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/lit/ - Literature

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21060146 No.21060146 [Reply] [Original]

Alright lads, the 2022 Autumn Cup is upon us, and /lit/ F.C. is still in the Mickey Mouse Cup because of 2 MegaBabbys in a row that were rigged. We need to determine which of our boys we are taking with us to the e/lit/es, and also to see what the intellectuals of /lit/ think about the current state of our club.
The following link will be very useful if you have no idea what is going on here:


Here is the link to the poll:


Suggestions made in this thread will also be considered, so go ahead and join us (but make sure to actually add your suggestion to the poll if you are suggesting a player).

>> No.21060153

Also I know we still don't have a victory anthem, but I have one in mind this time. I was going to change it last time but I was too lazy. If you have a better idea, feel free to tell in the thread or in the survey

>> No.21060288

what is it going to be?

>> No.21060389

Someone recommended this in the last poll and I thought it was based, but like I said if you guys hate it we'll go with something else:

>> No.21060402

pretty good, the other more viewed one is nice too

>> No.21060492
File: 45 KB, 240x273, marxwoj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hegel still not on the team

>> No.21060681

Forget Hegel, we need Jewish Nigger Lassalle

>> No.21060688

Can we have Carl Marx as the goalie.
Him taking balls to the face is poetry

>> No.21060842

I'd love to join, but I just can't afford internet in my apartment.

>> No.21060960

Good luck with love from /sp/

>> No.21061063
File: 1.91 MB, 267x260, comingtoterms.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP yurop

>> No.21061099

How did you know?

>> No.21061786

I support this

>> No.21061990
File: 84 KB, 900x480, 333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

petition to make the meme trilogy our three captains plus my diary desu

>> No.21062054

>implying anyone on /lit/ has read Hegel

>> No.21062103

Reading Hegel made me drop out of college

>> No.21062576

never got the appeal from them.

>> No.21063196

Make it reading rainbow

>> No.21063211


>> No.21063760

wtf you are autistic

>> No.21064138

>implying anyone on /lit/ has read

>> No.21064981

All your dreams can come true all you have to do is VOOT

>> No.21065205

Meme trilogy is pretty big but the biggest meme of all is still missing:
And the Nobel Prize for Literature goes to…

>> No.21065567
File: 264 KB, 574x600, lethinkface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t get the appeal of Joyce?

>> No.21065573


>> No.21065749

he clearly was offside

>> No.21066002

Marxist cuck

>> No.21066172

jewish nigger

>> No.21066178

This should be the name of our Hegelian

>> No.21066189

What is this? Like Ms/Mr. /co/ but schizophrenic? I haven't been on the board for a while

>> No.21066400

Pretty much but more autistic than schizo, a bunch of /lit/ memes play football against teams from other boards

>> No.21066907

sumeriabros, we are so back

>> No.21067169

someone post the pic