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/lit/ - Literature

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21028671 No.21028671 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get into him? What’s his best work

>> No.21028734
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His best work is Faith of the Fallen, but I suggest you read the first five tomes beforehand

>> No.21028741

Why? He is at a level where even /sffg/ doesn't discuss him

>> No.21028747

He's even more based than I thought

>> No.21028782

I've only read Wizard's First Rule. It was alright, but very formulaic. If you hate liberals, you'll probably love him.

>> No.21028792

>If you love female domination, bondage and sexual torture you'll probably love him

>> No.21028798

Right I forgot to mention that. These books are extremely horny.

>> No.21029392

Why? He is at a level where even /sffg/ doesn't discuss him

>> No.21029440

>Wizard's First Rule. It was alright, but very formulaic
I disagree, I thought Wizard's First Rule was great because it shook up the fantasy genre a bit
>The greatest wizard is someone who can use sneaky tricks
>Really fucking violent
>extremely American, doesn't try to LARP as Ye Olde English Thymes
>random segue into 200 pages of femdom sexual torture like >>21028792
But then all the rest of the sequels turned into generic fantasy "part 11 of the Sword of Truth series" garbage.
>Faith of the Fallen
Equal parts badass military stuff and cringe 12-year-old political ranting

Basically I think of Terry Goodkind the same way I think of Stephen King or Tom Clancy. Turn off your brain, enjoy the cool parts, don't think too hard about the stupid parts. If you find yourself getting bored then feel free to skim forward until it gets good again.

>> No.21029578

>I disagree, I thought Wizard's First Rule was great because it shook up the fantasy genre a bit
It's just a dark lord trying to take over the world with a MacGuffin that the hero has to prevent him from getting.

>> No.21029612

He hasn't read the books.

>> No.21029647

>just a dark lord trying to take over the world with a MacGuffin that the hero has to prevent him from getting
Sure that's the setup. But 99% of the book is either the hero murdering everyone by using his magic sword like a chainsaw, or S&M sex play. The dark lord is barely in it at all.

>> No.21029677

I've read Wizard's First Rule. That's basically the plot.
Even when you put it that way it sounds like generic sword and sorcery fantasy.

>> No.21029683

He has that bit where he murders a little boy that his general wanted to rape

>> No.21029749

>Even when you put it that way it sounds like generic sword and sorcery fantasy.
I don't know how see stuff like
>He has that bit where he murders a little boy that his general wanted to rape
And aren't at least a little bit interested

>> No.21030049

Why? He is at a level where even /sffg/ doesn't discuss him

>> No.21030088

>What’s his best work
The fuck are you talking about? He wrote one work, it's a series of over a dozen novels. Retarded faggot.

>> No.21030092

>sexual torture
There's no sexual torture, what the fuck? There's torture in an erotic setting. The most graphic it can get is like "She put the magical torture rod in his groin, it hurt." That's not sexual.

>> No.21030363

this is a good summary of things