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21017332 No.21017332 [Reply] [Original]

itt: books that changed your life

>> No.21017342
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>> No.21017351
File: 96 KB, 1024x615, mastermind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Women are females and men are males. According to gynaecologists, women menstruate every month or so, while men, being male, do not menstruate or suffer during the monthly period. A woman, being a female, is naturally subject to monthly bleeding. When a woman does not menstruate, she is pregnant. If she is pregnant, she becomes, due to pregnancy, less active for about a year, which means that all her natural activities are seriously reduced until she delivers her baby. When she delivers her baby or has a miscarriage, she suffers puerperium, a condition attendant on delivery or miscarriage. As man does not get pregnant, he is not liable to the conditions which women, being female, suffer. Afterwards a woman may breast-feed the baby she bore. Breast-feeding continues for about two years. Breastfeeding means that a woman is so inseparable from her baby that her activity is seriously reduced. She becomes directly responsible for another person whom she assists in his or her biological functions; without this assistance that person would die.The man, on the other hand, neither conceives nor breast-feeds. End of gynaecological statement!

>> No.21018319

This is peak burgerpunk, and should be a legit genre

>> No.21018320
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>> No.21018326

Genius tier observations

>> No.21018458


>> No.21018473

Wow, he's smarter than a supreme court justice in the united third tier

>> No.21018599
File: 51 KB, 299x475, 18055887_1411534188903515_131359326522877381_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, just stop printing money

>> No.21020071

Describe it

>> No.21020084
File: 177 KB, 828x617, 253C29C9-8E0A-4EB2-BB33-724FC79DAAA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait who changed the fucking timeline?

>> No.21020224

Chairman drumpf

>> No.21020231

ok, this is based

>> No.21020620

no. communism is never based

>> No.21021074

One of the most kino stories.