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21033306 No.21033306 [Reply] [Original]

New Tao Lin essay just dropped

Do you think his next novel will deal with autism/autistic characters?

>> No.21033313

I don't know and i don't care

>> No.21033318

you can't fucking cure autism. this is idiotic.

>> No.21033324

>how I cured myself of autism
Not possible.

>> No.21033325

ah, i see he blames autism on chemicals and 5g. dropped.

>> No.21033336

Only a person with Autism would think they got cured

>> No.21033344

Way to miss the point, hes saying how you can train and teach yourself to come off as a normal non autistic person. Yes you will still have it but nobody will know

>> No.21033368

I don't know and i don't care

>> No.21033374

Uh what? You mean mental illness?

>> No.21033395

>cured himself of autism
>still acts like the same old spaz


>> No.21033404

Hes just coping because the tolerance for his retard meds is off the roof.

>> No.21033418 [DELETED] 
File: 528 KB, 567x567, 1639845260518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal belief on the "epidemic" of autism is just that it's simply over-diagnosed. I've been shy and quiet for much of my life, and I was bullied. I know I wasn't bullied because I was shy and quiet, because I remember being very sociable as a young child, up until I was maybe about 11. My parents also started being abusive to me, sometimes hitting me and calling me lazy and disgraceful around that same time. I should probably also mention that I've had hearing and speech issues but the latter was easily overcome with some speech therapy and my hearing issues were never as bad as my mother thought it was, who forced me to wear hearing aids throughout my childhood. It was around the time when I turned 11, maybe a bit before, that I started to get bullied along with my parent's abuse and I became very non-verbal. A few years later I was told that I may be autistic by my sister even though I never had an official diagnosis, and mistakenly believed it.

The issue is, I've never struggled with relating to people. I understand social cues naturally. I don't have to observe and copy, I just know. I don't have any weird obsessions, I understand figures of speech, etc. I was just depressed and socially anxious because of how my bitch of a mother treated me and isolated me preventing from being able to relate to my peers. My whore sisters thought that was the result of autism and not shit parenting because they're fucking retarded. Nearly 10 years of my life was fucking caught up in the autism delusion along with all that abuse and bullying preventing making me a quiet shut-in because I've learned that no one wants to hear what I had to say.

If simply being shy and quiet because of social anxiety and depression caused by shitty parenting and bullying is enough to qualify someone as being "autistic" then it's no shit that a sizeable portion of the population is considered autistic these days. Once you tell someone they're autistic and if they believe it then they might begin to adopt more autistic behaviors simply because that is what is expected of them. A genuinely autistic person would not become "more" autistic in such manner because they are genuinely incapable of realizing that they are expected to act autistic because of a diagnosis.

>> No.21033430
File: 674 KB, 684x669, dave plummer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>curing yourself of autism

take the plummerpill, it's actually a superpower

>> No.21033540

I'm starting to suspect that I might have autism. Any books for this feel?

>> No.21033570

Did he really have to mention Trump?

>> No.21033602

Algorithm engagement little friend.

>> No.21033659
File: 91 KB, 1000x1500, autism manual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was written by the guy who made Task Manager for Windows (among many other things) lmao.

I just started watching his YouTube channel, he is a zany character for sure. He kinda seems like if Temple Grandin was a jedi tier STEMcel in some ways, some of his takes are wild such as "autists were the innovators in primitive society and we'd still be around campfires without autism" but you'd never know this from his YouTube channel where most of his content is about tech/his MS days. The autism content he puts out isn't very visible so once you click a video where he talks about it, it's like you've encountered a completely new person. Definitely going to read this for curiosity if nothing else, expectations aren't high with the clickbait title but mite b cool.

>> No.21033692

They still know because you told the whole world about it.

The whole thing sounds like Tao trying to walk back from or get away from the stigma he created for himself as somebody who’s mentally ill. Now he’s claiming he’s cured so people will treat him and think of him as a normal person.

This is a useful exapmple of why you do NOT tell people about your mental illnesses. Same thing happened in osamu Dazai. Once they decided he was mentally ill for attempting suicide he was “no longer human” locked up and forgotten about.

>> No.21033895
File: 572 KB, 1200x946, autism glyphosate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, at this point its only a matter of time before there's proof that constant exposure to microwaves is bad for the brain. All you'd have to do is shut off most wifi and cell towers for like 6 hours a night to fix the problem too, returning to wired communication is not necessary.
Chemicals are a much bigger deal though. There were causative links between food dyes and ADHD discovered decades ago, the link between plastics and the widespread emasculation/feminization of millenials and zoomers is pretty ironclad aswell. You'd have to be a complete retard to deny it

>> No.21035124
File: 59 KB, 750x1000, img-tao-lin_085529844583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave Society

>> No.21035791

i think the joke is he read 140 sci articles (peak tism) to cure himself of tism

>> No.21035825

> reads 140 scientific papers
> i am no longer autistic

d fuk?

>> No.21035835

> sucked 140 dicks
> would like to announce i am no longer gay

>> No.21036772

>Tao Lin
is he a chinaman?

>> No.21036795

most papers are like 4 pages

>> No.21036802


>> No.21036829

so he really is chinese, i guess i would have been a very stupid name otherwise

>> No.21036857

Is that autism? I'm really not familiar with the concept at all

>> No.21036975

Yes, that's the joke

>> No.21037017

>You'd have to be a complete retard to deny it
correlation does not equal causation. But as a personal precaution it probably does not hurt not to immitate the habits of affected people.

What if the causation is deliberate social engineering?

>> No.21038081

ummm sweety he's Taiwanese

>> No.21038094
File: 646 KB, 576x512, 5D53B686-04F2-4D0D-B5F4-44C7CDBBD99A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have interacted with real autists in real life. It’s quite hard to see the humanity in them.

>> No.21038181

these images are fantastic