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21053158 No.21053158 [Reply] [Original]

Here is what amounts effectively to a library on all issues Jewish. How they operate, how it sustains itself, what their effects are, and how to most effectively combat the disease.

Anti-Judea books must be promoted and studied.

>> No.21053177
File: 1.26 MB, 1170x1706, DAE3265E-6293-4878-9849-BFDE92B0D5A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy! Let me just zoom in and start reading the books I see

>> No.21053191

Find a better copy then you cheeky cunt

>> No.21053213

Okay I found a list
Here you go anons:
>This Is My God by Herman Wouk
>A Night of Questions: A Passover Haggadah by Joy Levitt
>A History Of The Jews by Paul Johnson
>Man Is Not Alone: A Philosophy of Religion by Abraham Heschel
>God in Search of Man: A Philosophy of Judaism by Abraham Heschel
>The Hebrew Bible translated by Robert Alter
>Everyman’s Talmud by Abraham Cohen
>The Guide For The Perplexed by Moses Maimonides
>The Shulchan Aruch by Joseph Caro
>Living a Jewish Life: Jewish Traditions, Customs and Values for Today’s Families by Anita Diamant
>The Joys of Yiddish by Leo Rosten
>Chaim Potok - The Chosen
>Paul Johnson - A History Of The Jews
>Raul Hilberg - The Destruction Of European Jews
>Exodus by Leon Uris
>Living Language Hebrew - Complete Edition
>Becoming Israeli: The Hysterical, Inspiring and Challenging Sides of Making Aliyah by Akiva Gersh

>> No.21053234

Reading culture of critique is sufficient to understand everything you need to know. It helps that the author is not a schizo or a seething midwit but rather a talented academic that had the courage to jeopardize his career to write a quality book. He'll get recognition once the world order changes again.

>> No.21053565
File: 3.48 MB, 3500x2500, A Redpilling Guide to the Jewish Question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21053734

zzzzzzz this is so boring. just read the bhagavad gita if you want answer to The Quest-ion (not the jewish one).

>> No.21053808

>books by Norman Finkelstein

>> No.21053815

>a library on all issues Jewish.
Why on earth would I want that?
Like with most things grating and unpleasant to the spirit, I want jews out of sight and out of mind.

>> No.21053823

I should make a better list myself. This one was obviously made by a dumb Christfag, and the picture itself has those dumb Jew caricatures that low-IQ antisemites put on everything to ensure that you can't share the picture with normal people without making an ass of yourself.

>> No.21053841

and how are you going to do that? Jewish influence is everywhere, virtually the entire mass media, the largest websites, US politics and much of the financial system is run by Jews. In addition to that, the majority of Westerners today have pledged their allegiance to the "King of the Jews"

>> No.21053850

>low-IQ antisemites
There's no such thing as a low IQ Antisemite

>> No.21053854

Kill yourself

>> No.21053863
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>> No.21053887

>entire mass media
I don't watch tv or any hollywood crap.
I don't use social media
I benefit from the jewish financial system - sorry about that, poorfag.
And while I'm not a christcuck, and the jewish death cult bothers me, it easy enough to avoid it. Plus, old catholic churches are pretty.
And I don't give a rat's ass about U.S. politics, U.S. """culture""", U.S. diets, etc.
So, yeah, I can pretty much avoid thinking about them most of the time. You should try it.

>> No.21053922
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>Kill yourself
No. Let's address the hundreds of millions of murders committed by the Jews.

>> No.21054171
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They enslaved the negroes? Based.

>> No.21054193
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https://archive dot ph/od7Rj

>> No.21054573
File: 18 KB, 333x499, 41ghjDYPcnL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up this one recently. It's amazing the lengths they went through to shut this man down for trying to unite Americans.

>> No.21055130

Wonderful, a reading list for schizophrenics.

>> No.21055914

waste of time to read so many books about a issue that is very obvious. the bible is enough

>> No.21057027
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My nigga thats a spicy stack

>> No.21057038

Based fellow Gita lover

>> No.21057387
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Judaism Discovered by Hoffman is very revealing if you can actually get through it.

Another inside whistleblower book (not on the chart) was the one written by Israel Shahak, titled "The Weight of Three Thousand Years." In it, he points out the essentially gnostic underpinnings of the various branches of Judaism as a firsthand witness. And similar to Hoffman, he points out the disconnection between ancient Judaism and the medieval class of "Jews."

The Hoffman book can be ordered directly from his site, but if you try to search on the internet for it you will only find people trying to sell it for ten times its worth because the first party site is blacklisted. I've also found a low quality PDF of it. The Shahak book can be found for free online, it's not very long and it could be read in one sitting.

>> No.21057397

Perversion of normality is good for this same reasons and never even mentions “DaJooS.”

>> No.21057399

>Read books by people with pre-formed opinions on the jewish question
>Dont read any books actually written by jewish person to balance perspective
>Blames jews for "mind tricks" but not the information he seeks out to confirm his world view
Fuck you, OP. Pick up a Torah and get to work you one-sided, far-right, trump supporting, half-white jerk.

>> No.21057405

Also, I wasn't trying to say Hoffman was an insider whistleblower, just that some of the other books in that chart were.

I also think the 1961 speech by Benjamin Freedman that you can find online on the causes of World Wars was very pertinent in addition to these. He mentions how the Balfour declaration played into the suckering of the country of the US and its people into the war.

>> No.21057409

I bet you dont want him to read the Talmud though kek

>> No.21057410
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One more screenshot from Judaism Discovered just because I feel like it.

>> No.21057420
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>> No.21057451

How do I accept the jq without being a nazi?

>> No.21057601

Just don't believe in national socialism as a socioeconomic solution to overrepresented Jewish privilege. Try reading father Coughlins speeches related to the National Union of Social Justice instead.

>> No.21057672

the real jews are white pagan greeks and every central banker knows the truth

>> No.21057875

>bro just don't think about it bro

>> No.21057877

Where is suicide note by mitchell heisman?

>> No.21058348

>How do I accept the jq without being a nazi?
Being a 'Nazi' is the most natural thing in the world, you just don't realise it

>> No.21058408

Uhh you accept it but don't become a national socialist

>> No.21058543

There is nothing particularily nazi about the jq.
Do you think the new testament, Seneca, Tacitus, Jerome, Augustine, countless others up to more recent ones like Pius IX or Chesterton were all "nazi?
If anything the nazis are a distraction. The Jews use them as a scarecrow.
>oy vey goyim, don't associate antisemitism with St Louis and his knights or the us founding fathers or anything
>if you don't bow to us you are just like this bizarre ideology of German militarism

>> No.21058630

>If anything the nazis are a distraction. The Jews use them as a scarecrow.
Ancient Hellas, Rome and Byzantium would likely still exist if they maintained their racial integrity anon..

>> No.21059453

>Not Douay-Rheims
Good Goy

>> No.21060085

Takes a ((())) to catch a ((())) sometimes.

Did you mean scapegoat?

>> No.21060361

Have read some of these, would definitely recommend central banking, well written and easy to follow. Anyone that has any favorites from the list

>> No.21060649

You don't need to read all that. You can get all of this info and more by reading three books by W. Cleon Skousen:
>The Naked Communist
>The Naked Capitalist
>The Naked Socialist

>> No.21060692

>Anti-Judea books must be promoted and studied.
Go back to /pol/.

>> No.21060701

>Go back to /pol/.
I got banned for 3 days, and I'm bored. I can spread Antisemitism here, so I will.

You will hate them one day

>> No.21061184

>no hitlers second book