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21018127 No.21018127 [Reply] [Original]

>He wrote his diary on blank pages in the back of an exhaustively researched field guide to the region’s edible plants, “Tanaina Plantlore / Dena’ina K’et’una: An Ethnobotany of the Dena’ina Indians of Southcentral Alaska,” by Priscilla Russell Kari. In the book, Kari explicitly warns that because wild sweet pea closely resembles wild potato, and “is reported to be poisonous, care should be taken to identify them accurately before attempting to use the wild potato as food.” And then she explains precisely how to distinguish the two plants from one another.

>It seemed more plausible that McCandless had indeed eaten the roots and seeds of the purportedly nontoxic wild potato rather than the wild sweet pea.

>Our results confirmed the presence of L-canavanine (an antimetabolite with demonstrated toxicity in mammals) as a significant component of H. alpinum seeds…. In the case of Christopher McCandless, there is evidence that H. alpinum seeds constituted a significant portion of his meager diet during a period before his death. Based on this and what is known about the toxic effects of L-canavanine, we make the logical conclusion that under these conditions, it is highly likely that the ingestion of relatively large amounts of this antimetabolite was a contributing factor to his death.

>The death of Chris McCandless should serve as a caveat to other foragers: Even when some parts of a plant are known to be edible, other parts of the same species may contain dangerous concentrations of toxic compounds. Additionally, there may be seasonal, as well as ecotypic, variations in the concentrations of L-canavanine between various communities of H. alpinum. Further studies are needed to determine the range of L-canavanine concentrations among different populations of the plant. Given the known toxic properties of L-canavanine and its established presence in H. alpinum seeds, it seems prudent to use caution before ingesting these seeds, especially as a significant part of the diet.


Now that we know he died not due to his own incompetence but ironically because society and scientists were not competent and dilligent enough to research potato seeds correctly, and he managed to survive 140 days prior to this, why do people still hate him? Is it just NPCs?

>> No.21018136

Impetus was still on him to do proper research. He died like the dumb dog he was. No loss for humanity.

>> No.21018143

>just get a phd in biology and access to a lab so you can fact check the toxicity levels of a potato seed the most credible guide said was safe to eat

>> No.21018150

Yes that's one way, but judging by his life, no amount of schooling could teach the dumb cunt common sense.

>> No.21018154

just buy safe potatoes from the store like a normal person

>> No.21018158

He had one of the highest GPAs in his college. Probably had double your IQ.

>> No.21018164

>just live in a house with asbestos like a normal person

>> No.21018183


>> No.21018187

How'd that work out for him? Oh right, it didn't. Lmfao.

>> No.21018220

Kek just noticed you're the same retard crying about this dumb bitch on /tv/. Kys troon op

>> No.21018561

Don’t have to look beyond the obvious that he died from rabbit starvation. The poisonous plant may have contributed but at the end of the day his diet was too heavy on small game

>> No.21018596

He died free and not as an NPC who lives 24/7 on an image board like yourself

>> No.21018642
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>dancing on the grave of someone who tried to leave society and then died because society gave bad advice on a potato
Normally I don't like dehumanizing people, but I sincerely wonder how much of a soul you could have.
>that's what you get for leaving the crab bucket! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET
I mean seriously.

>> No.21018700
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>What your great grand babushka knew from generations of herbal knowledge passed down know requires a PhD and an exhaustive list of lab materials
O I'm laughing

>> No.21018709


>> No.21018713
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And yet you post on an image board. Curious.

>> No.21018724

He likely suffered a lot before dying and he did die young but he still had a good life and I respect his lust for adventure and freedom. Had he died from sheer incompetence, it would not change anything. His heart and intentions were pure, and it's all that matters in the end.

>> No.21019085
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>why do people still hate him?
because he lived more than any of his detractors ever will. he was truly free.

>> No.21019230


>> No.21019238

You did not understand the comic you posted. Sad! Many such cases!

>> No.21019286
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McCandless was a deluded fool who wished to be a truly independent man who did not have to rely on the system, or others. Ironically his entire journey is pockmarked with him being unable to be self reliant and having to rely on the goodwill of others in order for him to get from one place to the next.

The Comic does justice for this;

"I am a free and independent spirit!"
"And yet you rely on the goodwill of others in order for you to become a free and independent spirit. Curious. I am very smart."

>> No.21019405
File: 164 KB, 811x1049, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>McCandless was a deluded fool who wished to be a truly independent man who did not have to rely on the system, or others. Ironically his entire journey is pockmarked with him being unable to be self reliant and having to rely on the goodwill of others in order for him to get from one place to the next.

>The Comic does justice for this;

>"I am a free and independent spirit!"
>"And yet you rely on the goodwill of others in order for you to become a free and independent spirit. Curious. I am very smart."

>> No.21019490

Self sufficiency requires heavy industry.
Simple as.
Not rayciss, just dont like em.
Frfr nocap

Even if you know not to eat poison potatoes (doesnt every rural hillbilly already know this?), the feds can still roll up on you with flamethrower tanks (waco) or you can get gas/chemical attacked like those middle eastern dictators do to their populations daily.

If you want to be self sufficient you need triple phd's in physics and engineering, you need lockheed martin type government contracts, you need to be able to move trillions of dollars in heavy machinery without any suspicion and call it a routine missile test or whatever, you need your yacht carrier submarine thing that has nuclear reactor and precision machining shop that lets you do continuous self repairs, mine for uranium on the sea floor, cool shit like that.

>self sufficiency is when you live like a hobo and get 1shotted by potato

>> No.21019501

He was brave but proved even the smartest of us can do dumb things sometimes. Pretty sure in spite of his intelligence he was a massive risk taker and full of testosterone. Not necessarily a bad thing but high IQ + high T = someone who thinks doing speed balls will help him discover the secrets of the universe.

>> No.21019601

do people really hate him? Suicide isn't illegal, and he never hurt people like Chris Knight. He lived a high-risk life and died from it, but in the process became a notable person.

>> No.21019654

i hate him because he tried to be self sufficient without starting from the heavy industry
simply dont see the appeal of becoming a hobo to 'own the libs' or whatever the purpose is
you need heavy industry if you want to be independent

>> No.21020303

you need society for heavy industry, a place for raw material, someone to sell to. Rural people have more consumer products than suburban consumers.

>> No.21021061

Wait, are you for real.

>> No.21021192

I don't think you understood that comic hahaha

>> No.21021444

Cope. The industrial revolution and its consequences etc etc

>> No.21021546

This is why I'm a dairy-egg-carnivore chad.

>> No.21021555

>implying he read a book by a woman

>> No.21022430

>dude science failed him
He never brought a map along and ignored the advice of every single person he met. With that line of thinking, that missionary that got killed by the Sentinel tribe a few years ago was an actual martyr and not just a dumb kid wrapped in his own hubris.

>> No.21022461

He's a cuck version of Uncle Ted

>> No.21022481

Suicide is most definitely illegal. Failing at ending yourself will land you in prison until the da drops the charges or you get bailed out by your parents.

>> No.21022495

Uncle Ted was based. The feds would never have caught him if it wasnt for his snitch bitch brother.

>> No.21022775

I used to hate him when I was a dumb leftist but now I accept that he was literally better than me in every way (at least for now)

>> No.21022818

He did, why haven't you/

>> No.21022977

If anything, this just makes me wonder why humans evolved to be so exceptionally fragile as to what they can consume for survival. I mean, we are literally the only species of mammals on the entire planet that can die or get seriously ill form drinking a sip of water from a lake or pond. Meanwhile some retarded ass monkeys or racoons or bears or whatever can eat anything they find, rub their noses in literal shit, drink the dirtiest, muddiest water, go trashcan diving and are perfectly fine.

>> No.21023139

People's bodies adapt. It's why an African (Africa-African) will think 25 C is cold, while someone used to living in cold climates will think it's balmy summer weather.

I imagine it's the same for diet, some third-worlder can probably eat literal trash but die from something mundane.

>> No.21023418
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>implying that GPA is a good indicator of intelligence

>> No.21023875

>happiness is only real when shared

kills me every time. imagine this being your last words

>> No.21025086

This has already been disproven. Krakauer was just trying to dramatise it a little more to sell more copies.

>> No.21025279

fucking krakauer