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21020909 No.21020909 [Reply] [Original]

If the most reddit book ever written is Ready Player One, What is the most 4chan book ever written?

>> No.21020916

>What is the most 4chan book ever written?
Ready Player One

>> No.21020919

Notes from the underground

>> No.21020926
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>> No.21020945

The most 4chan book of all time is 12 Rules for Life. It embodies the core impulse of 4chan, which is traditional larping without any real life experience. That's why Jordan Peterson is considered a dad figure, because he embodies this pretend play spirit of false authenticity in his own life. He talks obsessively about war and conflict, while never having experienced it. He idolizes free market enterprise, while from a country with a very robust state sponsored welfare system and schooling system, which paid his salary. He obsesses over traditional values such as dignity and stoicism, while being a nervous wreck over the smallest things, such as having to delete a tweet.

Jordan Peterson is the right wing zeitgeist. A permanently triggered manchild who complains constantly how immature the dreaded esjaydubblejoes are

>> No.21020960

>What is the most 4chan book ever written?
Idres Shah's Nasrudin collection in English.

An idiot appears to be a wise man by being an idiot and is thus a wise man but is in fact idiotic. It is full of memes and is basically [s4s] on nasheed.

>> No.21021350

Sex and Characters

>> No.21021388

wtf I love communism and militating myself now

>> No.21021477
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this is way too specific to offend anyone
also, do you want me to say it? ill say it. words.

>> No.21021504

Call of the arcade

>> No.21021513

Would reading his book and following his words instead of actions be a viable choice

>> No.21021528

Are you waiting until price goes to the moon?

>> No.21021533

The Red Book

>> No.21021584

Sadly Porn by Edward Teach

>> No.21021598

It says "rejects capitalism, alright" at beginning. At the end it says "afraid employer think he is white nationalist"

>> No.21021604

The Turner Diaries

>> No.21021620

Read it

>> No.21021632

I'll never understand what's up with redditors' crazy obsession over this guy. Just take a look at a post like this. This is clearly not healthy

>> No.21021775

I am this pic give or take a few exceptions.
How do I cure my disease, bros?

>> No.21021783

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra

>> No.21021793

>pursues STEM career while despising fellow STEMs
Hey, that’s literally me.

I don’t fit most other stuff though, it does sound like the guy tried to make a collage of the stereotypical stuff a 4channeler would do/like/say based on the boards he browses, hencewhy you find shit like Dostoeivsky and Arch Linux, which I instantly recognize because I browse /lit/ and /g/ as well as many stuff I don’t recognize because I don’t browse the boards they’re from (some seems to be from reddit as well).

>> No.21021857



>> No.21021862
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>> No.21021870

my diary desu

>> No.21022095


>> No.21022150

Mein kampf

>> No.21022535


>> No.21022642

obviously, that poster failed to mention the correctness of right wing talking points

>> No.21022712

Samuel Delany - Hogg

>> No.21022871

A Modest Proposal.

>> No.21023233


>> No.21023259

>repetitive, bitchy, boring, self-indulgent shit
Sounds about right.

>> No.21023300

>Sadly Porn
yeah that, also i found it very self-confident. annoyingly so

>> No.21023392
File: 375 KB, 1000x878, rotring-600-0-35mm-0-5mm-0-7mm-chernyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is meant to be a literally me post but how the fuck did they know I own a rotring 600

>> No.21023975

Amazing how a guy who reminds leftoids of their fathers causes so much seething.
Clean your room, champ.

>> No.21024120

How should we know?

>> No.21024200

I feel the dislike other STEMS, I think for me its because when I have something I am nerdy about it is only ever shared by autistic losers, so I can't connect with them if they are typical STEM dudes. Wait...

>> No.21024217

His ability to make people like you mad is uncanny.

>> No.21024277
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>What is the most 4chan book ever written?

>> No.21024406

>Jordan Peterson is the right wing zeitgeist.
>Jordan Peterson is 4chan is Jordan Peterson
>4chan is right wing, despite denouncing consumerism with terms like goyslop and capeshit
>4chan is right wing, despite mocking corporations for their transparent attempts to appeal to minorities
>4chan is right wing, despite being populated by neets who mock wagies
>4chan is tradlarp, despite having pornography on its nsfw boards since inception
>4chan is tradlarp, despite pushing social boundaries since its inception (laughing at 9/11, dead soldiers, and ancient power structures such as monarchies)
4chan has no small shortage of retards, they've been here since 2015, but most people here are keenly self-aware and reject both the right and the left. 4chan is anti-conformist, it has always been the "naughty no no site, never go here!!1!!!"; if you view this as being "right wing", it's because of your own prejudices. Touch grass.

>> No.21024435

matthew harris NIGGER manifesto

>> No.21024662

Maybe I'm trying to bring meaning to my trivial superflous existence by having high quality posessions, or something like that

Either way it was weird to see something so specific on a list like this, especially because I've never resonated with a literally me post before

>> No.21024684

Snow Crash

>> No.21024687

retard >>21020169

>> No.21024715

Stay triggered homie.

>> No.21024730


>> No.21024785


>> No.21024789

up yours woke moralist

>> No.21024831

Judging from the (you)'s, this post is correct.

>> No.21024965

That's so fucking funny

>> No.21024970


another month, another unpaid rent

>> No.21025106

Wow I've been refuted! Especially the part where I say there's no small shortage of retards! Gah, you've refuted my argument which was definitely "There are no right wing posters on 4chan", and definitely not "4chan has no strong political momentum towards either direction". Fie! Curse you, you've reduced my post to a shambles, by linking to a thread where half of the replies are people calling OP a faggot for his one-dimensional character! Gah, 4chan is truly hell-bent on their right-wing ideology, I cede defeat and reign kike pseud 'Jordan Peterson' as the true God-emperor of this nazi-riddled site! Everyone here loves free market capitalism, prostitutes, and Disney because they are so right wing!!!!

>> No.21025114

He's the new Ayn Rand. They're both slightly above average but otherwise forgettable writers who remain relevant because progressives melt down whenever they come up.

>> No.21025184

the perks of being a wallflower

>> No.21025317

I hate him because he's a philosemite.

>> No.21025342
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It is without a shadow of a doubt Bagatelles pour un massacre by Celine. The book is literally a /pol/ shitpost. It contains the word "jew" twice as much as fucking Mein Kampf. It is an incoherent rambling monologue schizopost

>> No.21025386

>honest critique of the right-wing
>cue impotent seething
Why are those faggots incapable of self-reflection?

>> No.21025413

Jordan peterson is not really meaningfully right wing

>> No.21025414

>pursues STEM career while despising fellow STEMs
I hate my life.
But I think if your major doesn't suit you, and if you're a lonely man, it just naturally leads to those hobby.

>> No.21025427

Sure but the post was very broadly a comment on chronically online tradlarps

>> No.21025461

Tradlarps involve a lot more extreme content that Jordan. You will be banned from almost every site for genuine "tradlarp" if by that we mean adopting the views of a conservative man from 1850 or before.

>> No.21025484


>> No.21025504

The fucking irony of this post. And yes sjws are fucked in the head, why are you defending them?

>> No.21025508


>> No.21025664

American Psycho

>> No.21025878

what does that dude have to do with anything?

>> No.21025935

Undeniably correct, no other has captured the rage and spitefulness of the pathetic as well as Dostoevsky did, and not just in Notes. Honorary mention to Tolstoy's Kreutzer Sonata as the volcel manifesto for the writing most appropriate for this Armenian lion-taming forum.

>> No.21025964

As you said, 4chan is anti-conformist and contrarian, and since political correctness these days is all about loving minorities and all the various brands of fags, 4chan is racist, homophobic, anti-trans, antisemite etc. Which to some retards (to most retards, in fact) equals being right wing.
There’s nothing bourgeois about calling someone a nigger…

>> No.21026121

speak for yourself

>> No.21026127

>very robust state sponsored welfare system and schooling system

>> No.21026136

Houellebeque's first novel, titled "Whatever" in English.

>> No.21026139

Can't help but notice everything you wrote is true and not a single one of the angry repliers was able to refute you. Though despite all his flaws I still have a soft spot for JBP.

>> No.21026238

>since political correctness these days is all about loving minorities and all the various brands of fags
Quite a shallow view of the situation. There's more to conformism than simply "being PC".
>4chan is racist, homophobic, anti-trans, antisemite etc.
Ok and? How is this right wing? Where in Adam Smith's "The wealth of Nations" does he say we should shit on minorities, that we should belt fags and trannies and run jews out of town? Where in Das Kapital does Marx say we should all love the niggers, love the queers, love thy tranny, and love the kikes? You're a massive retard for playing along with the "left-wing = conformist, right-wing=contrarian" view of things, because in reality it's an incongruous statement.

Right wing economics is all about free market capitalism. This may seem like it fosters non-conformism, but in reality, if you don't toe the line to what other people want, you won't get any business/employment. You can't afford to be socially non-conformist in a right-wing environment, because you will be shunned by larger society, they will refuse to do business with you, and you will starve. Likewise, you can't always be non-conformist in a left-wing environment because the government will brand you a dissident and you'll be executed. There are counter-examples to each; sometimes your "non-conformism" is really "entrepreneurship" and so you prosper in a right-wing society; certain native left-wing self-governed tribes had their holy fools/village crazies, who were people the society all accepted, even if their ideas were wacky (these people were highly regarded in times of duress because they gave societies a direction, even if that direction seemed crazy).

4chan is neither right nor left. It appears to be "right" because a lot of its userbase (and the internet in general) is full of mongoloids who think "political correctness" = "leftist". Decades of media bias has drilled this false equivalence into people. It's such an effective propagandist tool because people are tribal enough that we'd rather vote for someone who would enslave us than someone who's vaguely associated with the blue-haired, pale-faced hambeasts on twitter saying I can't do funny Asian accents as a comedy routine and I have to change the way I speak and learn their exclusive pronouns (which is bizarre to anyone born before 2008).

>> No.21026253

Dude, you’re trying to teach Alex Jones viewers political theory. It’s an endeavor bound to fail

>> No.21026279

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.21026810

He does kind of remind me of my father actually. My dad was a useless addict who lost his wife and kids too

>> No.21026870

post bedroom

>> No.21026926

I was going to come up with a response to OP and justify it, but I've got nothing on this anon.

>> No.21026949

Hey, In Bruges is a good movie

>> No.21026965

We'll see who cancels who

>> No.21026995

Probably a pretty fair character assassination (as anyone with a shred of honesty will admit) but I'd be interested in seeing how far you could turn that analysis around to the bundle of neuroses, lies, and sophistry that is the left wing psychosphere.

>> No.21027984
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I don't get it

>> No.21028025

This was me at 16, holy shit am I relieved that I'm past all this

>> No.21028028

It's not the guy himself, it's his cult following of brainlets who think watching him on Youtube make them intulektals
Get of the internet and clean your room, chump

>> No.21028081

The weirdest part is that they are convinced that the "alt-right" and /pol/ love him. Peterson and his fans may not be woke, but they are decidedly anti right-wing, to the point that, despite presenting themselves as free speech absolutists, they see no problem in banning right-wingers from their spaces. They won't even debate right wingers, but they have no problem platforming woketards.

>> No.21028160

Why are commies so convinced this dichotomy still holds any weight when it hasn't been relevant for a really long time now? To see capitalism and communism as the truest forms of the Right and the Left is such an ahistorical notion, mostly motivated by marxist cultists, who despite their irrelevance, try to gain legitimacy by pretending they are the only ones who get it right. Right and Left have meant many different things historically, and their meaning will keep changing as time goes on. Right now the Left is woke corporativism and the Right is nationalist populism. Anyone still doing the "I'm not a liberal, I'm a real leftist" routine is just an useful idiot who will still vote for woke corporativism when their masters tells him to, as Berniebros proved in the previous elections by voting for Hillary and then for Biden. Theorycels are not only retarded, but they waste everyone's time with their dishonest drivel.

>> No.21028183

>worried his employer will discover his online persona and think he is a white nationalist
Couldn't be me

Same, but with VTubers added.

>> No.21028204
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>poorfag who couldn't afford an 800

>> No.21028360

>The view that we should accept gays, trannies, minorities, etc... is cultural marxism
>The view that left/right politics is rooted in economics as opposed to cultural attitudes is also marxism
Again, if you bothered to read what I spoonfed you (I knew it was futile), you'd realise the only reason this view of things is losing relevance is because that's what the masters want. Do you understand how difficult it is to make the working class vote against their interests? In Australia, our workers party consistently struggles to get in, despite their policies being overwhelmingly in favour of improving living conditions by actually spending taxpayers' money on public projects (as opposed to shady deals with private firms). The way to do this effectively is to gradually brainwash the public that politics is not rooted in economics, but in a culture war, that these "leftists" are letting "woke culture" run rampant. It's a blatant lie, "woke culture" is a result of free market liberalism (a right wing ideology) with Disney, Netflix, and similar companies at the vanguard. They make money from the woke shit because it appeals to the fag market. The only reason anything ever happens is because it means more money for the rich. It's why slavery was abolished, it's why women's rights were given to them. They hide behind a wall of morality, but it's just another front. The conservatives have failed to the environment, the quality of water, the quality of food, the living standards for middle-income families, who can/can't marry, and the general culture. All these "right wing" parties have done is to accelerate progressive values for a quick buck, while simultaneously acting like they're powerless to stop the "cultural left".

>> No.21029525

>this view of things is losing relevance is because that's what the masters want
Look outside. It's the self identified leftists who are the happiest to dance to the tune of the masters. Marxism is dead. There's no point in shilling for it because nothing will bring it back. The kind of people who would have supported it a century ago now are supporting woke politics. Do you think they will change their minds about that? Even when they integrate some marxist views to their politics, it's always secondary to wokeism. If anything, nowadays the kind of people that mention that the workers don't own the mean of productions aren't doing it because that's actually what they want, but as an insidious way of defending woke corporatism: "how can Disney be leftist if the workers don't own it hehe?"
>They make money from the woke shit because it appeals to the fag market. The only reason anything ever happens is because it means more money for the rich
This argument is disingenuous and it has been discussed to death. These corporations are not only supporting diversity, they are deliberately alienating their political enemies, which is in no way an economically savvy decisions. If they only cared for money, as you say, then movies like Ton Gun 2 would be the norm, not the exception. It had a diverse cast, but they made sure not to antagonize anyone.
If corporations are only being woke for money, then how do you explain things like twitter being way over-staffed because it's part of the company's culture to let their employees skip work if they feel like working (the thing they are paid to do) is bad for their mental health? How do you explain the comic industry? The woke push clearly didn't improve sales, but they keep doubling down on it. One single manga sells more than every western comic combined. And that's in the west. What about those diverse Netflix shows that get cancelled after one season because no one watches them? What about CNN bleeding money? What about companies going out of their way to hire minorities? How is spotify benefiting exactly from all their trans employees with an activist streak?
>All these "right wing" parties have done is to accelerate progressive values for a quick buck
You're absolutely right about this, but if you look at the recent elections in America and around the globe, it's the right wingers who are getting rid of neocons/neolibs and replacing them with populists, while the left keeps protecting the status quo. A social change may come, but it won't come from the left, and much less from marxists. You can screech about it as much as you want, but marxism is simply not appealing to the working class in the west. The only people into it are theorycels with zero overlap with working class people, and who would rather vote for a neolib like Macron than for someone who isn't woke, because it's "the lesser evil". Funny how for them "evil" here is not capitalism, but not bowing to minorities.

>> No.21029902

>self identified leftists
If a trust-fund kiddie calls himself a leftist, is he really a leftist? If a man cuts off his dick and says he's a woman, is he really a woman?
>people who would have supported it a century ago now are supporting woke politics
The people who support woke politics are inner-city faggots whose lives are so void of any meaningful struggle that they have to invent issues to make themselves relevant.
>If they only cared for money, as you say
Perhaps I wasn't clear. They care for money and power. Banks run pro-gay advertisements because it doesn't cost a cent to be gay, what costs money are politicians who will hold mining and energy companies to account for the environmental damage they're wreaking on the planet. CNN would lose money regardless, all major news outlets do. The goal isn't money, it's control over the public conscious. Netflix, Disney, and Twitter are aiming for the same ends - the former want a monopoly on entertainment (and they basically have it), Twitter wants to be the home of public opinion. Netflix's entire model is pumping out garbage that no one watches, they're successful because they were arguably the first mainstream streaming service, people keep subscribing because there's something new there, not because there's something good.
>You can screech about it as much as you want
I'm not even a marxist. I don't identify with labels because it restricts my ability to formulate my own opinions and reflect/grow.
>Funny how for them "evil" here is not capitalism, but not bowing to minorities.
It's funny because here in Australia, it was the conservative government that boosted immigration (cheap labor), then 10 years later jumped on the bandwagon and screeched "stop the boats" (despite most immigration being aviary). The working class are retarded and easily fooled; I don't know much about French politics, but here everyone thinks our Labor government will release the flood gates for refugees and have gay orgies in parliament house. This public perception is due largely to media bias, in fact certain leaks about the previous government show the converse is true.

>> No.21029942

He’s got a small knob and/or he’s inexperienced in sex

>> No.21029974
File: 25 KB, 398x500, SHIVA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad somebody said it

>> No.21029975


The single use of "Darkies" is what always gets me.

>> No.21029986
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15,5cm isnt small right?

>> No.21030005

Certain groups of people believe that the female orgasm must occur in order to have successfully performed the act of sex. In actuality, if this were true, God would have made woman-cum necessary for procreation (it isn't).

My biggest shame is that every girl I've had sex with has experienced orgasm during intercourse, but I have ejaculated zero (0) times from a vagina, or even a female hand. Years of perfecting my masturbation technique has rendered vaginas and fleshlights more or less obsolete; in spite of their warm, soft, moist-fleshy walls, they simply cannot compete with my personal style. Some people say that it's because I masturbate too frequently or too hard; that I've desensitized my cock to the stimulation of a woman's sex organ. Funny that - the woman doesn't cum, it's the guy's fault. The guy doesn't cum, it's still the guy's fault. I blame it on these harpies, getting easy dick day after day, week after week... They've grown complacent, they know not how to please a man, only how to please themselves. Any male who's managed to cum in their cavernous chambers has merely lacked the good taste and decency to recognise it as the shameful sloppy trap that it is. The best sexual interactions I have are where the girl sits on my face while I jack-off underneath. There's nothing better.

>> No.21030014
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>> No.21030282

Nothing could describe me better than picrel

>> No.21030512

That’s pretty depressing to read about.

>> No.21030941

Jesus I know, when I saw the rotring I was truly fucked

>> No.21030964

do you not see anything wrong with this

>> No.21030986

Undeniably based.

>> No.21031046

Bro you just agreed to the post you were replying to (mine), chill.
My post explicitly says that “to most retards” being racist etc equals being right wing.
Usually when someone says that retards believe X, they mean that they don’t themselves believe X anon…

>> No.21031056

Based, redpilled, and performatively proves its own point about permanently triggered manchildren by the sheer amount of (You's) from triggered manchildren.

A based theory with a redpilled demonstration built in, very good post anon.

>> No.21031197

He literally describes himself as being more left wing. You can always tell the people freaking out over Peterson haven't listened to him speak for five minutes.