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/lit/ - Literature

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21037430 No.21037430 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else read solely because they have too low iq for anything else and can't do anything? the day i cant read anymore its truly over, for now i can distract myself from my epic level inferiority with books. Why doesn't anyone address the fact that reading is very low iq as far as activities go? t. 80 FSIQ

>> No.21038050

>reading is very low iq as far as activities go?
it isn't tho?

>> No.21038054
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Yes I'm low iq that's why I only read high class philosophy and high brow literature

>> No.21038066

i'm not intellectually able to play boardgames or build things or knit, yet im able to read. hence, reading is a more low threshold activity.

>> No.21038115

When you say not intellectually capable what do you mean? I think board games are really boring so I don't play them, and with no practice I am bad at them, but that is not the same as being low IQ.

>> No.21038183

impostor syndrome

>> No.21038211

>yet another demoralization thread

>> No.21038256

This is legitimately pathetic and sad.
My grandmother with dementia can knit you retard.

stop projecting, you can read AND do other shit, stop promoting false dichotomies. You all need serious help.

>> No.21038284

high iq people can do low iq activities, but low iq people cant do high iq activities. this is all that what i said implied. how does it feel to to grasp a post by a FSIQ80 wrong this badly? Imagine what people with slightly higher IQs think of your contributions everytime you open your mouth.

>> No.21038349

Imagine being this retarded and missing my post. Stop promoting false dichotomies, I don't care what a "high" or "low" IQ task to you or anyone else is and only pathetic retards care about such things. People like you legitimately don't go outside and are incapable of reaching any gnosis.

>> No.21038659

This is legitimately pathetic and sad.