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/lit/ - Literature

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21011414 No.21011414 [Reply] [Original]

women's red flag booklist for dating

>> No.21011424

>"Sun and the Steel" is in the flags
She belongs to the streets.

>> No.21011428

Also, if some guy posts "redflag booklist for women", the shit would be downvoted severely

>> No.21011432
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Check out the fresh content from OP.

>> No.21011436

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.21011440

All of that goes out the window when they finally meet a real-life chad for the first time (i.e. me).
Dates usually go roughly like this:
I recite Spenser or Keats to her in my voice that is a perfect balance of masculine high T energy and feminine understanding, and then she gags on my cock.

>> No.21011441


>> No.21011450

I only date men :^)

>> No.21011456

I take advice from FDS as seriously as I would if 4chan made a list of flags for women. They’re shit for Reddit’s already pretty low standard.

>> No.21011466

The absolute worst demographic to get advice on what women want is women themselves. Whatever they say they want, they want the opposite. And the worst part is most of them don't even know they are lying, because they genuinely don't know what they want.

>> No.21011475

Yeah, but you read Lacan and you get that in five minutes; but, then you can only sociopathically "date" women, and its entirely uninteresting.

I mean if I want to shit inside women, what's the point, when the way to shit inside women is really easy and basic once you master this one simple trick.

>> No.21011485

Cry about it sperg, Durant is great

>> No.21011487
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What if I tell her I read Schopenhauer, Plato, and Spinoza?

>> No.21011494

I don't put my penis inside people who think that bourgeois eisegesis is the exegesis of the documentary record of the past.

You can put your penis wherever you like because you are a slut.

You probably put your penis inside sociologists.

>> No.21011506

Female dating strategy isn't a beloved subreddit. At all.

>> No.21011518

Not that I'm defending reddit, but I'm sure a literal anime website gives top notch advice on women.

>> No.21011529

I don't want to date fat women tho

>> No.21011569
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>If he's into any major 19th century Russian Literature he's most likely a pessimistic misanthrope disillusioned by humanity
fuck she got me
also why would girls dislike derride & foucault?

>> No.21011595

Derrida is a bourgeois obscuratinist
Foucault knew the centrality of workerist praxis but kept publishing drivel to keep his position and because he was deeply interested in drivel

The usual reasons. Advancing class praxis.

>> No.21011605

but girls don't care about that shit, marxoid

>> No.21011610

I only fuck gay men and lesbians who aren't sociologists. If a woman knows who Derrida is and likes him she isn't worth fucking. If you like Derrida you aren't worth fucking. If you think Chomsky won Foucault/chomsky you are worth killing.

>> No.21011611

brb, starting Kant right now and waiting for my girl to appear out of thin air.

>> No.21011636

Because ether point isn't sex. It's finding a wife and mother of your children.

>> No.21011646

Why do you keep posting this?

>> No.21011658

>the mother of your children
Look I'm not going to inseminate some woman and then deal with her going through labour six to eight times. I'm buying a woman that is fully kitted out with eight kids already. Its buying a premium woman.

Jesus christ you stupid cunt, wasting semen on a woman.

>> No.21011701

I've been on this site to long to tell if this is serious or not.

>> No.21011711

only good post in thread

>> No.21011724

women will override all that for a rich guy or dude with large penis

>> No.21011737

this is the first time ive posted this

>> No.21011792

This is so obviously written by a man larping as a woman that it fucking hurts to see this many replies on here.
You guys have read women, right?

>> No.21011799

> the old masters and not weeb shit
Uhhh, based?
Gonna use this post as a reminder to finally read Sun and Steel tho

>> No.21011877
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My book shelf is fine. I have the Story of Civilization actually. It's when they open my Kindle or computer and see gigabyte after gigabyte of Springer mathematics texts, abstract math, logic, and every Springer Frontiers physics and information theory book, along with all the Hegel that they begin to flee.

>> No.21011891

a (crazy) woman's

>> No.21011914

The less I give a fuck about women’s opinion, over the years, the happier I seem to become. Funny that.

>> No.21011930

Okay but I don't give a fuck what a female thinks.

>> No.21011984

No he fucking doesn't you shit

>> No.21011988

am i really supposed to believe that woman has read even 5% of those books

>> No.21011998

I mean this list just warns against men who are interested in seeking out skeptic literature which would make them less likely to be easily manipulated?

>> No.21012052

Based cuck

>> No.21012068
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>all women aren't crazy

>> No.21012074

Schoepenhauer, Weininger, Freud*

>> No.21012095

jokes on you whore i can't read

>> No.21012152

>If he's into any major 19th century Russian Literature e.g., The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky, then he's most likely a pessimistic misanthrope disillusioned by humanity
Hits a little too close to home, eh, /lit/?

>> No.21012160

but your gonna have to impregnate a woman and have children sooner or later, anon.

>> No.21012170

tight logic.
hard to refute this....

>> No.21012181

I want to not care what women think, but I don't know how.

>> No.21012206

big L for Kantians and Hegelians

>> No.21012208

I dont get it

>> No.21012225
File: 1.11 MB, 508x1306, fgd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red flag booklist for women:
Harry Potter/other YA slop
Self-help books titled inane shit like "How to Not Give A F*CK And Be A Boss Bitch!"
I'd say you'll take just about anything else but those are the only types of books women read so..

>> No.21012226

that's fundamentally impossible, because a man would post something like "if a woman is smart enough to read, that's a red flag". try to name a single book that /lit/ will agree isn't somehow a "red flag", and the bible doesn't count

>> No.21012235

>Harry Potter/other YA slop
Way to eliminate 99.9% of the (literate) female population

>> No.21012241
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>> No.21012258

None of those are red flags in women. Why are you judging women by the standard you'd judge other men by?

>> No.21012265

Because I hate women, anon
Women hate women too, just talk to one about other women one time.

>> No.21012267

yes that is coal, what of it?

>> No.21012271

women I've spoken to are unironically far more cultured and interesting than men. I would much rather speak to a woman about philosophy than a man.

>> No.21012276

Kind of strange that you'd spend your time on a board discussing philosophy with exclusively men rather than going to do so with women if you prefer their company

>> No.21012278

why are women so stupid? honest question

>> No.21012282

I can do both, can I not? Also, bold of you to assume that only men browse this board ;)

>> No.21012290
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Why do foids hate him?
Mishima is cute!

>> No.21012354

Even Hillary Clinton claimed her favorite book was The Brothers Karamazov, lol.

>> No.21012358

I know women hate other women, but you'll need to get past it if you plan on passing on your genes. I'd suggest not expecting them to be men as a good place to start.

>> No.21012397

SFF chads stay winning

>> No.21012589

>Atlas Shrugged
Good advice. You should avoid anyone who likes this book because they are retarded

>Margaret Atwood or Toni Morrison
Good advice. Most men don't know who these are, myself included, let alone read them.

>Fantasy and Sci-fi
Good advice. There are some great books in these genres like LoTR or Dune but to be passionate about them proves that you are pathetic nerd. Grow up.

>Catcher in the Rye and Great Gatsby
Mediocre advice. They could genuinely like them although you should avoid whoever loves the former because they are probably weirdos like the guy who shot Lennon

>Frazen, Palahniuk, Pynchon, Chabon and Dickens
Mediocre advice. I don't know what's wrong with Pynchon and Dickens is for children mostly. I don't know who the rest are but looking them up, they seem to be modern writers so I will just pass because modern books suck.

>Female writers unless it's Frankenstein
Great advice. Frankenstein is one of the very few good books written by a female so if a man claims to like female writers he's definitely lying. If he's a feminist, again, he most likely wants an easy shag.

>Harry Potter
Good advice. Harry Potter is for children and women

>Russian writers from the 19th century
Bad advice. Russian literature has great artistic merit and Brothers Karamazov isn't even that misanthropic. This bitch never read it or any Russian literature for that matter, I bet

>Fitness books
Mediocre advice. It could be true but it's just a generalisation

>Sun and Steel
Good advice. You should avoid reactionaries

>Art book should be about art fundamentals and great masters instead of weeb shit
Based advice, the best by far. If you disagree then you are some weeb faggot, fuck off

>History books unless it's solely WWII and Ancient Rome
Great advice. You should avoid these since they are the most insufferable retards there are

Awful advice. He's an incredibly important and influential philosopher. She should have said Plato instead

Good advice. You should avoid anyone who's favourite philosopher is Nietzsche but it doesn't mean you should avoid reading him, far from it.

>Derrida and Focault
Good advice. They are most likely pedos who want to sleep with you because you look 13.

>Hegel and Kant
Mediocre advice. If these are someone's favourite philosophers then they are either autists or smart

1 based advice, 2 great advices 7 good advices, 4 mediocre advices, 1 bad advice and 1 awful advice. That's not bad for a femcel desu.

>> No.21012602

I’m a 25 year old female volcel NEET. I live in a cozy appartment of a massive inheritance and spend all my time consuming media, reading internet forums/boards, and — most of all — masturbating. I own dozens of sex toys and have covered my entire appartment with pillows and blankets and matresses, effectively turning it into a giant bed. Many of those pillows are bodypillows and oversized oval/cylindrical pillows. I attach the dildos to the pillows and pretend the pillows are hot guys’ bodies. I put on videos of hot guys on multiple laptops (usually not porn, there’s very little porn with cute boys) and roll from “manpillow” to “manpillow” and fuck all of them for hours. I usually have a movie playing too. While this stuff happens I make lots of noise (loud media plus grunting and screaming) but my neighbors have never complained (I’ve never met anyone b t w, I rarely leave the appartment). I’m quite tall and skinny so I like to buy nice dresses online and LARP as a fashion supermodel (sometimes my self insert, sometimes others like Karlie) who’s approached at a big event by some people and is taken to a boy-harem and have my way with all the gigolos (pillows with dildos and vibrators).

I only leave my house if I really have to and haven’t had a proper conversation with anyone aside from my mom ever dince I started doing this about a year and a half ago. My life is nothing but self induced pleasure.

I know I’m a fucking nut, but this stuff actually feels real. The fantasy is ridiculously strong. I’m into lucid dreaming to and that helped me develop this incredible sense of simulated stimulation (self induced schizophrenia?).

>> No.21012608

>avoid Aristotle fans
and into the trash it goes. What a dumb bitch

>> No.21012617

>If their into world history
into the trash it goes

>> No.21012630

This is a very strange fantasy for an underage male to have, Anon.

>> No.21012646

Hypocrisy isn't real, there is only hierarchy. Samurai can cut down peasants as they please. Peasants don't get to do anything about it.

>> No.21012648
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>>Sun and Steel
>Good advice. You should avoid reactionaries

>> No.21012661

What? Nothing for Alexandre Dumas? Seems like a big miss. I'm not sure what the take away from that being a favorite would be. If it's the Count of Monte Cristo then it might be "He'll leave you for a younger woman"

>> No.21012665

>If its an art book then make sure its works related to art fundamentals and or the old masters
I don't think a woman would write this

>> No.21012673

They're the choices men make when they want to impress women since women in academia are obsessed with them. It's not quite as obvious as saying you're a big fan of Kimberle Crenshaw and bell hooks, but it's not far.

>> No.21012681

Yeah, this is definitely a /lit/ poster who wants bait to seem more realistic by having it originate on the femcel forum.

>> No.21012688

>21st century dating
most of the OP is okay (based on being anti-weeb shit and ww2 faggotry) but I can see why the marriage and birth rates dropped in western countries.

>> No.21012694

Folks are too busy reading instead of fucking like good little catholics

>> No.21012699

Dating itself is a modern novelty. You form a temporary informal sexual agreement that can be annulled at any point by any party for any reason (or no reason), but this transitory nonsense is supposed to be recognized as a meaningful "relationship." It's inhuman, an artifact of modern customization and the destruction of traditional ways of living and the reliable, stable connections they create between people.

>> No.21012706

>an artifact of modern customization
I meant atomization here, not sure how it turned into customization, though that's also fitting in a certain way.

>> No.21012708

Yeah, its 2022, where the fuck is my government issued wife scientifically determined to provide the most domestic harmony?

>> No.21012771

Why are reddit threads allowed?

>> No.21012784

That you can't even understand what I'm talking about shows how much you've been alienated from forming real bonds with other people.

>> No.21012905

>I don't put my penis inside people who think that bourgeois eisegesis is the exegesis of the documentary record of the past.
Based and truthpilled.

>> No.21013235

I've never met a woman that would base their redflags on objective research (probability, statistics, cultural period, historical precedents of the group etc.). It is always derived from cock. Each example is one man who at one point fucked her but didn't stick around for one reason or another. Now take a look at how many miles of cock she has taken holy fucking shit. It's just like when a random chick says never date a X sign. She doesn't know shit about that particular group of people part of X sign. She just refers to her ex who pumped and dumped her.
tl;dr op's pic is composed by a whore (elite rank)

>> No.21013267

What's wrong with Vonnegut?

>> No.21013275

>tl;dr op's pic is composed by a whore (elite rank)
It's actually written a man so that he could then take a screenshot of it and post it here.

>> No.21013284


A large component of Foucault's brand is that he was a (relatively) masculine, promiscuous homosexual who died of AIDS, so he naturally has a large homo readership. If a woman rejects a man over Foucault it's because her intuition is (correctly) telling her that this guy might be bisexual and/or on the dl, and he might inadvertently give her monkeypox, HIV, etc.

>> No.21013409

Does he have no life? Why would he do that?

>> No.21013478

>Whatever they say they want, they want the opposite
Brb getting pussy based on my knowledge of pynchon and ancient rome

>> No.21013479


because focault is mandatory for all those social science majors and probably the first actual authoritarian ideology they read. and don't understand.

>> No.21013541

Holy fuck, Jim, it was a joke

>> No.21013567
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>tfw not a basic bitch who gets all his once-yearly reading recs from twitter, so women can't tell how racist and insane i am when they look at my books
>tfw telling fwb rhodesian flag is "an african country" and it's because i'm into postcolonialism

>> No.21013885

They say this, but then seethe uncontrollably when men have three simple demands: don't be fat, over 33 or have a kid

>> No.21013902

>lying instead of making people accept your nazi beliefs
People are only uncomfortable the first couple times you say nigger or talk about the jews. They get used to it super quickly

>> No.21014074

Stop backpedaling.

>> No.21014088

Red flag booklist for women:

Seriously. Any uppity bitch who is into literature will make for a terrible mother.

>> No.21014104

We have this thread every month. When will you stop?

>> No.21014128

Honestly, this is not that unreasonable. I'd even go as far to say based

>> No.21014141

>taking advice to someone who can't go a few sentences without a grammatical error

>> No.21014143

based and true

>> No.21014145

They should shut that place down

>> No.21014154

lol karamazov brothas maked me love life even more

>> No.21014159

This. Literature is for men

>> No.21014409


>> No.21014596

Every girl has read Harry Potter or is into some retarded shit before getting hitched. Looking for an "intellectual woman" is like looking for a sharp spoon, it has uses but you just need a good normal spoon. You'll stop hating women if you accept them for the creatures they and forget notions of equality and stop holding them to standards of men. Women are irrational and emotional creatures and even if they learn and understand complex intelligent things, they simply don't use it. To them it's just a decoration. Despite their brains having the potential, their temperament and behaviour atrophies (or at least neglects) that ability. Which is why you only find genius women that act like men or have some kind of mental condotion. "Female Autism" is so different for that reason.

>> No.21014658

I think genre fiction is allowed. Anything that isn't real literature and just printed TV

>> No.21014991

Being into literature isn't the problem. Posting on "Female Dating Strategy" or being on Reddit in general is what will make her a terrible mother.

>> No.21015041

Black tar heroin? OP is cartel???

>> No.21015042

>exclusively men
Haha he doesn't know!

>> No.21015049

Oh, and you know what being a good mother is like?
Maybe you should transition.

>> No.21015102

>I don't deny women, but I do deny them my precious bodily fluids

>> No.21015137

I like 19th century russian lit and she's right about me. But besides that and the take on harry potter this is more or less proof that w*men are not literate and that literature is wasted on them.

>> No.21015199

attributing what you read to anything in this manner, is a something you see a lot here. don't think you're any better.
pseuds and women, i tell u hwhat. the idea > the literature. i wonder if these people enjoy anything that isnt masturbatory/ego related

>> No.21015226

People on these reddits are not who they say they are.

>> No.21015258
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There are astrology books that would be a green flag, but she ain't read them.

>> No.21015292

First five paragraphs are valid, the rest mid.

>> No.21015557

hot if true

>> No.21015618
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>Avoid anyone into Nietzsche, Derrida and Foucault.
Holy basec

>> No.21015644








>> No.21015675

I felt that

>> No.21015693


>> No.21015704
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>avoid WWII history buffs and anyone obsessed with romans
It's fucking over. Never stood a chance.

>> No.21015729
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the real red flag

>> No.21015748
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Anon, I... I'm sorry but it will never get better. It's only downhill from now on.

>> No.21015761
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why the fuck would i talk to women about books?
women are for loving, fucking and having kids

>> No.21015765


The divide is vast. The distance unsormountable. But. One. Must. Endure.






>> No.21015770
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>> No.21015774

Fuck you. In a world full of the "sane" to be openly "insane"is an act of courage.

>> No.21015800

>If he's into any major 19th century Russian Literature e.g., The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky, then he's most likely a pessimistic misanthrope disillusioned by humanity
>abused as a kid then abused for having been abused
okay sorry dickens makes me want to vomit i'll just lobotomise myself thanks m8

>> No.21015806

Zizek is that you

>> No.21015822

is mishima mainstream now? I could of sworn he was just some obscure jap homo.

>> No.21015843

anon is right. I decree unconditional cosmic love for all beings.

>> No.21015854

>could of

>> No.21015858

>le redditor opinion
you guys must be desperate

>> No.21015862

Living like this must be so exhausting and stressful.

>> No.21015876

To be fair women also read shitloads of crime/mystery books

>> No.21016225

Looks like I'm red flag material for philosophy

>> No.21016230

I'm straight and find some merit in Foucault. Derrida might be harder to get into

>> No.21016240

>Dickens is for children mostly

>> No.21016244

This is true. Especially if the kid is of a different race, however I don't want to raise someone else's bastard regardless of that. If it didn't come from my balls, leave my presence

>> No.21016249

Oh no, I won't ever get to date a redditor, tragic really.

>> No.21016251

Weird thing is I love books on serial killers can discuss them for hours, even female killers like Rosemary West. its been awhile since I've gotten trim. What happened?

>> No.21016260

Read Camus if you want to get girls.

>> No.21016278

I read the Stranger recently cause my sister told me to. Honestly, I fucking hate the main character so fucking much. He got everything he deserved, and I almost can't believe he felt self-righteous enough to lash out at the end. Good book honestly, reminds me what happens when you become a sad, bitter, apathetic man in the end.

>> No.21016279

then they don't know what to do because reddit hasn't told them how to react and being females in addition to reddit users they won't be able to think for themselves

>> No.21016388

>I'd say you'll take just about anything else but those are the only types of books women read so..
n=2 but that doesn't sound very accurate for either me or my mum. Or plenty of the other women I know.

>> No.21016395

You're not totally wrong- I don't know what I want out of life (though at least I'm self-aware about it) but I'm not convinced most men do either. So many of them get the thing they thought they wanted and just don't find it satisfying.

>> No.21016399

I'm not convinced we're crazier than men. Humans in general are not quite all there. I'm not sure how any of us would cope with reality if we were.

>> No.21016407

That sounds kind of lonely and ultimately unsatisfying. I know I'd get tired of it eventually.

>> No.21016411

So what do we do about it?

>> No.21016413

Faggot-tier post, go back

>> No.21016415

I mean, I'd probably date a guy who I can nerd out over ancient history with. But I am probably not the average woman.

>> No.21016417

What about infertile women? Are we just worthless in the first place?

>> No.21016419

yeah my favorite book is lolita how did you know? *chad meme*

>> No.21016421

Are you into property structures or agricultural techniques?

>> No.21016422

Schopenhauer I don't know as much about, but someone who reads Plato and Spinoza sounds pretty cool. I've found what I've read of Plato interesting, and the one Spinoza fan I've known is a pretty interesting person, even if I've had my disagreements with both.

>> No.21016428

Literally nobody cares about that. Anybody who does is a conservatard because being able to bust in a woman raw without any risk severely outweighs the notion of legacy in this dead society.

>> No.21016430

Economic history definitely seems like an interesting topic albeit one I haven't explored enough, especially in terms of how it can illuminate general principles, and repercussions that echo down to the present day. In general though there are so many things that sound interesting when I hear things about them but I haven't gotten around to looking into in detail because there are just so many books and so little time. I admit I'm a bit of a chronic dabbler.

>> No.21016437

Schopenhauer spoke highly of Spinoza in his works from what I know about him. I prefer Descartes more because he was a freewill apologist

>> No.21016438

That's reassuring I suppose. Though I'd probably still be worried about STIs, but I guess if I'm in a monogamous relationship and we're both being tested periodically it's not such a big concern. There's a part of me that feels possibly inclined towards poly but I have to admit less chance to get came in is a drawback.

>> No.21016441

Its good stuff, Weber and Sombart are good for it

>> No.21016442

I'll be honest, my view on free will at this point is basically 'the question doesn't even make sense or mean anything in the first place', though I'm interested in considering different viewpoints.

>> No.21016446

The sun had risen over the earth when Lot came to Zoar. Then the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven, and He overthrew those cities, and all the valley, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground

>> No.21016448

So it is really important with Classical history to do something other than People Places Formal Politics. I'm Marxist as all get out but I'm also historian, so I'd strongly recommend doing something on material culture, oikos, or farm structure, or yields. Trade is also good: sunken ships and amphoræ. Basically anything other than dudes talking to dudes. Settlement density outside of major trading ports for example. House size diversity. Crop diversity.

You can still read all the classic stuff but pay attention to the different in social value embodied in a foot soldier versus a slinger and an equestrian.

>> No.21016451


>> No.21016453

Are you in the right thread?
Makes sense.

>> No.21016457

huge red flag

>> No.21016459

yes, im describing what that post makes me think of and want to happen

>> No.21016463

Why do you say that? It doesn't work for everyone, but I think there are some people for whom it fits.
>Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.
-Ezekiel 16:49

>> No.21016468

when you do

>> No.21016476

are you trying to make an argument that being a degen is ok? or are you just saying all that other stuff is worthy of death and destruction. if the latter, I couldn't agree more

>> No.21016482

will this post every not get a ton of replies

>> No.21016488

cool story bro

>> No.21016496

Romebros… not like this…

>> No.21016534

Just pointing out that the Bible doesn't actually say a lot of the stuff you think it says, and frankly states some beliefs you'd probably find repugnant. And I think it's none of your business what I do with other consenting adults as long as I'm not bothering you.

>> No.21016539

so youre arguing the former. I'm not here to debate.
your life is what you make of it, and it is not in my purview to make you see the light. forget your shame and defensiveness for a sec and you'll see what's right

>> No.21016546

I don't think there's anything intrinsically good about self-denial. I do think that unwise pleasures can be bad if they ultimately lead to pain, though. I don't see what coherent basis you can establish for morality other than starting from the obvious: pleasure is good and pain is bad.

>> No.21016559

you've got everything you need there man. I'm not qualified to explain Catholic moral thinking to you, but the way I see it sin is pleasure that leads to pain. If I engage in some self control and get myself a loving wife and have children with her, work hard for my family and my community, and sacrifice myself for those in need I will be a happy man, and Gods kingdom will be mine. Not engaging in sinful sexual pleasure is a necessary practice to obtain those goals, not the goal in and of itself

>> No.21016575

Given that I'm infertile, I can't really do the 'have children' thing. So long as I take pains to not spread STIs, not break anyone's heart if I can help it, et cetera what's the issue with having non-monogamous sex? It's fun and it's not hurting anyone.

>> No.21016582

its hurting them (the people youre having sex w) find yourself a husband so you can put your sexual energy into building something lasting and fulfilling

>> No.21016586

Its a safe choice.

>> No.21016590

Hurting them how? If their preferences are fulfilled then they are benefited. Unless you think they're somehow not actually fulfilling their preferences in the long term?

>> No.21016596

yeah, one of the purposes of sex is to build a relationship that will take you through the difficulties of life, and teach you how to be a better person. the other purpose being to bring children into the world, but if you cant do that thats not on you so use it for its other good and sanctifying purpose. its was given to you to enjoy, just use it right, for your own sake

>> No.21016602

And what if I want to build a strong relationship with multiple people? Maybe you're not capable of genuine romantic love for multiple people at once, but it seems to me some people are. I'm still figuring out whether I am.

>> No.21016614

figure it out then. my view is no, thats not possible. have those deep relationships outside your husband without sex. good luck, and may God be with you

>> No.21016636

But God isn't real. At least not in anything approaching the form that Christianity describes.

>> No.21016639

it starts to make more sense when you learn quantum mechanics

>> No.21016643

Maybe I just don't know enough about quantum mechanics but quantum randomness doesn't seem to have much to do with free will. I don't know, maybe my 'magical unmoved mover in the human brain' concept of free will is a strawman but I'm not sure what a better concept of 'free will' would be.

>> No.21016645

>It's when they open my Kindle or computer and see gigabyte after gigabyte of Springer mathematics texts, abstract math, logic, and every Springer Frontiers physics and information theory book, along with all the Hegel that they begin to flee.
frighteningly relatable post

>> No.21016650

thats a whole other can of worms fren. maybe just consider whats rationally good for you for now, after all we consider what's rationally good for you to be Gods will

>> No.21016655

>ask classmates what they're researching
>male classmates are all researching fascinating, unique, or at least ambitious things
>woman: "Misogyny in Rome"
>woman: "Misogyny and Hamlet"
>woman: "The intersection of misogyny and periods in Hamlet"
>woman: "Women"
>woman: "Opinions about women having sex in Weimar newspapers"
>woman: "Women in the work of Robert Musil"
>woman: "Vagina"
>woman: "I have a vagina"
>woman: "I'm a woman btw. Vagina here"
>woman: "Sex and periods in gender"
>woman: "Woman perceptions of woman, ,vagina, cooters breasts woman period I'm on my period clitorises in the work of the band Oingo Boingo and Hamlet's Perception of Clitoris Vagina Gender Studies"
>woman: "Queering Gender in Medieval Manuscripts: Your period or MY period?"
>woman: "Misogyny, Periods, and You: Ernst Cassirer on Substance, Function, and My Gay Love Affair with Gender Studies"
>woman: "Women in 'Woman's Work': Gendering Gender in the Social Sciences"
>woman: "Prostitution and Gender in Antebellum Calcutta"
>woman: "Gender"
>woman: "Sex and gender studies"
>woman: "Tampons, pads, and ironclads: Stonewall Jackson and Freebleeding"
>woman: "Einstein contra Bergson: Who rapes me more by having existed?"

>> No.21016657

My favorite book is Anna karenina

Am I'm I a red flag?

>> No.21016660

well, if the universe was deterministic then it follows that there is no free will, but the fundamental irreducible randomness predicted by quantum mechanics ostensibly rules out a deterministic universe, thereby rendering the existence of free will plausible
nevertheless I would contend that we know far too little about the human mind to come up with anything other than speculation at this point. perhaps in a thousand years time we'll finally be able to ask the right questions as regards free will

>> No.21016661

Rationally good for me for what value of 'good'? Pleasure maximization? Pain minimization? Preference-satisfaction maximization?

>> No.21016662

I don't see how randomness and free will are the same thing, though.

>> No.21016668

are you the same lady ive been talking to? I assume youre a lady and not a man, I hope, tho likely in vain as this is 4chan

>> No.21016670

they aren't equivalent of course but are related. like i said, the universe being deterministic, which necessitates zero randomness, implies the non-existence of free will
on the other hand, the universe having a fundamental layer of randomness destroys the notion of it being deterministic, which leaves room for free will
in any case, the relationship of quantum mechanics with free will and consciousness more generally was explored by various physicists of the last century, David Bohm being especially worth looking into if interested

>> No.21016674

if she's into astrology then she's probably a good fuck, at least

>> No.21016677

>She should have said Plato instead
idiotic take

>> No.21016679

please be in london

>> No.21016683

>If these are someone's favourite philosophers then they are either autists or smart
Lol no, either autistic or too stupid to think critically but too smart to just give up. In other words archetypal midwits.

>> No.21016702

>so I'd strongly recommend doing something on material culture
All of your information is piecemeal and nothing you study is even generally reliable (nor falsifiable for that matter).
>Basically anything other than dudes talking to dudes
So anything other than getting a direct, unmediated glimpse into the spirit of the time. Gotcha.

>> No.21016707

Are you a femanon btw?

>> No.21016709

Kuhn, Lakatos, Feyerabend, foad.

Thanks for showing that you're a small cock.

>> No.21016712

Quine, Wittgenstein, Popper, Hegel.

Thanks for showing that you have no cock.

>> No.21016717

None of your claims about history deriving from material history are substantial, and you know it. It's all just speculation based on piecemeal evidence which you will never be able to verify.

>> No.21016721

Kuhn, Lakatos, Feyerabend; Wittgenstein; Kuhn, Lataktos, Feyerabned; Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Marx, Nietzsche, Derrida.

The cock that is a cock is not a cock, the cock that is not a cock is the name of the father.

Thanks for showing that you can master none of women, yourself, "the name of the father," yourself-as-the-other, a boy next door, or the slave whom ought to get his ass back over here.

Seriously cunt? Seriously. Step to me and an undefined period of time later I will slowly post your loved one's extremities then organs to you. If you prove a further cunt I'll use amazon shipping.

>> No.21016739

I recognize you, you're the mentally ill Australian or British poster who becomes violently enraged when someone calls them out.

>> No.21016744

Your recognition skills aren't that adept then are they?

>> No.21016816

>Tampons, pads, and ironclads: Stonewall Jackson and Freebleeding

>> No.21016820

>this thread guaranteed +250 replies of seething incels and seething söyboys again

I have yet to see a thread on Proust go past 10 replies. Through relentless shilling and some very boring and time-consuming manipulation of the top 100 chart way back in 2014 I introduced you dumb niggers to Hamsun, but you immediately took a liking to him not because of his superior prose and style, but because of his politics, which are almost entirely incidental to his greatest works.

I hate you. None of you read. Stay in your failed Turing test chamber.

>> No.21016823

>if he’s into Dostoyevsky run, but if he’s into some generic exercising book then it’s fine

>> No.21016937

> "women"

These are coping femcels just like r9k is coping incels theres no reason to take their opinion seriously

>> No.21016952

>Through relentless shilling and some very boring and time-consuming manipulation of the top 100 chart way back in 2014 I introduced you dumb niggers to Hamsun
thanks, reading Hunger soon. also he was so hecking basederino

>> No.21017001

Femcels don't exist
Only women who would rather be alone than settle for less than giga chad

>> No.21017033

>trying to impress women with your books taste


>> No.21017133

big jej

>> No.21017688

Where can I pretend to be a woman to discuss other women with a woman so I can testify this?
Im not a tranny I promise.

>> No.21017706

do you usually troll reddit for obscure, unpopular posts to complain about here?

>> No.21017728

if being told that unstable relationships are bad makes you this mad, then you're ngmi

>> No.21017748

PewdiePie mentioned him once or twice and then femboys on insta started spamming the books and morons like FDS on reddit noticed. There's still only a 2% chance that some random person you meet at the grocery store will know the name.

Find someone you love and let them raw you on the reg. Poly is overrated.

>> No.21017749

what does mi mean, literarily speaking?

>> No.21017790


>> No.21017827

then I truly hope I'm ngmi

>> No.21018010

I wake up in early morning to make coffee and breakfast for my wife. With a soft kiss i wake her up and have a giggly chat with her. As she sits in kitchen, having breakfast, i sneak into childrens room to wake them up. Knowing that i am first person in morning that they have seen makes me happy.

Have family you nigger loving bitch

>> No.21018030
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>> No.21018036

/lit/ isn't your dream diary.