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File: 233 KB, 1654x2551, 71hi1-O9bOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21043252 No.21043252 [Reply] [Original]

>Another NDEr says, “It’s like living in a two-dimensional black and white world here, compared to multicolor, multi-sensory VR immersion there… [After coming back, even sunrises] were ugly for a while” (Shaman Oaks; Amberts, 2022, p. 68). An NDEr who’s an artist explains, “There are three primary, three secondary, and six tertiary colors in the visible light spectrum. Here [in the NDE], I was seeing a visible light spectrum with at least 80 new primary colors” (Williams, 2019; Amberts, 2022, p. 67).

Bruh...The Gnostics were right

>> No.21043346

I felt this way strongly after taking acid when I was like 19 (not so much that the world sucks but that it's just a shadow of the world beyond.) That was almost 15 years ago and I haven't ripped since, gonna eat a bunch of mushrooms soon and see what happens.

>> No.21043400

why do you keep shilling this book, who is paying you? i pirated it anyways

>> No.21043420

And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.

2 Corinthians 11:14 NKJV

>> No.21043422

What a load of horseshit.
>Wow! Da afterlife has new colors!
You know if the human eye was suddenly capable of seeing new colors like infrared and ultraviolet, it wouldn't make things look more beautiful. It would make things uglier. We're used to seeing people with certain skin tones and hair colors and we expect trees and skies to be certain colors. If you woke up tomorrow and everyone's skin suddenly had purple blemishes and a solid white shirt suddenly looked like a haze of yellow green nonsense and trees were no longer green and the sky was no longer blue you'd be disgusted.

>> No.21043544

Literally not an argument

>> No.21044293 [DELETED] 

>scared of death and eternal darkness?
>now you can choose to believe in an afterlife!


>> No.21044296

Get a load of this guy, he expects Materialists to do anything other than deflect or misrepresent LMGDFAO

>> No.21044297
File: 1.29 MB, 500x288, NearPlasticIchidna-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scared of death and eternal darkness?
>now you can choose to believe in an afterlife!


>> No.21044564

link? no luck with google or libgen

>> No.21044641
File: 181 KB, 1108x1009, no_death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21044733

Read the Bardo Thodol

>> No.21044801

wtf does eternal darkness even mean kek.
The problem with this shit is that it makes no sense. You refute metaphysics and afterlife by affirming the metaphysical idea of eternal darkness and non existence.

>> No.21044825

Retard cope

>> No.21044831

The retard cope is asserting that you will experience nothingness when it's by definition impossible.

>> No.21045015

>retarded zoomie christlarper doesn't get the reference


>> No.21045022

He's right, mortalism is incoherent. Eternal darkness? For whom?

>> No.21045024

>kids these days!
>refuses to elaborate
The eternal boomer

>> No.21045027

>Imagine being a zoomie AND a christlarper

Lol its over 4 u

>> No.21045819

God I love having an immortal soul bros. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.21046716

lol no dude when we die its over, i guess christcucks gotta cope somehow though

>> No.21046726
File: 171 KB, 1080x1080, 1661720843627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God I love having an immortal soul bros.
>We're all gonna make it.

>> No.21046749

this image is retarded but i like the idea behind it

>> No.21046762

This is an inherent paradox in human existence. We are cursed with the knowledge of our ultimate device and yet bestowed with the instinct to prevent it. At least animals are granted the mercy of not knowing.

Everybody gotta cope somehow.

>> No.21046766


>> No.21047230

>At least animals are granted the mercy of not knowing.
i actually think they know, on some level

>> No.21047397


>> No.21047503

Tetrachromats have a extra vision cone that allows them to see a fourth dimension of colours.

>> No.21047583

>filthy frank
lol cum amirite

>> No.21047789

I hate that picture so god damn much, but here, have something that at least tries to make sense of an argument in that direction. You're probably too dumb to understand it but whatevs


>> No.21047808

Hate to be that guy, but there isn't a single coherent model for selfless karmic rebirth and the fact different schools felt the need to "correct" or rework the idea until you end up with things like the bardos and alaya-vijnana is proof of it

>> No.21048296

Fuck the Bible.

>> No.21048326

I know two tetrachromats, identical twins, it has done nothing spectacular for their aesthetic sense. Having more colors barely even comes up in their regular life. They are four colors within the regular visible light spectrum though. Maybe UV cones would be enlightening somehow.

>> No.21048348

That's not how it works, anyway. More cone varieties does not mean more colors. I saw a good video on the topic once but fuck if I can find it again, so this will have to do:
Point is, different cones respond to different wavelengths, and it's the difference in excitation between the cones that allows us to differentiate colors. Adding more varieties within the same visible range of frequencies does nothing.

>> No.21048360

You have no argument.

>> No.21048388
File: 31 KB, 380x320, Colours - ancient Greek colour wheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I said. Op's 80 new primary colors is just made up BS. What does that mean? Like how many colors are on the head of a pin bro?

>> No.21048446

>Having more colors barely even comes up in their regular life.
Point is they don't actually perceive any more colors.

>> No.21048477

>inb4 faggot OP bumping his own thread with random reaction pictures and talking to himself for another 2 weeks

>> No.21048731

Good thing the Buddha never says there is no self.

>> No.21048738

why are you so mad?

>> No.21049027

This is some BS. "There is no experience of nothing to conscious things, so therefore you'll still be perceiving a feeling of continous presence after you die, just through someone else" is such a strange argument.
The TC/rad example makes no sense. TC/rad is NOT TC, in any way that anyone can recognize (including himself). He doesn't even share the same brain, how do we know he shares any connection in perception? How does the fact that TC/rad is present and aware in any way imply that TC has continued as perception in any way?

More seekers of secular immortality, desperately coping with the fact that one day they will exist solely in the past.