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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 854 KB, 1080x1574, youreadwomxndontyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21036537 No.21036537 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true? Honestly, I don't even pay attention to the author when picking something to read.

>> No.21036547

Nothing that was ever conjured by a female mind interests me in the least, including this shitty thinkpiece

>> No.21036550 [DELETED] 

Yes, if you think the phrase "there are no good women authors" is true you literally do not belong on this board because you are a readlet, history is just too vast and varied to say this and it's clear such a person is extremely ignorant. I don't even fucking like foids, it's just the truth. But sadly many people on this image board believe shit like this unironically because they are fools.


>> No.21036556

I think we're nearing the point where white male literature is officially banned. The final correction.

>> No.21036558

The score is still 96 to 4 for Team Dick.

>> No.21036562

Two of the worst things in existence together

>> No.21036566

Any recommendations?

>> No.21036569

Beats me. I read tons of female authors. Flannery O'Connor, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, St. Teresa of Ávila, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, and more.

>> No.21036576

you're acting like a woman, ironically

>> No.21036578
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There are good women writers that you should read if you want to be well read, yes. The problem is that they're like 1-2% of the canon and not 50% like some dumb bitches are trying to imply.

>hurr durr I don't read female writers
That's just incel retardation.

>> No.21036579

Easy on the St. Teresas

>> No.21036586

Go ahead and name 5 good female authors.
And no, Bronte shit about some gay romance is not good literature

>> No.21036593

around 70% to 80% of the libraries i go to are only female writters, regardless of the section. the more events there are (promotions, new arrivals, thematic week etc) the more the % goes towards 80%. they are everywhere and shoved down your throat in such a pathetic way. i remember some time ago, in the english section, usually the prices are high due to import fees, low number of exemplars like 2-3 etc. anyway, they were having a promotion in a thematic week on poetry - one classic dude and a contemporary one, which in the 3 packs that i've looked at, were females. if you would buy the dude book stand alone, it would cost more than if you would buy the pack with the contemporary chick in it and the latter was not available as a stand alone title. what a fucking bunch of retards.

>> No.21036594

No. The St. Teresas produce the best writing.

>> No.21036612

George Sand
Jane Austen
Mary Shelley
Virginia Woolf

Have sex.

>> No.21036625

Simone Weil
Cristina Campo
Anna Maria Ortese
Unica Zürn
Christine Brooke-Rose

>> No.21036634
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My most recent book by a woman. It was a decent read, and actually gave me an opening to look into Old English poetry. IMO, the most useful sections were the recommended resources after each excerpt where she would list recommended translations. Notably, she never mentioned Emily Wilson among her Odyssey translation recs.

>> No.21036636

Flannery O'Connor
Hannah Arendt
George Eliot
Virginia Wolfe
Fleur Jaeggy
Agota Kristof
the pride and prejudice lady

>> No.21036638


>> No.21036640

>George Eliot
Keep forgetting about this one kek

>> No.21036678

I don't know, the article was written by a woman so I didn't read it.

>> No.21036687

No, it’s a laughable cope.
That doesn’t mean there are zero women worth reading. But that it’d have any bearing on being well read is ridiculous.

>> No.21036695

Jane Austen
Emily Bronte
Charlotte Bronte
Anne Bronte
Mary Shelley
George Elliot
Nadine Gordimer
Ruth Prader Jhabvala
Carson McCullers (even though McCullersfag is annoying)
Flannery O'Connor
Louise Gluck
Joan Didion
Eve Babitz

>> No.21036702

(sorry anon, meant to reply to >>21036586 )

>> No.21036703

Bait thread

>> No.21036716

Sorry incel, but your fantasies are false. If anything having sex and being married make you more misogynistic

>> No.21036739

>Carson McCullers (even though McCullersfag is annoying)
I'm reformed now, ok!

>> No.21036741

I'm glad to hear it, anon.

>> No.21036749

I have only read Ayn rand and Astrid Lindgren.

>> No.21036750

This is very true, I only started hating women after having sex and relationships with them

>> No.21036755

Incel thread. You can’t consider yourself well read if you ignore 50% of the population

>> No.21036803

Okay, then I'll read Ayn Rand if that'll make you happy.

>> No.21036813

No, it's not true.

>> No.21036821

We've all read Bronte. I've read Plath, Mitchell, Rand and I'm sure I had others.

>> No.21036825
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based, read We The Living. it's her first novel before she got addicted to benzedrine and started writing dogshit political screeds so it's a younger, kinder ayn rand (but the autism is still fucking POWERFUL)

>> No.21036842


>> No.21036859

They write excellent children's books. And I'd recommend Pride and Prejudice for an in depth experience of the female psyche.

>> No.21036870

>Is this true
Are you honestly this stupid?

>> No.21036896

I just hate women is all

>> No.21037048
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My list:
Virginia Woolf
Christa Wolf
The Bronte sisters
Else Lasker-Schüler
Kathy Acker
Marie de France

>> No.21037072

I reject them all.

>> No.21037084

That's a man

>> No.21037090

Don't understand the constant, incessant perpetuation of dichotomy. Just shut the fuck up about identity and read what interests you.
Oh, has a woman never written anything that interested you? That's a shame - who cares?

>> No.21037096

For me, its
Alice Oswald
Toni Morrison
Emily Dickinson
Ottessa Moshfegh
Rachel Cusk

>> No.21037115

The only woman I will ever read is Sappho, and she was a dyke.

>> No.21037121

>Read women authors, chud!
>Okay, I will read Ayn Rand, Savitri Devi, Camille Paglia, Teresa of Ávila, Christina Ebner, Matilda of Magdeburg [...]

>> No.21037123
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In Germany there is a big book store called Hugendubel. I went there today and took their free magazine, there are book recommendations and interviews with authors. Literally on every recommendations page 8-9/10 authors were female. On some pages every single one.

The section were Hugendubel employees recommend books consisted of 90% female employees.
What the fuck is happening? Are there really that more female authors that they can mainly promote them? I always thought there are way more male authors. Was surprised that so many women write books...Idk, it seems like a male activity.

>> No.21037129

>not reading makes me more well read
/lit/ moment

>> No.21037130

>Matilda of Magdeburg
I tried to read her in Middle High German about a decade ago but couldn't get through it.

>> No.21037134
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It's a worldwide thing. This is my OP post from some weeks ago:

Holy fuck, I thought this was just a meme in the US but I'm noticing that the writers who are getting exported, translated and praised from my region (Hispanic America) are also women. Examples: The Argentine woman who wrote Tender is the Flesh, that book was meme'd to success by American women from twitter once the translation was a released, or the Mexican woman who wrote Hurricane Season, that novel was shortlisted for the international booker prize.

What are the main themes? Well, veganism for the first, feminism/anti-machismo for the second. Themes that the modern leftist/liberal/"progressive" woman would love. Back in the day you would hear about Hispanic writers making it in other countries after struggle and effort (Borges was translated until he was in his fucking 60s!) and now these women just become successful thanks to identity politics.

No fucking wonder those Spaniards published a book under a female pseudonym and found success (which made many women angry after realizing the truth, of course):

Or how in Italy, Elena Ferrante is actually a man

>> No.21037137

Not what anyone in this thread is saying. Sorry that the writing ITT is too difficult for your female peanutbrain to process, it must be very hard belonging to the stupider sex.

>> No.21037139

Hildegard of Bingen is a better female mystic.

>> No.21037174
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>simone de beauvoir
big boss lady of old school feminist shitposting, existentialism, absurdism, and the discourse around faggotry

>hanna arendt
kind of a hack but her efficacy is undeniable and eichmann in jerusalem created so much seethe in israel it was worth it

>elfried jelenik
the piano teacher is sometimes more grim than the darkest incel diary and the protag is a 30+ year old femcel. she basically won the nobel prize because of this btw, back when the prize was only 95% meme instead of 100% meme

>murasaki shikibu
nip noblewoman who wrote the tale of genji, considered one of the first novels of all time. nuff said

>honorable mention:
linda la scola for her efforts in dabbing on the catholic church by cowriting quite a compelling exposé with daniel dennett

these are the ones litcels should instead of flannery o'connor. and of course there are many good textbooks written by women but whatever that's not what this thread is about. not saying the above ladies are geniuses, but it's all kino if you're curious

>> No.21037178

Doesn't matter since they are different and lived 100 years apart. I'll read both eventually.

>> No.21037186


Off the top of my head

>> No.21037188

Just read /lit/‘s top 100 books, and also St. John’s College Great Books curriculum, and then a healthy injection of westerns/fantasy/sci-fi/thriller pulp (McCarthy, Tolkien, Crichton, Koontz), and you’d be the most well-read person in your entire city or state.

>> No.21037201

I don't care.

>> No.21037205

>simone de beaver
>instead of flannery o'connor
you're retarded

>> No.21037209

>Beatriz Gimeno, a feminist, writer, activist – and former head of one of Spain’s national equality bodies, the Women’s Institute – attacked the men for creating a female persona in their publicity for Carmen Mola books, over several years.
>“Quite apart from using a female pseudonym, these guys have spent years doing interviews. It’s not just the name – it’s the fake profile that they’ve used to take in readers and journalists. They are scammers,” she said on Twitter.

>> No.21037210

and you're a chud so i guess we're both fucked

>> No.21037224
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My favorites:
>George Eliot
>Amparo Dávila
>Emily Dickinson
>Tove Jansson
>Sigrid Undset

>> No.21037228

It's alright. I still love you, anon. Take care.

>> No.21037236

How is Undset’s KL? I’ve always had my eye on it but something else always wins out to read

>> No.21037238

No. Women are dumb.

>> No.21037239


>> No.21037256


>> No.21037269

lmao T. S. Eliot was a MAN

>> No.21037273

>How is Undset’s KL?
It's excellent. Her Nobel Prize was well deserved. Comfy medieval fiction.

>> No.21037276

diversity hire
meme bestseller
literally who

>> No.21037287
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>literally who
Agatha, dipship

>> No.21037292

You should get into the habit of completely ignoring absolutely everything that ever was is or will be published in the fucking Guardian.

>> No.21037298

Ah, it didn't cross my mind. She's good. Her peaks are higher than Doyle's peaks.

>> No.21037305

I read the Guardian because, for me, it's a kind of annoyance vaccine that helps me build a tolerance against this kind of inane, womanish degeneracy. That way, when I come upon it in the real world, I'll already have prepared words to put the woman in her place rather than just stand stupefied in awe of this kind of idiocy. And yes, I have sex.

>> No.21037382

Savitri Devi is good

>> No.21037409
File: 188 KB, 734x506, pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read 2 books by women this year (the belljar and little life)
yet I'm still an incel
pls gib pussy now

>> No.21037469

No. She may have meant “books written by women” but instead suggested that women themselves are non trivial texts instead of incomprehensible Rothkoesque vomits.

1) women aren’t ordered language systems except in the trivial lacanian sense of how to lever your cock into their daddy issues: this reading is so trivial that it does not contribute to being well read
2) Jane Austen is the lower gentry distrack fucking mistress dropping bombs like Hiroshima on the modern construction of the interior. Anyone who avoids reading canon authors because they’re women like Austen, Bronte, Dickens, Shakespeare or the Synoptics is missing out.

>> No.21037479
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>No. She may have meant “books written by women” but instead suggested that women themselves are non trivial texts

>> No.21037481

It is a statistical truth that people tend to read books written by people of their own sex. It is true for men and women. It will vary by person and their interests of course, but the statistical truth remains. That stupid bitch in the OP probably reads 90% women authors, just like all the agents and publishers do these days, especially as they are all raging leftists.

That said, no, it is not really true. Women as authors have really only gained prominence in the last hundred years or so. For the last few decades they have absolutely dominated authorship and readership. But, nonetheless, for most of history books were written by men. So, most of what is worth reading, the historical canon, is by men. You could avoid women entirely if you wanted to. You would certainly be missing out on a wealth of literature, but we all make our choices in what we read, and restricting yourself to the male works written before the 20th century wouldn't stop you being from well read.

>> No.21037497

>restricting yourself to the male works written before the 20th century wouldn't stop you being from well read.
Yes it would. Only on this board would you get away with le rong generation shit like this

>> No.21037507

Fuck off pomo scum. Women are trivial texts.

>> No.21037513

you're trolling right? george elliot is who they are talking about idiot

>> No.21037514

No one cares about your british romance lesbian

>> No.21037527


>> No.21037537

why do some of you think post modernity is some sort of political alignment someone can have. it is a societal condition, not something you can choose to be.

>> No.21037540

trolled softly

>> No.21037546

Anna Comnena is a must-read, very malebrained.

>> No.21037554

And yet, I am on this board. What're you gonna do about it?

>> No.21037562
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>> No.21037566

>george elliot
so another dude? George is a dude's name lmao

>> No.21037571

pseudonym for mary ann evans.

>> No.21037630

It's an aesthetic choice, like Romanticism or Catholicism

>> No.21037632
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Post the original

>> No.21037659

Yeah it's true but you have to read the right women, just like you have to read the right men. If you're bragging about not reading women and picking up Stephen King or Tom Clancy, you're still a fucking pleb. Being well read is about class, not gender.

>> No.21037701

Yes you can


>> No.21037725

Look out guys, we got a 15 year old brainlet with poor comebacks in the thread

>> No.21037729


>> No.21037732

I have read more than 100 books this year already and DNF'd the few female authors who made it on my reading list.

The fact of the matter is that female authors tend to produce more pulp, erotica, and easy reading, and less distinguished works than male authors. Most published female authors are certainly better than me but on the whole I am afraid it is biological and has nothing to do with culture or even discrimination.

>> No.21037743

top kek

>> No.21037747

>lowercase post
Retard detected

>> No.21037782
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I consider myself well read and I ignore women authors. And there isn’t a fucking thing you can do about it

>> No.21037789

Being "well read" today apparently means you agree that a man chopping his dick off makes him a woman, so I'll pass.

>> No.21037791

I ignore 99% of the population. The untalented midwit part, which coincidentally also includes all women.

>> No.21037896

Not reading females born after 1990 is just good sense

>> No.21037937

You literally list one good writer and then a bunch of nuns, half of which I’ve never even heard of.

>> No.21037939

How do you know none of it interests you if you haven't read any of it?

>> No.21037947

It's hysterical watching white men scream about how they're being persecuted because they're now ever so slightly less privileged. I guess it's true, equality feels like persecution when you're used to superiority.

>> No.21037961


>> No.21037978

women have written nothing worthwhile change my mind

>> No.21037997

All of those nuns have published writings tbf.

>> No.21038023

Why would even read men born after 1990?

>> No.21038308

Where did he say he never read it midwit

>> No.21038381

I've read EM Forster. Get off my case.

>> No.21038387

Enormous swathes of poets, playwrights, authors, and philosophers lived and died before 1900. Something like 85-90% of worthwhile material is written by men. There is more than enough in that timeframe for you to spend an entire lifetime reading and still not run out of decent content - hell, you could limit it further and (foolishly) not read anything published before 1000 either and also exclude non-Western works and still not come close. Entire genres lived and died in that period.

>> No.21038534

Who cares? The point of reading isn't to be "well read"

>> No.21038547

It is.

>> No.21038551

I love Flannery O’Connor and St Faustina! I’ll look into those other writers right away! (I’ve been meaning to read St Therese of Lisieux for a while now anyway)

>> No.21038571

pseud moment

>> No.21038582

How old is K.D. Walter?

>> No.21038730

are you in Bavaria? I love the Hugendubel on Marienplatz

>> No.21038846

Angela Carter, Anna Kavan, Silvina Ocampo, Clarice Lispector, Yumiko Kurahashi, Lady Dilke, Edna W. Underwood, Marguerite Young, Leonora Carrington, Djuna Barnes, Izumi Suzuki, Unica Zurn, A.S. Byatt, Yoko Ogawa, Gabrielle Wittkop, Jane de La Vaudère, Kōno Taeko, Tatyana Tolstaya

>> No.21038857

>Where did he say he never read it midwit
>Nothing that was ever conjured by a female mind interests me in the least
If nothing EVER created by a woman interested that guy, then it follows that he wasn't interested enough in any book from a female author to want to read it
We all know that post was facetious, though

>> No.21038874

>Anon asks for recommendations
>Give a list of people instead of books they wrote
This is just celebrity worship for people who own books to look smart

>> No.21038901

No. There are good female writers but they either get buried by endless wave of le YA authors, le "avant-garde" feminist poetry or for not being progressive enough during the current times.

>> No.21038933

Where do I even find a copy of this book with the real title? I think it be a laugh to buy it as a birthday present for my friend

>> No.21038941

I have it tattooed on my chest if you want me to just show up at your friend's birthday party

>> No.21038950

Like the whole book tattooed? That's pretty impressive.
Sure you can tag along (assuming you are a cute girl)

>> No.21038956

actually, the less female writers you waste time on, the better read you are.

For example, I'm not going to read Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett's vapid article and instead finish Don Quixote, and I will be better read for it.

>> No.21039650

sorry sweaty, but you’ll never pass

>> No.21039657

I’ve read Robin Hobb books when I was a kid (no internet so I thought she was a man) and the main character was always wimpy as hell and overthought absolutely everything. Only years later I understood that this was made by a woman, they simply can’t write men.

Edition is 90% women

>> No.21039666

Are you braindead. He read women and didn't find them interesting. Came to the conclusion to not bother.

>> No.21039668

This post was written by a bot

>> No.21039672

>pointing out reality that everyone tries to deny is wrong
You deny reality in this very post. I will be pretending to be non-white and female, there's nothing you can do about you seething racist and sexist, thank you.

>> No.21039717

Most is irrelevant shit, hopelessly dated. Its of historical and academic interest only.
Anyone who only reads Penguin/Oxford/whatever classics is a pleb with no taste or intellect of their own

>> No.21039747

That's very transphobic of her.

>> No.21039781

What current day books would you say have literary and intellectual value that comes even close to, let alone surpasses the classics?

>> No.21039939

Yes. Savitri Devi was good.

>> No.21039951


>> No.21039967

Cuteness correlates with women's ability to write very strongly. Woolf and Barnes, the masculine strong women are awful writers, extremely boring. For people who hate reading and read to impress. qt3.14 nice girls like Jane Austen or Emily Dickinson though? I am very impressed by their sincerity and technical skill.

>> No.21041235

Same lol

When I had limited interaction with them as a teen they retained their idealized state in my head, but the more I've known them the more accurate my picture of them has become, and they are grotesquely inferior to men in a moral and spiritual sense. The idea that they have souls is tenuous.

>> No.21041242

Why is the man in this image like a foot taller than the woman? When trying to make le beautiful art they still make sure their vagigi tingles?

>> No.21041254

the fault in r stars
milk n honey
the notebook

>> No.21041327

50% or writers aren't women

>> No.21041345

i swear man short dudes seethe at EVERYTHING

>> No.21041649

I hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.21041709

Let me answer your question with another question. Which so called classics have literary and intellectual value that comes even close to, let alone surpasses the best contemporary writing?

>> No.21041752

>female authors tend to produce more pulp, erotica, and easy reading, and less distinguished works than male
You could have said nothing to me instead of telling me you're an ignorant pleb. I'm just making that clear because you wouldn't work it out for yourself.

>> No.21041767

Why would women care if men use female pseudonyms when women have done it all through history? Obviously the reasoning and context is different, but what's this shit about them being 'scammers'?

>> No.21041915

George is a male name you retard

>> No.21042011
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>> No.21042032


>> No.21042108

uh, pretty much all of them? Don Quixote, Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment, Anna Karenena, Middlemarch, Les Miserables, Moby Dick, Wuthering Heights, Ulysses, in search of lost time, Homer's epics, Dante... seriously just go down a generic top 50 best books of all time list. They are all objectively vastly superior to any modern work by any contemporary writer. With the exception of maybe Cormack McCarthy. But by all means, feel free to prove me wrong and name some contemporary writers who have written any work that is equally important and valuable than any of the classics.

>> No.21042267

>and they are grotesquely inferior to men in a moral and spiritual sense.
Any examples and anecdotes that made you think that?

>> No.21042401

What does /lit/ think about Olga Tokarczuk?

>> No.21043325

Is there any CONCEIVABLE evidence that could convince you white men are not somehow oppressed, even hypothetically?

>> No.21043332

What makes you think it's because it turns them on and not just for aesthetic reasons? Just about anything turns someone or other on, after all.

>> No.21043497

>customers bragging in bookshops about avoiding female writers
I'm flattered she wrote an article about me

>> No.21043513
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>It's hysterical watching white men scream about how they're being persecuted because they're now ever so slightly less privileged. I guess it's true, equality feels like persecution when you're used to superiority.

>> No.21043519

Not an argument.

>> No.21043549

Completely retarded assertion based on MUH FEELINGS.
Almost no women wrote classic novels with the exception of the Brontes and Jane Austen.
>You have to read more women because my religion of Neo-Marxist Intersectionalism says diversity is morally righteous!
Not an argument

>> No.21043560

You can’t gaslight people when they can see reality right in front of them, moron. Gaslighting only works with things that happened in the past where the only record of the thing you’re saying never happened is in the person’s mind

>> No.21043565

Do you have any evidence for the claim you're making? There should be some if it's obvious, right?

>> No.21043569

Maybe. What kind of evidence you want?

>> No.21043570

How about 'men and women are different and you'll get an incomplete picture of human nature if you only read books by men'?

>> No.21043590

I don't know, any sort of actual empirical evidence or statistics from a reliable source? Preferably replicated.

>> No.21043593

There's more variety between individual men than there is between men and women as demographic groups.

>> No.21043602

You're not wrong, but there are statistical tendencies nonetheless, and I think there are regions of mindspace occupied primarily by men or by women, at least along certain dimensions.

>> No.21043604

Yet there are differences between them, and they lead to differences in their work.
If you've ignored books created by the group of humans that includes the majority, can you really say that you have a wide knowledge?

>> No.21043616
File: 22 KB, 200x286, Geeklove_bookcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women have failed good female writers at least in the current era.
Also Geek Love by Kathrine Dunn was pretty.

>> No.21043635

Can anybody? This is transparently less a consideration of my reading habits than it is targeted rhetoric to shame white men for not reading women and non-whites. The thing is, it's the least of what's been said in that vein. I can accept not being well read. I'm more interested in just reading.

>> No.21043645

Not him, but I will bite the bullet and say that if you only read women your view to the world is just as blinkered and parochial as if you only read men. It's not specifically about telling people to read women, it just happens there are more people who refuse to read women than men, at least around here.

>> No.21043656

So what you're saying is that you can't be "well read" without reading women.
I accept your concession, and suggest you read some books written by women.

>> No.21043670

I want my world view to be blinkered and parochial. I like and trust myself. Then other people can be blinkered and parochial in a different, gayer way, and the world will be more richly textured because of it.

>> No.21043681

How can you make an informed judgement about whether your blinkered, parochial worldview is better than a more informed one without informing yourself?

>> No.21043708

I didn't make a value judgement, so I won't answer your question under those terms. You should answer it yourself, because you're the one who's concerned about such matters.
The more interesting question to me is why you're so invested in the world view of someone you think is backwards. I don't get the feeling you're genuinely concerned about my intellectual development, so there's some other underlying motivation to this effort to make people read authors they don't give a fuck about.

>> No.21043709
File: 93 KB, 960x960, 1613207865120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not an argument.
Neither is that. Or what I quoted. Be honest, do you think "Not an argument" is some magical insta-win tactic?

>> No.21043719

I mean better in the sense of whether you'd be happier or more content with it. Better for you.

>> No.21044587

If you ever see some /fit/ autist browsing the classic section for an hour there, that's probably me.

>> No.21044593

Not a single book of value can be found in that store. I pity every fellow German that doesn’t live in close proximity to Dussman

>> No.21044638

Sure. it's true. Not because you should "read books written by women" but because good books have been written by some female authors. I'm also not sure if there has ever been a "customer" in a bookshop that readily "bragged about avoiding female writers".

>> No.21045393

And how long did it take you come up with this meager list? How many internet searched did you make.

Now name 50 good male authors. I'll be it will take you a lot longer to type them out than to think of them.

>> No.21045401


>> No.21045433

I don't even know the names of any authors in my shelf besides Lovecraft, Asimov, and Gina L. Barnes. I just pick books based on the subject and read them

>> No.21045479

he asked for five good female authors

>> No.21045559

>>hurr durr I don't read female writers
>That's just incel retardation.

You could look at it this way: if you read for the content of the writing, then what does it matter that the author has a vagina or a dick or what gender they identify as?

>> No.21045624

This is exactly it. Women historically had way less rights and were discouraged from writing for a long time. Over time these numbers will balance out more but expecting ~50 years to balance out 2000+ years of the canon being male dominated... it's just unreasonable. Most of the books women write suck because most of the books people write suck. As you said, it's not even an indo l incel "women suck" thing, it's just a numbers game.

>> No.21046740

nobody has to argue with you, you dickless faggot.

>> No.21047156

I love women, i will just read all of them (not before reading all men)

>> No.21047306

Try to form your own opinions about things instead of repeating what you've heard elsewhere

>> No.21047351

A male reader needs a female writer like a bicycle needs a fish.

>> No.21047419

Overrated in the extreme
Wuthering Heights is genuinely awful and cringe. Jane Eyre is good, but not good enough for me to remember which sister wrote what.
Frankenstein is good. Too bad it was written by her husband.
>George Elliot
Again, good but unexceptional.
>The rest
Literally who?

>> No.21047420

bros why did Evola not marry Savitri Devi
they were made for one another

>> No.21047431

It's due to a phenomenon called "women are wonderful". It's a universal societal bias to favor women. It's the root for "women and children first" in cases of emergency, meaning the men can die as long as women are saved. As women move more into spheres of work, this same principle applies and dominates over quality. Meaning a man's work of quality will be overruled by the societal need to ensure women are elevated, even if they lack all merit. It genuinely signals the imminent downfall of a civilization.

>> No.21047505

He preferred Maria de Naglowska and Sibilla Aleramo

>> No.21048237

I would always go upstairs and order a Fritz Kola and sit and read. Also did some reading at the Gasteig library on Rosenheimer Platz. Gute Errinerungen aus Muenchen.

>> No.21048245

I like the big English language bookstore in Berlin near Unter den Linden. Forget the name though

>> No.21048403

Lots of job listings openly state that they're preferentially hiring non-whites, and there's a massive multiprong push to get more women into tech fields

>> No.21049199

That’s cool.

>> No.21049367

who cares? read what you like and forget about labels like "well read." you are bigger than what media tells you to be anon.

>> No.21049516

>that bitch who wrote Middlemarch
>Anaïs Nin

There’s definitely some juicy irony in that most of the best literature written by women was made in the pre-feminism era