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21020163 No.21020163 [Reply] [Original]

>be myself
>proud stoic
>co-workers signing sympathy card for someone who lost a wife
>sign it under of duress
I failed as a stoic

>> No.21020167

"Life goes on."

>> No.21020175

so it goes

>> No.21020181
File: 44 KB, 248x375, 829873B3-5A7C-4A3D-A9F6-E777FF9D5E22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please ignore the of

>> No.21020180

"Dust to dust"

>> No.21020182
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What about stoicism prevents you from doing that...? And why would it be a good thing not to do that?

>> No.21020186

"It is what it is."

>> No.21020198

Sign them cheerfully next time and you won’t fail

>> No.21020199

>be me, self employed welder
>no one can control my thoughts
>no one can tell me when to go piss
>no one can tell me what i can say
>no one can tell me what i must wear
>no one can forcefeed me diabetic goyslop, vaccines, etc
>no one can fire me over online jokes
>no one can force me to donate to gay trans minorities charity
>no one can force me to take degree loans, debts, internships, exploit my wages, set my wages, hours, etc
>they can barely force me to report 10% of my income for tax purposes

dogs have masters, you have employers

>> No.21020207

"c'est la vie."

>> No.21020211

You have to slit your wrists in a bathtub now

>> No.21020244

you're fucking retarded man.

>> No.21020253

>be me
>proud stock
>female co-worker distracts me from a task to ask if I have weekend plans
>inform her that I am a stoic and return to my duty

>> No.21020278

Making this post means you failed twice.

>> No.21020289

the fact that you are here posting about it is what means you failed as a stoic. you are unable to let things pass.

>> No.21020344

you don't just sign you name
you coulda signed: it's unfortunate for you that you lost your wife, but you don't have to feel that way, and left it at that.

>> No.21020545
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>lifelong stoic
>try to invite my gardener and cleaning lady to a feast
>they don't show up