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[ERROR] No.2102964 [Reply] [Original]

any self help books like the pics related.
Also are there any websites what go into details about how to use certain "points" in these books ?

The likes of how to win friends and influence people just seems to go on and on and on....

>> No.2102999

any one there ?

>> No.2103024

Read three of those in that picture.
HTWFAIP teaches you to be a social blank, a constant talker who agrees to any opinion that is shouted at him

The Prince was Machiavelli's job application to the Medici family
He didn't get the job.

The art of war is useful if you want to become a general in armies

Whats the 50th law about?>

>> No.2103035

carnegie's book was originally written as part of a "how to be a salesman" training manual

machiavelli is a satire

the art of war is useful in military situations (IE: not interpersonal situations)

and i haven't read the "50th law" but it sounds like marketing bullshit

enjoy your failure, OP

>> No.2103045
File: 27 KB, 261x221, wonka_gaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>machiavelli is a satire
>seriously thinking this argument isn't interpretative speculation designed to give credence to liberal dogma

>> No.2103050

ITT: Idiots who don't know how to apply principles to anything besides the EXACT situation they were written for.

If you think the Art of War is only for military situations then you either havnt read it, have no imagination, or you are just an idiot.

>> No.2103056
File: 14 KB, 300x213, _60302_PENG300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok but lets be real we both that first book should be called how to make friends and manipulate people.

>> No.2103071

the 50th law is for sociopaths
HTWFAIP has some good points, but it's much like >>2103024 said
The Art of War is also good, but not as useful for me as some people claim it was for them
never read the Prince

further reading, Think and Grow Rich, The Millionaire Next Door, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, and First Break all the Rules

>> No.2103073

>implying liberals even have dogma, and are not driven purely by emotion

>> No.2103076

whew thats harsh , glad I already read it. well most of it. haha , You sound like an asshole , do you call your kids idiots too , bobby I know your only three but my gawd why havent you read the art of war, you idiot! um ok ill read it , NO,dont you understand you will always be an idiot now theres no backpedaling in life, your a failure now bobby your going to have to go live in the alley and take that shitty bike with you, if you leave it in the front yard someone might steal it. roflmao

>> No.2103081

Machiavelli wasn't a satire. He wrote it under threat from the ruling family at the time. He was pro republican and people knew that. The reason why he is considered "evil" was word spread by the family. He released a book on how a ruler should rule and preserve his rule to the public. The rulers already knew everything that was in that book. Rulers don't want the public to know that.

>> No.2103082


Did i say pro republican. I meant to say republic. Excuse the slip there.

>> No.2103083

op here
I use HTWFAIP in certain situation not all the time.I just act normal around my friends

>The Prince was Machiavelli's job application to the Medici family
He didn't get the job.

I did not know and I have only read a tiny bit of it.

art of war can be used in other ways
>A leader leads by example not by force.
>To a surrounded enemy, you must leave a way of escape.


yes :)

Lookign for books so I can get ahead in life,not to learn how to make friends ;)

>> No.2103092


the prince is about a torn man who lost his revolution, was tortured for a year and a half, and then attempts to advise the leader of the family who tortured him

unless you pay attention and realize that half of the advice goes against the other advice he gives, and that Machiavelli is setting the Medici prince up for failure.

>> No.2103102


I was more so talking about the bad name that spread about him after he wrote it. What you say is true. He was tortured and forced to relent and write the book. I suppose the irony of every "Machiavellian" cunning that someone tries to pull is that they miss the cunning of the actual book.

>> No.2103105

>reading a book called "How to Win Friends and Influence People"
>not looking to make friends

>> No.2103116
File: 32 KB, 300x432, 0b77dde59e82a68c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see free cheese and a fucking wheel. Some people don't like me and I fukn know it. some ppl dont know me and I fuckn like it. heres your poem hope that yall can read the smoke. hmmm,,, Oh look I can use people to get ahead too now where did i learn that from. You know a kawasaki ninja would totally be sweet, just throwing it out their : ) or black and yellow comaro however you spell that god im such an IDIOT I forgot. : ) ) haha well i must sleep some of us have to work jobs where we actually have to do uh physical work ; ) peace out.

>> No.2103119
File: 343 KB, 1224x1584, franklins_13_virtues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me save you some time OP, I've read dozens of self help books and they almost all say the exact same thing

whatever you do and however you approach any situation you might be in, the most important factor any of those books tells you is determination. Make up your mind and stick to it and you can achieve "anything"

>> No.2103139

actually I listened to it while playing cod,I never read it.

and I want to manipulate people so I can get a head of the game (of life)

When I want to make friends I will act my self,not pretend to be some thing I am not.

>> No.2103163

hi kristina

>> No.2103178

>Franklin's virtues
>The exact same virtues that have been parroted by philosophers for 2000 years

>> No.2104518

bumping this

>> No.2104586

I thought only forever alone baby boomers bought this stuff? It's the same rehashed garbage over and over...

>> No.2104736
File: 104 KB, 967x589, grtt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any self help books like the pics related.

Sure are ...

>> No.2104809

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

For some reason it's inspirational, even though it argues that person's own efforts - while necessary - aren't enough to achieve success. Nobody got rich all by themselves. The chapter about 10000 hours was eye-opening atleast for me.

The problem inherent to books like these is that they're usually either written by men who have become successful or are written about successful men, describing how they became successful, and the means they achieved success necessarily aren't applicable to all situations or all people.

I'd go as far as to say that the only lesson to be learned is that if you work hard, avoid doing stupid shit and keep your eyes open, you'll eventually become successful, atleast compared to your peers.

If books like these inspire you to work harder, then great, you should read them. But don't expect them to lead to success. There's a whole self-help industry dedicated to separate the gullible and desperate from their money. Don't be a sucker.

>> No.2104817

malcolm gladwell is a dumbass and i'll fight him

>> No.2104829

malcolm gladweel is an erudite asshole, without conscience, country, or personal conflict a true intellectual megalomaniac. death to MG

>> No.2104837

Self help books are useless. You are beyond help. Embrace the voices.

>> No.2104868


Perhaps you could elaborate?

>> No.2104881

i'm not here to explain myself except maybe to the one i'm stalking that has disappeared. it's enough that questioning be question.
the world is a vampire and i've been sucked dry. my thoughts have no meaning, especially left alone.