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21056387 No.21056387 [Reply] [Original]

This takes me to the question of "do incels belive they are entitled to sex ?" To which my answer would be : not any more than anyone else. I mean think for a minute, when an incel goes to declare himself to someone and ultimately gets rejected, the very rejection could only happen either because this person does not want to be in any relantionship ever, or because the person he declared himself to thinks they are entitled to someone better. Incels are not any more guilty, than they are victims of entitlement. And then one would say that there are no more reasons to belive that there should be any asymmetry between dating strategies of males and females, and that would perhaps be the case if humans layed eggs instead of adopting a gestational strategy in which the mother becomes vulnerable, which by itself, was a big problem since humans where nomadic for the greater part of our existence, and therefore there was evolutionary pressure to make females have higher standards whenever they would select their mates, to justify the risk they would have to pass through. Ok, so if this is something that has been this way since times immemorial why is inceldom a contemporary problem ? I would not say it is a contemporary problem, it is a problem which has been greatly amplified in comtemporary times in which everyone is having way fewer children because of the cost, and because it is only in contemporary times that we have seen the dismantlement of what feminists would call the patriarchy, and more conservative people would call the traditional family model and there is also the absolute abandonment of responsibility

>> No.21056388

not reading all that
still a gemmie though

>> No.21056438

Love and sex require emotional investments the likes of which can be ignored in favor of the innumerable entertainment options and distractions we all have available to us at any given moment.

Incels are incels because they don’t make enough effort to get laid. They are under the impression that it should come to them as easily as every other bit of amusement that they have at their constant disposal. They are not able to face the fear of rejection because the reward for succeeding does not outweigh the terror of leaving their comfort zone.

Never before has it been so fucking easy to just ignore sex. The incel is a victim of his own laziness. There is no grand mystery— just a bunch of lazy, internet addicts.

>> No.21056542
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>> No.21056587

Regardless of content, you will get ripped apart for your sloppy prose and numerous typos. It's like something a 15 year old would write.

>> No.21056595

put it through a spell checker to start

>> No.21056605

>I mean think for a minute,
>Ok, so if this is
I want to bitch slap you on your stupid mouth stop writing like this

>> No.21056609

what does "entitled to sex" even mean? many westoids throw it around but I haven't seen anyone accurately explain what it means. It just sounds like high self-esteem to me, and incels have zero

>> No.21056634

You need to work on your punctuation. I can tell you're a Francophone just by looking at it.

>> No.21056748

It's this and also it's a bit to do with OLD apps for people in their 20's. Used to be the only real way women would meet people is through their social circle, church, work, etc. Attraction is largely due to proximity.

Now women can swipe around a bit and find a really hot dude named Greg to come fuck their brains out. This all kinda works itself out by their 30's as all the Greg's get married off.

Related is single women in their 30's FDS femcels. They got used to being desirable to attractive men in temporary relationships and are dismayed when the dudes who are in their league are just as busted as they are.

You're right it's basic human nature but amplified because the internet opens opportunity for females to select a mate that would not really have been possible before. The pathetic chinless, dickless incel masses get left in the dust and they make their problems worse with their toxic mentality. 30 years ago these losers could pick up some fat busted chick at a bar, who would go with for lack of better options. Now even the fat busted chicks are dating outside their league.