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/lit/ - Literature

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21011493 No.21011493 [Reply] [Original]

>black people bad
>asians bad
>middle easterns bad
>north africans bad
>indians bad
>meds bad
>slavs bad
>germans bad
>irish bad

>anglo-saxons good
>jews good

What was this chud's problem?

>> No.21011526

>dildo braggings
>slay le dragongs
>big mage with powerful spells, woah
>orcs vs. humans
>virgin elve pussies
>took an arrow in to the kne
>"run, fools" -- Gandhi
>the little dude is actually a huge hero dude
>(size don' matter, kids [BUY MUH BOOKS GOYIM!!])
>hop on my griffon, master Harry
>le good always wins never lose hope :)

Tolkien is for low brow brainlets

>> No.21011531

You do know that every one of those groups you listed thinks that way about every other group you listed right? In-group preference and hatred of the other is not an exclusively white phenomenon.

>> No.21011554
File: 1.17 MB, 1110x777, Elena Kukanova - Túrin and Finduilas in Nargothrond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has patrician taste.
'White Man Elven Woman' only.


>> No.21011563
File: 4 KB, 250x250, 1634361471467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what modern day, divisive, echo-screaming, hyper-politicized, and shit-flinging politics does to you. Take note everyone, do NOT become like OP. If you wish to learn politics, study people like Machiavelli, Confucius, and Plato or Aristotle.

>> No.21011583

>waaah he insulted book i like de hobbit HE has cool sword muhh dwarves

kek'd. Tolkien is not real literature

>> No.21011597

/pol/ really rots the brain.

>> No.21011643

>If you wish to learn politics, study people like Machiavelli, Confucius, and Plato or Aristotle.

>> No.21011685

You're a dumb nigger.

>> No.21011691

>I don't care if Tolkien is shit low brow escapism fantasy!!! I love the stuff! IT has everything I want, gnomes, elves, look the hibbit wahhh he has a cool sword look wahhhh

You're a brainlet

>> No.21011801

I suppose for you it’s pretending to read evola and going on Reddit to argue with people who pretend to read Marx.

>> No.21011805

Imagine being upset that people enjoy things instead of not caring

>> No.21011919

Fantasy is based. Tolkien is based.
Only retarded English lit undergrads hate him.
The only intelligent English lit professors (medievalists) love him.

>> No.21011940

>OP getting BTFO up and down this thread already

>> No.21011948

This board is irredeemable.

>> No.21012058

Why bother telling people here that they need to go through the basics? The structure of this website if for consoomers to consoom, thus you get laughed at like a fool

>> No.21012183
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x800, william .webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LoTR is Tolkien's alt-history fan fiction of the Battle of Hastings

>The Battle of Mount Doom is nothing less than an Anglo- Saxon fantasy of the Battle of Hastings in which William the Conqueror, symbolized as Sauron, is defeated. Elendil was killed by Sauron, just as Harold was killed by William’s Normans. In this truly fantastic reimagination, however, Elendil’s son Isildur redeems his father’s defeat by chopping off the One Ring from the hand of Sauron (the Conqueror) with his father’s broken sword. In this way, the physical, historical presence of the Norman conqueror was catharsized from Tolkien’s mind from the very beginning, and the rest of epic centered upon achieving the final riddance of the evil Conqueror spirit.

>> No.21012187

LotR is an untermenschen escapist cope

>> No.21013435

Literally how? It's a children's fantasy.

>> No.21013606

Ok, so obviously the orcs are supposed to be black and hobbits are supposed to be englishmen. But who are the slavs or germans or indians? The dwarves?

>> No.21013661

skip to Tolkien section

>> No.21013692

Dwarves are inspired by Jews. Orcs are not blacks. Blacks or rather Africans are Haradrim.