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21042995 No.21042995 [Reply] [Original]

What are some schizo books well worth reading?

>> No.21043003

Operators and things

>> No.21043004

The Bible!

>> No.21043006

How is "CCRU" schizo?

>> No.21043025

The /lit/ meme trilogy

>> No.21043029
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Matrix III, Volume 1: The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological and Electromagnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness

>> No.21043072

Sounds good and I learned what that Jedi Mind Tricks album is named after

>> No.21043096
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it's a really interesting read. here's the PDF because the book is very rare and expensive.

Prometheus Rising is good too

>> No.21043126
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Thanks for the link. I've read The Illuminatus Trilogy and I recently found The Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy at the thrift store but it's the omnibus edition which apparently has a lot of cut content.

>> No.21043166
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>> No.21043725
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>> No.21043728

Visions of Excess by Bataille

>> No.21043734

Zoomtard core

>> No.21043769

Lafferty's Fourth Mansions

>> No.21043856


>> No.21043969

and that's a good thing!

>> No.21044062


>> No.21044630

The Book of the Short Sun but you’ll have to read the first two parts of the Solar Cycle to get it. Another one is Peace by the same author

>> No.21044691

Voynich Manuscript.

>> No.21044731

probably best one but i havent read it as i am a /lit/izen

>> No.21044760

>the book is very rare and expensive
Really? I just bought a paperback off amazon a couple years ago, did it go out of print?

>> No.21044884
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>> No.21045646

>implying zoomers arent the most schizo generation to ever exist

>> No.21046823
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Thinking of buying some Bataille books - where do I start? I’d like to read the Story of the Eye but what besides that? Picrel interests me the most but I’m not sure if I’d be able to understand it.

>> No.21046861
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>> No.21046868
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Daily reminder to read 'Suicide Note' by Mitchell Heisman and share it with as many people as you can. It is the best explanation of the Jewish problem ever written.

Here's the link to the text:
(Read pp. 32 - 625)

TL;DR: https://www.scribd.com/document/198985140/Mitchell-Heisman-s-suicide-note-overview

Alternatively you can listen to it while gaming: https://youtu.be/BiMZi5P7WJA

Part 2:

TL;DR: Jews want to transcend biology so that AI can enslave humanity.

>> No.21047248

>Jews want to transcend biology so that AI can enslave humanity.
Noble goal, am I supposed to hate them for it?

>> No.21047276
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The most important book written this year.

>> No.21047297

Operators and things

>> No.21047304

None of those are zoomer authors though

>> No.21047456
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>300$ a copy
How the fuck? You're telling me I can write literal schizophrenia and get paid? Shit man fuck prose I'll just write my philosophy out then

>> No.21047513

good point

>> No.21047521


>> No.21047564
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I remember hearing about this book and going down the rabbit hole for an entire night. If you look at the page where he lists his thanks to people you can search up all their names and find even more schizo shit, most of them having to do with UFO's.

Supposedly the author is a former photographer for the army (or CIA, I can't remember) that went to Vietnam during the war and saw the US army open portals and shit. He's written hundreds, if not thousands, of pages on conspiracy theories, runs a 'research group' where you can pay 50 cents a day for membership, etc. etc.

Good schizo material.

>> No.21047665


>> No.21047707

>UCLA Lecturer

>> No.21048315

how has no one said the collected writings of Francis E Dec yet?

>> No.21048573
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House of Leaves

Only book that has infected me with its schizo logic plague.

The house is the book, the house is a maze, you never leave the maze.

>> No.21048581

I'm tempted to basedjak you but it happened to me too. I started getting lost a lot more and losing sleep.

>> No.21048588

I can't communicate how much this book will/ has affected my perception of reality. I can't recommend it as an enjoyable read because it does things man.

>> No.21048619
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It’s not exactly I book, but there’s a massive conspiracy site ran by some obscure Dutch conspiracist that is one of the most fascinating and consuming rabbit holes I’ve gone down. The Dutroux affair being the centerpiece. I forget the name.

>> No.21048621

The globe itself is a book

>> No.21048877

I gave it like 30 pages before getting bored. It reads like Alex Jones best hits with prose on the level of /pol/ shitposts. I'm sure this "CIA IS IN CONTACT WITH MARTIANS!!!FACT!" crap was insane to pre-Internet boomers.

>> No.21048974

The Exegesis of PKD

>> No.21049096

Jelly of all those physical copies, but how do you find they hold up? Is it much the same as modern conspiracy theory stuff, or is it notably different in some ways?

>> No.21049369

I don't own any of the physical copies, that picture is from a listing that was up for ~$1,500. I believe the author wrote in an Amazon review that you could send the money to him and he'd give you a copy for $20. I haven't read much of any of the books but from what I have read it's just UFO conspiracies and how they tie into all sorts of other stuff.

>> No.21049485
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Perhaps not a good place to start, but The Accursed Share is considered one of his most important works. It's his take on political economy

>> No.21049496
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This book is no joke the funniest thing ever published

>> No.21049523

Not even close to schizo, you fucking losers

>> No.21050275

how the fuck do i get a copy of this its not available anywhere

also for schizo books apocalypse culture is great

>> No.21050350

Behold a Pale Horse (actual shizo preprogramming propaganda from US feds)
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (shizo authors but seems to be based on factual research)
Libido Dominandi (still a bit shizo but genious and unbelievable stories)

>> No.21050360

>House of Leaves
Seconding this. It's an excellent, layered story, super engaging

>> No.21050396

this book made me not want children

>> No.21050449

>jewish psyop: the book
Thanks for the warning.

>> No.21050477

Is it actually cursed to cause mental confusion? Or are you just being dramatic?

>> No.21050481

And those who have not traveled will only read a single page?

>> No.21050495

He started to convince me toward the end there actually the poor soul who wrote this probably got his buck broken in a past life..its tough out there for NIGGER!!

>> No.21050567

Wasn't a jew the guy who wrote "i have no mouth and i must scream"

>> No.21050696

He sounds just like Stanley Kubrick...

>> No.21050798

Can Life Prevail? - Linkola

>> No.21052327
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>> No.21052334
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Actually much, much better than the pill-popping dilettantes that psychology has turned into.

>> No.21052337
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Either a wacko, or a suppressed genius. You decide.

>> No.21052339
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>What are some schizo books well worth reading?
the user manual for Temple OS

>> No.21052340
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Again, either a wacko, or a suppressed genius.

>> No.21052341

Confirmation by Gianni Segre

>> No.21052346
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Contains a practical, well-thought-out plan to prevent the country from descending into a Communist dictatorship.

>> No.21052354
File: 33 KB, 252x498, william-bramley-the-gods-of-eden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mankind is ruled by extraterrestrials referred to as the Custodial Society, which treats Earth as something between a farm and a prison.
Exhaustively researched.

>> No.21052368
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Zoomers? As if.
The hippies make the zoomers look like the posers they are.

>> No.21052388

There's the good old "Time Cube" website...preserved for eternity here:

>> No.21052398
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I dunno...PKD's religious views weren't that different from Gnosticism.
Still, anything to get people to read more PKD.
Though you may want to work your way into him.
Start with "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep", and realizes that only 1 of its 4 plot lines made it into "Blade Runner".
Then "The Three Stigmata Of Palmer Eldritch", which gives H.P. Lovecraft a run for his money.
Only then can you possibly dare to contemplate "Ubik", which is so out there, I'm not even sure I can summarize the plot.
We lost you WAY too soon, sir.

>> No.21052413

Isn't it funny people suddenly get bored and sleepy when reading the truth? But can sit and read a fantasy novel about dwarves all day?

>> No.21052418

Every copy of his work is literally just a paperback , it's actually cheaper than that it's like a bunch of printed page stapled together they go for almost 500 dollars a piece and are very hard to find.

>> No.21052420

I haven't been able to find a copy on Amazon for under 500 dollar's how did you buy a copy?

>> No.21052424

Lately I've been reading "Thiaoouba Prophecy" by Michael Desmarquet.
Compared to some of the stuff mentioned here, I feel so pedestrian now.
But at least it's available on z-lib.org .

>> No.21052441
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>> No.21052444

Neither, it just mindfucks you.

>> No.21052454


>> No.21052464


>> No.21052495

No...OP specifically asked for books WORTH READING.

>> No.21052520
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Either a wacko, or...you know the drill.

>> No.21052595
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Cyclonopedia was a really good one, definitely a mind fuck but good. Mike Ma made some funny schizo rants/books. Julius Evola is my favorite traditionalist by far, definitely the most radical. I also suggest Nick land if you want a complete brain fisting and mental syntax error.

>> No.21052618

20 year old detected. Evola has nothing on Serrano btw

>> No.21052719
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i kneel

>> No.21052732
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Juri Lina is very underrated.

>> No.21052746
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transcendentally based

>> No.21052751
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>> No.21052818

Huh? What planet are you from where it's $300?
Amazon has it listed for $15.

>> No.21052846

Negro schizoposting should not be underestimated. Didn't he also say princess Zelda and Android 18 were his waifus?

>> No.21052859

The bible.

>> No.21052948

chapter 40. and 41. are my favs

>> No.21053028

I took a peak at this because she was clearly killed by glownigs, but in the first pages she jokes about some old lady being upset because she was talking to some brown muslim guy and I nope'd out. The fact that I gave a femoid's book a chance was courtesy enough.

>> No.21053471

Based. Keep it up.

>> No.21053478

good chart

>> No.21053496
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Here are Dr. Matthew C. Harris' opinions on anime

>> No.21053551

retarded chart, imagine thinking the Bible or The Meccan Revelations are in any way blackpilling

kys zoomer

>> No.21053637

So what should I start with?

>> No.21054003
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>> No.21054046

>implying zoomers read

>> No.21054053

The city of god by Augustine

>> No.21054068
File: 1.66 MB, 2032x1515, air-loom_detail-main-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illustrations of Madness: James Tilly Matthews and his Air Loom

>> No.21054076

"The Air Loom worked, as its name suggests, by weaving "airs", or gases, into a "warp of magnetic fluid" which was then directed at its victim. Matthews’ explanation of its powers combined the cutting-edge technologies of pneumatic chemistry and the electric battery with the controversial science of animal magnetism, or mesmerism. The finer detail becomes increasingly strange. It was fuelled by combinations of "fetid effluvia", including "spermatic-animal-seminal rays", "putrid human breath", and "gaz from the anus of the horse", and its magnetic warp assailed Matthews' brain in a catalogue of forms known as "event-workings". These included "brain-saying" and "dream-working", by which thoughts were forced into his brain against his will, and a terrifying array of physical tortures from "knee nailing", "vital tearing" and "fibre ripping" to "apoplexy-working with the nutmeg grater" and the dreaded "lobster-cracking", where the air around his chest was constricted until he was unable to breathe. To facilitate their control over him, the gang had implanted a magnet into his brain. He was tormented constantly by hallucinations, physical agonies, fits of laughter or being forced to parrot whatever words they chose to feed into his head."

"The machine’s operators were a gang of undercover Jacobin terrorists, who Matthews described with haunting precision. Their leader, Bill the King, was a coarse-faced and ruthless puppetmaster who "has never been known to smile"; his second-in-command, Jack the Schoolmaster, took careful notes on the Air Loom’s operations, pushing his wig back with his forefinger as he wrote. The operator was a sinister, pockmarked lady known only as the "Glove Woman". The public face of the gang was a sharp-featured woman named Augusta, superficially charming but "exceedingly spiteful and malignant" when crossed, who roamed London’s west end as an undercover agent."

>> No.21054128


>> No.21054132

I'll sell you mine for 1000$

>> No.21054159
