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21031108 No.21031108 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone is evil. Everyone is a malignant narcissist. Everyone enjoys making the people they don't like hurt and squirm in pain. Everybody, in every situation, has an ulterior motive. They'll gaslight you, they'll trick you, and they'll play mind games with you. Why? Because they need their self-image to be recognized by others, and they'll do anything to accomplish it, with no regard to who gets hurt in the process. They do this unconsciously; they don't even know that they do it. They'll feign ignorance and act smug when you point it out to them. They'll go to any length to humiliate you and besmirch your name once you expose them, so that nobody listens to you. Everybody does this -- family, friends, coworkers -- everybody. They're all sick.

What are some books that explore this thought?

>> No.21031121

not you though, right?

>> No.21031123

Rousseau, Judge of Jean-Jacques

>> No.21031135

Japanese picture books

>> No.21031177

And here's the smugness I was talking about

>> No.21031182

>pretending not to be self aware

>> No.21031219

The Elephant in the Brain

i know some faggot is gonna cry "plebbitor popsci cuck" in 2 or 3 posts, but it actually really is very eye-opening. We evolved to be deceptive; the industrial revolution, overpopulation and the internet have worsened and twisted our evil traits

>> No.21031253
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>> No.21031258

unironically the Bible

>> No.21031264
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>> No.21031278
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this should have been the first one, start from here

>> No.21031280

Is just a word for brainwashed losers and christcucks to cry about how it's not their fault that they're losers and ohhhh mommy the wold is baaaad
Get a brain and grow a pair

>> No.21031284
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>> No.21031293

Yes yes, we get it, it's everyone else's fault, and obviously they're always some lame ass caricature, because you're incapable of grasping the world, much less other people

>> No.21031304


>> No.21031395

Yeah well don't do that through becoming a nobody but not in opposition to everybody — simply nobody sneedbody because books for that feel has not yet came to our timeline or rather such books is hinted in many other books or rather such book is about a peculiar way of reading and relating to books and to a wider reality sneed everybody sexy body no body zero body a ghost perhaps a sign of the holy spirit even yet victim is at every foundation even your post is aimed at victimizing of the 'everybody' which is more noble than a regular 'victimize the weakest' type victimization Nietzsche would agree 1000% because the everybody is a spook an abstraction an aberration thus I propose to chant as a mantra nobody is good nobody is a benevolent narcissist nobody enjoys making the people they like feel good and squirt in joy self-propelling jouissance of the divine absence its fundamental wealth that is given

>> No.21032405

The Selfish Gene


>> No.21032429
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>become evil narcissist
>everyone has to treat you like one or get abused by you
>make shitty post

>> No.21032475

Paul's letters and Gospels, the entire Bible really. Also Hamlet and to a lesser extent War and Peace and In Search of Lost Time.

>> No.21032478

not me, im different

>> No.21032480

I actually came up with this thread as a thought experiment after reading this:
I'm looking for someone to refute those ideas, even if they seem intuitively implausible.

>> No.21032481

this, but unironically

>> No.21032491

OP here, this isn't me.

>> No.21033095

>They do this unconsciously; they don't even know that they do it. They'll feign ignorance
How are they feigning ignorance if they don't know they're doing it?

>> No.21033335

Evil is a strong word. So is good. I've met some very scary people in my life, but even they weren't evil. These terms are absolute and people generally inhabit the grey area, being neither angels nor demons, but just human. If you really tried I think you could remember doing something for no other reason than to make another person happy, or better off in some way. This is one of the best things about people, is the ability for us to put ourselves aside and do things solely for another person. Our greatest stories are of sacrifice.

Attitudes and lenses are powerful things, and it is as easy to choose to think bad thoughts as it is to think good thoughts. The myths we aspire to, and the narratives we follow, we should be aware of how they typically end. OP, you seem to be following a narrative of the misanthrope, the cynic, and the pessimist. Your OP pic is of the first martyr. Is that your personal myth? The martyr? If you want to die at the hands of people who misunderstand you, then you will find that ending for yourself. You are looking at the man with the rock that is about to murder another man for being different, and you say Humanity is evil, there is no good in man. Yet in the same image is a man who is choosing to die rather than betray the person he loves and the beliefs he has, and who dies with no hatred for his persecutor and no regrets for his path.

>While they were stoning Stephen, he prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” 60 Then he knelt down and cried out in a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he died.[a]

>> No.21033345

Yourself included, right?

>> No.21033351

le nietzsche face
>morals are a spook

>> No.21033366

This is what it means to be a psychotic pure evil jew and rationalize your Jewish narcissistic behavior.

>> No.21033367

My experience says rather than be at war with them play into it and they’ll like you for it, you’re looking out for other peoples self image and letting them be themselves. Y’all act like it’s kill or be killed it’s be liked and people will look out for you yes I’m aware I’m doing the same thing as others. Live this way and you can tell who the real ones are.

>> No.21033442

what's this from?

>> No.21035123

>Everyone is evil
Why do you think that?

>> No.21035138
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And it's hilarious

>> No.21035826

Bump this is a little interesting

>> No.21036013

>everyone is as callous, sociopathic, and ugly-hearted as I am
The Art of the Deal - Donald Trump

>> No.21036275

The Bible.

>> No.21036308

What if Satan was real?

>> No.21036350

Yeah I thought of this a while ago

>> No.21037869

What is evil? How can one actually be truly evil?

>> No.21037876

>Adrien-Jean-Pierre Thilorier
Why the fuck do frenchies love dashes? You almost never see this in English.

>> No.21037914
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Not exactly so pessimistic, but The Selfish Gene.

Peeing in the pool is different from cheating. Does it really hurt anyone? I mean, pee is sterile and it’s not a lot of volume vs an entire olympic swimming pool...

Anyways, people act according to game theory. We take the strategy we believe will yield the best results. We will only cheat when we think we can get away with it (hence why harsh punishments are less effective in deterring crime than higher capture rates). Sure, on an individual level, fucking over everyone else for your benefit will work wonders. On a group level, that will lead to disaster. Once you reach carrying capacity of “selfish” actors, “selfish” strategies are no longer the best choice.

>> No.21037936

Btw people aren’t good or evil, we all have the capacity to do good things and bad things.

>> No.21037979

Why do you think this way? Do you have examples of things that you’ve experienced that caused you to form this belief, or that reinforced it in your mind? Do you believe that everyone is being targeted in this way, or that the world is out to get you in particular?

>> No.21037991

Céline is the one that walks the beautiful thin line between these two

>> No.21038005
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Dude don't be fucking oblivious on why he thinks that way. Do you see how shitty the fucking world can be and how humans can do the worst things possible? Especially a fucking psycho who killed 19 kids for no reason? Humans aren't fucking good that for sure, but usually as seen so to inspire others to not be bad to experience a good life.

>> No.21038018
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don't know why i put a pic of andrew ryan, should of posted this fuckstick

>> No.21038042

Of course people are capable of doing fucked up things. That doesn’t mean that every single person alive is solely evil and motivated by spite.

>> No.21038220

Yeah I know, but everyone has the chance though. Everyone has the power to become evil and do horrible things, what will make you break? What will give you the confidence to do horrible shit?

>> No.21038266

You have no way of knowing anybody else’s thoughts and motives. Just focus on being a good person and cut toxic people from your life.

>> No.21038321
File: 76 KB, 850x400, AA41BD00-4D7E-4C3B-8FD0-9E0B1BF3F18D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote about this topic on /adv/ a couple days ago:
>One truth about humans is that they feel good when they have something others do not. Rich people feel good because there are poor people. Healthy people feel good because there are sick people. Smart people feel good because there are dumb people. Attractive people feel good because there are ugly people. Etc. Your suffering IS their happiness.

>> No.21038335

If rape, poison, the knife and arson
Have not yet woven with their pleasing patterns
The banal canvas of our pitiful fate,
It is because our soul, alas, is not bold enough.

>> No.21038368

Hobbes - The Leviathan
Smith - Wealth of Nations
Marx - The Capital

>> No.21038421
File: 118 KB, 1156x985, 930D0C6F-966C-42A4-BCC8-C71FF1684EC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh cool anon, same mental illness as I have? these are sticky thoughts I have been getting recently. tips?

>> No.21038468
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Fuck off back to wizardchan, virgin

>> No.21038507
File: 397 KB, 640x399, hhrwuqnw9cj21-61C3E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every person alive takes self-righteous pleasure in the failure of their enemies or opponents.
The best possible version of this spiteful joy would occur in highly ritualized social contexts like performative dueling or warfare, or incestuous political rivalries, where maintaining decorum is a preening self-righteous action for both parties involved.
Even then, it is a shallow facade which can collapse at any time (e.g. see what happened with American politics that has fluctuated between incestuous and murderous several times) and does not speak to the person's behavior outside of that context, like how European nobility would be very lenient to each other in war while peasant revolt leaders would be executed in the most shameful and prolonged manner possible.
Even acts of pure martyrdom like anon described above have the effect of placing a person morally above their attackers, and saints are definitionally exceptional. Sainthood and actual pureheartedness is near-mythical and might as well not exist.
I don't need clarify these points any further, since they should be self-evident anyways.

>> No.21038593

It got tiring after awhile. Not even paid to stone.

Also militaristically bad education

>> No.21039390


>> No.21039966

This is more like how the vocal people on the internet are and some bad eggs in real life. Otherwise what you say doesn't happen to the extent you're pretending it happens. Unless you yourself force it.

>> No.21039976

It's just speculative bullshit reductionism, like all things evopsych. There is absolutely no reason to believe in the principle he and his field puts forth, much less the specific claims they invent based on it. And many ways of denying it. It also seems to have his dumb personal opinions about topics forced in. We need someone with philosophical finesse and proper education in the topics being discussed, to work on this topic and not fall into the traps braindead popsoytists invariably do.

>> No.21039982

No, people do not act according to game theory, some made up shit. They act according to sum of various things going on in their head, some of which are related to practical need, desire, and motivations, yes, but there's more and it's more complicated and varied than you, for some reason, are willing to acknowledge.

>> No.21039989

>evolutionary psychology

>> No.21039996

This idea of self-deception he is imposing just demonstrates why this evopsych project is total bullshit. He's trying to make far too general ideas and apply them uniformly to make it seem like his erroneously framework and interpretations are meaningful and truthful.

>> No.21040009

I don't have enemies or opponents.

>like how European nobility would be very lenient to each other in war while peasant revolt leaders would be executed in the most shameful and prolonged manner possible.
This is a lie. Nobility were the professional soldiers and often died brutally, in execution or battle. You have false beliefs about the world to justify whatever this sentiment is that gnaws at you.

>> No.21040037

>defaults to she
I unironically ignore anyone who does this.

>> No.21041251
