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File: 402 KB, 750x498, 1664038363646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21036610 No.21036610 [Reply] [Original]

We should all be living in the woods and reading.

When I think about what was probably the best time to be alive in human history, the answer is always like 1700s, right before industrialization, but with most knowledge up to that point.

Unpolluted, no big corporations making you addicted to their products. Society existed. We had well water, you could send & recieve mail, books were available, we had guns, et cetera. It was quaint as long as you didn't develop a serious health problem.

Now, we have modern medicine. We're basically safe as long as we eat well & stay in shape at this point. Why should we force ourselves to live in gross polluted areas? The forest still exists and is waiting for us to go and build a hidden dwelling. You can read as much /lit/ as you want.

>> No.21036666


>> No.21036677

If everyone lived in the forests, there would be no forests for anyone.

>> No.21036680

>we had guns
Amerimutt moment.

>> No.21036707

Europoors will never understand the utility of guns as anything more than a weapon to use against other people because of how horribly inclined towards violence they all are.

>> No.21036717

Yes, the utility of being a replacement from your mutilated penis.

>> No.21036724

the problem is that it isn't 1750. Everything IS polluted now. You can't just go fetch water from the stream anymore. It's probably polluted with some factories waste products. So, now you need to go buy fucking water at the store, dig a well by yourself and hope groundwater is safe (lol), or have an elaborate but non-electric water filtration. Fresh snow melt is the only exception.
he's a schizo and does it in a super stupid way

>no actual protection when he's sleeping at night, just waiting for a bear or mountain lion to fuck his shit up
>feeds rodents inside of his hut, who then are pissing & shitting in his living space and chewing through all of his stuff, their presence also inviting predators in
>he which he has open fires in, just waiting for an accident
>west coast, wildfire hellscape and more predators
>uses a smartphone, location triangulated
>stores open food inside of his hut with no protection

it's a bad implementation. The only bone i can throw to them is that they have lasted for 4 years - more of a testament to how easy this idea is when done well

>> No.21036786

what do you eat?

>> No.21036815





supplement with staple foods from store

>> No.21036822

when do you read?

>> No.21036823

you go into town and visit food banks and stock up

>> No.21036840

If everyone lived in the forests, there would be no forests for anyone.

>> No.21036847

You had a grueling existence trying to make a living off farming before pesticides, often using you and your families shit for fertilizer. And that's if you were lucky, people without farms often ended up working truly horrific jobs like making charcoal, having to tend a fire burning under an earthen mound literally 24/7 including occasional walks across the earthen mound to make sure it's holding up and if its not you can just fall in and burn to death.
Or you could live in a city that's just covered in mud and horse shit and human shit 100% of the time.

>> No.21036890

we don't have to do that now though

>> No.21036909

> Everything IS polluted now. You can't just go fetch water from the stream anymore.
You can always find a unpolluted springs in basically every forest and hillside. You need to go outside more.

>> No.21036910


>> No.21036932

oh, well then, even less of a reason to not do this.

>> No.21037031

God not this kind of thread again.

>he's a schizo
To be fair he's more intelligent and sane than 99% of the people I meet at work and the store on a day to day basis.
>and does it in a super stupid way
I think it's a fox and grapes situation. A lot of people dream of living in the woods, so when they see someone like him who actually went for it and accomplished it they sit back in their gaming chairs and nit pick at everything he does despite the fact he's managed to be clever enough to build his own paradise and thrive out there. All power to him the man is a modern day pilgrim.

>> No.21037132

You can already help your soul by beginning to understand that many things in daily life are pure luxury we take for granted. Especially in times of possible heating/electricity shortages you might want to consider how absurd it actually is to stay up till 12 in the night and waste money on electricity or wax just so that we can then sleep till 10 or 11.

>> No.21037266

i don't mean unironic schizo, but he always comes off like he's going to start talking about DMT and UFOs or something. He remknds me of that one guest on Joe Rogans podcast (back when i watched that like 10 years ago) who'd talk about mushrooms. Looks & sounds just like him.

>> No.21037635

the guns couldn't save him from this

>> No.21037737
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rent: free

>> No.21037766
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quads of truth

>> No.21038734

You are a romantic retard. You'll grow out of it.

>> No.21039432

Have you been in the woods for a week anon? It's full of gnats and ticks and shit. There's a reason people evolved to live in civilisations.

>> No.21040481

my electric fly swatter will make quick work of any gnat, and long clothes will ruin the plans of any tick

>> No.21040491

Thats a rather superficial judgement imo. if you watch any of his stuff you'll find the stuff he does discuss are very different. Very genuine dude.

>> No.21040500

>accept your slavery like I have
Shut up, bucket faggot. I got out and it's beautiful.

>> No.21040529
File: 151 KB, 1024x801, cabin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, mate. I will buy a property and live in the mountain region of my shithole country.

I will build a single room cabin with a bed, a chest, a cabinet, a table, a wood oven and a tool deposit.

The cabin will not have electricity or running water. I will live nearby a free source of water.

I will have few clothes, 20 books*, one notebook, one pencil, few bed sheets, one acoustic guitar, one dish, one cup, one cutlery kit, one scissors, one pan, one kettle, one washbasin, two buckets, one broom, one hoe, one big knife, one axe and one revolver (for security only).

I will raise chickens and goats for eggs and milk and I will grow potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, broccoli, apples and bananas for myself.

I will live alone and will spend my time writing, reading and growing my food. My property will be 20 km near to the next town. I will only leave the cabin due to health issues or lack of food.

*The list of books:
Odyssey, Homer
Oedipus Rex , Sophocles
Metamorphoses, Ovid
Decameron, Boccaccio
Canterbury Tales, Chaucer
Robinson Crusoe, Defoe
Le rouge et le noir, Stendhal
Moby Dick, Melville
Crime and punishment, Dostoesvsky
Death of Ivan Ilitch, Tolstoy
Selected stories, Chekhov
Jakob von Gunten, Walser
Metamorphosis, Kafka
Journal d'un curé de campagne, Bernanos
L'étranger, Camus
Ficciones, Borges
La luna e i falò, Pavese
Un homme qui dort, Perec
The loser, Bernhard
El entenado, Saer

>> No.21040531
File: 6 KB, 258x195, C668476A-9051-4396-A7EC-DD25F77952ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am from northern England and my goal in life is to acquire funds to by land, build a liveable and decently comfy shelter (spent a lot of time looking into this, it won’t be difficult and reclaimed brick and timber is available all over the place, could probably build something similar to pic rel) and spend most of my time reading+homesteading.

>(inb4 LARP I have experience with this, my family feed themselves with an allotment and I enjoy the labour of it. There is an immense sense of fulfilment that comes with growing your own stuff).

5 wooded acres will cost roughly £60-70000 at the most so I expect I will be able to have acquired the land by the time I am 30 in the worst case scenario.

I’m an autist and used to spending time alone. Might pull a Christopher Boone and find a wife for company after having built the shelter and settled down but who knows.

>> No.21040536

I hate zucchini, but the rest of your post is superlatively based. Good list, too. Don't let your dreams be dreams lmao. You can do it. Who else can boast they've escaped a global control system?

>> No.21040540


Before you say it yes I know Christopher only intends to find a wife at the end of the book in order to have someone to do his cooking and cleaning, but you get the general point I was trying to make.

>> No.21040542

>we should all be LARPing

>> No.21040557

As I described in>>21040531 I intend to do something similar but not as spartan. I recommend white Sussex chickens over other breeds as they are good for meat and eggs rather than just one or the other, but it’s fun and looks good to through a few other breeds in for colour in you flock. Ginger chickens look nice as well.

>> No.21040570

I don't have any issue with forestanon in particular, but I do think it is unfortunate that his lifestyle reinforces the all or nothing mindset that many people default to when it comes to this topic. You either live in complete isolation with total self sufficiency and abhor every aspect of society/technology (nevermind that forestanon is basically a scavenger who works part of the year and uses smartphone/social media) OR you might as well be a bugman living in a pod in Hustle-Bustleopolis.

There is an obvious Middle Way here. You can live in a modern home with a family and a job, but avoid the most destructive aspects of modern life - social media, smartphones, etc. And make sure to spend time in nature, gardening, hiking everyday. But no one wants that, what they want is ideological purity online dick measuring contests without actually applying any principles in real life. You're right about people shitting on forestanon out of sour grapes, I just wish the takeaway wasn't always an all or nothing conclusion of the nature/society dichotomy.

Get a feature phone and walk in the woods everyday.

>> No.21040580

Thanks, but we don't have these breeds around here. An I will stick to the eggs because it's cheaper easier to maintain a regular production.

>> No.21040584

Yes, but not while you live in the belly of the Beast and pay your taxes on time. There is no Middle Way within the problem, proper. It's harsh but it's true.

>> No.21040586

>And I will stick
>it's cheaper and easier
Sorry for the typos.

>> No.21040645

You're being overly dramatic. This is the mindset that excuses one for never making any practical lifestyle changes. Maybe you'll realize this when you get older. Or maybe you'll never actually pursue the type of lifestyle you want because it will never be pure enough and if you have to pay property taxes, then you'll never truly have muh freedom, so what's the point?

>> No.21040670

I've already gotten out. I don't live in the woods but I'm far away from your problems. I'm talking to you at the end of the track, buddy. It's as beautiful as you dream it is. You can negotiate your participation in this system all you want, but if you're still paying your taxes on time and feeding the economy that is ravaging this planet, who cares if you shop at Whole Foods once a month and read Chekhov in your spare time? None of this is to say I don't participate in the system, either. But the IRS doesn't have a file on me like it does you.

>> No.21040714

You seem to have some daddy issues, I truly don't care about paying taxes or the IRS. My wife and I make plenty of money, it is a non-issue for us. I've lived in a rural area my entire life, the closest whole foods is like 200 miles away from me.

>> No.21040726

I'm purity spiraling, spare me the 'who hurt you' shit. Do what you want. I just don't believe in any of that anymore after tasting freedom outside all the US

>> No.21040752

>The forest still exists and is waiting for us to go and build a hidden dwelling.

Taxes, government regulation, rising cost of land, etc. I wish to GodI could homestead like this but the other thing is you need to be sure you are knowledgable in all things homesteading, plus a lot more or you'll literally just die.

>> No.21040767

You're 100% correct, OP.

>> No.21040771

On the right track, but you may want to bring spare and replacement items as well unless you have the knowledge to repair/build replacements (i.e., pencil snaps, water spills onto notebook, cup breaks, etc.) small things are easy to take in bulk, it's the larger things that are worrysome. Good luck anon, I hope your dream becomes your reality soon.

>> No.21040865

Thanks, anon. Yeah, I'm thinking only about the essentials, but I will have to manage replacements and fixes.

>> No.21040961

>no electricity
not even a solar panel for a phone so you can post with your /lit/bros...?

>> No.21040987

Of course not, I want to leave this way of life. And that implies also a phone/internet company subscription, it's out of the question.

>> No.21041016

*one item breaks*

>> No.21041026



>> No.21041054

But he didn't move to the woods for any ideological reason. He just likes adventure and being a hobo. People seem to project these weird beliefs onto him and assume he's some Chris Mcandlass or Ted when he's really just a guy who likes living on a mountain reading books. If anything you're being overly dramatic.

>> No.21041147

maybe he's just a bum

>> No.21041215
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He must be. He lives in a shitty ass little hut with a tarp for a door on land he doesn't own & he's broke. If he had the money for even a single acre, he could build a proper cabin with a door and a chimney for a hearth, and have a big garden and greenhouse, chicken coop, a well, solar panels, and it would be quite comfortable - tranquil, even. I don't like forestanons situation at all. I'm not sour-grapes. That's me. I guess he doesn't give a shit and is content.

>> No.21041283
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>I guess he doesn't give a shit and is content.

>> No.21041317

bums would beg for money. he has a job and won't accept handouts from people. he enjoys his life and isn't a mooch so he gets my respect. i just wish he didn't hate us

>> No.21041363
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to be fair the fact that he's even pulling it off at all is remarkable enough, almost nobody has the balls to actually do this or will even last that long. so sure maybe he's not a heckin based forest-pilled survivalist outdoorsmaster who follows the "smart" way of living like this but it hardly fucking matters, this nigger is living in the woods like a hermit which makes him more of an outdoorsman than any hick with thousands of dollars in guns and gear who follows the rules will ever be. so i don't really care to shit on him too hard. even if allowing rats to crawl all over your abode is idiotic.

>> No.21041381

he doesn't have a job. he goes and picks weed or whatever as farmhand for probably less than minimum wage. kids do that over the summers.

>> No.21041396

anon, you're going to get really mad when i flash this news on you but...
working as a ranch hand is a job

>> No.21041412

Pretty much this exactly. /lit/ was the only board who doubted him and wished ill on him and he proved everyone wrong. And anons are still seething over it

>> No.21041427

You first

>> No.21041461

LARPing bum.

>> No.21041464

>man wants to live in woods like a forest hobo
>actually does it
>"um sweetie if you don't do things exactly how i think you should then... it's a larp."

>> No.21041499

He could do that anon, instead of being and youtube attwhore.

>> No.21041501

You do realize we were the ones who even told him to upload in the first place

>> No.21041506

>you WILL shit in a latrine and you WILL be happy

>> No.21041508
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>> No.21041529

I will defecate in the woods.

>> No.21041531
File: 110 KB, 565x492, 1664128929383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /lit/bros, it's your nigga, ForestAnon™
*intro plays*
>ForestAnon - he lives in the forest, names the jew - he's anon, just like you! :D
and if you want to help me out, feel free to check out my Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes, or send me something direct to my paypal. Be sure to subscribe, hit the bell *ding!* and slam that like button. Peace out!

>> No.21041548

why does his channel have old freestyle rap battles and shit on it? was paul wall actually trad and we just slept on him?


>> No.21041553

>I will have ... one hoe
If you're going all traditional like this why would you want a hoe instead of a wife?

>> No.21041598
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That's like the opposite of everything he does

>> No.21041615
File: 720 KB, 1200x675, 1664130115056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One onahole - Venus Real(soft variant)

>One bottle of lube, water based of course

>One desktop computer containing One RX 6900XT GPU, and One 4K monitor

>One copy of Honey Select 2

>One dildo, XL, black

>One (more) bottle of lube for use with the One dildo

We're trad here. No compromises.

>> No.21041616
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fuck I love Forestanon

>> No.21041623

Just wait. He'll turn. They all do.

>> No.21041628 [DELETED] 

ya this dude i used to watch on twitch who made electronic music as a hobby because he says he has a day job finally hit 100 subscribers so now you have to watch a 15 second ad for pizza before you can watch his channel and so i had to move on.

>> No.21041639
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Forest Anon is a good man

>> No.21041647

Refreshing to see. Alright I admit I was wrong about the lad.

>> No.21041727

Please follow through on your dreams, anons. Keep hope alive for humanity.

>> No.21042151

Don’t worry. I will. I hope I can go Boone mode and get really involved in a given area whilst also raising some kids as well.

>> No.21042233

>Everything IS polluted now.

There are plenty of countries (first world and otherwise) where you can find areas of land that are not polluted or developed upon, or indeed, been infringed upon by modern industry. The real problem nowadays is trying to stake claim to that land and live uninterrupted or the need to still minimally interact with local populations for bare necessities that might other threaten your existence were you to go without. It sounds romantic to live off the grid but it takes a great investment of time and planning to do it properly and even then there is no guarantee other than stress.

>> No.21042238


You have all those skills do you? Can you guarantee that you'd manage during winter?

>> No.21042246

Yuropoors cant even survive a sweaty summer let alone a harsh winter.

>> No.21042260
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>> No.21042386

You can store food and water, anon.

>> No.21042390

damn. Got any more redpills like this?

>> No.21043452

desu once you're out in nature even the shittiest things look pretty good

>> No.21043469

Wish anon was here to sauce me up

>> No.21043488

>umm sweeties you don't want to live without heckin DENTISTRY mmmk?
*attached to this post is a onions face image(png)

>> No.21043525
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>> No.21044124

Best part was in one of his quarterly season videos where he started out with 'please like and subs... hahahaha nah guys I'm just messing with you now let's drink some of this honey wine I was making.'

Very based man.

>> No.21045168

>/lit/ seeing any YouTuber do this
>/lit/ seeing forestanon do this

>> No.21045185

> We should all be living in the woods and reading.
Nah I enjoy sluts and drugs

>> No.21045201

Except you would be illiterate slaves and live to about 35, like the other 95% of the population
All these cry thread about how much better it was always assumes you would be in the top 1%
But if you were now you wouldn't be moping and crying about how shit you are at life

>> No.21045204

>All these cry thread about how much better it was always assumes you would be in the top 1%
Yes, that's what imagining is. Glad you finally made it past third grade

>> No.21045228

>and live to about 35
Holy shit can we just throw this dumb myth into the garbage please? Average life expectancy was so low because of high infant mortality. If you got to toddler age it wasn't a big problem to grow old well into your 50s, at least. Sure, you had to be relatively lucky to make it through your infancy, but dying in a phase of your life in which you are not even fully conscious is much more comforting than your fanfiction-tier "you'll die at 35"

>> No.21045971

Forestanon is a larper. He lives in a nearby town and drives to his shack to record the videos, it's no different than watching a "reality" show

>> No.21046030

based exposer

>> No.21046138

>20 km to the next town
you might as well live in an apartment lol so much for isolation

>> No.21046626
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Forestanon is the best to ever do it and he's already become a legend. It's surreal to think about how popular he's become across the internet. Even Amazon sells Forestanon merchandise.
Unbelievably based. He also refuses to take direct donations from anons who offer them. Pure soul

>> No.21046635
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>> No.21046709
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based and you're a qt by the way

>> No.21046718

If everyone were like forest anon the world would be a much better place.

>> No.21046848

>Forestanon is the best to ever do it
There are people all over YouTube doing it very well. You shouldn't emulate this guy. He's doing it in a dangerous way.

>> No.21046905

But none of them rescue wildlife while living in a little shack brewing alcohol and getting the entire U.S. government afraid of them.

Like I said, he's the best to ever do it.

>> No.21047036

He isn't rescuing anything, and a lot of people make alcohol. The FBI is a huge organization and he looks like a unabomber copycat, so of course they're giving someone the job of collecting all of his information to determine whether he is a legitimate threat to US citizens.

>> No.21047048

He rescues all kinds of animals. And none of those youtubers were reported on by MEMRI.

Face it anon. He's the best to do it.

>> No.21047055
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>> No.21047064
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>> No.21047068

Why does he not post videos anymore?

>> No.21047076
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the internet annoys him

>> No.21047094

Lol nobody is afraid of forestanon

>> No.21047107

not paying taxes that pay for services that he benefits from is not being a good person

>> No.21047120
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>> No.21047152

Forestanon has hot fans

>> No.21047352

He posts one video a season. It is comfy.

His video talking about how all the news is just noise to laugh at is wonderful.

>> No.21047366

yes soiboy no uber eats in the woods you need to be able to hunt your dinnner

>> No.21047839

seing how he lives makes me feel exactly like that apu

>> No.21047851

King shit

>> No.21047862
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makes me feel like this one

>> No.21047886
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>> No.21047903
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>> No.21047922
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finally someone did it

>> No.21047938
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>> No.21047953
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>> No.21047972
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Man of culture

>> No.21047986
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>> No.21048107
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>> No.21048115
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>> No.21048628

That doesn't look anything like poison oak, anon.

>> No.21048661

>using they/them gender neutral pronouns for no reason.
Your brain is fucked up, go outside.

>> No.21048677
File: 207 KB, 1022x534, Screenshot_20220926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah that's definitely poison oak but why did you have to bump this shit thread from the 9th page dumbfuck, learn how to sage.

>> No.21048682
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>> No.21048683
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might as well

>> No.21048692
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>> No.21048697
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>memri tv

>> No.21048707

Holy fuck that is poison oak. Legend.

>> No.21049152

None of you fags would survive the woods

>> No.21049167
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>> No.21049178
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>> No.21049218

>““““lives““““ in the forest
>has internet access

>> No.21049260

He's larping

>> No.21049291

he's on data which is what most homeless use for internet.

>> No.21049295
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>> No.21049296

I liked him before this thread, still do, but you fags just have to make everything cringe don't you?

>> No.21049298

One straight answer I never got from any of these primitivist types is, what do you do about foreign policy?

Listen, I hate the fagmann more than most of you, I hate the goyslop, I have 308 dr Pierce's radio broadcasts on my phone, I've read culture of critique, I know more about the jew than average polack, fucking hell I quit my job right now so I can train full time to join the French Foreign Legion next year.
But that is irrelevant. And too long to explain.
My point is that the Chinese or some such will walk into you like the Russians walked into Ukraine or Americans into Afghanistan. I simply call this the question of foreign policy.

You simply require heavy industry if you want to be sovereign, autonomous, if you want to make decisions for yourself. And these primitivist fags never have an answer.
You need finances, media, lawyers and all this scum just to keep the feds at bay. Feds cant molest you if you have these like they can some dirty fucking hobo. And then you need heavy industry if you dont want to get molested by foreign policy.
Living as a dirty fucking hobo doesnt solve any of these.

>> No.21049308
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>> No.21049313
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I love this shit

>> No.21049332
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Based numbers. Forestanon is a legend.
But he doesn't like being posted here.

>> No.21049335
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>> No.21049337

I prefer the real forest anon

>> No.21049338
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>> No.21049361
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they have none. they've never left their bedrooms so they think you can only post on wifi

he literally livestreams from his shack so that btfos their "he goes to town for wifi" shit. plus he grows gardens from seed to harvest and trained wild mice in his hut to eat from his hands. mice are the most paranoid animals ever. you have to be there with them 24/7 for a long time to do that kind of shit

>> No.21049368

Forest anon is a modern day folk hero

>> No.21049376
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>> No.21049386
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How many memes are there damn lmfao

>> No.21049403
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i love when this shit happens. reminds me of spiderman posting

>> No.21049434
File: 236 KB, 1080x1078, AE41AE27-1E94-450E-BEB1-E7D642003C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are hundreds. Brit/pol/ makes the best but I can't post them on this cuckboard with out getting b&

>> No.21049443
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>> No.21049450
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these kinds have always been my favourite

>> No.21049461
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>> No.21049468
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Makes me feel like this one desu

>> No.21049473
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>> No.21049506
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>> No.21049524
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Everybody stay calm. We have some planes

>> No.21050235

i'm innawoods right now rented a cabin solo for the month

been reading lots but also got my comp with me so here i am on 4chan still

>> No.21050302

sounds based
what country/region and how much did it run you?

>> No.21050506

it's in the appalachians in quebec

was about a grand for the month

>> No.21051097

I just think it's a tragedy that this civilization is such a disaster that the strongest desire in young men is not even to succeed in it but instead to drop out of it entirely.

>> No.21051103
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>> No.21051236

Imagine being proud of not being allowed to own a gun lol. Nice nanny state.

>> No.21051406

You are castrated and you love it.

>> No.21052031

polio, smallpox, yellow feaver, and bugs fuck your shit up. There has never been a better time to be alive apart from right now (as long as you arent Chinese or some other third worlder or communist). There were no meaningful gun regulations until the 20s. The guns available in the 1700s are available now without any regulation (black powder).

Aditionally, tons of great authors didn't exist until the 1900s.

Aditionally, pollution isn't bad at all in forested areas.

ADITIONALLY, books were very expensive because there were no paperback or linotype.
lack of organization.

>> No.21052165

I want to live in a world with no graphic tees nor smart phones, where most things are stylistically & culturally between antiquity & turn-of-the-century, and where the internet is as prevalent (not limited) as around 2007.

>> No.21052175
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