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21053687 No.21053687 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so successful

>> No.21053716

Because like everything that becomes huge in non-fiction it is a pathetic reality-rejecting cope. Women want to be attractive to men and to society in general as an intrinsic instinct, it is their claim to social positioning, men act and women are, it is what gives them their capacity at poaching value. The incapacity to fulfill such basic instincts leads to these ridiculous sour graping copes and attempts at placing blame on others for one's own failures.

>> No.21053733

Great post.

>> No.21053741

Women in the west are indoctrinated to believe that doing anything that men might like or find a appealing is necessarily a loss on the part of the woman. It is a very transactional sentiment, and a kind of feminism that has been completely captured by capitalism in that it replicates the logic of the marketplace on a personal and aesthetic level.
Women, however, for the most part, naturally want to look good (as do men) and be appreciated physically. Physical attractiveness is ultimately an inseparable quality from sex and the continuation of the species. There are cultural idiosyncrasies yes, but fundamentally it is a marker of good health.

Women exist in a place of intense cognitive dissonance when it comes to their appearance. To look good is both "empowering" and a capitulation to the wants of men. Women, as the rhetoric of empowerment goes, want to "look good for themselves", yet when women feel bad about not looking good the blame shifts to men who are pressuring women to look good for them. When a woman feels good about herself it is because she is a authentic and a queen, when she feels bad it is the work of men conspiring in the shadows to bring her down with their expectations.

And so you get people claiming everyone is beautiful, exulting in ugliness for its defiance of expectations, yet the defiance is expected, softly mandatory, and celebrated as part of being "authentically yourself". There is a market for both compliance and defiance. There is no outside. So women mentally and emotionally pingpong between all these positions until they get old, and then no one cares anyway.

>> No.21053746

Who in their right mind would reject beauty

>> No.21053750
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women want to be princesses during the day
women want to be whores during the night

>> No.21053759

I’m new to /lit/ but I fucking love the essays you anons write

>> No.21053773
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The author. My guess is Chad betrayed her

>> No.21053786

Girl Crush: the 40 tonne press story.

>> No.21053803

Men and women go through the same life stages but in a different order. Men go through their "warrior" phase during adolescence, and then their "lover" phase around midlife (35+). Women, in contrast, go through their "lover" phase during adolescence, and their "warrior" phase around midlife.

So, take the above into consideration while also considering that there are as many female failures (read: women over 35 without kids) as there are male failures (read: men over 30 who are virgins) in modern society, and you'll realize why there's so much cope coming from both sides around that age group.

>> No.21053806

Go back to redscarepod, faggot

>> No.21053812
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Almost all of modern politics in a nutshell, sexual dysfunction and subhuman ressentiment.
The "third wave" is just Marxian zero-sum class struggle applied to previous iterations of feminism, converging toward total abolition of biological sex from which all human beauty is derived.

>> No.21053818


>> No.21053828

>women over 35 without kids
>men over 30 who are virgins
Failures at what, exactly?

>> No.21053835

I fuck a lot of whores. The funny thing is that your actual whore tends to get butthurt when you call her a whore, but a civvy girl likes it

>> No.21053846

Because for one of them it’s a fantasy and for the other it’s their reality. No one can deny that being a whore is a bad thing, so as long as the chick can wake up the next day and no longer be a whore, then she’s got no real reason to be offended.

>> No.21053852

Are you retarded

>> No.21053860

No lol, I’m being serious. I’d like for you to elaborate on what you mean by “failure” in that context.

>> No.21053869

Societal failure

>> No.21053871
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Once you start to see things under their esoteric and occult aspect you realize how fucking scary the modern world is. So much of "liberalism" and "progressivism" are actually large-scale social engineering projects, and worse than that, social demoralization projects.

How many things in the past 5 years alone can be understood as ritual humiliations imposed on the population? How many things can be understood as psy-ops to scramble normal people's ability to feel "centered" and "at home" in their own countries and neighborhoods? Then read Fustel de Coulanges on the centrality of the hearth, Eliade on the axis mundi and how every household and its hearth is a microcosm of the axis mundi and necessary for cosmicizing the world and making it livable. We are being assaulted on a thousand different levels that have become invisible for us, as a result of the assault itself. The most integral parts of what it mean to be a human being are being stripped away and replaced.

Normalize the killing of inconvenient babies, make it so that mothers have to normalize the invisible psychic trauma of killing their own unborn child and actively choosing materialism, hedonism, egoism as they do it. Make it obligatory and normal to think "I need to kill this baby so I can get more cheeseburgers and go to more music festivals." What is that moment of choice if not a ritual acceptance of evil and material over good?

Normalize destroying every form that exists. Nothing can have a form, nothing can be stable. Buildings can't be symmetrical, traditions only exist to oppress, genders don't exist, states and nations and peoples don't exist, everything is blurred lines, there is no center, everything is relative, there is no "subject," we're all intersubjective collectives of rhizomatic white noise, embrace it and surgically mutilate your god-given form for fun.

We're at war with something far larger and far more evil than politicians and most people don't even recognize it. I wonder if the politicians serving the evil even understand it.

>> No.21053888

Stop coping. You know those people are failures, at least in a social sense. I turned 30 this year and I'm still a virgin but I'm not afraid to admit it.

>> No.21053891

You're obviously projecting, just because you primarily value women for their looks does not mean that women primarily value themselves for their looks.
The answer for why books like the OP are popular are specifically because small minded and ego-centric ("obviously my perspective is neutral and objective") men continue to have this Archie Bunkeresque outlook and many women have told me it gets extremely exhausting by the time they're 25 and have been getting sexually harassed by men of all ages for a decade (if not longer, sadly) at that point

>> No.21053892

Hannah Arendt, in The Origins of Totalitarianism', suggested that it's only in the concentration camp that power can fully come to bear on an individual, that only there can all his morality, originality, and identity can be scrubbed away and he can be reduced to nothing but animal flesh, can be completely remoulded into the shape desired by power. She didn't anticipate doing it with algorithms

>> No.21053898

"A woman wants the self-same sovereignty
Over her husband as over her lover."

The secret of love is realising that both parties are seeking to dominate the other party at all times. They both have to submit. Give and take. It is banal and essential like all banalities. Life is very obvious but hard to bear.

>> No.21053908

why should it matter how women value themselves? its's about how society views them. try telling ugly women that they're as valuable to society as attractive women. they won't believe you.

>> No.21053910

Who gives a shit what women think

>> No.21053911

>try telling ugly women that they're as valuable to society as attractive women. they won't believe you
way to completely miss the point

>> No.21053912

>baiting on 4chan 9 AM of a Wednesday
This is why you'll die a virgin. Women want to be seen as pretty as their main modus operandi for value in society, men want to achieve great things to get that material wealth and thus, get pussy from women who want to be seen as pretty. Society organizes itself through this, everywhere in the world, in every time period. Take a hike.

>> No.21053929

i got the point. i just disagree with you.

>> No.21053938

having a different opinion isn't bait, insisting women think exactly the same as you despite all contrary evidence is absurd btw I've had sex
the point is value beside being attractive, which you obviously missed, otherwise you wouldn't be insisting on the idea of "women want to be attractive" in a thread about a book called "women dont owe you pretty"

>> No.21053947

>insisting on the idea of "women want to be attractive" in a thread about a book called "women dont owe you pretty"

It's both, though. Girls in my era always had the excuse of "I get dressed up for me", meaning, I am self-indulgently making myself pretty

>> No.21053958

>despite all contrary evidence
Doesn't take any more evidence than observation of the real world. Not any more complex than basic science. Men are overflowing with testosterone and desire women much more than women desire men and women know so, and use it for their advantage. Men are more physically capable and have for all of human history been more apt for achieving and doing and using that to attract females. Men act, women are, basic reality since always.

>> No.21053960

everyone wants to look good, that does not contradict "women get their value from being attractive"
>Men are overflowing with testosterone and desire women much more than women desire men and women know so, and use it for their advantage
completely unrelated to the discussion, are just that desperate to have a redpill argument? Embarrassing

>> No.21053966

>Women get their value from being attractive
Mainly, but that is ultimately a conservative mindset that westernized thought has attempted to move beyond for at least a few hundred years.

>> No.21053969

>completely unrelated
>do you think nature is somehow related to the way societies have organized themselves?
>and you dare think that the things men and women naturally want in societal structures have to do with their inherent biological nature?
Imagine that, that sounds like something you vaguely heard in some redpill argument one time so you can bark at that like a little trained pavlovian dog without having to acknowledge the points themselves, like a true intellectual coward, who once again, is only baiting. Disavowed and unworthy of time and attention.

>> No.21053973

I think this is an absurd maxim. Simply getting laid or simply having children doesn’t determine whether you are a societal failure or not. I’m 31 and my sexual experiences are hardly anything worth bragging about— I definitely don’t think it’s reasonable to for me to consider myself better off than the average anon because of them. And as for a woman having kids before 35– what if she fails at raising them? Is she considered better off for having children even if she wasn’t capable of taking care of them?

I’d argue that the only people of societal value in this scenario are the ones who are able to maintain a fulfilling relationship and raise their children successfully— that’s the only meaningful value that can come as a result of getting laid and before having kids regardless of age or gender.

>> No.21053975

>like a true intellectual coward, who once again, is only baiting
yes thats right, everyone that disagrees with you is an intellectual coward and also baiting

>> No.21054332

Have sex.

>> No.21054353
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this desu

>> No.21054373

Quality posters, truly the lifeblood of this board.

>> No.21054375

pol tier posts get pol tier effort desu

>> No.21054384

>Normalize the killing of inconvenient babies
Anon, this has been the rule across many cultures for long periods of time - including Europe - before the industrial and medical revolutions.

>> No.21054389

>I disagree with it, therefore, it's le /pol/

>> No.21054449

calling out holes is hardly pol you dimwit reddit nigger
also post tits or gtfo

>> No.21054455
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>> No.21054456

How noble and progressive. Stop pretending your daydreams measure up to reality

>> No.21054467

What is a “lover” phase ?

>> No.21054484

>The "third wave" is just Marxian zero-sum class struggle applied...
Painfully inaccurate. Third wave feminism avoids marxism at all costs because examining class struggle can actually solve many of their more serious grievances. Third wave feminism is marked by its insistence on intersectionality.

>> No.21054513

Why would an ugly “incel” misunderstand the simple statement title of this book?

Shallow people. So so shallow

>> No.21054522

>Women in the west are indoctrinated to believe that doing anything that men might like or find a appealing is necessarily a loss on the part of the woman
This is a flaw in feminism for sure. Somehow it trains women to think that by appealing to men is a loss of power when it is quite the opposite.

There is a universal desire to be seen as attractive in both men and women. Everyone stands to gain by being perceived as attractive. It's not a gender thing.

The snideness of the title "Women Don't Owe You Pretty" implies that being attractive is not something one desires for oneself, but is expected of you by others.

>And so you get people claiming everyone is beautiful, exulting in ugliness for its defiance of expectations
Yet the obvious , unfortunate reality is that not everyone is beautiful. Beliefs that do not conform to reality result in cognitive dissonance, the very antithesis of authenticity. And reality cannot be made to conform to beliefs. Unattractive people should simply acknowledge the fact that they lack this privilege and move on with their butt-ugly lives. They are building themselves up to disappointment by not accepting facts and filling their minds with delusions of "unfair beauty standards" and victimization. Being uncomely is burden enough, no need to saddle it with political frustrations

>> No.21054529

Intersectionality is dialectically materialist therefore spiritually marxist even if it's not directly about economic class struggle. I don't care about the nuances of which oppressions feminism and marxism differ in calling fundamental, it's all different flavours of pilpul to me.
NTA but
>implying deep down it's about anything but rejecting and killing beauty
Even at being a moralfag you fail

>> No.21054607

There’s this really old saying that says beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
It turns out to be true. The title of the book simply says women don’t owe you beauty. Pretty simple. No one here has read the book, so I’m not going into what all she might have said in it. But this title says it all. Women do enjoy looking pretty, dressing up and all that. So they give it freely enough. And they get A LOT of flack for it. Now she’s saying the opposite and she’s getting flack for it.
What bullshit. What about love? Ah, these “incel” boys will only resort to “the wall” and high five each other.
Sick of typing about it. People here are trash. Hope you aren’t.

>> No.21054637

You have to be 18 to post here :/

>> No.21054686


Many, ugly, lazy women in modern society.

>> No.21054696


Women want the opposite of what THEY SAY they want.

>> No.21054698

I’m older and obviously wiser than you

>> No.21054704

Women are a variety of different people and they want a variety of different things. Sorry for the confusion, but you’re just going to have to ask around

>> No.21054753

seriously hope you're not older for your sake
>only particulars exist
brainlet tier sophistry

>> No.21054989

Good god, you're an idiot. Shut up. Refrain from posting for a few years, a decade probably. You'll have learned something by then

>> No.21055076

Lose weight.

>> No.21055119


>> No.21055133

Going to beat my gf extra hard and continue posting thanks

>> No.21055252

I have believed for a while that the primary issue with women in the modern world is that they want to constantly assert their independence and become integrated within market forces but simultaneously deny their agency when they confront the consequences of these social changes. There is an excruciating sense of vanity that defines most women today and what makes it so much worse is that they have no concept of accountability when their ego fails them. They’ll make an OnlyFans and then complain that men objectify them.

>> No.21055272

>They’ll make an OnlyFans and then complain that men objectify them.

This has been such a weird thing. Both appraisal of sexual power, etc., but lamenting another's sexual interest. When you sell yourself, you're the product.

>> No.21055327

I would think that a woman was creeping on me if she started talking to me like this unprompted.

>> No.21055452

Almost like it's never the woman's fault and they can pick up on this instinctually?
Almost like the burden of agency will always be placed at men's feet regardess of the social context? and that it's men's responsibility to act and establish these standards, just as it's women's responsibility to be and abide by said standards or lack therof, and that no matter how much pageantry is carried out in the meantime to act the contrary, this will always subconsciously be the case?

>> No.21055464

Lol which part of what I said isn’t true? The claim that a woman who doesn’t have kids at 35 and a man who is a virgin at 30 are social failures is a false narrative. Only genuinely ignorant people would believe something like this. It’s not even a useful belief— all it does is promote a defeatist attitude for those who fall into those categories.

>> No.21055487

>female failures (read: women over 35 without kids) as there are male failures (read: men over 30 who are virgins)
Retarded. For women it's correct, but for men it's about being over 30 and not being gainfully employed / on track to buy a house. Having sex is no achievement, people here say it because they're bitter virgins.

>> No.21055493

Compared to the pressure felt from other women and internalized self consiousness, the pressure women feel from men to be attractive is very, very minor.

>> No.21055495

A woman who doesn't have kids by 35 is a failure. No cope will change this. The main purpose of women is to have children, and after 35 the risk is high. Being a girlboss lonely feminist in your 40s is not a cool thing, twittertard.

>> No.21055526


>> No.21055541

I don’t give a fuck what lonely 35+ women do as long as they don’t have kids with someone who they aren’t willing to stay married to until their kids are mature enough to start families of their own.

Having and raising kids isn’t something that anyone should treat as an obligation unless they find the right partner. The world already has enough bad parents and misfit children as it is.

>> No.21055550

They should have "the right" partner by the time they're 35 and also have children or they're failures. Also "the right partner" is retarded globohomo speak. They just need a good father and a decent man to take care of the family.

>> No.21055554

Also, to add to >>21055541, I have female cousins overseas who didn’t have kids until they were in their late 30s/early 40s. Would you consider them to be failures as women?

>> No.21055560

They were failures who rehabilitated themselves once they had children. We don't all have perfect lives, but we sure as hell have great ideals to follow and everyone with a brain is aware of them.

>> No.21055591

Right, I agree. But not measuring up the standard of “ideal” should not be reason to consider yourself an abject failure. The ideal shames all of us who don’t have the luxury of living up to it.

>> No.21055785

this is a good pol containment thread

>> No.21055872


>> No.21055905

>Reducto ad pol

>> No.21055934

throwing together a bunch of 1st year polysci and incel buzzwords isn't profound or LE BASED. you only think it is because you're also an incel and agree with it. you're an abject failure and you blame everything from women to society instead of the real reason: (You)

>> No.21055969

Because it's target audience is like 50% of the global population.
Literally no other reason.

>> No.21056067

>yeah well you're a failure!

>> No.21056071

Never post again for at least 2 years you pathetic nigger faggot

>> No.21056087


>> No.21056093

A woman can value herself primarily by the amount of Andy's logs she can down in one sitting, her value is still tied to her looks. It's evolution, only creationists and 70 iq women get mad at it

you're arguing with an obese femcel who has literally 0 value

>> No.21056101

>Women don't owe you pretty
what does it mean? Can someone translate?

>> No.21056116

it starts with the assertion that men constantly think about women (=narcissism) and want them to be pretty for them (=blameshifting inner desire of women to gain attention through their looks. blameshifting also means that she thinks being pretty is bad, which shows since she's ugly)
it then says a typical GOGRRLism with "women don't owe you pretty", basically we wuz le strong independent womyn who don't need no man

the author is ugly and white. ergo sour grapes and retardation, one of the primary reasons whiteys are going extinct: white women

>> No.21056143
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I’m not entirely convinced that Ayn Rand was valued for her looks.

>> No.21056167

that's a man

>> No.21056172

Ayn rand isn't valued at all as a woman. she's valued (by some) as an intellectual, since around 0,0000001% of women will usually contribute something apart from popping out babies who aren't malformed 20iq goblins, which is the reason they exist and were naturally selected

Anything else? not to mention rand is jewish, not white. You're only proving my point

>> No.21056191
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This is a very sad and naive take, so I guess you're a woman or a california fat bearded glassses having white guy. All around the world people are very similiar and the same type of archetypes are in every single fucking place regardless of culture. Women are not a variety of different people at their core, the wave that they are. They vary as much as their genetic code does, which is not much at all.

t.guy who spoke to at least a million people all around the world for it contracting job and lived in a variety of zones.

>> No.21056200

you don't know anything about women though
opinion rejected

>> No.21056202

Here’s an excerpt from Don Quixote that is basically the classical version of what the chick who wrote the book in OP was getting at. The speaker is a beautiful Shepherdess named Marcela who, while attending the funeral of a shepherd who killed himself because his love for her was unrequited, explains to the people there why it’s unfair and retarded for them to blame his death on her:

>Heaven made me, as all of you say, so beautiful that you cannot resist my beauty and are compelled to love me, and because of the love you show me, you claim that I am obliged to love you in return. I know…that everything beautiful is lovable, but I cannot grasp why, simply because it is loved, the thing loved for its beauty is obliged to love the one who loves it….
>According to what I have heard, true love is not divided and must be voluntary, not forced. If this is true, as I believe it is, why do you want to force me to surrender my will, obliged to do simply because you say you love me…?
>I was born free, and in order to live free I chose the solitude of the countryside….Those whose eyes have forced them to fall in love with me, I have discouraged with my words. If desires feed on hopes, and since I have given no hope to Grisostomo or to any other man regarding these desires, it is correct to say that his obstinacy, not my cruelty, is what killed him….
>If I had kept him by me, I would have been false; if I had gratified him, I would have gone against my own best intentions and purposes. He persisted though I discouraged him….
>Let this general discouragement serve for each of those who solicit me for his own advantage…; let him who calls me ungrateful, not serve me, unapproachable, not approach me, cruel, not follow me…; I am free and do not care to submit to another; I do not love or despise anyone. I do not deceive this one or solicit that one; I do not mock one or amuse myself with another.

>> No.21056203

what job?

>> No.21056204

the white american woman author of the book wasn't getting at that at all
also the writer of quixote was an incel

>> No.21056218

The way I see it, “Women Don’t Owe You Pretty” is a phrase that pretty much means exactly what Marcela is getting at.

Then again, I haven’t read “Women Don’t Owe You Pretty,” so I don’t actually have any idea what point the author makes to drive home her bizarrely worded point, but I’m assuming it’s something along the lines of “men only seek sexual gratification and so they can all kiss my ass.”

>> No.21056232

>Why is it so successful
Have you tried reading the book and finding out?

>> No.21056236

a white american woman who is also ugly is not getting where the man non-american writer of quixote is getting at

>men only seek sexual gratification and so they can all kiss my ass.
no, it's "i reject beauty standards because i'm ugly"

>> No.21056241

I don't think she's just ugly, she actively tries to make herself even uglier. It's probably mental illness mixed with attentionwhoring. Most prevalent in White women.

>> No.21056259

>a white american woman who is also ugly is not getting where the man non-american writer of quixote is getting at

I’m not sure why you are using this as your main argumentative focus, as it does nothing to discredit the similarities that I’m pointing out.

>> No.21056263


Just stopping by to say that I hate women. Thanks for reading!

>> No.21056265

there are no similarities though

>> No.21056295

I’m pretty sure there are— you probably didn’t even read any of what I posted and decided to write it off because you can’t see past race and gender when engaging in a discussion.

>> No.21056318


>> No.21056341

Lol that’s what I thought. I accept your concession, anon.

>> No.21056343


>> No.21056347

It's literally just widespread mental illness and the projection of daddy issues onto society. Men are just as much to blame; all these women have fathers, after all.
Toxoplasmosis is an underreported epidemic and it's making these women go nuts. It's astounding how bitter the average woman is

>> No.21056358

>It's astounding how bitter the average woman is
Not my problem lol let them rot.

>> No.21056414

I enjoyed this post. You should start a podcast.

>> No.21056559

>I’m assuming it’s something along the lines of “men only seek sexual gratification and so they can all kiss my ass.”

>It's astounding how bitter the average woman is
Not astounding to me. The bitterness of the males on this site are off the charts. You have to admit.

>> No.21056567

people read what they want to hear. Want proof the afterlife is real? We've got a book for that. Want a book about how you don't have to be pretty? We've got a book for that. Want a book about how transgenderism is super cool? We've got a million of those.

>> No.21056571


>> No.21056684

Redpilled arguments are right.
So truth will always sound like a "redpilled argument".

>> No.21056707

This is when you cant win, so you publicly state that you dont want to win.
Men do that to.

>> No.21056882

>The bitterness of the males on this site are off the charts. You have to admit.
people just feel more comfortable going on rants on the internet. i feel like doing it right now

>> No.21057068

Some people feel free to going on rants in books. Like Florence did just then.
Is this thread mostly just jealous that she's monetized it?

>> No.21057373
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>traditions only exist to oppress, genders don't exist, states and nations and peoples don't exist, everything is blurred lines, there is no center, everything is relative, there is no "subject," we're all intersubjective collectives of rhizomatic white noise, embrace it and surgically mutilate your god-given form for fun
This but unironically

>> No.21058151

You're making big assumptions about the content of the book when the title has no semantic similarity to the quixote passage you quoted. If the title were "Women Don't Owe You Love", that would be one thing, but it's not.

>> No.21058179

And crystal cafe

>> No.21058186
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Excellent work, gentlemen.

>> No.21058188

That’s honestly based.

>> No.21058197


>> No.21058233

Have kids.

>> No.21058240

So true bestie!

>> No.21058433

You can't trust a single person with that name. They're female chuds.

>> No.21058637
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