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21021786 No.21021786 [Reply] [Original]

Chinese professors think Nietzsche isn't philosophy, but just a symptom of the illness of the west. That he can totally be ignored.

Even the students here in the west always skip Nietzsche and go from whatever German Idealist straigth to early 20th century thinkers and pretend Nietzsches influence on Heidegger and so is totally irrelevant.

I don't get it. Even if you feel so removed from the direct cultural pressure of christianity-atheism, socialism-conservatism, germanism-hellenism, deontology-utilitarianism etc. of the west you should definitely see the same aspect of unconscious prejudice in your chinese society and mentality. If you don't care about his musing/seething at art of the day then at least recognize his epistemological insight.

And to boot, they are so arrogant about this. Even chinese professors who teach in the West pretend like China has everything solved and they are talking about western philosophy out of sympathy (Yuk Hui for example pretends china has the technology question solved and any Heideggerian attempt just needs to take a million steps over and have some gay Qi symbol exhaust the question for you; what a fucking retard). So Heidegger stole entire Being and Time from a 12 page book of Zen on why drinking tea is ebin and based apaprently, so thats why they can pretend to bring Heidegger back into eastern dogma. But Nietzsche opposes any such attempt from the get go, so... just ignore him?
If these morons at least weren't swarming our faculties I wouldn't care, but every philosophy graduate program in a prestigious German Uni has a 50% chinese students. They laothe German philosophy, but if writing papers on it brings them cred in shithole china universities, they don't care to ruin German faculties by pretending an adage by a dude who rode buffallos expunges Hegel. I hate them.

>> No.21021789

Aren't chinks all about nationalism and Nietzsche thinks nationalism is slave morality

t. Knows nothing about Nietzsche other than what I've read on /lit/

>> No.21021792

>every philosophy graduate program in a prestigious German Uni has a 50% chinese students
what the fuck?

>> No.21021795
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>> No.21021799

Bug races are inherently afraid of birds. Nothing much to see.

>> No.21021816

But killing them is dealing with them, avoiding them isn’t

>> No.21021822


How is that fucking possible when near all of the leaders of Bolshevik Revolution was influenced by Nietzsche.
Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss too

>> No.21021826

All literal whos

>> No.21021828

>They laothe German philosophy
What? If anything, Asian philosophers are idealistboos and appreciate them more than Western pomo academics

>> No.21021832

China is ultra cucked. They have no notion of individuality, they are the slave morality civilization par excellence. They didn't even need Christianity, they're just biologically subservient.

>> No.21021855

Everything after German Idealism doesn't matter. Philosophy was solved then. Everything after is just wank.

>> No.21021859

How else would you control 1 billion people without risking it turning the country into Shithole India?

>> No.21021861
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Ching chong ching chong don't care.

>> No.21021868

Now this is based. Finally, a consistent system of ethics.

>> No.21021875

lol Nietzsche is the cure for Chinese illness. They are afraid of him because he is incompatible with Marx.

>> No.21021879

>knows nothing about nietzsche other than what I read on /lit/
Kek. You've described every poster on this board.

>> No.21021882

When’s the last time the Chinese produced an ubermensch?

>> No.21021886

Really retarded thread.

>> No.21021895
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While China's one-party system is lame in general, it IS at least nice that the state can unilaterally help citizens to avoid drinking the Nietzsche kool-aid.
>be dictator
>hmmm should I let my people read this crazy guy who will lead to ennui and depression and suicide??
>no. no i should not. into the trashbin it goes.

>> No.21021900

neetcha is on my backlog but honestly from what i've seen on the internet in general, literally NOBODY can accurately describe what the fuck his actual ideas are, it's like asking a table full of different prot denominations if faggots should be allowed to officiate marriages between dogs and beluga whales. so i would just ignore everyone and read him yourself.

>> No.21021910

Because his sister altered his notes before publishing them, giving them a nationalist bend even though Nyaancha didn't really care about states.

>> No.21021914

Abandon civilization, return to monke

>> No.21021920

post a single paragraph from his public works (includes Will to Power) that make Nietzsche seem like a German Nationalist.

>> No.21021926

Chinese students need to be banned from European universities

Hell, deport all of them and their capital

>> No.21021936

Real philosophy (unlike anything you can find in Eastern thought) is about radical epistemological criticism. When you get down to it, a philosopher is someone who does not want to be fooled. Not someone who can construct the most impressive worldview or drop the most poignant aphorism. It doesn't surprise me that Chinese professors find nothing of value in Nietzsche. They just don't get what real philosophy is about, from the distinction between doxa and episteme to the Masters of Suspicion.

>> No.21022021

>10. We will not give references, since the publication of the works of Nietzsche in eight volumes, not counting the additional volumes, is excessively heavy artillery for a few newspaper articles.

>> No.21022076

whenever xi jinping was born

>> No.21022097

Kant… the Chinese of Koenigsberg

>> No.21022217

Most people on /lit/ would hate real philosophy ("What?! You mean this boring stuff about metaphysics goes for another thousand pages still???"), they just want someone to write "I'm 12 and you can't make me go to church anymore Dad!" in sophistical aphorism form. Nietzsche is perfect for them

>> No.21022310


Why is EVERY shitskin nation like this?

>> No.21022671

It’s true, look it up.

>> No.21022685

>Chinese professors think Nietzsche isn't philosophy, but just a symptom of the illness of the west. That he can totally be ignored.
Its true.

>> No.21022985

I thought it was Marx that was responsible for the gulags and holodomor, and now you tell me it's Nietzche?
I mean what intellectual is responsible for the GULAG? I have to know, so i can shitpost.

>> No.21022995

t.karl "pill" popper

>> No.21023015

>an adage by a dude who rode buffallos expunges Hegel.
Modern China is literally built on the philosophy of a Hegel fanboy, there's no way they don't worship Hegel.

That's the thing about post-Cultural Revolution China. It's built on a Western ideological/philosophical framework, Marxism. It is divorced from whatever Chinese philosophy came before. They might despise German philosophy, but they live in a society based on it.

>> No.21023306
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>but every philosophy graduate program in a prestigious German Uni has a 50% chinese students
No fucking way. Do germans walk into their lecture halls, see half the seats occupied by asians(clumps of them, since more likely to be friends and all), and go pic related?

>> No.21023309

as long as enough of them are girls I wouldn't see any problem

>> No.21023358

They can’t read English much less German. There is zero possibility hat they are going to understand western philosophy even in translation. The Germans are impenetrable even to English speakers so the Chinese have no chance

>> No.21023397

Atheists live in your head rent free

>> No.21023414

>adage by a dude who rode buffallos

Holy based. This automatically refutes anything Hegel ever said.

>> No.21023642

real chinese philosophy at work

>> No.21023673

Based chinks. They obviously dismiss german incels who never fucked bitches in their lives.

>> No.21023716

expat chinese people are asexual. any uni student will attest to that.

>> No.21023735

>expat chinese people are asexual

>> No.21023760

why is that exactly?

the fire rises

>> No.21024491

Since Ancient China (Laozi, Sun Tzu, Confucius). Once they started getting invaded throughout the millennias, they lost all sense of individuality and emotional empathy.

>> No.21024546

Racism is the greatest social/cultural sin a white person can be guilty of.

>> No.21024895

Wrong, I've fucked plenty of them

>> No.21025082

The CPC are the most avid students of Carl Schmitt of any governing body in the world.
That's why they're winning.

>> No.21025361

well the gay ones are outliers of course

>> No.21025371

>t. Knows nothing about Nietzsche other than what I've read on /lit/
literally me

>> No.21025377

deleuze literally wrote a book called "nietzsche and philosophy". nietzsche AND philosophy. because nietzsche's not philosophy

>> No.21025391

I've never read any philosophy but I found Beyond Good and Evil at the thrift store for $2. How lost will I be?

>> No.21025393

But what if (You) are the annoying one?

>> No.21025397

That was 20 years ago

>> No.21025402

Who defaced my beautiful Kant wojak with a crying-seething face?

>> No.21025460
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Mainland China is 95% han Chinese. They're literally mass produced humanoids. Treat them the way they you would treat livestock.

>> No.21025464

Who's the translator

>> No.21025471

Helen Zimmern

>> No.21025475

That's fine. She was actually a contemporary of Nietzsche and is one of the better translators. Met him in person and everything

>> No.21025491

Which eastern philosophers do they study?

>> No.21025514

Because a correct reading of Nietzsche gets out out of reading more philosophy, so naturally he filters anyone before they make the mistake of graduate school in philosophy.

>> No.21025531

> Chinese philosophy
Not a thing. You are right that they only study philosophy to print papers. They honestly believe "printing" philosophy papers are the mark of a great philosopher.
Nietzsche is an alright philosopher, good to catch the attention of young minds, and if one is serious about studying him in his later years, why not?

>> No.21025798
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I think Nietzsche comes across as a weird esotericist at best and, at worst, criticized in Chinese party publications as the representative of a dangerous ideology known as "historical nihilism" that will undermine faith in Marxism and the great project of Chinese rejuvenation. The re-emergence of historical nihilism is also closely related to the trend of Western postmodernism, which is like the "irrational ideological trend" as represented by Nietzsche in the 19th century and reflects people's introspection on capitalist civilization and has its own rationality but will inevitably tend to the misunderstanding of reality based irrationality and lead to historical nihilism with no solutions to the problems of modernity unlike the great Marx who pointed the path forward and into the new era:


>> No.21025967

>Chinese think
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.21025975

Historical nihilism just means complaining too much about Mao and past crimes of the CCP.

>> No.21026107

This. Who cares about chinks after Confucius?

>> No.21026163


>> No.21026217

Nietzch was a radical individualist who thought that following any kind of authority made you a slave. The Chinese are collectivists who believe that the precondition for progress is the unity of the people. What's there to be confused about?

>> No.21026225

The Nazis still liked Nietzsche (not all of them, though)

>> No.21026230

>Chinese professors
I recall one of the funniest conferences I ever went to, it was ostensibly about chinese aesthetic philosophy, when the professor I knew who hosted it came to give his talk, he spoke about some chinese aesthetic philosopher for like 3 minutes, shat on him for being a retard, and then spent the next 40 minutes of his talk detailing how lack of free speech, communism and authoritarianism would necessarily lead to shitty art and shitty philosophy, while keeing hard eye contact with the delegation of chinese academics sitting on the front row. Half the delegation walked out. It caused a minor scandal.

The professor is usually the most milquetoast, conflict-averse man I've ever met but god damn he was savage that day.

>> No.21026243

That's so based

Is there a video? What University was it?

>> No.21026257
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>Chinese professors think Nietzsche isn't philosophy, but just a symptom of the illness of the west. That he can totally be ignored.
He's right.
Nietzsche and Heidegger are sophists.

>> No.21026262

I don’t care about Nietzsche but man, FUCK Heidegger, I hated that I had to read being and time in college

>> No.21026324

This is actually true and factual.

>> No.21026336

I agree except that nowadays they want muh based völkisch tradwife will to power fascism

>> No.21026353

There are many great filters in philosophy, and Heidegger is one of them.

>> No.21026382

They make up for it by being treacherous.

>> No.21026469

It's more like "I'm 40 and my son is finally growing into his own person, I need someone to reaffirm my authority, which up to this point was based purely on size difference. What do you mean I need to think for myself?"

>> No.21026509

What millennias of serfdom and a misguided superiority complex does to a culture. That's pretty much it.

>> No.21026573

They've been rejecting a lot of Marx shit and returning to Confucius ideals.

>> No.21026649

>not karl "call me big" popper

>> No.21026668

>based on it
After Deng it dropped all actual attempts at becoming communist, and essentially returned to a private merchant economy with massive state ownership, the default political economic system of China for millenia. The political class that arose are, as of old, officials accepted based on imperial examinations and a healthy dose of nepotism.

>> No.21026693
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Having read a few books that have touched on some pretty dark aspects of chinese thinking and doing, i must say that i find what those professors are saying pretty fucking laughable. Chinese culture is supposed to be so high-and-mighty and the same time they are also people who have little objections in scamming and cheating other people, as long as they are foreigners. This isn't a thing that is common in countries who are "supposed" to be civilized. Funnily enough, one of the countries that i know with somewhat similar way of thinking is fucking AFRICA, even though they do their scammings on a much smaller scale. Nothing like the type of company size scamming the chinese have been doing for years.

So yeah, for the chinese professors to look down on other cultures isn't just arrogant it's also either hypocritical or just pure foolishness

>> No.21026785

what is his epistemological insight?

>> No.21027292
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It's the case in every socialized education system. The university goons can reap personal fortunes only through the wholesale of pre-paid slots, and China is the only economy big enough, with a population shallow enough, to house large numbers of people who can pay upfront for the degree.

They're all useless as well. The universities pass them with flying colors despite the fact virtually none of them can speak English or German well enough to pass classes. They rely entirely in the rote memorization of mathematical formulae. They have zero creativity and are worse than useless as scientists or entrepreneurs. The Chinese are abominable.

>> No.21027457

This coincides with my experience. Once had a argument with a chink postgraduate that his teacher was a more accomplished philosopher than any Western philosopher in history by virtue of having published somewhere around 500 papers (so, more "books" than any Western philosopher ever did).

>> No.21027471

>Once had a argument with a chink
You only make that mistake once

>> No.21027472

Do you think Indians care deeply about Western philosopy? They don't. We care more about Indian philosophy then they care about Western philosophy or Indian philosophy for that matter. The only non-Western people to ever deeply consider Western philosophy are the Russians.

>> No.21027483

Go look at any American economics or engineering graduate program. It will be almost entirely Chinese. No American has the chance to say "this is fine" because they're not even in the program.

>> No.21027494

>implying anyone cares what gurgesh thinks

>> No.21027511

When have the opinions of the Chinese mattered? Also I wouldn't say that Nietzsche is a western philosopher, he's his own thing, he's basically a pre-socratic and/or post-western philosopher.
Anything that is the "mass" is slave morality so ofc nationalism falls under it, Nietzsche was so anti-nationalist he renounced his citizenship and lived as a "stateless" person. BUT he was pro pan- Europeanism. He would have no problem of something like an EU, maybe not in the literal sense how it is now, but something like that, the idea.

>> No.21028316

It's very simple.
1) Chinese are unironically retarded people.
2) Western society is ill, true, but Chinese society is the Hell on earth.
3) Nietzsche was ill and wrong, true, but any modern Chinese thinker is simply dogshitl.
4) Chinese professors would do the world a favor if they killed themselves.
5) Western professors should also kill themselves, but at least they know how to read.
6) Making threads on /lit/ will not change either your life nor the world.
7) Reading what you enjoy without caring about others, maybe will change both your life and the world.

>> No.21028334

You mad Chang?

>> No.21028607
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>Nietzsche being ignored
>Being told Nietzsche is wrong
The contrarian inside of me tells me his philosophy is the way and they just don't want you to make

>> No.21028757

ah yes. the "couldn't care less" larper, classic.

>> No.21028811

But Zhang? You care what he thinks because...?

>> No.21028816

I bet they don't like Nietzsche because he up-ends rationalism and disrupts social harmony, and not because his ideas are without value.

>> No.21028901

It really isn't where the money is. Sales and marketing is where literally all the money is.

>> No.21029411

They’re weight.