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21036673 No.21036673 [Reply] [Original]

The Holy Bible is the Book of which there is no doubt, it is a guide for the pious.

who believe in the unseen and pray their daily prayers and spend [in obedience to Jehovah], from what has been assigned to them

Those who believe what has been revealed to them and what has been revealed before them and who firmly believe in the future life.

These are on the right path of their Lord, and they are the ones who succeed (in this life and in the life to come).

>> No.21036676

>reddit spacing
Post discarded

>> No.21036684
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You cannot discard the truth

>> No.21036688

Reminder that an entire subculture of young men LARP as reactionary Christian fundamentalists because of ethics in gaming journalism.

>> No.21036809

>gaming journalism

>> No.21036882


>> No.21037108

and the lord spaketh:

>> No.21037811

>Father daughter incest good
>Mother son incest bad because well it just is ok
why are 4000 year old jews like this

>> No.21038082

>He fell for the /qa/ psyop

>> No.21038096

I see those awful gamergaters are still running around rent free inside your head, eh Brianna Wu?

>> No.21038100

The Bible is entirely philosophically, scientifically, and aesthetically perfect. You cannot dispute this. All information that disputes the Bibles is actively and objectively wrong.

>> No.21038606

Ngl I do like that Quran verse
I haven't fully read the Quran but that's the only one I remember

>> No.21038608

This is really obviously a Koran verse with Bible/Jehovah substituting Koran/Allah

>> No.21038611
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>claims it's the truth
>it's completely unfalsifiable
lmao @ ur life rn

>> No.21038621
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At this point it's just multi-millennial sunk cost

>> No.21038775

Who said that the story of Lot celebrates incest? It was the origin story of the Moabites and the Ammonites, who the Israelites were constantly at war with. It’s pretty much a nasty origin story for their rival nation written into the Bible.

>> No.21039151

But which version?
New International Version, English Standard Version, King James Version, New King James Version, or Geneva?

>> No.21039158

We just wanted to play video games.

>> No.21039164

All of those are fine except for NIV, unless it's the 1984 edition.

>> No.21039166

That's not what Reddit spacing is and never has been. You gotta go back.

>> No.21039169

>the Book of which there is no doubt
the only people who agree with this claim are at church; go bother them

>> No.21039182

Other versions speak, but the King James sings.

Low cost option: Trinitarian Bible Society
Patricians choice: Cambridge or R L Allan.

>> No.21039716

>t. was a teenage atheist libertarian in 2013

>> No.21040059
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>LARP as reactionary Christian fundamentalists
the Lord knows which of them are actually serious

>> No.21040064

By Jesus saying that genealogy to Abraham doesn't matter for salvation, he is implicitly saying ethnicity doesn't matter, priming your people to be replaced. Thus, Jesus in his universality, ironically becomes the ultimate Judas goat in the form of the greatest psychological analgesic the world has ever known, but I am not personally above using such analgesics.

>> No.21040084

>ethnicity doesn't matter
...before God. does family not matter to you because God judges every man according to his works?

>> No.21041505
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Become a Worm.

>> No.21041672
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Best italian edition of the Bible?

>> No.21041688

Theres no doubt that it sucks

>> No.21041705

What is truth?

>> No.21041963

This message is one of the better things to come out of Christianity (it's not exclusive to them, but it still counts), but it does its flaws. The case of General Butt Naked is a rather stark example, given the guy had an army of methed up kids and did all sorts of cannibalistic rituals before and after slaughtering a bunch of dudes. Besides, the afterlife is unknowable and likely a bullshit cope, so it's best you find your forgiveness here on Earth.

>> No.21041985

Consistent with reality and logic. The phrase "With God, anything is possible" is an example of a statement that is true. I'll show you with simple logic:
>If True, then True
This is a true statement.
>If True, then False
This is an example of a false statement
>If False, then True
>if False, then False
These are both true statements. Since the premise is false, we understand we're operating in the land of fiction and imagination, so anything that comes afterwards is logically consistent, regardless of how batshit it is.

>> No.21042027

Whichever version is given to you for free at a pedestrian crossroad by a friendly christian

>> No.21042043

if you think you explained truth at all in your post, then you have a lot to learn.

>> No.21042053

What's your definition, anon? Be my teacher for a bit.

>> No.21042090

if truth is supposed to be correspondence to some real world, then there is no truth because there is no real world outside the mind. all there is is the temporally contingent incontrovertibility of the structure of our awareness, a set of basic concepts which are unexplainable but self consistent which we use as tools for modeling appearances and for cognizing our own mind (such as numbers or colors), and then the "usefulness" of scientific models, that is, whether a model of appearances applies to a particular appearance. Any conceptual system that is logically consistent is true, but it is only useful if it applies to the specific scenario you think it does.

>> No.21042102
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Atheists say that Christians are dumb, and then they make completely retarded non-arguments like this.

>> No.21042192

>there is no real world outside the mind.
You don't actually believe this.
Even if you do, your own statement is self-refuting because it denies the possibility of truth.
In other words, you basically fall into this trap.
>There is no truth.
>Woah is that true?

>> No.21042213

it doesn't deny the possibility of truth because I don't define truth as correspondence to a real world, any judgement concerning concepts is true if it is a valid logical deduction within the conceptual system, but it has no absolute reality because then it would have to apply to every appearance, and the only thing that applies to every appearance are the incontrovertible categories of perception, which are themselves temporally contingent, because, if the future exists, there is nothing stopping me from one day conceiving of something that isn't the same as itself, for example, after I die, the only reason they are now incontrovertible is that such a future is impossible to conceive.

>You don't actually believe this.
lol, you're like a philosophical baby.

>> No.21042280

>Ah, well you see, I don't define truth as truth.
Yes, let's just redefine words however we want so that we can pretend our nonsense is a valid argument.

>> No.21042285

it's impossible to conceive of a world outside perception, therefore it's impossible to conceive of your definition of truth. you are the one who makes truth non-existent. my definition of truth is the only one that is possible.

>> No.21042343

not literature lol

>> No.21042826

>there is no real world outside the mind
That's a bold premise. You could be correct, but it's entirely unfalsifiable. The truth of your premise cannot be known, so it is completely irrelevant when determining truth.

>> No.21042833
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>it's impossible to conceive of a world outside perception
Some madlads have given it a damn good effort

>> No.21043352


>> No.21044352
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>Besides, the afterlife is unknowable and likely a bullshit cope,
For people who fully comprehend how bad existence is, the potential for an afterlife is possibly a worst case scenario

If "God" is some sadistic inscrutable monstrosity like in Calvinism, or really any model of things that includes eternal torture as a possible fate, the afterlife is an unrivaled horror; even if you're "saved", your "reward" is watching countless people (most likely including at least some of your loved ones) scream in agony for all eternity (and perhaps even more horrifically, "God" will brainwash and remold you into something that will enjoy the spectacle)

While they can both be used as copes, I don't think either position is actually a "cope" in and of itself since they both have ample potential of being immeasurably terrible (although I think that in the end, the annihilationist view just ends up collapsing back into the Buddhist view of rebirth since it implies the aggregate nature of consciousness and the lack of any permanent ego)

>> No.21044380

A imaginary rabbi is forgiving things I don’t want to own up for

>> No.21044862

falsification is not a valid standard for historical facts.

>> No.21045806

The past doesn't exist, outside of its echos on the present.