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21048069 No.21048069 [Reply] [Original]

>people actually wrote articles claiming foucault wouldnt oppose vaccine mandates

>> No.21048078

>people actually wrote articles claming Marx wouldn't oppose the national minimum wage

>> No.21048083

Yeah, pretty much every lefty fell in line, and?
>muh medical industrial complex is bad
>except this time you can't question them, trust me!
Also inb4 404.

>> No.21048151

COVID was such a good test for this shit, all these meta meta meta meta critical theory fags suddenly become nanny state ball lickers

God bless Agamben for actually having had principles all along, guess he was one of the statistical anomalies

>> No.21048164

You retards still don't know what a mandate is and how you're not using the word appropriately.

>> No.21048168

Foucault would support or oppose anything that furthered his ultimate goal of having sex with 12 year old boys

>> No.21048180

It's what your dad goes on, faggot. That's why you were born with AIDS.

>> No.21048181

Very true, it has to be made in the Mandaté region of France, otherwise it's just sparkling tyranny.

>> No.21048192

My favorite Foucault story is how he intentionally walked in front of a car, because his S&M activities had become so extreme he couldn't feel pain any other way.

>> No.21048201

I spit my drink out.

>> No.21048206

>God bless Agamben for actually having had principles all along
This. A genuine leftist.

>> No.21048210

Shut up and piss off

>> No.21048270

Completely BTFO lol.

>> No.21048280

Whatever. He would oppose every acrion take by the state in the pandemic but people chose to cope and pretend his theories arent inviable in the modern world

>> No.21048327

>Vaccine mandates are a way to compel people to get vaccinations.


>> No.21048337

Learn English, stupid retard. To compel is not the same as to make compulsory which is what a mandate would be.

>> No.21048350

force or oblige (someone) to do something.


>every single news outlet doesn't know english

>> No.21048354

Stop posting wojack

>> No.21048358

Foucault would oppose not only the vaccines but also the vaccine pasports, the extra doses, the suspension of economic activities.
It is time to.admit foucault was an idiot.

>> No.21048363

this is your brain on gouvernementalité

>> No.21048365

The vaccines were forced upon people in which countries?

>> No.21048379

This creature thinks it's a person.

>> No.21048383



** AUSTRIA: all over 14s from February 2022; holdouts can be fined up to 3,600 euros every 3 months

** ECUADOR: obligatory, except for people who have a relevant medical condition or incompatibility

** GERMANY: plans to make mandatory for all adults from February

** INDONESIA: all adults, with fines or refusal of social assistance or government services for the unvaccinated.

** MICRONESIA: all adults

** TAJIKISTAN: all over 18s

** TURKMENISTAN: all over 18s


** CANADA: all federally regulated workplaces from early 2022

** COSTA RICA: all state workers

** CROATIA: all public sector employees, citizens who need services in public institutions

** CZECH REPUBLIC: police officers, soldiers and some other professions from March

the list goes on. you're a retard, please kill yourself

>> No.21048390

You two are disagreeing on the meaning of being forced.
In no country people applied the vaccine against the wish of the patient.
The vacine however was a condition to exert many rights in most countries

>> No.21048398

>AUSTRIA: all over 14s from February 2022; holdouts can be fined up to 3,600 euros every 3 months

if it's there's a fine for not doing it it's not voluntary

>> No.21048408

Without going through each one I can already see that you've done some padding out, various exceptions and so on.
Did Germany make compulsory for all, I don't think so.
The bottom section is mandatory for the people who still want to come to work during the pandemic, if you chose not to take the vaccine you keep your feet up.
Next time just the ones where everyone is actually forced, as in they will take you out of your home and make you take the vaccine, that's your claim you need to provide evidence for not all this other horseshit

>> No.21048413

>as in they will take you out of your home and make you take the vaccine, that's your claim you need to provide evidence for not all this other horseshit
This from the "people" who say enforcing your border laws is fascist.

>> No.21048416

>can be fined
What the actual fuck is the meaning of "can be"? You're braindead, learn to read

>> No.21048417

>padding out
LMAO I quoted fucking Reuters. what are you on about?

>> No.21048420

>oh fuck let's quickly change the subject

>> No.21048422

Giorgio Agamben didn’t. People threw a bitch fit about it too lol.

>> No.21048424

>God bless Agamben for actually having had principles all along, guess he was one of the statistical anomalies

He's the only person in the entire world to my knowledge with the academic positioning and power in his writing who criticised the whole thing from start to finish, and not even a year after its 2 year fistfucking of the world on every citizen's sovereignty has he already been vindicated.

It'll go down as the most important writings of the decade

>> No.21048425

I explained what I mean by that term in that sentence. Let's talk about border security and immigration now if you prefer

>> No.21048428

I'm pointing out how your standard of evidence for slandering the right is literally nothing, meanwhile coercion just doesn't exist if it's globohomo doing it.
Also I'm not >>21048417, your bullshit infuriates many people.

>> No.21048431

>if the state feels like it
ie if it can get away with it. read foucault retard

>> No.21048443

I didn't mention border security lol. Is Reuters not a trustworthy source anymore? THE premier news agency alongside AP?

Post a better source then if you can :)

>> No.21048447

>slandering the right

>> No.21048449

I didn't realize you were trolling, carry on.

>> No.21048451
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ITT: vaxcels coping, seething, and crying.

>> No.21048455

>tfw refer to Agamben a lot in your grad work
>tfw you’re going to be considered “edgy” for citing him when he inevitably goes out of style for his statements
Gonna be an iconoclast before I even do my dissertation boys

>> No.21048474

Plenty of leftists have questioned the vast profits that the pharmaceutical companies made from the vaccine

>> No.21048480

Exceptions that proved the rule. Even Noam Chomsky caved.

>> No.21048483

Yes cowards acted like it was a bold stance to demand vaccines be given over to public domain.

>> No.21048490

Very few in fact. Yet even they still gladly accepted the vaccines and their mandates.

'Oh well we'll just complain next vaccine mandate. Public health is more important than principles!'

>> No.21048494

idk about public leftists or even leftists in general, but the vast majority of people in my friend group agree that pharma companies shouldn't make exorbitant profits off of state-mandated medicine

>> No.21048495

He's a fag. He'd be in favor of whatever gets him back to taking poz loads the fastest.

>> No.21048499

>Ok Mr. Boot, you can be Mengele, just don't profit
Truly brave.

>> No.21048503

kek they also mostly agree that vaccines should be voluntary, without any "oh but you get to go outside again if you take it :D" stuff

>> No.21048562

>my friend group
Your discord is not leftist literature.

>> No.21048572

I don't read leftist literature. I meet people I like and we get drunk and talk about things

>> No.21048576

Greece. All adults over 60 were fined. Everyone else wasn't allowed to shop anywhere except supermarkets.

>> No.21048591

How many have questioned the product?
I know a couple, do you?
There is a well-known communist site that said unions opposing vaccine-mandates is a petite bourgeois stance and a sign of false consciousness. And this is without Dems in marxist skinsuits like Jacobin.

>> No.21048592

>the government making goods and services contingent on putting a corporate product in your body
>fascism is.........being against it XD!!11 - zizek, chomsy, etc.

OTHER THAN THE NONCING, Foucault was pretty based. Definitely would have denounced the coof hysteria.

>> No.21048598

Yeah, cum drunk more like it

>> No.21048614

>He's a fag
Huh, kinda like you.

>> No.21048643

the based Italian man is the only living philosopher worth anything. very interested to see what he’ll be up to next, especially now with Giorgia as PM.

>> No.21048673

It's time to let go of false idols.

>> No.21048679

A lot of people in the US were forced to get it in order to keep their jobs, and that is as good of a death sentence. Having to go survive amongst the niggers in the streets is akin to a death sentence.

>> No.21048704

it’s time to take the mask off

>> No.21048780

It's bizarre to see the right adopt Foucault as one of their own when not even a long time ago, he was disowned by the Left and only loved by a very small group of French Liberals.

>> No.21048803

He is pro-open borders, he will hate her and suddenly the left will love him again.

>> No.21049028

>mek me nasty i'm nasty boy - agamben

>> No.21049573

At least the pandemic got schools closed, so foucault would be happy

>> No.21049576

He is still.king of quotations in leftist fields
The pandemic should have shown how he and everything that branched out of him is hollow

>> No.21049577

More children at home to molest, right

>> No.21049901

Lick the cdc’s cock while your at it.

>> No.21049910

>Foucault said you should never take medicine
Imagine arguing in such bad faith that you claim this

>> No.21049930

You write like a not very bright 11 year old

>> No.21049946

>Foucault said that excluding people from full participation in civic life on the basis of medical opinion isn't an example of biopower
It's trivial to make someone look like an ass when you attribute anything you like to them.

>> No.21050083

>vaccine is medicine

>> No.21050705


>> No.21050786

>Not supporting government vaccine mandates means you dont support medicine
talk about bad faith

>> No.21050802

I wrote a paper in history of ideas and the basis of the paper was just an excuse so I could complain about COVID hysteria and vaccine mandates. Everyone in my course stopped speaking to me.

>> No.21050819

How has he been vindicated? I despised the covid hysteria and how it ruined my life for two years, but the politicans, journalists, expert, and the cocksucking scientists responsible for it have either moved on to greener pastures or been hailed as national heroes. The cocksucker Chris Witty recieved a knighthood and is untouchable, as is the case with most other worm scientists who encouraged masks, lockdowns, and vaccine mandates. Society has superficially moved on from those dark years - we don't talk about it or think about it - and the critics of the hysteria have also been forgotten. Civil liberties are in tatters and until the people responsible are prosecuted and hanged (that includes every scientist and expert) we will never be vindicated.

>> No.21050879

The scamdemic just made me realize how much of a better scholar I am compared to the public "intellectuals". I wish it were me with a huge following rather than morons like Juden Peterstein.

>> No.21052514

>let me consult the historically processed afterimage of a philosopher as a matter of authority on whether I should make a decision pertaining only to my own personal physiology in question tout court for it's potential impact on my physiology
Why not just flip a coin with three tries? Heads obviously always yes.
Anyway because that ISN'T what people are doing: what are the implications that most philosophy is just rationalizing?

>> No.21052533
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Based. I wasn't even against vaccines I was just against rushed mRNA vaccines from profiteering companies playing the captive public like a fiddle and then the creepy ass media-industrial complex running interference for them at every step

Normies are so used to living in curated reality bubbles like "school" "university" "job" "what people do (go on dates and live in a box)" that they never stop seeing parental authority structures inherent in every environment, anywhere they go they are instinctively looking for the Mom & Dad structure that anchors the solidity/durability of it, and any time something goes wrong they learn the Dad structure they are allowed to go crying to about it, whether it's The Principal or The Administration or The Government

None of these fucking infantilized farm animals understand that food grows in the ground and processed goods have to be assembled somewhere, they think The Government is just the holy firmament that has always existed and all systems are interlinked to make up one big System, there's always someone you can tattle to because the very fabric of reality itself has tattling built into it as an essential function. Biopolitical regimes won so hard they don't even know what to do with their slaves anymore, the slaves are like superslaves who sit down harder on the spiked dick and demand to be fucked by it when it's shoved up their asshole. Even the masters are starting to get confused and bungle things. The logical conclusion to Foucault and Agamben is Baudrillard, the system gorges itself on its own contradictions so hard that it shits its own guts out in the end. Sneed

>> No.21052579


>> No.21052951
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Based knower

>> No.21052983

The problem is linked to this. Baudrillard is one of the greatest philosophers of our time (and possibly all time) for creating a relatively easily digestible concept for this phenomenon of simulacrum - and being indirectly responsible for The Matrix and the red pill (an even more easily digestible concept).
The professors are all lost in a labyrinth of their own autistic slavish devotion to 'approved academic canon' (so to speak) that they never have the balls to say: "fuck this, it's bullshit"
Worst part is this is an example of when pure right wing traditional thinking goes wrong - yet what they conserve is leftism. Everything is backwards. It's inherently contradictory.
Ironically most of the philosophers these castrated hacks flick their axe wound bean to despise the academic and his ballessness.
They are cowardly slaves who don't care about truth and are only in it for the security of their paycheck and status as an academic. This is why they are so desperate for control and creating a monopoly on information. If they silence all dissent their positions are secure and they never get exposed for the walking vagina status-hounds that they are.

>> No.21053309

funny how not sucking corporatikns' cocks is an exception between the left nowadays

>> No.21053317

Formerly Chuck's, presently BASED

>> No.21053363

I've been telling everyone I know that abolishing corporations is the only true way to defeat leftism for good. I think some of them are coming around.

>> No.21053375

I admit I overread the word „mandate“. While I support it for certain profession, I am, and Foucault would be as well of course, against it

>> No.21054682

Really, the obvious CIA plant false opposition leader from fucking (((MIT))) isn't anti-establishment? Shocking!

>> No.21054701

>refuses treatment for aids
>"would have accepted vaccines for covid"
Doesn't add up. I know the state of american discourse in that you only bark back and forth about labels, but Foucault was way more militant and radically against the powers that be than you.

>> No.21054729

>write thesis about Baudrillard and news in the postmodern age
>briefly comment about the hyperreal status of viruses
>teacher thinks I'm taking a dig at "anti-vaxxers"
>just nod and smile
Close one lads.

>> No.21054735

Soon, if not already these “dirtbag” or “real” or “edgy” leftists are going to get lumped in with Nazism and I will laugh my ass off. Globohomo justifies its existence based on forwarding the anti-hitlerist religion without a name that is beaten into everyone’s head from all angle. Anti-globohomo from the left is thus a fundamental insecurity, their impending destruction and marginalization will be justified ex post facto by system intellectuals and experts and I will laugh some more

>> No.21054739

I wish I could time travel so I could murder Foucault

>> No.21054920

Daily reminder that germ theory of disease is a fraud, and that virus do not exist. They are genetic particles secreted by your own body when cells are exposed to chemical toxins.

>> No.21054983

antivaxxers are still seething people didn't start dropping like flies like they said

>> No.21055151

Give it to me straight 118IQ board, did the vaccine really kill my immune system?
I have been sick more in the last 12 months than I have been in the last 12 years.

>> No.21055334

Many public policy decisions are taken based on academic work that bases itself upon Foucault. The pandemic should serve to destroy Foucault and everything based on him.

>> No.21055343

WTF???? Did he really refuse treatment for AIds?

>> No.21055351

I am provaxx. I am anti-Foucault.

>> No.21055357 [DELETED] 


on earth


>> No.21055365

Probably not, I am antivax but I doubt the mRNA shit was some grand conspiracy, more likely a lot of the problems were caused by unforeseen side effects like the myocarditis stuff (all vaccines have these but this one had more than usual because of the rush because the corps knew John Q. Public was covering their ass), and exacerbated by stupid mammies administering the jab without aspirating which causes the vaccine to enter the bloodstream instead of the local muscle (see that Dr. John guy on this)

Definitely sloppy and evil but in no one, singular, big way like "It kills you"

>> No.21055391

I mean unless it kills you via the side effects but what I mean is it isn't this

>> No.21055856

you increasing my risk of getting covid violates my autonomy

>> No.21055866

>rushed mRNA
they had months of trials and no downsides in the public

>> No.21055868

Guys I kind of regret that I consented to the jab but then again I haven't got any side effect.
What is the consensus about this

>> No.21055892

This is a lie.

No. HIV/AIDS was only discovered in 1981, Foucault caught it in 1983, got sick in mid 1983, went on an antibiotic regime (that did nothing because it's HIV/AIDs and no one knew how to treat it at the time), and died in the hospital in 1984.

Remember that at this time the idea of "a virus" was basically ignored. The symptoms were either caused by over-exertion (the fags said this) and as such the government needed to pay for juicebars in every bathhouse or the wrath of Yahweh (the Fundies said this) and as such the symptoms would go away if you stopped having buttsex (they don't).

>> No.21055902

>This is a lie.

>> No.21056095

He thought AIDS didn't exist and was a psyop.

>> No.21056229


In my country leftists even called vaccine protestors fascists and tried to do the usual antifa goon shit at their rallies. Thankfully the leftoids couldn't use violence, because they were outnumbered massively.

>> No.21056501

>You Know Who Else Opposed Vaccine Mandates? Hitler.

>We Need a Nationwide Vaccine Mandate

>The way out of this is well-established, as modeled by countries like Vietnam, Iceland, New Zealand, and Taiwan: a strict, short-term stay-at-home order, in which both businesses and workers are fully underwritten (including, ideally, with a pause on evictions, foreclosures, bills, and other payments), allowing a comprehensive quarantine and contact-tracing regime to eliminate community spread of the virus from the country entirely, before turning to measures to keep it out afterward.

>Giorgio assures us that governments seize pretexts to establish all possible states of exception. He does not notice that the exception is indeed becoming the rule in a world where technical interconnections of all kinds (displacements, transfers of all kinds, impregnation or diffusion of substances, etc.) are reaching a hitherto unknown intensity that is growing with the population. In rich countries, the increase in population also means longer life expectancy and an increase in the number of elderly people and, in general, people at risk.
Jean-Luc Nancy

Lots of shit like this, they all cucked for neoliberal managerial states immediately

>> No.21056697

>they all cucked for neoliberal managerial states immediately

Why was this phenomenon nearly universal? What was the dynamic in place that drove the insane consensus (insane because so damn enthusiastic about the agenda they were pushing) ?

>> No.21056708

>state recommends you do something and private businesses pick it up
>omg i'm being disciplined and punished

do you guys even read?

>> No.21056837

Idk seems like a lot of people threw out their previous principles during COVID, there's really no saying that he would or wouldn't.

>> No.21056895
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44,000 participants. 21 deaths in vaccine group vs 17 in placebo. Vaccine group had a 300% increase in deaths due to heart attacks/heart failure vs placebo. Between 9,000 and 50,000 people have to get the vaccine to prevent (1) death from COVID-19 infection. Reinfection is higher among vaccinated individuals, even those who were previously infected. 1 in 6 young men with vaccine-induced myocarditis have not fully recovered according to private insurance, and 1 in 100 have not improved at all, discrediting the "mild symptoms" claim.

Happy to provide sources.

t. twice vaxxed, once shy

>> No.21056922

>reformed serial rapist friend of a friend comes to dinner party and talks to your daughter
>dude, he's better now, ok? I can't believe you're being cautious you fucking asshole!

>> No.21056976


I think the one of the strangest parts about the entire COVID hysteria that seized the West and basically ushered in a post-liberal society is that philosophers and thinkers spent most of the 20th century theorising how and why states seek to seize absolute power and what tools they would use. Foucault's writings on biopower - that our value is solely contingent on us as biological organisms - as well as his theory on knowledge/power - that power formulates truth and truth creates power - as well as Schmitt's/Agamben's notion of the state of exception - the idea of a permanent state where the rule of law is suspended - are just a handful of examples of philosophical ideas that are extremely relevant when trying to understand the reaction to COVID. And yet, despite this immense repository of knowledge that ought to have been utilised to criticise, condemn, and fight against the COVID regimes, there was no sound in academia, among intellectuals, and the public at large. Decades of trying to understand totalitarianism, and when we found ourselves in the midst of a genuine watershed moment, there was silence.

And that's not even scratching the surface. The utter obedience to totalitarianism was shocking. Paradoxically, it was the groups traditionally associated with anti-government activities - punks, far leftists, anarchists - who oftentimes were the ones most fervent in their adherence to COVID regulations. Stepping inside a "punk" bar and having the tattooed and pierced waitress asking me to put on a face mask "to protect others" was surreal.

I think the COVID nightmare is a treasure trove of philosophical and sociological observations, deserving academic attention. It's strange there hasn't been more written about it.

>> No.21056990

Living during COVID was not unlike living in a panopticon prison. Constantly watched, constatly observed whether you complied. Conditioned to fear others, to listen to the person over the loudspeakers in stores, libraries, train stations, to "wear a mask, keep your distance, stay safe" over and over again. It's punishment and discipline through routine.

>> No.21057069

How about restriction of movement and vaccine passports?

>> No.21057077

This only showed hoe much of a frqud these theorists are, specially foucault.

>> No.21057098

These theories dont consider the possibility that maybe the state power might be the best for the individual in some cases and that the state might be actually speaking the truth, even if interested.

>> No.21057113

>Paradoxically, it was the groups traditionally associated with anti-government activities - punks, far leftists, anarchists - who oftentimes were the ones most fervent in their adherence to COVID regulations
One might almost be tempted to wonder if these groups are in fact anti government at all. They appear to function more as a paramilitary for a certain part of the government.

According to the US government itself the bulk of anti government activity they monitor is white supremacism and Islamic extremism.

>> No.21057122 [DELETED] 

nothing that happened contradicted anything foucault wrote. in fact, it went down exactly as one who has read foucault would expect.

>> No.21057339

It is kind of ironic foucaukt's own husband now runs an anti aids organization that promotes testing and treatment. His ideas are detrimental to society and hia life ia proof of that.

>> No.21057854

It's almost as if the whole left-right dichotomy is retarded and the words are just meaningless empty signifiers...