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21025561 No.21025561 [Reply] [Original]

Hey frens, i recently got into NS and was wondering if y’all could give me some books to further expand my knowledge on the subject and the underlying philosophy

>> No.21025572


The Enneads - Plotinus (Read the Thomas Taylor unfinished translation then switch over to another one)

>> No.21025581

I was just thinking we could use another chudcel thread, and lo and behold! Twilight zone shit

>> No.21025583
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>> No.21025597

I’m German and my grandpa was an actual nazi. Only book I’ve ever seen him read was called „wer is wer im judentum“, a Book that „proofed“ that Churchill, Rosevelt and most German counselors were actually jewish

>> No.21025604

Mein Kampf is pretty good

>> No.21025611

Obviously Mein Kampf

For background:
Nietzsche (people on both sides may disagree with this but it's true)

For Eugenics/Racial theory:
Madison Grant

For History (part I know least about admittedly):
Goebbels Diaries
Hitler's War

For Esoteric Hitlerism:
Savitri Devi

The underlying philosophy I believe is one that worships strength and beauty and their rightful place above the world. You won't get this from political theory but from Nietzsche, Hinduism, and unironically the Greeks. Yes it was a mass movement, yet it was still fundamentally aristocratic. It needed to be populist to overthrow the elite but the SS and the military aristocracy they would've developed were the true spirit of NS.

>> No.21025622

The myth of the twentieth century

>> No.21025651
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Here’s a funny quote, directly from the Genealogie der Moral
> "Hier ein ablehnendes Wort gegen neuerdings hervorgetretene Versuche, den Ursprung der Gerechtigkeit auf einem ganz anderen Boden zu suchen – nämlich auf dem des Ressentiment. ... diese Pflanze blüht jetzt am schönsten unter Anarchisten und Antisemiten ... Und wie aus Gleichem notwendig immer Gleiches hervorgehn muß, so wird es nicht überraschen, gerade wieder aus solchen Kreisen Versuche hervorgehn zu sehn, wie sie schon öfter dagewesen sind ..., die Rache unter dem Namen der Gerechtigkeit zu heiligen ..."
Roughly translated, it comes out as
> "Here is a word of rejection against the recently emerged attempts to seek the origin of justice on a completely different ground - namely on that of resentment. ... this plant now blossoms most beautifully among anarchists and anti-Semites ... And as from the same thing must necessarily always come forth the same thing, so it will not be surprising to see again from such circles attempts, as they have often been there ... to sanctify revenge under the name of justice ...".

>> No.21025655

If you want a general overview, I recommend Mosse's The Crisis of German Ideology to get a sense of the underpinnings. Goodrick-Clark's book The Occult Roots of Nazism is also good if you're interested in that side of it. Then read Roger Woods' book on the Conservative Revolution to get a quick overview, and Armin Mohler's The Conservative Revolution and Germany's New Conservatism by Klemens von Klemperer if you can stand the former's bad English translation and the latter's slow start (both are short at least).

Just start reading about specific thinkers who were sympathetic to National Socialism. That's where the real meat is. Worry less about Hitler and his inner circle, or the Holocaust, and more about learning what völkisch, Volkstum, and Volksgemeinschaft mean, learn why Oswald Spengler's "Prussian socialism" and Werner Sombart's "German socialism" have a lot in common, learn why political and social thinkers as diverse as Sombart, Spengler, Gottfried Feder, Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, Othmar Spann, Edgar Julius Jung, and Walther Darre all contributed to the form that "German" or "national" socialism took in Germany, learn why artists like Jünger supported völkisch currents that ended up being melded into National Socialism and why Gottfried Benn supported National Socialism specifically, learn why thinkers as important as Carl Schmitt and Martin Heidegger thought that national or völkisch socialism was the inevitable and necessary stage German history was to take in 1933 and why they thought they could shape it and give it form from within (even if they eventually felt they had failed). Learn why almost all Germans loved the regime and how it channeled all the best tendencies of European man into an actually functional, organic and integral state.

All of that is much more important than the vicissitudes of the war (although the success of national socialism is why the Anglo-American empire knew it had to crush Germany and Italy), and more important than any specific ideological point even including anti-semitism and the Holocaust. To judge national socialism solely by the actions and fate of the National Socialist German Workers' Party would be like judging the overall ideology of liberalism by what America or the UK does in the 20th century, or judging all of Marxist thought by Stalin's terror campaigns. You may not like liberalism or Marxism but that would still be a stupid way to understand either of them. The corresponding underlying current of Nazism is völkisch thought and lowercase n+s national socialism or lowercase f fascism.

Read these:
and many others.

You should learn about fascism too, read Zeev Sternhell's and A. James Gregor's books first.

>> No.21025702

> how it channeled all the best tendencies of European man into an actually functional, organic and integral state.

That sounds pretty credulous.

>To judge national socialism solely by the actions and fate of the National Socialist German Workers' Party would be like judging the overall ideology of liberalism by what America or the UK does in the 20th century, or judging all of Marxist thought by Stalin's terror campaigns.

So which was it then?

>> No.21026721

Manifesto on the Abolishment of Interest Slavery by Gottfried Fedor. He's the guy that inspired Hitler.

>> No.21026742

Your first mistake is assuming NS has any sophisticated underlying thought.

Really the sum of it is

>muh jews

Hitler didn't have complex thoughts about philosophy, culture, architecture other than the most obvious blind prejudice he could come up with.

There's nothing there.

>> No.21026750

How does it feel to have such a pathetic grandfather?

>> No.21026779

I feel completely indifferent towards that. He was part of a poor family of poachers that lived in basically a hut in a forest, so it’s not surprising that his literary endeavors where quite limited. On the other hand, I was the first in my family to have a university degree, so its future looks brighter than its past

>> No.21026782

Great another Nazi thread

>> No.21026885
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That is what all of mainstream media wants you to think, but i suspect some people are realizing there is something more to the National-Socialist world-view. One that demands action, improvement and vitality over whatever terrible circumstances we have now. To die at 55 from a goyslop induced cardiac event with your obese, 22 year old son barely looking up from his phone is not freedom.The National-Socialist encourages the noble struggle.

He is not like the Communist that says boldly the utopia is just over the horizon then we may all rest and eat our fill. The utopia is a lie.

He is not like the Liberal that proclaims proudly we are all the same and we can live peacefully and without trouble. There is no peace.

He is not like the Libertarian who cries that the government is the reason for all your suffering. Life is suffering.

The National-Socialiet embraces the world as it always has been and sees the journey as the goal, not the destination. There is not destination, just a path to be forged with a world view of Blood & Soil.

>> No.21026910

Soldaten - Welzer, Neitzel

>> No.21026969

>muh jews

>> No.21026978

Not a fan of those fags, but there is a compilation called Nazi Ideology before 1933.
Many writings there are interesting and similar to Breaking the Bondage of Interest.

>> No.21027015
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>> No.21027922

Mein Kampf (duh)
National Socialism - Its Principles and Philosophy
Hitler's National Socialism
Hitler's Revolution
Nietzsche - I'd say thus spoke Zarathustra is the most important

>Not essential but important:
A New Nobility of Blood and Soil
Hitler's War
Race and the Third Reich: Linguistics, Racial Anthropology and Genetics in the Dialectic of Volk
Hitler's Empire: Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe

>Some all right books if they interests you and want to dive more into specifics but they are not really important:
Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics
White Power (if you are American this book is more important)
Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State
Traders and Heroes: Patriotic Reflections
Austrian National Socialism before 1918
Hitler's Northern Utopia: Building the New Order in Occupied Norway
National Socialism: It's Foundations, Development, and Goals

There are two books that seem really interesting but I haven't read yet.
Basic ideas of National Socialist cultural policy and Basic ideas of National Socialist economic policy.
Any know if they are any good?

>> No.21027959

Mein Kampf is pretty good

>> No.21028052
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>A New Nobility of Blood and Soil

Im trying to find this. What does it go in to? Would also recommend Kurt Egger SS Warrior-Poet.

>> No.21028127

Reminder that /pol/tards are easily confused by a mass preponderance of anonymity.

>> No.21028142

Great post. All the history books on here are certified kino btw for everyone wondering. No libtard obfuscations of the Reich and its ideology here.

Get it from Imperium Press. Antelope Hill also has a good selections of NS texts.

If you have an interest in WW2 revisionism and the NS scene, you need to be watching Thomas777 and his series about rethinking the ideological warfare against fascism that was put into law at Nuremberg. It's essential viewing for anyone interested in our movement


>> No.21028144
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>Im trying to find this
It's just on Amazon

>What does it go in to
It's basically a glorification of the rural way of life and proposes partially through eugenics a new nobility of hereditary land owners is made. With his proposals for ideal living and education it serves basically as his ''antidote'' so to say to the detrimental effects of city living.

It's very interesting but deviates quite a lot from the official state structure and also lies a link between the German soil and the soul which has some issues both with official party stance on spirituality but also with the concept of Lebensraum.

>> No.21028192
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You are the /pol/tard shitting up what is otherwise an informative thread. Please desist.

Thanks pal, i think i'll grab it. Have you read much of Jonathon Bowden? He appears to be mainly an essayist, ive struggled to find his writings too.

>> No.21028209

Do not presume to tell me what to do.

>> No.21028259

>Have you read much of Jonathon Bowden?
Not really anything. Most I see by him is just collected essays and speeches on some quite specific topic. I know some people really like him but I guess that's largely because he was early in putting his speeches online. I'd like to read Pulp Fascism at some point but that's impossible to find, the new collection of his works Reactionary Modernism seems interesting enough though and are pretty available

>> No.21028569

Good thread, brothers

>> No.21028604

>He is not like the Communist that says boldly the utopia is just over the horizon then we may all rest and eat our fill. The utopia is a lie.
Don't Marxists say if you don't work you don't eat?

>> No.21028649
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Dies Irae

>> No.21028663
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Hence the lie, we will never arrive at the utopia (actual translation is the place than can never be, not paradise on earth) because it does not exist.

>> No.21028691

The idea of the Volksgemeinschaft is a bit of an utopian idea though.

>> No.21028709

what's with the recent uptick in /pol/tard spam on all boards?

>> No.21028712
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It happened in WW1, the Nazis claimed they would re-institute it, and then they did literally exactly that, to the point that basically every German agreed and continued to think so even well after WW2.

The most that ordinary Germans said about the Nazi period Volksgemeinschaft was that it was "misused" by the Nazis, and that it was the natural flourishing of the German nation. But they never said it didn't happen. The 1930s and early 1940s in Germany may have been the most integrated and productive social activity at the highest moral level ever witnessed in human history.

>> No.21028716
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>> No.21028728
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>> No.21028733

Yeah but they were already talking about it before WW1. It was even mentioned in their original 1904 programme I believe. Still while I agree it is more obtainable than most ideas of Utopias it is never going to happen that all people will feel comradery and have a willingness for self sacrifice for the folk. It's basically the only form of real spiritual idealism in National Socialism there is which is a leftover from the German Romanticist movement

>> No.21028738

>i'll find the perfect picture in my /pol/ folder to prove I'm not just a basement dwelling retard posting cringe cope fantasies on 4chan

>> No.21028742

Have you seen the recent threads of National Socialism though? It used to be people just spamming about holocaust books and commies seething. Lately there has been actual discussion and recommendations

>> No.21028744
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>me: posts funny picture of your friends looking gay
>you: freaks out, looks gay
i'm winning so far

>> No.21028752

how many hours do you spend on /pol/ per day?

>> No.21028773

I agree it can't be maintained at the same high ebb and intensity at all times, and there will be natural fluctuations. Cultures always fluctuate and have to be renewed, that's what politics is, a dialectical and organic process. But all national socialism or fascism has to do is establish a healthier EQUILIBRIUM point, so that the default state isn't modern day multicultural no borders insanity and chaos, with actively hostile elites trying to destroy everything that is normal and good.

The way I look at it is this. T.S. Eliot's ideal of a nation (in his short essay "Thoughts on Culture"), with its shared tradition made up of mutually interacting, relatively peaceful subcultures like Germany's many regional variations, is the normal peacetime state of any people or volk that has manifested in its healthy and natural state. There will always be problems that aries, but "socialism" is simply the process whereby naturally social human beings come together to solve these problems, mediated by a state that is the guarantor and guardian of the commonweal.

The key shift in mindset is simply that the equilibrium I just described is the normal one. National socialism is normal, it's the default. Most nations are basically functional places, if they aren't turned into bloated monstrosities hooked up to international finance so that invisible international elites can profit off their slow deaths. When you have a revolutionary upheaval, as is sometimes necessary, what you get is a momentary fever pitch, a high intensity of national self-assertion as the parasitic forces are purged from the body politic. But once that's done, it isn't the default or the norm for the state to slouch back to sleep completely and become prey for new parasites. Instead it simply resumes the normal metabolic equilibrium of a healthy, organic, dialectically self-regulating people, in friendship and sometimes in conflict with other peoples.

The mental shift required to understand fascism isn't: moral totalitarianism is better than corrupt democracy. It's: health, not disease, is the natural state of peoples. The natural alternative to a present state of corruption is not a total, permanent, overbearing sanitary regime, but a temporary fever that raises the temperature to kill the virus before returning to health, which is then ceteris paribus self-perpetuating.

>> No.21028820

I'm not who you responded to. I think the failures of NS Germany ultimately lay with its naive approach to geopolitics and foreign policy. This isn't even something you could squarely blame on Hitler or even the party leadership in general. The old German "deep state" (ie the Prussian Junkers and aristocracy) were just as naive, as shown by the fact that they thought they could simply overthrow the party and negotiate anything less than unconditional surrender with the West to try to slow down the Soviets. The German political class in general had no concept of the sort of war they were actually fighting on the Western Front. This isn't contradictory with the idea that the NS domestic policy was very successful at actualizing a sense of organic volksgemeinschaft out of a stark decline in a way that nowhere in the West has yet to come close to.

>> No.21028837
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>> No.21028962

It's satire if you didn't know.

>> No.21028979

Good post

>> No.21030702

Good shit fren

>> No.21030851
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Just take a gun to your temple for the full experience

>> No.21030854

Imagine putting all that effort in defence of a cuck ideology yum yum licking boots is so fun!

>> No.21030860

>Hence the lie
What the fuck are you talking about you brain damaged cunt? Have you ever read marx?

>> No.21030953
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This book holds all the answers. I can't prove it to you, you just need to read it.

>> No.21031122
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The NSDAP was Christian.

>> No.21031126
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Hitler was Christian (Catholic).

>> No.21031129
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Those who call themselves 'Jews' (Khazarim) hate Christians.

>> No.21031137 [DELETED] 
File: 604 KB, 750x648, Michael 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why have more in common with those that oppsoe you - be they atheist communists or Qabbalist élites?

>> No.21031152

>the Nazis were so dumb that they don’t even know Pontius Pilatus crucified Jesus

>> No.21031155
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Why have more in common with those that oppose you - be they atheist communists or Qabbalist élites?
Where is your Führerprinzip?

>> No.21031156

No, they weren't, they just used Christianity to justify their views, modern politicians do that too and they have nothing to do with the Church. Being christian means to practice Christianity, go to church, pray, fast and so forth. If I would ask my parents if they are christians they would answer with "yes" but their lives have nothing christian about it, they would have been the same if Christianity didn't existed.

>> No.21031164

It is unbelievable how few people can answer the question even remotely correctly.

1. The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century by Houston Stewart Chamberlain
2. All of Ludendorff's works starting with The Coming that you can only buy from Robert Balaicius
3. Bernhardi's Germany and the Next War

Then you would also have to read books like this, the Memoirs of the Crown Prince, Von Papen's Memoirs, The Kaiser's Memoirs, The Hidden Hand by Count Cherep-Spiridovich, Tearing Away the Veil by Francois Coty (you're not going to have a jew banker-free "kosher" understanding of the subject). You'd have to read Onward Christian Soldiers by Donald Day and The Nameless War by Archibald Ramsay.

>> No.21031180
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If the National Socialists hated Christians - with the command they had over their people - there would be no more Christians. They fought reluctantly out of love for what is right, not eagerly out of wanton hate, else there would be no left Khazarim either, for they were merciful - Gnadengläubige.

>> No.21031202
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Indeed. It is not impossible to exterminate a race - it had been done many times since time immemorial.
The Persians did to the Babylonians, the Romans to the Etruscans, the Turks and Mongols had done so to the Scythians, and the Soviets: the Tartars. Not to mention the indigenous perished to the disease like those of Hispañola and Cuba.
There are fates worse than death, and for the Devil, penitence is one of them.
Sie lagen vor Madagaskar...

>> No.21031226
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I think the doctrine of "Love thy Enemy" is misunderstood, or at least "Pray for Them".
Have not one of you hated someone during childhood with every fibre of your being then became the very best of life-long friends with him at the last year of high school?
You could say you wanted to kill him in the past to his face and laugh it off, but could you maintain that such a thought was always justified?

>> No.21031242
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Those that co-opt National Socialism are cut from the same cloth as the Gnostics and their corruption of Christ's teachings - Evola, Devi, Serrano, Guénon, all of them not members of the NSDAP yet their word is heard across the board.

>> No.21031295
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These occult heretics try to make Hitler out to be a 'god' so distant from us and claim to be his 'priests'.
He was no 'god'. He was a man just like any of us.
He endured the poverty as a orphan that Roosevelt could never imagine in his riches of high society.
He served and survived in a World War of whose bloody battlefields Stalin - with a chest full of medals - never set a foot on.
He campaigned and championed for the people and won their hearts unlike Churchill's pre-selected and unelected tenure as Prime Minister after the disaster at Galipolli.
He was the Everyman. Any can could put on his shoes and walk in a shared destiny.

>> No.21031314
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>The Law of Blood: Thinking and Acting as a Nazi
by Johann Chapoutot
>Understanding Nazi Ideology: The Genesis and Impact of a Political Faith
by Carl Müller Frøland

>> No.21031343 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 1000x796, Hitler at Requiem Mass for Polish Marshall Pilsudski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An American journalist contrasted Htiler and Mussolini after meeting them both: he said that the latter always tried to win him while the former never did.
Look at his speeches. Can you hear him say: "look at this! Don't you find this convincing?"? - No, he had as much faith in the audience as they did in him. That was his miracle - the supreme confidence to speak without doubt of an unhearing ear.
Unlike modern political 'commentators' who must reassure their listners in order to reassure themselves, he did not ask the audience to ponder the problems of the day, he did not even explain them in erudite depth, he simply spoke the solutions and deeds followed.
"Arbeit macht frei."

>> No.21031356
File: 96 KB, 1000x796, Hitler at Requiem Mass for Polish Marshall Pilsudski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An American journalist contrasted Hitler and Mussolini after meeting them both: he said that the latter always tried to win him while the former never did.
Look at his speeches. Can you hear him say: "look at this! Don't you find this convincing?"? - No, he had as much faith in the audience as they did in him. That was his miracle - the supreme confidence to speak without doubt of an unhearing ear.
There was no 'Trust the Plan' pre-electoral deception. Unlike modern political 'commentators' who must reassure their listners in order to reassure themselves, he did not ask the audience to ponder the problems of the day, he did not even explain them in erudite depth, he simply spoke the solutions and deeds followed.
"Arbeit macht frei."

>> No.21031446
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A reminder that everybody in Europe was Christian, either devout, culturally or did not care enough to say otherwise. To point out the Nazis were in some way Christian is tantamount to saying they were German. I wonder why it is has heen brought up, especially in unverifiable quotes.

>> No.21031508
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The Germans lost WWI by morale without losing an inch of German soil.
The Germans held on to the very end in WWII: that's how much they loved their leader.
"Führer befiel, wir folgen dir!"
By inference, he could have converted the whole of Europe to Paganism with his power of persuasion, but he didn't.
"Gott mit uns", said every belt buckle on the Ostfront. It was all a crusade against materialist communism, and its capitalist brother came marching to help in Lend Lease by the Masonic 'Balance of Power'.

>> No.21031551
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If Hitler hated Christianity so much, why would he have spent months painting a canvas of Christ and his Mother when he was at 22 years of age and before he entered the public arena?

>> No.21031570
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Because art was still based on beauty, purity and of the traditions that came before. He was painting to sell, living a boho life in Vienna, he painted because he wanted to sell.

Painting picrel does not sell well with the thick-chested hausfrau, despite its more subtle christian imagery.

>> No.21031611

Not going to say you're necessarily wrong. But there is an underlying argument that nationalism is good thing (I'd say a necessity) to bind people to one another and the nation. Part of the ills of the 21st century is the fact that no one really cares about or feels connected to a national higher purpose (secular, religious or w/e). Complete deferral to authority is obviously not good, but if you look at 1950-1960s America there was a strong belief amongst the population in God and the constitution and is often considered the "golden age" of America. Not to say that American society was "perfect" at that time (civil rights, proxy wars, McCarthyism, etc.) but to highlight that nationalism isn't necessarily the "spook" word that the world has taken it to be currently. The post-war economic revival in Japan was also spurred by national pride.

>> No.21031658
File: 149 KB, 500x487, at-least-i-still-have-muh-civic-nationalism-26301352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A key part of lasting nationalism is a blood and soil connection to those around you. Without it, there is nothing. It has been repeatedly shown that people are not loyal to an abstract concept unless it is represented in a real and near thing.

Civic Nationalism has failed in every single nation, it is a hollow replacement for the real thing that contains no biological motivation.

>> No.21031925

Oh my gosh sweetie, a topic that is banned from every forum and every major social media platform is being talked about on one of the only places left its allowed. We gotta shut it down sister.

>> No.21031945

Hitler was more inspired by Schopenhauer than Nietzche. Theres little evidence he even read Nietzche thoroughly cause he had no books about him in his library. He had a lot of Schopenhauer though. He also thoroughly admired Wagner which is kind of antithetical to also admiring Nietzche since they polarized against each other.

>> No.21031950

The difference between being a cuck and being a good follower is, one cannot help themselves and needs someone to replace them, and the other realizes that a greater man can enhance his own abilities. You wouldnt understand this though since you didnt have a father or mentor though.

>> No.21031999

Goebbels was christian. Alot werent. Hitler definitely wasn't. Himmler wasnt either, nor Hess. You have to remember the origins of the NSDAP were in the Volkisch movement which was anti christian and antisemitic. The ideology is definitely not Christian aligned though.

>> No.21032032

>lifting will give you a picturesque life of some italian NEET living in a coastal town with his wealthy family.

Ive been lifting for 6 years and im still in a nigger town on a prairie unable to afford a house and it snows 8 months out of the year so when exactly is this supposed to happen to me.

>> No.21032049
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When you leave the nigger town you dumb nigger. You still have agency and autonomy, yes?

>> No.21032050

The only thing good about this book is the cover. The rest is schlock.

>> No.21032062

In this astrological cycle and THIS economy? No way I got a career and a family. I cant just move on mommy's dollar.

>> No.21032067

Thats obviously a larp. You dont actually believe that shit do you?

>> No.21032136
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Zorba began lifting, reading classic lit, going outside and life greatly improved for Zorba. Zorba encourage you to try it.

Even if it was a larp, your life would be improved by doing it.

>> No.21032164
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Can do it anon

>> No.21032294

Race and the Third Reich: Linguistics, Racial Anthropology and Genetics in the Dialectic of Volk

A New Nobility of Blood and Soil

send links where i can get these in full for free

>> No.21032463

Why the fuck is that guy on the bottom right holding a bar while riding a unicycle? Balance???

>> No.21032494
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That got me, well done sir.

>> No.21032504

Now I can no longer unsee it.

>> No.21032506

I do all the other exercises besides dips, am i missing out on gains?

>> No.21032516

Bikes are replaced by unicycles to lessen rubber shortages so you have to learn how to balance on them. Great German ingenuity

>> No.21032531
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Probably, i don't know. I do a simple 5x5 workout and eat pretty clean. Life is good.

>> No.21032659

I lift for Adolf Hitler

>> No.21032694

If it's published by someone like Penguin, then it's never going to be good.

>> No.21033290

holy fucking kek is that you?

>> No.21033436
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>Civic Nationalism has failed in every single nation, it is a hollow replacement for the real thing that contains no biological motivation.
"Biological motivation" is the abstract concept and there is a history of ideologues underestimating, for example, the United States' ability to inspire its people and lead an international alliance on a different framework (a committment to individual liberty and religious freedom) than one based on ethnicity. In fact, when this picture was taken, there were ideologues who believed that this was a Jewish-controlled muttified stew of immigrants who'd just be a pushover because they had no mystical racial bond like the Aryan volk.

>> No.21033439

fuck you musty ass mayo boy

>> No.21033450
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>> No.21034094

Ok, and?

>> No.21034157

The Bible (in a bad mood and you have to take a drink and say GRRR I HATE JEWS everytime Jews are mentioned)

>> No.21034302

Better than your disappointing present

>> No.21034442

Ideals by Henry Ford goes into some of the economic aspect. If you read The Programme of the NSDAP by Gottfried Feder you'll recognize a lot of similarities but Ford goes into much more detail especially from the worker/businessman's side. I think it's also a good recommendation for normalfags/lolberts because it doesn't have a giant swastika on the cover and Ford is very respected.
Verdi's Dies Irae is great.

>> No.21034456

My present is great

>> No.21034464

I don't understand the Nietzsche recommendation. Nietzsche focuses on rabid individualism at the expense of the collective which is kind of antithetical to NS. Of course NS and more generally the West values individualism, just not to the extent that Nietzsche espouses.
Building your life philosophy around Nietzsche is ultimately destructive.

>> No.21034478

There's a book Nietzsche's Philosophy of Religion that may interest you, I don't know if I completely buy it but it is compelling

>> No.21034492

In Mitchell Heisman's suicide note he says that Nazism is radical because it reinstated a hive structure of human orders, basically the "socialism" of NS was the conversion of individuals into a superorganism that functioned like a beehive or ant colony. In this there is an implied rejection of Judeo-Christianity which posits the eternal value of individual souls and makes attempts to abrogate the idolization of corporative human institutions like races and nations, which makes the hive model not only evil but heretical and paganistic to Judeo-Christians. Does that sound plausible to Nazis in here?

>> No.21035185

Funny how this is one of the only threads on this board with loads of book recs and some effortposts and it's broken up by lefties screeching impotently about how this is supposedly 'spam' and ruining the board, lmao. You think this is /pol/? /pol/ is barely sentient, they couldn't recommend a book if their life was on the line.

>> No.21035259

This. Antiwhite lgbtpoc can’t have sense spoken into them though, they will always screech because they have no other telos than to hate us.

>> No.21035675

These guys are fuckin nazi homophobes

>> No.21035756

>that functioned like a beehive or ant colony
There was a pretty strong focus on meritocracy and individual improvement. Equating that to a beehive is absolutely retarded.
>idolization of corporative human institutions like races and nations
It is more an idolization of a natural laws. Different folk came to be naturally and there was a natural drive to preserve it. The nation defined by certain borders was then replaced by the idea that a nation was simply the entire area where the folk was, hence a folkstate. Then the state itself existed just to ensure the existance of this naturally formed folk wether it be in the current borders or not. What was thus ideolized were things to improve and preserve the folk like, struggle, fertility and genetic selection.
>which makes the hive model not only evil but heretical and paganistic to Judeo-Christians
Not really. The most thing they did with christianity was make a secular state. Even though the ideology took on much of the old societal roles of religion, hence political religion, it just wansn't one. Also talking about Judeo-Christianity is stupid. You are either a Jew or a Christian. For Jews it sure was ''evil''. For Christians it was just secular.

>> No.21035761


>> No.21035801

Some of NS fundamentals are based on greek tradition and philosophy. From what i have read Nichomachean Ethics fits well into NS ideology.

>> No.21035866

Reinstated? What are the previous examples of "humans-as-bees"?

>> No.21035887

I think there's something to the argument that Nazism was a pagan revolt against so-called Judeo-Christianity (in reality, there is no "Judeo-Christianity", only "Christianity") and that's partly why the rest of the Western world expressed such disgust, shock, and horror at the Nazis, but not because it's pagan. Keep in mind, knowledgable Christians have always celebrated certain pagans, their Logos Spermatikos, the Nine Worthies (Three of whom were pagans), and other things "pagan". Paganism isn't enough to invoke the extreme hostility of Christians, but demonic possession certainly is and it's not for mere coincidence that even certain notable German authors, even those who served in the Wehrmacht, observed that Hitler seemed to be a man possessed.

>> No.21035899
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Not the guy you're replying to but this exists. It's more satirical in painting the holy roman empire as a beehive, but the thought has long roots.

>> No.21036160

The divorce of the ethnic element in the United States' mission happened only in the early 20th century. Even in conceptions of manifest destiny you can see the ethnic component begin to be purged around the time of Teddy Roosevelt, and the United States transitions slowly to an international police force for the defense of liberty and freedom (and democracy).

>> No.21036180

Funny enough the book threads are some of the only good threads on /pol/ along with the art threads.

>> No.21036190

Nazism may have undermined the possibility for a right-wing exit from modernity so severely that it may as well be an impossibility.

>> No.21036215
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>in reality, there is no "Judeo-Christianity", only "Christianity"

>> No.21036224

Francis is a man and thus can be wrong.

>> No.21036244

Something something infallibility dogma.

>> No.21036254

Again, from man and thus can be wrong.

>> No.21036261

>from a man

>> No.21036268

Francis will be declared an Anti-pope in our lifetime.

>> No.21036269

By whom?

>> No.21036274

I already do all that shit. My mental state is fine but Im not expecting to live some idyllic life in some idyllic place. You make it sound like sorcery. Its literally just the standard shit you should be doing as a man, a baseline. It isnt some esoteric methodology.

>> No.21036283

>no sun exposure

Working by candlelight, rabbi?

>> No.21036288

>It isn't some esoteric methodology
It isn't but it feels like it. The number of people who do all three is miniscule, the number who do even two of the three is pretty low as well. Hell there's a sizeable population of "men" who do none of those.

>> No.21036291

What does it feel like being a peasant, a lesser human better people? Your university degree doesn't mean anything when your blood is of such low origin.

>> No.21036295

a lesser human than better people*

>> No.21036311

seething internet radtrads

>> No.21036317

Correct, a mere man who proclaims himself a god is in reality just a man.

>> No.21036321

My life would improve if I had enough money to live as a bohemian poet or to buy a small farm and drop out.

>> No.21036328

Nice cope, how is your "noble blood" working for you? You somehow ended up in the same place as him, doing nothing while the world goes to shit.
Reminder that Augustus Caesar was a plebian whose grandfather was a country money-lender and whose great-grandfather was a rope maker.
Reminder that Hitler was the son of a simple customs official who was the son of peasant farmers.
There is no man more noble than he who lifts his line from obscurity into prominence through great deeds.

>> No.21036342

To add, there is no man more base than he who lets his line fall to ruin.

>> No.21036359

What great deeds are doable today?

>> No.21036362

Yeah Hitler sucked. Plebs suck when they get uppity, like you. Plebs are made to shut up and eat it up.

>> No.21036403

The forging of nations? The repulsion of invaders? The cleanse of parasites?
Plenty of non-political deeds as well; imagine the man who creates usable fusion reactors.
Many things that feel impossible at this moment will become inevitable in the hard times to come. Study more about the NS rise to power. When men's bellies are empty and everything about them is wrong they will follow anyone who promises to put an end to the madness.

You'll hang with the rest, jew :^)

>> No.21036422 [DELETED] 
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are you black?

>> No.21036450

And you see any of this happening? The point about usable fusion reactors reminds me of the quote "invent the car, invent the car crash". Not every new deed is noble because it's new.

>> No.21036454
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lothrop stoddard and madison grant

i am interested in them not because i am a white nationalist but because i am an untermensch

>> No.21036461

NS had popular support in both judicial courts and universities and a populace that remembered monarchy.

>> No.21036484

I guess reinstated is an inaccurate word. The hive structure is something seen in families and clans, but seemingly never in any giant human corporation. I think the characterization of NS as an attempt to “make the volk feel itself as a family”, converting individuals into a superorganism all a part of the same national consciousness. Makes me think of that Junger dude saying that “every man felt the individual in him dissolve” as they were preparing to charge out of a trench. Again you see that camaraderie in smaller groups like soldiers, families etc but never to the same extent in a nation

>> No.21036501

Yeah, but Junger was very critical of that in the Nazis and modern movements in general. You can look at his book The Glass Bees.

>> No.21036534

Yes, I think there is a decent shot of it; that's why I said it.
That's a really stupid quote. I've read some ethics of science/technology so I get the point it's trying to make, but the specifics are retarded. The number of major injuries from car crashes are insignificant and far outweighed by the benefits provided by the vastly increased speed of transportation.
Also, I never said "noble deed", I said "great deed". Noble deeds do not lead to noble (high) blood in the sense above, only great deeds do. Saving kids from a burning orphanage is certainly a noble deed but it will not elevate your line, and it won't be remembered for long either.

And communism had popular support among the people, at least until they heard about all of the Ukranians starving and an alternative was presented to them.

>> No.21036591

Right, and NS has no popular support anywhere at all

>> No.21036597

You've not really deeply thought about the car thing, and you know you haven't. There's no great deed in automating or the mechanization and sterilization of human life imo.

>> No.21036670

Of course not, times aren't bad yet. As I said above, it isn't until the bread and circuses come to an end that men turn to extremes.

You're welcome to join the Amish and avoid all uses of cars if you want. Hitler understood the benefits of the automobile, anyone who has ever experienced life without all of the benefits they provide understands it. Hell even the Amish make heavy use of cars.
Automation (at least under NS) allows the human spirit to blossom. I don't have to waste hours of the week drawing water, washing clothes and dishes, splitting wood, tending the cookfire, etc. I can take all of that time and put it into the things that make me feel alive. At the same time there is nothing stopping me from doing things the old way should I want to.
I guarantee you're a city-dwelling zoomer with no life experience. Why don't you practice what you preach and live in your Ted shed?

>> No.21036726

automation under NS caused the extermination of people like they were insects. In that case, it was Jews but it just as well could have been anyone else. You are being challenged to explain why what Hitler believed was right and not that it's right because it's what Hitler believed, in case that wasn't clear.

>> No.21036760

>he thinks the lolocaust happened
LMAO what are you even doing in an NS thread?
The great advantages of the automobile are self-evident to everyone zoom-zoom. The onus is on you to explain why automobiles are so bad.

>> No.21037152

So to be clear, do you think Hitler was right because the Holocaust didn't actually happen? Is that right?

>> No.21037158

I already explained the downsides to the automobile. Invent the car, invent the car crash. Industrial-technological innovation isn't necessarily good. This should be quite obvious.

>> No.21037184
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I'm looking for a pdf of an album written by Jo Rivett "The Party Badge" anyone has it?

>> No.21037211

>>21025611 has good suggestions but I would add Gottfried Feder as a very important author to read if you want to understand the NS worldview. I'm not sure if he's been translated though

It's not surprising that Nietzsche was ignorant of the Jewish question when you consider the period during which he was alive. He lived in an imperial Germany and didn't have to witness the exploitation of mass democracy or the betrayal of the German people by organized Jewry. Had he lived to experience WW1 and the following years he would've seen them for what they are.

>> No.21037233

So to be clear, you can't give even a single reason why automobiles are bad? Is that right?
Go be a jew somewhere else.
>muh car crash
People regularly fell off horses, crashed carriages, were trampled by horses, etc. This is a massive cope. Further, cars don't get spooked and run wild. Car crashes are a minor inconvenience compared to the massive benefits the automobile has provided to society.
>Industrial-technological innovation isn't necessarily good
Obviously, but you have yet to give any reasons why either automobiles or fusion reactors would be bad beyond "m-muh car crashes". Sorry that you're a shit driver but for most people this isn't a problem. I can bash your head in with a rock, I guess "rocks bad" now.
Once again, if "industrial-technological innovation" is bad, stop using it, even just for a month. Don't use any of the equipment in your home. All of the labour that this "industrial-technological innovation" has saved is far more damaging to the human spirit than the machines are.
The problem with nearly all of these machines is entirely a social problem brought about by industrial capitalists. The entire point of NS economics is to fix this by mediating relations between workers and industrialists and encouraging cottage industries.
Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be larping in the Uncle Ted thread?

>> No.21037265

I just said almost verbatim that cars aren't necessarily bad but the care also implies the car crash, which is bad. So no, that's wrong.

Right, so why is the car more right than any of those things? You should be campaigning for horses and carriages too, but you're not. And you've still failed to muster even one reason why technological advancement is an inherently good thing.

>> No.21037322

>cars aren't necessarily bad
It seems we're arguing past each other then. I never said that "technological advancement is an inherently good thing", in fact I also just said almost verbatim the opposite.
Why would I campaign for horses and carriages? They have some nostalgia value like the carriage ride through the park but they are functionally inferior to the automobile. The automobile is far faster, requires far less upkeep, doesn't have a mind of it's own, is capable of hauling far larger loads, is far more energy efficient. These are all obvious, self-evident advantages as I stated above; demanding that I list them is just arguing in bad faith. The obvious disadvantage of the automobile is that it is largely dependent on an advanced economy in order to manufacture and distribute parts, fuel, etc. but this only becomes a problem if you want to leave society or if society collapses, and if there is a collapse I think you have much bigger problems than rapid transportation in the short term.

>> No.21037338

Sounds an awful lot like Jesus.

>> No.21037380

Jesus wasn't a mere man.

>> No.21037386

You did. I asked for great deeds and you said nuclear fusion, which turned into technology, and we used cars as an example. I'm still failing to see how this is necessarily a great deed.

>> No.21037444

Bolshevism From Moses to Lenin: A Dialogue Between Me And Adolf Hitler by Dietrich Eckart (pay attention to the footnotes!)

Freemasonry: Organization and Worldview by Dieter Schwartz (based on documents captured by the SS and Gestapo during raids on Masonic lodges throughout Europe. Predicted the EU and its promotion of Afro-Asiatic mass-immigration into Europe in the case of an Allied victory)

Hitler's Table Talk

The Life of Lycurgus

Beware the World to Come by Christopher Jon Bjerknes

>> No.21037529

Modern society depends on electricity to function. All current forms of generating electricity require vast sums of finite resources (this includes solar/windpower) or are location dependent (hydro). Fusion reactors should only require hydrogen as fuel, which is the most common element in the universe and essentially infinite) and the reactor itself which, based on fission reactors, will last far longer than other "renewables" such as solar or wind. Fusion reactors solve the energy problem for modern society, which most people would view as a great deed. Ask anyone on the street if they would be happy with their electric bill being halved, would any of them say no?
This is all very obvious, stop arguing in bad faith. Automobiles are the same for the reasons listed above, all of which are desirable in a modern society. You will now attempt to argue that modern society as a whole is bad to which I repeat my request for you to live without modern ammenities for a month or, even better, to join the Amish.

>> No.21037653

Modern society also depends on capital to function but Hitler thought international finance was bad.

>> No.21037676

All I'm asking you to do is explain why it's a heroic deed and you're not doing that. People don't need nuclear fusion to survive. They don't even need it to have electricity. Sure, it can make electricity cheaper, which isn't obviously true or good in itself but supposing it does and it does, you still ignore the externalities. Going back to the car example. A car can get you from A to B quickly, which is good. It can also kill you and your entire family, and indeed does kill many families all the time, which is bad. So why is the car necessarily heroic? These are just things, and things have upsides and downsides. They can't be intrinsically good or bad.

>> No.21037781
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Is there a book that specifically (or close to it) talks about Hitler/Nazi rhetoric and persuasion?

>> No.21037960


Werner Konitzer/Johanna Bach/David Palme/Jonas Balzer (Hgg.), Vermeintliche Gründe. Ethik und Ethiken im Nationalsozialismus