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File: 190 KB, 1024x1496, 1024px-Suttree_-_Cormac_McCarthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21025378 No.21025378 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything truly similar to this? Carefree dereliction and chaos?

I was recommended Wise Blood but that was not anything like Suttree. Terrible book.

>> No.21025392

Try some Australian modernism. Tree of Man. Bliss.

>> No.21025438

Been a while since I’ve read Suttree but Look Homeward Angel by Wolfe felt similar to me. It’s a good book regardless that I recommend

>> No.21026227

I disagree. It's quite unsentimental about the dropout life. Suttree himself isn't particularly happy or content. But that said:

Cannery Row by John Steinbeck has a similar feel. (Reprobates, dropouts, semi-criminals live a sort of cosy demi-monde existence.)

Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas has some things in common — madcap semi-delinquent cast of characters, rich verbal texture (just read the first two pages of each work).

The Darling Buds of May by H.E.Bates might appeal. The basic premise: straitlaced normie (tax inspector) meets wacky good-hearted but outside-respectability family and gets sucked into their world. Definitely a carefree vibe (more carefree than Suttree).

Fear & Loathing in Last Vegas goes all-in on irresponsible anarchy, if that's what you want.

Murphy by Samuel Beckett, sort of. (Title character likes tying himself to a rocking-chair and rocking back and forth in the dark, but his girlfriend prevails upon him to find a job.)

A bildungsroman like Tom Jones has someone getting into scrapes before settling down to Life Proper. Keep the Aspidistra Flying by George Orwell has the same basic progression (young man lives in poverty trying to be a poet before finally giving up and becoming a normie) but the tone is very different: spare language rather than lush, and dry humour rather than wacky.

You could also take a look at the film Five Easy Pieces (Talented pianist from wealthy family drops out, works as labourer.)

>> No.21026250

>I disagree. It's quite unsentimental about the dropout life. Suttree himself isn't particularly happy or content.

I think it's carefree in the sense that Suttree does whatever he is feeling at the time. He doesn't march to anyone else's drum regardless of the harm he causes to himself or the depressing nature of his life.

Thanks for the recommendations

>> No.21026268
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>> No.21026276
File: 34 KB, 282x475, 254FA8EA-42B2-4FC7-8B7B-45E93D4A8C20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21026388

What's (you)r favorite chapter?
For me, it's the one where he goes schizo and gets lost in the forrest.

>> No.21026490

That chapter was great. I really liked the final chapter where he has typhoid and is hallucinating and losing his mind.
Had some of the funniest lines in the book.

>> No.21026663
File: 55 KB, 333x500, 990FCE30-A3EF-460F-A98E-A1FDC88F3725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21026770

Good call, I forgot this. Has quite a lot in common.

>> No.21027981
File: 139 KB, 900x642, 1663872511913483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to write whacky and insane, out there fantasy and sci fi stories
>Have trouble writing them because they seem more suited for a visual medium
What do I do?

>> No.21028045

It's a very accurate description of being a semi-intelligent guy in a claustrophobic small-town/bum city environment back before the internet