spiritual problems or make everyone tradlarpers is like claiming that eating healthy and excercising doesn't do that; that's not what either of them are for and you're retarded for expecting them to do that. America had been governed for over well under a century under economic policies that by today's standards might as well have been Ancap and it didn't lead to the globohomo nightmare we have now, bc that isn't the natural direction culture goes in a state of liberty without gov't subsudizing it.

>> No.21061996

Yes, no one worked before capitalism.

>> No.21062042

Never said it would
The rest of your post is a cope

>> No.21062049

Just because government didn't regulate morality doesn't mean anything goes.
Society moved away from God and capitalism allowed degeneracy to be profitable

>> No.21062499

>fixing the teeth with the latest technology required to fix the problems caused by capitalism itself

>> No.21062710


>> No.21063105

Government has a responsibility toward civil order and the common good, not market profits. Civil powers should regulate markets according to moral ends. Greed is a vice, not a virtue. Governments should regulate markets to curtail greed.

>> No.21063116

mf's read him instead of the American school...wild

>> No.21063131

Considering how badly the white working class was treated, yes

>> No.21063136

America wasn't.

>> No.21063360

You are like, one of the 100 people alive today, who are actually happy with how things are

>> No.21063373

It's impossible to converse with you because you come in assuming everyone uses as their standard the fucking demographic percentage of "white people" to judge whether a country is well off or not

>> No.21063377

>no one worked before capitalism
You didn't graduate college did you?

>> No.21063947

>"capitalism caused the breakup of nations"
>"actually immigration wasn't that high until recently"

>> No.21064382

>tradCaths being economically illiterate
You talking about the larpers on /lit/?

>> No.21064404

>The West had free market capitalism for centuries before becoming pozzed.
Yes, because there were still strong pre-capitalism institutions. Institutions that aren't immediately destroyed take a long fucking time to die on their own, and remain influential beyond their prime. Capitalism devolved familial unity to the level of the atomic family and destroyed any necessary institution to further maintain it at that level, so we shouldn't be surprised if it then slips further into decay.

>> No.21065471

>America had been governed for over well under a century under economic policies that by today's standards might as well have been Ancap
Obama was a marxist ,he tried to make gibs-based(free,public)healthcare for pete's sake
and biden literally gifted thousands of randos free cash at the State's expense

>> No.21065546

I get along okay with his social analysis but to imply free market capitalism has helped poor whites is boomer tier nonsense

>> No.21065556

Wouldn't you?

>> No.21065645

Free markets have lowered poverty everywhere.

>> No.21065747

Capitalism is completely anti-traditional and if you can't see this your analysis isn't going back far enough. The class war between early capitalists and traditional elites such as landed Aristocrats gave birth to notions such as democracy and universal human equality because the merchant/burgher class wanted their wealth to equal political and social power.

Prior to the burgher revolution, social hierarchies were literally unscalable; if you were not noble you could not become noble. The proto-capitalists wanted to have the power they think their wealth should rightfully afford them, so they have spent the last 500 years undermining notions of inheritance, privilege, Kingship, in a word, hierarchy. The "woke capitalism" phenomenon is not a deviation from this trend, but rather a continuation of it. The entire notion of a society composed of free and equal individuals was created due to political agitation on the part of merchants and , of course, (((merchants))) struggling against lords.

The right is only picking up on this in a big way because things like Whiteness and Maleness are the last vestiges of Aristocratism in the Western world. These and other arbitrary constructs like nations must go the way of the guilds, enclosures, and tariffs if maximum productivity and human fungibility is to be achieved. Just think about how heckin' high the GDP would be if we had a global free market and people could travel wherever they want to work and play! THAT is capitalism's true essence and it is not based or redpilled.

tldr look up the trifunctional hypothesis
warrior priest gang out

>> No.21065809
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>> No.21065853
File: 754 KB, 885x885, 1621170533828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>economically illiterate
Who cares? Literally who fucking cares? What the fuck does economics mean in your life? Do you think St Peter will ask you "oh hey do you believe in LTV or marginalism" after you die? Do you need to read even a single page of so-called tHeOrY to pray, or follow the ten commandments, or do ANYTHING that fucking matters? Even if you were actually in a position to use economics—and I really doubt the Federal Reserve chair browses fucking /lit/—it wouldn't help your spirit one bit.
Read the Bible. Pray. Sell your luxury items. That fucking simple.

>> No.21065921

>Prior to the burgher revolution, social hierarchies were literally unscalable; if you were not noble you could not become noble.
Historically illiterate.

>> No.21065999

Reread the end of that sentence, I was talking about pre-Wilson, pre-Progressive era America. If a person today were to advocate for returning the federal government and economic system to even ten times the size it was back then, they would be considered anarcho-capitalists. Economic freedom does not naturally lead to degeneracy.

>> No.21066186

>bro who the fuck CARES about ensuring your nation is prosperous.
See this is what I mean, you guys just sounds like drooling retards

>> No.21066197

>"Uhh actually capitalism does destroy trad institutions, it just takes hundreds of years"

>> No.21066235

You think the prosperity of your nation depends on you wasting time studying economic abstractions? Get a job, you stupid nigger.

>> No.21066277

M8 it's not about individuals studying, it's about the best system being implemented. Free market economics made the West more prosperous and reduced poverty. Tradcath LARPers who stupodly blame capitalism for degeneracy want it removed for a system that's never been tried (distributism).

>> No.21066287

>"right-wingers" whining about hierarchies

>> No.21066294

And what does it matter what they or you believe about economics? Are you in power? No? Just do your fucking job then. Weird pornographic fantasies of creating the perfect economic system, flinging shit at people who disagree with your dogma... useless, nothing but vacuity and vexation

>> No.21066448


>> No.21066473

Economics is a useless subject. It has no predictive power. It doesn't run experiments. It is no science, yet it emphatically insists upon its emperical evidence. Economic models beyond basic common sense issues such as supply-and-demand are constantly changing. It is built on layer upon layer of abstractions that have little to do with the actual production and movement of goods and services. I don't care in the slightest about GDP or inflation, I care about being able to provide a house and three meals a day for myself and my family. Anything that doesn't help this goal can shove off.

>> No.21066593

>Economics is a useless subject. It has no predictive power. It doesn't run experiments. It is no science
Midwit detected.

>I don't care in the slightest about GDP or inflation,
>I care about being able to provide a house and three meals a day for myself and myfamily
GDP and inflation are what affect the ability of common people to get a good job or start a family.

>> No.21066600

Hamilton is considered globohomo by most on the right because of muh central banks. My solution to blend the two.

>> No.21066605

Not same anon but I never went