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[ERROR] No.2106033 [Reply] [Original]

What did you learn from this book?

>> No.2106038

that bret easton ellis pretty much drools over everything he ostensibly criticizes

>> No.2106046

just finished this yesterday.

the apathy of americans and the general fucked up-ness of our society's value system. consumption satire.

>> No.2106050



>> No.2106051

you can write in a bland, non commital way, about terrible souless characters, and it will be percieved as a statement abut a bland, non-commital society full of terrible souless people

>> No.2106054

I read this book for a class so any enjoyment I could have gotten out of it was quashed.

>> No.2106056

I learned BEE is talentless and gay.

(Look out, Chuck Palanhuik!)

>> No.2106060


hi tao

>> No.2106064

meaningless, the comment makes the conversation.
i salute you

>> No.2106213

I learned that I still don't give a fuck about yuppies, regardless of what the are doing or imagine themselves doing in their down time.

>> No.2106216



>> No.2106233

That even when pretending to be mere nomenklatura, the bourgeois has no soul and is incapable of determining utility separate from value.

That Bret Easton Ellis doesn't understand why this was a good book, and his other works were not good books.

When one should wear a cumberbund.

>> No.2108155

How to dress like a fag.

>> No.2108158


Lunar Park is better than American Psycho.

>> No.2108163

On a side note, this was the most intense book I've ever read to my memory. Some anons here made me feel like they didn't like it, if not for the sheer intensity alone. So where do you find something with more intensity?

>> No.2108171

>where do you find something with more intensity?

Bingo games at the local church basement?
A family reunion held in a park?
A beer garden on Sunday afternoon?

>> No.2108173

what will future generations learn from this book? 1980s captured. job done, although achieved about halfway through and the rest can be waived. enjoyed bono as satan.

>> No.2108189


>> No.2108192

Less Than Zero is his best book.

>> No.2108218
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would read again

>> No.2108286

>would read again
too bad we can't say the same about the book

>> No.2108295

>That even when pretending to be mere nomenklatura, the bourgeois has no soul and is incapable of determining utility separate from value.

The irony of this statement coming from someone who is probably an English/lit major is great.

>> No.2108301

I learned that if you electrocute a woman long enough, there's a good chace that smoke might come out her vagina

that, and that you never fucking ever mix plaid with stripes

>> No.2108329

Business cards are serious fucking business.

>> No.2108335

Free-range squid is delicious.

>> No.2108351

not being born rich is gay

>> No.2108362

That bad literature that is 'edgy' sells well with the teenage market.

>> No.2108390

I know it made me cool through highschool because I was reading it to guys in my class. We used to get in a bench, and I'd just read it loud, and suddenly, I was a cool guy too.

>> No.2108395
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>> No.2108495


>Marxist reference dropping
>talking about the "soul"
>Sweeping generalization

Lol, go back to playing angry birds you pretentious douche.