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21036265 No.21036265 [Reply] [Original]

Any books to reverse the damage done to my brain of spending a decade on 4chan?

>> No.21036279
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The tao te ching

>> No.21036322

The Turner Diaries

>> No.21036352

I am bursting at the seams with lust. Holy fuck go away. I need a fucking wife.

>> No.21036375

I read Marx and some other shit that contradicted my worldview. Now all my opposed brain worms are locked in stalemate and I'm normie-pilled and convinced identity politics and ideology are for raving morons.

>> No.21036378

start with the greeks

>> No.21036446

Just go outside

>> No.21036465

Why did reading marx make you normiepilled?

>> No.21036504

So you were liberal before?
As I always understood it, the normies were the liberals pushing leftwing IDpol

>> No.21038166


>> No.21038286

>I'm normie-pilled and convinced identity politics and ideology are for raving morons
This is the opposite of normie-pilled

>> No.21038303

Long story short I was like a FBI statistics reading libertarian. I always hated libs and still do. What Marx or Graeber and say, Rand or alt-right thinkers offer is a critique of the opposing view, followed by a weak/illogical/unworkable alternative. Epitome is like Uncle Ted who laid out a superb critique of liberalism and technological society and offers the dumbest possible alternative to it.

So I don't think anyone has any real solutions. Also the world is simply too complex for anyone to comprehend fully. It's too big to fit neatly into the worldview of an ideological lens. The world is run by markets and nobody is at the wheel. Any coherant alternative would create novel problems as much as it might solve current ones.

So I guess I'm normie in that I'm apolitical but took a really roundabout way of arriving to that position.