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21048739 No.21048739 [Reply] [Original]

This board is genuinely worthless.

>> No.21048746
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Really? Damm, bro. We all really like you...

>> No.21048745
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>> No.21048753

>a board of leftist libtard commie soiboys jumping around the Bush instead of shunning the Jews non whites women's and especially single mothers is worthless
I know OP. keyword being I since nobody else seems to get it

>> No.21048758

Are we using the same board?

>> No.21048838

Fuck off.

>> No.21048839

meds now, you're stuck in an alternate reality where this board is nothing but butters bunions and anarcho-syndicalist chart posts

>> No.21048846
File: 84 KB, 900x472, F6057DCE-E353-4157-97C6-1EC61BB56D4B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you can do absolutely nothing about it.
Cope, seethe, dilate

>> No.21048852

Eat shit you fucking conservatard, women hating, racist fucking incel. Go back to /pol/ and stay there you worthless cunt. Not every board will bow down to you dumb fucks. Stay in your containment board, retard.

>> No.21048864

Then make it better instead of whining faggot

>> No.21048870
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We don't tolerate chuds around here, /pol/cel. Maybe you need to go back

>> No.21048946

and people call neetchud an edgelord
holy shit

>> No.21049002

There's no point in it

>> No.21049284

I mean, no one even read