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21042383 No.21042383 [Reply] [Original]

Uni work has taken over my life, and I haven't found time to read. It's genuinely starting to depress me now. What can I do?

>> No.21042389

Cut back on shitposting

>> No.21042406

>find some book club or start one so that you commit to reading
>make a habit of reading 1h before going to sleep or after waking up
>try to stick to shorter books

I've tried all of this and to some extent it works, but I still end up reading most of what I read every year during holidays.

>> No.21042418

maybe you shouldnt study something you dont consider enjoyable to read baka desu

>> No.21042513


use your elective credits on literature classes

>> No.21043236
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I struggle to understand how college and uni students complain about work loads that are less than 40 hours a week, sometimes less than half of that.

I do not mean to belittle or anything, my highest academic achievement is a GED that I obtained this year in my late 20s. But what is it that makes the college/uni experience so difficult? I have my suspicions it is muh experience and going out boozing and fucking around like idiots but I would like to know more.

>> No.21044179

It's anti nature, being a scholar was only for autists until it became a prerequisite for anything that isn't minimum wage

>> No.21044271

Going through the same thing rn and I can say for sure you have enough time. Your excuse is cope. If you want the truth then you must spend a day writing down what you've been doing at the end of every half hour. It'll take a bit of effort and you won't like the results but maybe it will cure you.

>> No.21045397

Many of them haven't entered the workforce yet. They don't know.

>> No.21046116

I don't know how some of you retards can't manage your time properly. So you are telling me, for 24 hours of the day, you are studying? That's it? Studying and sleeping? You sleep for eight hours, wake up and go to your classes, that takes a few hours, you spend the next 12 of your waking hours studying? Why are you in uni if you are this incompetent? Fucking buffoon.

>> No.21046278

Unironically this. What does OP do that takes so much time? I get at least 1 to 2 hours free. Even three sometimes and still get to sleep 8 hours

>> No.21046294

Your view is somewhat correct. I went to college for a BA in Math and it was way easier and less soul sucking than any 9 to 5 I know of. I mean some of my classes were really hard, especially towards the end, but even then it only created an intellectual kind of tiredness. I used my spare time doing drugs and chasing women, which were both things I was too much of a loser to do in high school. All and all, it was the best time of my life. I am 30 now for reference

>> No.21046303

Many people here work 9-5 monday-friday, and then they are doing theur degree weekends.
You can consider yourself lucky if all you have to do is study

>> No.21046306

Lol just wait until you start working for real and have other grown up responsibilities.

>> No.21046307

1 or 2 hours per day is shit not a free time. I can barely read anything in this time

>> No.21047417

99% of it is the homework. Depending on the professors you end up with in a semester and your major, you can end up with easily 12+ hours of work most days. And unlike a job, where you do the same thing every day, it's always new shit, so you don't get to just fall into the routine. Not saying work isn't hard, but it's soul-crushing in a different way.

>> No.21047499
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Same guy, but that sounds like excuses and the stereotype being true. Ive worked 12+ hour days, for months at a time. I still fail to see what the struggle is, plus there are still weekends.

I do not expect a full answer for this, as i suspect you are fahricating or at least exaggerating but, what are you studying that gives 12+ hours if homework a week amd why is it so difficult to complete?

I suspect this, young upper middle claas soft sods that are completely unprepared for typical workload. Pair that with the independence they thought they wanted and you have a reciepe for disaster.

>> No.21047514

>I do not expect a full answer for this, as i suspect you are fahricating or at least exaggerating but, what are you studying that gives 12+ hours if homework a week amd why is it so difficult to complete?
oh not me, I'm a history major who has no illusions that I'm working an absurd amount or anything. But I've had roommates in premed and comp sci and various other intense majors and those motherfuckers didn't have a spare second to breathe. One of them watched youtube summaries of movies because he didn't have the time to actually watch them (which is something that is honestly pretty disgusting to me, but whatever it's his life).

>> No.21047517

You have to understand most students are retarded and can't manage their time. I hear people complain all the time about this stuff and it almost always turns out they're extreme procrastinators that were playing videogames and watching anime instead of working on their projects/assignments.

>> No.21047528

There is plenty of free time with a comp sci degree and that person probably watches 5 movie summaries instead of watching one movie because he's a zoomer fucking shit.

>> No.21047533

I don't know what to tell you other than you seem weirdly bitter and already admitted that you don't have a degree, so you wouldn't really know.

>> No.21047536
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>One of them watched youtube summaries of movies because he didn't have the time to actually watch them (which is something that is honestly pretty disgusting to me, but whatever it's his life).

That can't be true. That should be grounds for expulsion, it demonstrates a profound lack of any kind of independant agency.

>> No.21047537

You're retarded. There's more than one person in this thread.

>> No.21048287

Read 1 page a day

>> No.21049059

>What can I do?
Cut back on shitposting

>> No.21049447

idk, differently programmed minds i guess. I came from the military and did 40+ hour nightshift workdays with no problem but uni absolutely killed me spiritually. These have been the 3 most depressing years of my entire life so far.

>> No.21050787

I almost failed college, but I also didn't do homework, didn't study, and didn't go to class because I worked full-time and thought school was a depressing joke which I was only in because I had no choice.

>> No.21050947

One chapter a day retard. It needs to not be zero.

>> No.21051253
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Id imagine less than ¼ of those at college should be there.

>> No.21051948

Personally its a mix of the course itself requiring a lot of reading and research, mixed with spending time with the gf (this really eats up time) and friends, and running a couple of student societies. People really can eat up your time, even sitting there in comfortable silence is enjoyable.

My solution is to try to read in those comfortable silences, as I don't have much time to myself outside of study.

>> No.21052197

because im taking 21 credits plus extracurriculars

jk i still watch crap on youtube and fuck around

>> No.21052200

Average person nowadays expects life to be 50% time to "relax" and "figure out what they want to do" (with their lives, with their morning, in general), 30% kiss-ass creature comforts like hammocks and 3 hour lunches and puppies in the breakroom, 20% actual work (and the work has to be "fun")

>> No.21052203

Here's my solution: Break up with GF (tell her she is cramping your style or preventing you from achieving your potential), quit the student societies, ghost your friends whenever they invite you out. Spend all of that new free time reading and studying what you want to study.

>> No.21052226

The average person is still superior to the average worker drone who does monotonous work and comes home to watch mindless TV all day. Let me guess, you're an employer seething because people won't tolerate being made into money mules any longer.

>> No.21052248
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>had to go to some stupid ass all day family event over the weekend
>put me behind in everything
I'm fine with uni work but falling behind is miserable. I need to just tell everyone else to fuck off when I don't have that kind of extra time.

>> No.21052260
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That's right. You sound like that one employee that always makes more work for everyone then there needs to be. Inefriority complex or something.
Siesta all day every day baby