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/lit/ - Literature

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21010838 No.21010838 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Nazis?

>> No.21010844

gay bear-daddy socialists

>> No.21010893


>> No.21010899

History has vindicated these rumors.
Except their being socialists. That's debunked. Like calling the EU socialist. They have some strong socdem policies

>> No.21010914
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>> No.21010923

read this author
Also OP pick up a Dalton translation. Can't use a debit card from your (((bank))) though for some whacky reason

>> No.21010925

they're obviously socialist
i don't see how you can reject this

>> No.21010940

I dont like the organized spam from nazi groups on 4chan

>> No.21010969

Sweden would tell you different.
>Bu socilizum is when the government does stuff
How many times we gotta go over this? Did you know politicians lie? Lawyers lie. Media lies. The secret service lies.

>> No.21010982
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They burn books, they are the lowest of the low.

Books should be critiqued, not destroyed; to destroy a book isn't to refute it, it just demonstrates that you're uncomfortable with it– that you might, on some level, be wrong.

>> No.21010983

I think they're boring compared to Germans, who really did the Mass Central European preventable deaths.

>> No.21010984

refuted by mitchell heisman

>> No.21010994

If I had a bunch of Marxist books I'd burn them 100%. Why would you let that dogshit invade your local community unless you're a retarded pussy

>> No.21010995

what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.21011000
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>Prof. A. J. P. Taylor, the eminent British historian, and hardly a Nazi sympathizer, writes:

>"Fascism, it was claimed, represented the last aggressive stage of capitalism in decline, and its momentum could be sustained only by war. There was an element of truth in this, but not much. The full employment which Nazi Germany was the first European country to possess, depended in large part on the production of armaments; but it could have been provided equally well (and was to some extent) by other forms of public works from roads to great buildings. The Nazi secret was not armament production; it was freedom from the then orthodox principles of economics . . . the argument for war did not work even if the Nazi system had relied on armaments production alone. Nazi Germany was not choking in a flood of arms. On the contrary, the German Generals insists unanimously in 1939 that they were not equipped for war and that many years must pass before “rearmament in depth” had been completed."

>Answering predictions of ruin by orthodox economists throughout the world, Hitler explained that Germany had not withdrawn from world trade but had bypassed the international financial system by means of barter, stating:

>"If certain countries combat the German system this is done in the first instance because through the German method of trading their tricks of international currency and Bourse speculations have been abolished in favor of honest business transactions. . . . We are buyers of good foodstuff and raw materials and suppliers of equally good commodities!"

>More recently a professional economist, Henry C K Liu[18], who can hardly be suspected of Hitlerism, analyzed the methods by which Germany emerged from the Depression:

>"The Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, at a time when its economy was in total collapse, with ruinous war-reparation obligations and zero prospects for foreign investment or credit. Yet through an independent monetary policy of sovereign credit and a full-employment public-works program, the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas colonies it could exploit, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament spending began. In fact, German economic recovery preceded and later enabled German rearmament, in contrast to the US economy, where constitutional roadblocks placed by the US Supreme Court on the New Deal delayed economic recovery until US entry to World War II put the US market economy on a war footing. While this observation is not an endorsement for Nazi philosophy, the effectiveness of German economic policy in this period, some of which had been started during the last phase of the Weimar Republic, is undeniable."

>> No.21011001
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Criminal. They got off easy. The German acts smug but forgets that their country was carpet bombed into the stone age and only American $$$ pulled them out of absolute ruin. I say this as a nationalist.

>> No.21011004
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>Bräuninger recounts a remarkable incident in which Mussolini invited the German – and incidentally Jewish – translator of Dante, Rudolf Borchardt, to a private audience in 1933, and quotes from Rudolf Borchardt’s Besuch bei Mussolini (Visit to Mussolini):

>'I could only be astonished that this man, the ruler of Italy, with all the burdens of the day’s work on his shoulders, found time to discuss with me the precise translation of individual words and expressions . . . He opened the first Canto and began to read. “That is a literal translation,” he remarked, and then said, “I understand it is written in a modern German style. Wait, what is this?” He pointed to a word he did not know, and I had to explain it to him. . . . Concentrated willpower and a positive sort of decisiveness mastered in large part the rounded and complete gestures of the kind one might expect from a dignitary of the Church or an aristocratic poet, reminding me of some pictures of the later Goethe. . . . Schlegel, Schelling, Hegel, King Johann of Saxony, Vossler, George – he made a brief appraisal of each. “Now to the fifth circle of the Inferno,” he exclaimed, adding rapidly and almost merrily, “Francesca da Remini.” . . . He went to the last stanzas, read out my German translation, then recited the original Italian verses from memory, read more German, and compared them exactly with the verses which he knew by heart. He pointed to a subtlety of tone in the Italian original and wanted to be sure that I had successfully reproduced it in German, reading out my German version slowly and carefully, with a strong but accurate pronunciation. Finally, he interrupted his own criticisms and suggestions by excusing himself, adding that he was only a layman and a mere reader. He closed the book, opened it once more, and finally closed it for good. “Thank you,” he said earnestly, and shook my hand warmly.' (p. 163)

>So much for the ignorant dictator! It would be interesting to know how many professors of Italian literature today could today offer an informed critique of a translation of Dante’s Inferno, citing stanzas by heart, let alone how many mere laymen and readers could do so. Bräuninger tells us that Mussolini was an avid reader of the Classics and a keen opera aficionado, something which tends to be ignored in post-war mainstream historical accounts.

>Much else tends to be downplayed as well, which Bräuninger highlights, including the enormous popularity of Mussolini’s economic and social policies.

>> No.21011008
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>Though very young at the time, the writer remembers well the turbulent days in the autumn of 1937, when the most hotly contested elections of the interwar period were being fought in Transylvania. As a child of eight I visited with my parents some relatives and family friends in a village deep in the Apuseni Mountains, the heart of Romanian Transylvania .. In the evening, when the intelligentsia gathered in the salon .. {the villagers} discussed only one thing: the coming visit of Codreanu, the dreaded captain of the Iron Guard, the next day. There was simply no limit to the abuse these ladies and gentlemen, Hungarians of the Christian and Jewish faith, heaped upon him. One of the ladies, who had seen him in Târgu Mureș the year before, spoke of him as if she had seen the monster's head but dared not describe it.

>Something of an adventurer by nature, I decided I must take a closer look at this fabulous being, whatever the cost. The next day I proceeded to carry out my decision. My best friend, the son of the local Orthodox priest and older than I by four years, provided some pieces of peasant costume, and the two conspirators headed toward the churchyard where the Legionary meeting was to take place.

>The little square before the church teemed with peasants dressed in their colorful Sunday best. Many of them had walked dozens of miles to get there. And there were many, too many, gendarmes from the local gendarme station. The prefect of the district of Turda had, as officials of inefficient, corrupt regimes often do, administered a pinprick to exasperate rather than a blow to crush; he had forbidden Codreanu to speak but had not outlawed the meeting itself. And the crowd of simple, miserable peasants swelled until the churchyard could hold no more.

>There was suddenly a hush in the crowd. A tall, darkly handsome man dressed in the white costume of a Romanian peasant rode into the yard on a white horse. He halted close to me, and I could see nothing monstrous or evil in him. On the contrary. His childlike, sincere smile radiated over the miserable crowd, and he seemed to be with it yet mysteriously apart from it. Charisma is an inadequate word to define the strange force that emanated from this man. He was more aptly simply part of the forests, of the mountains, of the storms on the snow-covered peaks of the Carpathians, and of the lakes and rivers. And so he stood amid the crowd, silently.

>He had no need to speak. His silence was eloquent; it seemed to be stronger than we, stronger than the order of the prefect who denied him speech. An old, white-haired peasant woman made the sign of the cross on her breast and whispered to us, "The emissary of the Archangel Michael!" Then the sad little church bell began to toll, and the service which invariably preceded Legionary meetings began. Deep impressions created in the soul of a child die hard. In more than a half of a century I have never forgotten my meeting with Corneliu Zelea Codreanu.

>> No.21011009
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>le heckin nazierinos were evil, and i say this as a national socialist!!!

>> No.21011011
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>Codreanu’s most effective propaganda in these years was to be work, action, and the example. Hundreds of voluntary labor camps of the Legion, then called the TPT Party, dotted the map of Romania, repairing village bridges, roads, and churches, building dams, digging wells and working “for the collective and national solidarity.” In these camps, the boyar son worked side by side with the son of the laborer and the peasant, creating a powerful feeling of national unity and renovation. If the new intellectuals who graduated (or failed to graduate) in increasing numbers from the universities and joined the ranks of the Legion were strongly anti-Semitic because of the Jewish middle classes blocking their way, the lower classes came to the Legion because they hoped to fulfill their desires for a social justice on a national rather than a Russian Bolshevik platform.

>As the Legion increased in importance, it had to take a certain number of stands on practical issues of the day despite its acute revulsion to dealing with the problems of the sordid twentieth-century industrial age. These stands and attitudes were taken on an ad hoc basis when the Legion had to face them, and the result was a curious mixture of their ideology and more realistic considerations. Although it concentrated its activities in the villages, the Legion formed the Corps of Legionary Workers in 1936 and in addition to the dozens of labor camps, Codreanu ordered the Legion to enter a very new field for Romanians, commerce. He wanted to prove that not only Jews could be successful in this area. "In less than a year, the Battalion of Legionary Commerce founded a chain of Legionary restaurants, groceries, and repair shops covering Bucharest and the provincial towns. The income from these establishments financed vacations for underprivileged children and provided funds for the movement.” Besides the commercial establishments, there was a Legionary welfare organization, and steps were taken to organize Legionary cooperatives. At the opening of the Legionary sanatorium in Predeal, different payment rates were established. Everybody was to pay according to his conscience; the poor were not to pay at all.

>> No.21011012
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>> No.21011014
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because burning the books doesn't refute them, the only thing you're demonstrating by burning books is that you fear the worldview they express; that you're trying to censor critique of yourself.

burning books is fundamentally antithetical to any serious philosophy and is an anathema to epistemology. If your worldview is maintained through ignorance than it doesn't deserve to exist.

>> No.21011019

Burning books has nothing to do with ignorance, have you read a little book called might is right? If you have half a brain then you know that democratic socialism is a cancer.
Kek. Took 5 whole countries to take em out well done. Too bad caucisoids are still abundant and the most beautiful race on Earth, still forming communities and building bonds stronger than ever before.

>> No.21011021
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>"There was a strange contradiction which always struck me: all his thoughts and ambitions were directed towards the problem of how to help the masses, the simple, the decent but under-priveleged people with whom he identified himself - they were ever-present in his thoughts - but in actual fact he always avoided any contact with people"
August Kubizek, "The Young Hitler I Knew," p.164

>"Many other qualities which are characteristic of youth were lacking in him: a carefree letting go of himself, living only for the day, the happy attitude of 'what is to be, will be'. His idea was that these were things that did not become a young man"

>"He had no comprehension of enjoyment of life as others knew it. He did not smoke, he did not drink, and in Vienna, for instance, he lives for days on milk and bread only"

>"Although he always felt a sense of responsibility for everything that happened, he was always a lonely and solitary man, determined to reply upon himself, and so to reach his goal"

>"But he? Where should he have gone that Christmas Eve? He had no acquaintances, no friends, nobody who would have received him with open arms. For him the world was hostile and empty. [...] All he ever told me of that Christmas Eve was that he had wandered around for hours. Only towards morning had he returned home and gone to sleep. What he thought, felt and suffered I never knew"

>"In this emotional conflict, Adolf Hitler proved a reliable friend. He had put backbone into my idea of choosing music as my profession, and was very clever at how he went about making it possible. For the first and only time I discovered in him a quality of which I was unaware and which I never experienced in him later: patience."

>"In conflict with a bourgeois world, which with its deceit and false rectitude had nothing to offer him, he sought instinctively his own world and found it in the origins and early history of his own peoples"

>"So, for my friend it was books, always books. I could not imagine Adolf without books. He stacked them in piles around him. He had to have with him at his side the book he was currently working through. Even if he did not happen to be reading it just then, it had to be around. Whenever he went out, there would usually be a book under his arm. This was often a problem, for he would rather abandon nature and the open sky than the book."

>"Books were his whole world. In Linz, in order to procure the books he wanted, he had subscribed to three libraries. In Vienna he used the Hof Library so industriously that I asked him once in all seriousness whether he intended to read the whole library, which of course earned me some rude remarks"

>> No.21011026

But plebs should not be allowed to read filth that has already been refuted. You ever tried arguing with them? Books should be burned for the safety of thr community.

>> No.21011027
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>"Hardly anything would disturb him when he was reading, but sometimes he disturbed himself, for as soon as he opened a book he started talking about it, and I had to listen patiently whether I was interested in the subject or not. Every now and then, in Linz even more frequently than in Vienna, he would thrust a book into my hands and demand that I, as his friend, should read it."

>"Adolf had an especially feel for poets and authors who had something of value to say to him. He never read books simply to pass the time; it was a deadly earnest occupation. I got that impression more than once. What an upset if I did not take his reading seriously enough and played the piano while he was studying."

>"I had always thought of my friend as basically an artist, and would have understood if he had grown indignant at the sight of the masses who appeared to be hopelessly perishing in their misery, yet remained aloof from all this, so as not to be dragged down into the abyss by the city's inexorable fate. I reckoned with his susceptibility, his aestheticism, his constant fear of physical contact with strangers - he shook hands only rarely and then only with a few people - and I thought this would be sufficient to keep him at a distance from the masses. This was only true of personal contacts, but with his whole overflowing heart he stood then in the ranks of the under-privileged. It was not sympathy in the ordinary sense which he felt for the disinherited. That would not have been sufficient. He not only suffered with them, he lived for them and devoted all his thoughts for the salvation of those people from stress and poverty. No doubt, this ardent desire for a total reorganisation of life was his personal response to his own fate, which had led him, step by step, into misery"

>"I knew the normal interests of young people of my age: flirtations, shallow pleasures, idly play and a lot of unimportant, meaningless thoughts. Adolf was the exact opposite. There was an incredible earnestness in him, a thoroughness, a true passionate interest in everything that happened and, most important, an unfailing devotion to the beauty, majesty and grandeur of art"

>"He wallowed deeper and deeper in self-criticism. Yet it only needed the lightest touch - as when one flicks on the light and everything becomes brilliantly clear - for his self-accusation to become an accusation against the times, against the whole world. Choking with his catalogue of hates, he would pour his fury over everything, against mankind in general who did not understand him, who did not appreciate him and by whom he was persecuted"
p.158 / 159

>> No.21011031

i can list dozens if not hundreds of books that are not worth critiquing because it would be a waste of time. the burning is the critique

>> No.21011035

>>"Fascism, it was claimed, represented the last aggressive stage of capitalism in decline
stopped reading there because this is absolute bullshit

>> No.21011037
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What makes you think I'm a socialist? I am entirely opposed to socialist ideals.

Book Burning has everything to do with ignorance; its literally denying knowledge/ideas so to preserve other ideas which, under normal circumstances, would be shown false by critique. If all the Ptolemaic writers burned all the Copernican writer's books, we'd never have discovered that the sun is the center of our solar system, thus, preserving our geo-centric worldview at the cost of our ignorance.

Knowledge, True Knowledge, requires us to constantly challenge our notions of what is and isn't true, it starts with an assumption of the Negation (¬) and proceeds towards the Disjunctive (V) until we can separate the world into opposing views (¬P V P ) and finally begin the epistemic process of discovery. Without a challenge to our worldview, we cannot progress epistemology and thus, will remain eternally ignorant.

>> No.21011042
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I don't know why you would boast about this? Had Hitler not been such a negligent and compulsive gambler and not promised Japan to attack the USA, he would have been able to wear the USSR down through attrition and having the initiative. But instead he declared war against the USA like a fucking retard. The United Kingdom was holding on by a thread and was in a state of desperation. They could not hold out. But instead the Germs declared war on the USA which went on to bankroll the dirt fucking communists of all people. Germany's entire racial stock died on the eastern front for no good reason. And instead we got Hitler's ally Stalin occupying Eastern Europe and East Germany. Despicable. All this after Hitler was shouting about how there is a global conspiracy against Germany and European culture. How utterly negligent.

>> No.21011049
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"It was claimed" is a concessive clause

>> No.21011052

FDR was planning to enter the war no matter what:

>> No.21011053
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Fuck no. You dont ever entirely refute a point, the only way you can know if a point is truly correct/incorrect is if your omniscient. You need to keep those opposing accounts around to refer back to if we ever get stuck; like how Kant needed to refer all the way back to Hume to overcome the Rational/Empirical divide or like how Deleuze had to refer back to Spinoza to overcome the Kantian/Nietzchean divide. Don't throw out the key until you can know with absolute CERTAINTY that you'll never encounter a lock which requires it again.

>> No.21011065
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Truth is stranger than fiction. One day you'll die and laugh harder than you ever did in this life

>> No.21011072

>global conspiracy against Germany and European culture
You have an obvious agenda here if you're choosing to ignore how Germany was targeted for removing jewish banking

>> No.21011073

You cannot know if a book is worth critiquing until you read and refute it, thus, you must first read it to critique it, and if you've critiqued it, there is no reason to burn it because you have overcome it.

There is no epistemic justification for burning books beyond schizo-cognito-hazard shit which doesn't even exist.

>> No.21011074

>stopped reading there
So you can’t get the reasoning which logically follows that statement, which acted as a hook?

>> No.21011075
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>open /lit/ for the first time in years
>top post is mein kampf

>> No.21011080

>If I had a bunch of Marxist books I'd burn them 100%
Me too. Maybe this way we wouldn't have fascism.

>> No.21011084

What if you were actually, say, someone of importance with a duty to protect his country? Instead of a retarded marxist? Wouldn't you want to protect your youth from filling their brains with trash? This hypothetical being before the age of free information mind you, Germany's children and even the rest of the world wouldn't have been forced to read the garbage and waste our time if it all had been burnt. Humanity's progress shouldn't waste time on troglodyte kike dumpster fire dogshit

>> No.21011087

>the burning is the critique
Unfathomably based.

>> No.21011088
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>FDR was planning to enter the war no matter what
Regardless he needed good optics and a critical incident to get the ball rolling. This wasn't a problem, seeing as how Hitler went ahead and did all the work for FDR. That was in December of 1941. Had they not made their promise to Japan they'd have a free hand to fight in the East and not worry about American interference. The only thing they had to worry about was Britain's navy. Britain couldn't really do anything and France peaced out. I don't know how someone could get so lucky with an opponent like France folding so quickly. Hitler was a dumb fucking idiot who ended up an heroing. The man literally had to suicide himself because he couldn't face the consequences of what they had done. Shameful.
Kinda cool, but, replaced it with a German banking system that ruined all of Europe. Hitler could do anything he wanted before September 1939. But then again he'd run his economy into the ground by not pillaging.

>> No.21011091
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Nazi's and Fascists are literally just WW1 LARPers. Everything from their economic philosophy to their government structure is just a war-economy/national cabinet with war-time propaganda techniques and war time emergency powers. Even their constituents were war veterans. The Nazi party is like the pirate party of the 20th century in the sense that no one ever expected them to get into power, and, being political outsiders, their ranks were filled with a menagerie of freaks and weirdos who thought they were reincarnated kings and warlock magic would win them the war. It is honestly still unbelievable they even existed, and that they managed to co-opt the foremost industrial country to try and institute their insane plans.

>> No.21011092
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Welcome back and get the fuck out

>> No.21011093

>le scary ideology
Read >>21010923
Dalton translation. Hell read some Tolkien while you're at it he's awesome. The Hobbit is amazing

>> No.21011094

What book is this? Does it talk about the 'fascism, it's just a petite bourgeois thing!' excuse?

>> No.21011095

Humans will never be omniscient. Burn books.

>> No.21011097

I have a good thread up. Instead of bitching go and bump it.

>> No.21011101

read dalton you're welcome

>> No.21011103
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If you wanna make this board better, start by contributing.

consider it a universal duty if you will.

>> No.21011111
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>> No.21011115

If you wanna protect kids from Marxism, critique it, educate them as to *WHY* it is wrong. Otherwise, you're just being dogmatic and people will never find a good counterpoint to it.

If someone comes up to you and says "X is true", what is the more effective retort; "Here is Why X is not true" or just punching them in the face and screaming "NUH-UH". Truth is approached via reason, not force, dont be a fucking child,

>> No.21011122
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Europe would have been better off if they won and everyone living in today’s Europe knows this. Screencap this.

>> No.21011123

>We will never obtain omniscience therefore we should just abandon the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.

wew lad.

also, how do you know we cant become omniscient, such a statement would itself, require omniscience to be said with certainty.

>> No.21011126

screencap this for who? the planewalker who can travel to a reality where they won the war?

>> No.21011127
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*Would have been better of had Hitler not started grabbing territory and spiralled the whole incident out of control

>> No.21011132

>If you wanna protect kids from Marxism, critique it, educate them as to *WHY* it is wrong.
Well now I have no choice because queers and niggers and others golems of kikes like you want shitty books everywhere
>Truth is approached via reason, not force, dont be a fucking child
Punching in the face as a counter-argument is clearly not the same as book burning, although I'm not opposed to either. Physicality is a reflection of the soul. I don't know how your tiny brain powered on a computer and found this mainstream shithole, but please kill yourself instead of wasting peoples' time with this nonsense. You really haven't read Might is Right in the [current year] and you're still here

>> No.21011138

Well you seem to admit to know nothing. I won’t be taking your advice. Thanks anyway.

>> No.21011145
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>no, no you dont understand, I HAVE to burn the books, I CANT critique them because other people find them convincing.

Thats on you and your worldview. If your worldview is so brainbroken that you cant find a good criticsm for fucking marxism for all things than it must truly be dogmatic and innert. Maybe you might have to come to grips with the facts that Nazi ideology is unappealing because its incorrect. If youre ideology literally requires that all of its critics need to be silenced for it to survive, its fundamentally dogmatic.

>> No.21011149

>noooo you can’t be dogmatic!
Kek what a coward.

>> No.21011156
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>ha! heckin fascist dogma rekt
I'm not dogmatic in the slightest so I think its so funny when you say that word over and over. You're literally low-functioning autism, I only have little more than pity for you. Why are you strawmanning me so hard? When did I ever imply that I have to burn books, or that national socialists had to? When did I even insinuate that I cannot critique them? You've never asked for a critique of marxism. You've just been parroting how much I'm dogmatic and how I cannot critique it hahaha. You're so fucking retarded seriously I'd feel like shit if I were you.

>> No.21011159

>(insert ideology here) is unappealing because it is incorrect
>You're dogmatic
Ding ding ding! We have a winner for the retard's choice awards!!! come on up here grab your prize

>> No.21011164
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because dogma is anathema to knowledge, its saying "X is true and there is no justification for it, im just asserting it". Literally all propositions would be true if that was our standard:

> "The Sky? oh, its blue because smurfs jack off onto it, I don't have a reason as to why I believe that and I fundamentally refuse to listen to any counterarguments; I will literally burn books if they contradict my worldview".

its utter tripe and completely antithetical to knowledge. Cope and Seethe Brainlet.

>> No.21011169

They were right and admirable to try to improve their country by evicting the Jews, but they shouldn't have aggressed across borders

>> No.21011171

try to, as best you can, provide a rational justification as to why books require burning.

>> No.21011175

Like anyone's going to listen to someone who uses smurf jerkoff as an example or better yet >>21011145 uses the wrong "your"
>If youre ideology literally
You run around on the internet calling others a brainlet to cope with your shitty life and your insecurities building up from lack of achievement. Why would anybody listen to you? A marxist who isn't even literate? " I hate le hecking dogma"...You realize that in and of itself is a form of dogma too right? You do realize you are a hypocrite right? Or you're just baiting for (you)s because you really are just that pathetic and sad and lonely

>> No.21011183

i haven't read ibram x kendi. from what people have said about his work, and i mean his supporters as well as his detractors, i know for a fact that this book has more value as fuel for a fire than as a source of information

>> No.21011184

>there is no justification for it
To who? Maybe to you. Do you put your foot down and claim truth to anything you coward? Or are you waiting to be omniscient? Kek

>> No.21011185

lol, im not even a marxist, if you had read my posts you'd see that I specifically referenced the fact that I am entirely oppose socialist ideals. You're attacking me rather than my arguments because you cannot think of a good reason as to why we should accept dogmatic worldviews. If you really think that dogma is justifiable, then provide an account of it; why is it justifiable to have a static worldview which cannot be questioned under the threat of force?

>> No.21011186
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janny get this subhuman off-topic spam off /lit/.

>> No.21011188

If a book is encouraging mass immigration, I think it should be kept away from young brains who don't learn from their ancestors, but mostly learn from professors and the youth. Therefore the less of our nation that reads the harmful material = the less of our nation that gets harmed. Its like you're asking "why would degenerate material be banned". Its retarded. As a leader you have to make decisions for the health of the state and the people. This may mean getting rid of a little bit of filth, especially before the age of information, when you can physically stop harmful literature from spreading. Once its spread, you cannot just make a counter-argument to every single person who now has the book, because it has spread you have no idea. The best course of action then would be to make a counter argument and then do book burning (which is whar Hitler did). You obviously are dogmatic towards liking Marxism. Beats me how personal experience has led up to you being such an embarrassment

>> No.21011194

>im not even a marxist
I don't believe you. Go back to plebbit queer. Take your complete and utter lack of knowledge with you.

>> No.21011195

How is this off-topic? Arguably the most influential book of the past century.

>> No.21011197

Dude. That isn't the Hungry Hungry Caterpillar. Go Back Where You Came From With Your Polluted Shelves.

>> No.21011201

Remember kids read Dalton translation so you don't end up a retard like this guy.

>> No.21011221
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I have literally expressed my extreme distaste for marxism within the thread, what are you on about; marxism is the biggest dogma of all, its a facade of critical theory which cannot accept post-modern or neo-reactionary critique because it specifically, cannot account for those world-views. If a piece of work has harmful ideas, destroying its source wont work, we've known this ever since Ancient Times when Socrates was killed for 'corrupting the youth'; did that stop his ideas?

The only way you can overcome an idea is to either:

A) Have it fade from memory, which, is basically impossible for widespread popular works (again, look at Socrates)

B) You critique it to the point that such a work is, within own notion of reason, shown to be false or incomprehensible/ like the Logical Positivists and the Verification Principle or Ptolemy and Geo-centrism.


C) You adopt a static, dogmatic worldview which cannot be challenged but, as a caveat, can never grow or self-correct its own descriptions.

The search for what is true necessitates that we challenge our worldview, constantly perturbing it with assumptions, negations and other possibilities. If we stop asking ourselves "What if Y instead of X?" or "What is ¬X?" then we can never even dream to ever make another discovery again. Anyone who understands even a lick of epistemology can recognize that there is no epistemic justification for the denial of knowledge without, also, justified refutation.

I'm gonna eat some cheerio's now (the sausage ones), I'll read your responses in a bit.

>> No.21011226

>You disagree with my worldview, therefore you're a marxist.

whos projecting now?

>> No.21011228
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careful friends, there are JEWISH people in this thread.

>> No.21011235

What exactly does critiquing do? Does it stop the spread of degenerate and subversive filth? If the answer is no then why the fuck bother when you can just burn it since its worthless garbage that won't benefit anyone in the slightest

>> No.21011243

>Have it fade from memory, which, is basically impossible for widespread popular works
You don't understand that this happens while critiquing. Your narrow mindset only allows for one of these options when in reality it's more of all of the above and none at all. You act like Marxism wasn't refuted by Hitler, and that the book burning wasn't an extra precaution taken to strengthen the nation intellectually and morally. It is stupidity on your behalf I'm sorry if that feels insulting but it is truly very stupid. You are a peon for jews without even realizing it its sad

>> No.21011255

>shown to be false or incomprehensible But marxism has already been shown to be this. And it’s still here somehow. So burn the books I say. And now you’re going to call me “dogmatic” because you disagree with me i’m sure.

>> No.21011260

>I, a person who despises Marxism, Dogma and want there to be endless critique of Jewish ideas/ideology am a peon for the jews; because I abhore the principle of book burning specifically because it is, as i have described, ineffective at preventing the proliferation of bad ideas AND actively damages our epistemic practices.

wew. fucking. lad.

if you really belief that anyone who disagrees with your ideas, regardless of context, sentiment or intent, is a 'peon for jews' then your ideas truly are dogmatic.

>> No.21011261

That's one of his biggest intellectual blunders. He keeps trying to debate and shit up this thread with HIS dogma about OTHERS' dogma, not even realizing how retarded he looks. Its truly astounding

>> No.21011266

Who the fuck else would be retarded enough to think Marx books are "worth keeping around"? Who else would need to analyze that shit now or in the futurr for what purpose? Especially if you so called "despise" it like you so claim? Who the fuck but a marxist, or jew, or just plain fucking retard would be this intellectually dishonest in conversation? A fucking shill or a peon. That's all you could be. Nobody with half a brain thinks like you do.

>> No.21011267

Has marxism not been shown to be false and incomprehensible?

>> No.21011269



By your metric, should we also burn the works of Ptolemy because his notion of geo-centrism is wrong? what about Newtons classical physics? or Euclids work? what about Descartes meditations? or Freuds diaries? Hayeks economics or Husserls phenomenology? If every generation that thinks they have the correct worldview burned the previous generations work then we'd have NOTHING.

>> No.21011271

see >>21011269

>> No.21011272

It’s only necessary to burn books that are poisonous to the community. Burning irrelevant books is not necessary.

>> No.21011277

>By your metric, should we also burn the works of Ptolemy because his notion of geo-centrism is wrong? what about Newtons classical physics? or Euclids work? what about Descartes meditations? or Freuds diaries? Hayeks economics or Husserls phenomenology
Nope. By my metric none of those would have been burnt, because they're not harmful, they're just wrong. You are so obviously being a marxist shill its so funny that you say you are not. Place is basically leddit now. Thanks to trannies like you. Rename the site 4trans

>> No.21011279

books are made irrelevant with critique; if you critique it and show its falsehood, you don't need to burn them.


>> No.21011280

Also, how is rene descartes meditations "wrong" in any way? What is up with that?

>> No.21011282


>> No.21011284

>books are made irrelevant with critique
>marxism is still somehow relevant
KEK nice theory

>> No.21011286

Substance Dualism is wrong, even Descartes admitted that in a letter to Elizabeth, he admitted that a third substance would need to exist for the two other substances to interact with eachother.

>> No.21011294

When did I say Marxism is still relevant? screen cap where I said that.

the only 'marxists' that even still exists are dogmatists who have a static worldview wherein nothing can persuade them that Marx was wrong; hence, proving my point.

>> No.21011297

I'll hold you to that. I'd like a quote. I cannot see anything of that sort on the internet.

>> No.21011300

If your kids dont believe your account of gay porn being harmful, that on you and your very clearly ineffectual critique. just saying "Gay porn is bad, stay away from it" doesnt explain to them *how* it is wrong, it doesn't actually critique it, it just makes more dogma; "Dont watch gay porn because I said so". You're literally proving my point for me.

>> No.21011303

Right right, I should have to explain to children that do not have sex hormones, how a certain type of disgusting sex and its degenerate media is bad. You sir say I'm proving you right, but you just sound like more of a retard with every horrid post you fat-finger.

>> No.21011305

Marxism is still relevant in colleges all over the country and it has already been shown to be “false and incomprehensible”. Why is it still polluting the youth today? I thought if it’s been critiqued enough we don’t need to be “dogmatic” and burn books. So what gives?

>> No.21011307
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from a 1643 letter from Descartes to Elizabeth.


>> No.21011323

I study philosophy at university, I can guarantee you that most professors and students are incredibly critical of marxism, we study it in the same way as we study fascism, liberalism or libertarianism, as to account for them theoretically, our study of them should never been see as an endorsement of them.

>> No.21011331

This is such zogbot shill bullshit, idk where you live but most professors in the shithole USA are marxist. I don't go to college because I have no need to be a corporate slave but all of my friends would come to me with stories about the different ways they endorsed Marx and shoehorned Marxism into everything

>> No.21011336

also, to that end, there will always be dogmatists, people who refuse to accept critique of their worldview, be they marxists, fascists, liberals, libertarians etc etc. I should stress that even for those contemptible flocks, book burning still isnt the answer, a dogmatic marxist wont stop being a marxist just because you burn Marx's works no more than a dogmatic fascist will stop being a fascist if you burn hitlers works. burning books, as a vocation simply doesnt work; the death of Socrates has demonstrated this fact to be true far more vividly than any other account of 'intellectual health' or 'poisoning of minds'.

>> No.21011339
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I don’t know where you are from but Marxist theory is very prevalent in US colleges. Your theory is not holding up well. Time to start burning the books?

>> No.21011342

I have studied for a very long time and met professors and students from all around the world, even a cuban logican who, despite being cuban, abhored marxism. American universities are just fancy churchs, they dont teach philosophy, they teach dogma.

>> No.21011343

I gotta have tea now and write up a couple reports, hopefully this thread will be up tomorrow, good day to you all.

>> No.21011345

Yeah, but:

1) Marxist theory isn't prevalent.
1a) The closest you can get is D&G
1b) But generally its just Pomo which is bourgeois radicalism
1c) There's hardly any French Structuralist Marxism which would be the closest to actual Marxist theory
2) The purpose of teaching Marxist theory at universities is to get bourgeois liberals to become "Marxists" to disorganise workers movements
3) If your theory of action is that Universities are relevant then you're not a Marxist.

>> No.21011346

>American universities are just fancy churchs, they dont teach philosophy, they teach dogma
Well United States is where I was born and I have yet to move anywhere else so that is likely why I look upon college with disdain. With computer, if I want to "educate" myself, I can learn basically anything I want for free.

>> No.21011348

>we’re losing
>but don’t burn the books!!

>> No.21011356

>With computer, if I want to "educate" myself, I can learn basically anything I want for free.
It is honestly easier to learn in the traditional reading and tutorial setting, lectures are kind of the "cheat sheet" for the weekly reading rather than valuable in themselves. The problem is that you can't get "high buy in" quality tutorial peers anywhere except at peak universities, and even there they're gaming not actually engaged in thought.

Your best bet for a real learning experience with peers is to kick some of those anarchist academics who dropped out to become manual labourers to start running free university degrees online with high buy in requirements to sit for tutorials and essays.

Like the course is free, but non-attendance costs $500 per tutorial unless you've got a medical certificate or stat dec (JP).

>> No.21011380

I mean, the computer is what allowed me to download and store tens of thousands of ebooks, I barely ever listen to lectures. Love Alan Watts kek. But no I'm not sitting here watching youtube calling that education, nor am I interested in learning "with peers" or from an "academic setting". I genuinely hate the formality of education, the schedule, the normalfaggotry, everything about it. Mostly I hate that it seems like brainwashing and not the way life is supposed to be lived. It's a hundredfold more efficient to educate myself. I never have real problems understanding what I set my mind to. I've taught myself several languages. In America, the stupid people go to college.

>> No.21011389

Look up disciplinarity, methodology, theory. If you don't understand why look at hermeneutics in the literary disciplines, or epistemology in the social sciences. Criticisms of proof is the equivalent in the formal fields. You'll also want to engage with the ontological questions about the identity of the reader and the social function of research / science.

You've obviously read what they say about the autodidact, prove it wrong in your strongest discipline with a statement about that discipline's purpose, source of knowledge, and contribution to the humanities or social sciences.

If you're a sci-tard read Feyerabend raping Lakatos.

>> No.21011394

love 'em!

>> No.21011406

>Look up disciplinarity, methodology, theory. If you don't understand why look at hermeneutics in the literary disciplines, or epistemology in the social sciences. Criticisms of proof is the equivalent in the formal fields. You'll also want to engage with the ontological questions about the identity of the reader and the social function of research / science
No idea why I would research more of this modern psycho babble quackery
>prove it wrong in your strongest discipline with a statement about that discipline's purpose, source of knowledge, and contribution to the humanities or social sciences
My life serves as a statement for all those that personally know me and its only getting bigger haha I'm not worried about making a "statement". I'd write a book when I have more downtime but it wouldn't be "academic" and it certainly wouldn't be your average peer-reviewed science is awesome article

>> No.21011446

>No idea why I would research more of this modern psycho babble quackery
You're a boring field day autodidact whose capacity to interact with human knowledge is psychotic normally and at times schizophrenic.

Enjoy comparing business cards with yourself.

>> No.21011657

No such thing as Nazis. They were called National Socialist or the German/Deutsches Reich.

They were based but made a mistake when they put themselves in a position to be at war with multiple Jewish controlled nations at once. They should've taken them out one by one.

The axis should've cooperated better too. It's seems like all the axis powers were working independently and had their own goals. Italy was a burden and waged war with Greece for no apparent reason and Japan went against their original plan to invade the Soviet Union from the east and instead attacked America.


>> No.21011674

I read a biography about Hitler. His dark decent is easy to trace and it makes me genuinely pity him. Had his upbringing been different he could have been a great man.

>> No.21011681


>> No.21011686

>No such thing as Nazis
ur a huge loser

>> No.21011698
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You're a kike who had his foreskin ripped and the blood sucked from a rabbi shortly after birth. Shalom.

>> No.21011723

>But then again he'd run his economy into the ground by not pillaging.
Not at all. They had a lower debt to GDP ratio than both France, England and either slightly lower or around the same as the US. Their currency was pretty stable as well. Only during the war the economy started having issues

>> No.21011728

gay reactionary

>> No.21011732

Why do you think that the USA declared war on Germany?

>> No.21011734

Books should be burned

>> No.21011775
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You tell me. Here's an image of freemason FDR signing the declaration of war against Germany. Notice anything?

>> No.21011785

Why would I tell you when I've asked for your opinion on it?

>> No.21011790

>Pornography presents a serious critique of my worldview
Nah it's just smut; fit for the gutter, fit for the fire I say.

>> No.21011797

Nazi ideology is bad because they lost. Only the strongest ideologies deserves to survive, vae victis

>> No.21011913
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>127 / 35 / 33
Kikes and those outside of Europe will do anything to stop the growing interest in National-Socialism.

>> No.21012026

If you're not here to discuss literature, fuck off

>> No.21012071

I love when small-minded people like you call anything they cannot comprehend schizo. #1 most retarded insult used by retarded non-magical hylics. My posts aren't even that difficult to decipher. For shame.

>> No.21012075

Hahaha jew mad bro?

>> No.21012079

Enjoy swallowing The Rockefeller's fecal matter straight from the asshole of the educational centipede. Stupid faggot thinks regurgitating what he read on science weekly = intelligence. Kill yourself

>> No.21012169

So if technological advances over time start to favor the Nazi style of governments they will be right?

>> No.21012188

how jewish

>> No.21012218

>August Kubizek, "The Young Hitler I Knew,"

>> No.21012227

Thats not how subversion works retard. National Socialists at least understand the average goy is a cow that needs to be lead in the right direction. Most people in society are midwits that dont know what is good for them, genuinely.

>> No.21012228


>> No.21012244

kikes on the left are about to jizz themselves.

>> No.21012250

Why not just have a Mein Kampf general? Jannies contain this shit before it becomes bible posting 2.0.

>> No.21012261

And now in the age of the victors, it is completely normal to cut your genitalia off, where fetish gear in front of school children, and be a debt slave til the day you die.

>> No.21012311

if someone makes a general then for the love of God link the dalton translation archive in the OP

>> No.21012323

So why don't you just do what I say and stop burning books then? Unless, of course, you don't really believe that the majority of people like yourself are "goy cows"?

>> No.21012343
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I don’t know anymore.
I read Mein Kampf 2 or 3 summers ago and felt that the problems Hitler was writing about were eerily similar to the problems we face in America today.
And those problems of today are so deeply entrenched in our government and institutions it is starting to make sense to me why Germans took such drastic measures to fix their problems. I don’t know if they went about it the proper way but they certainly didn’t just wake up one morning deciding they wanted to be evil. It’s like cornering a pit bull with malicious intent and then being shocked when it tears your face to shreds.
Tldr there is more nuance to that period of time than anyone today is willing to admit

>> No.21012353

>why don't you just do what I say
Because most people are cattle-brained. I'm not the anon you're talking to but he already explained that and you didn't refute that. All you did was imply that he's not being intellectually honest, which is rich coming from you.

>> No.21012385

Why are all modern nazis so ugly then?

>> No.21012388

Worse case of Main Character Syndrome I've heard in my life; the entire world is cattle, but not me, I just accept the problematic censorship policies of the Third Reich unconditionally, I'm totally a free thinker!


>> No.21012402

What book?

>> No.21012411

I'ma head to bed, hopefully this thread is still active in the morning.

>> No.21012412

Uh-huh. I'm sure next post you'll tell me Hitler was just a narcissist too. Grow up. When someone has a greater intellectual capacity then you, and you cannot even refute what they are saying, maybe its time for you to figure out what kind of "syndrome" you have. Only the unaware believe in modern womanlike psycho babble regardless. No two humans are equal. Remove that lie from your head. No two humans are or ever can be created equal. Its logically not possible. Anybody with a fucking brain can figure that out on their own. And if I were the leader of a country, hell yeah I would burn Marxist books. My nation of "cattle-brains" would still have higher standards of intellect than you, because they'd spend more time on better literature.

>> No.21012448
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On December 11, 1941, Adolf Hitler addressed the Reichstag, explaining the desperate nature of the German war against Bolshevism and acknowledging that the War was in fact a war for continued European cultural and racial survival. The German Fuhrer, by then unmistakably in the role of warlord also issued a formal declaration of War against the United States of America. There exists in academe and in popular history a willful ignorance - bordering on deliberate and obtuse stupidity as a passive aggressive tactic - of why the German Reich declared war. Credentialed mediocrities, and strange and pathetic small men of varying stripes, forego analysis and even acknowledgement of undisputed facts in favor of arguing by assertion that the German Fuhrer was not ‘‘sane’’ - that Adolf Hitler was a sort of comically incompetent, Hollywood movie villain or an evil monstrosity of the sort that populates comic books or cartoons aimed at children.

>In actual fact of course, exactly three months prior, the United States had declared that the contiguous zone abutting American territorial waters now extended past Greenland and that any German vessel encountered in the Atlantic ocean would be immediately fired upon. This was of course in addition to the fact that the nullification, by way of endless legislative amendment, of the Neutrality Act had allowed Roosevelt and his New Dealer cronies to sustain the Communist war effort against Germany by way of endless cash subsidies, materials and armaments, the declaration of the Atlantic Charter, the invasion and occupation of Iceland by United States Marines, a preposterous allegation that the German Reich had plotted and orchestrated the Japanese assault on Pearl Harbor, the publication of a completely fabricated German ‘war plan’ indicating that the Wehrmacht planned to invade Brazil (Mr Roosevelt neglecting to account for the fact that a German Army in Brazil would be further from the continental United States than a German Army in Germany).

There was the deliberate leaking of the Rainbow 5 plan for an American invasion of Europe (in hopes that the German High Command - and Hitler himself - would be shocked into undertaking a pre-emptive attack on American forces). The ‘‘leak’’ was publicized in the wake of what was acknowledged even by the mortal enemies of the Reich - including the Polish diplomatic mission to the United States - a years-long propaganda campaign wherein the Department of State, the Department of War, the national Press, wealthy NGOs all and sundry, the President himself, the First Lady and virtually every other public figure associated with government had zealously conspired to portray the German Reich not only in the blackest of colors but also to disseminate the preposterous notion that Germany - a state thousands of miles away with less than half the population of the United States - constituted a mortal national security threat to America.

>> No.21012474

Everybody should read Hitler's December 11th, 1941 Speech to the Reichstag if you want to understand Hitler's actual role in WW2 becoming a total war of annihilation. Its very illuminating to and you really can't understand Hitler, his regime, and its geopolitical aims without. Just the beginning is enough to dispel the notion that Hitler "wanted to conquer da world." It's cliched but he really had no choice in declaring war against the USA, they had already effectively been at war for months, something no person who reads the greentext here >>21012448 could refute.

>inb4 "he's just lying!"
Grow up

"Deputies! Men of the German Reichstag!

A year of world-historical events is coming to an end. A year of great decisions is approaching. In this grave period I speak to you, deputies of the Reichstag, as the representatives of the German nation. In addition, the entire German nation should also review what has happened and take note of the decisions required by the present and the future.

After the repeated rejection of my peace proposal in 1940 by the British Prime Minister and the clique that supports and controls him, it was clear by the fall of that year that this war would have to be fought through to the end, contrary to all logic and necessity. You, my old Party comrades, know that I have always detested half-hearted or weak decisions. If Providence has deemed that the German people are not to be spared this struggle, then I am thankful that It has entrusted me with the leadership in a historic conflict that will be decisive in determining the next five hundred or one thousand years, not only of our German history, but also of the history of Europe and even of the entire world."

>> No.21013353

Heckin based

>> No.21013546
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>> No.21013602

Not necessarily, if you and the enemy have irreconcilable notions of truth/epistemological foundations you can’t really argue your way to victory. The shitlibs have been gearing people up for purges recently by calling Trump and Russia postmodern nihilists and stuff. Similarly plenty of people say that Fascism is inherently anti-rational so it’s impossible to argue against and you have to go to war against it. Nazis saw Jewish/Communist ideas as anti-human demonic stuff and a human can’t reason with an anti-human, they exist on different planes. Though yes in probably a majority of cases your point does stand

>> No.21014287

You know democracies "lost" for like 1500 fucking years before they came back in style en masse? Its not really a metric of ideological truth to say them losing makes it wrong, because it could come back one day 100x stronger.

>> No.21014314

I dont think you truly understand how ignorant the average person is. This is going to sound like a joke; but the members of this board, just by using it, are probably in the top 20% of human intelligence. I dont know if youve been outside, or talked to people at bars, or anything related to candid conversation with a fellow member of society (whose vote counts the same as yours btw) but most of them dont even know basic geography. They just consume media like popcorn and it slowly seeps into their mind through exposure. They need to be guided in the correct direction or they will be led astray.

>> No.21014346

You post that as a joke but the guy in that picture looks like a badass who is fulfilled in life.

>> No.21014486

Really dumb.

>> No.21014529

t. Magnus Hirschfeld

>> No.21014593
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Love this guy

>> No.21014730

I dont like Nafris or Brazilians either
Indians I tolerate

>> No.21015275

Nah Thomas777 is based if you aren't watching his series on the Nuremberg Trials on the Pete Quinones Show you shouldn't be speaking about WW2

>> No.21015567

Overmemed failures

>> No.21015579

What is with National Socialsm and its obsession with Indian ideology and philosophy?

I thought these niggers were obsessed with being "white" but they borrow a lot of their shit from the Dindus...


>> No.21015581

Should all be executed or institutionalized for life. Antisocial neurology.

>> No.21015601



>> No.21015778

>heckin based even though they lost the war

>> No.21015797


>> No.21015971

Because the media image of NS is the knuckle dragging 85 IQ poor people at confederate rallies who only have no thought process beyond white good and/or are just edgelords who get a kick out of larping as the bad scary guy.
The reason the real NS/Fascists historically (and even today) get into perennialism and the traditions of India is because they are looking for a non-Christian foundation for a total system that combines spirituality and political philosophy. That and the true (confirmed even by modern academics) relationship between Indians and Europeans through the Aryan/Yamnayan invasions combines to explain why India is big in the NS mind. It points to a kind of "lost history" for the new Aryan man to discover and find his "true roots" in. Beyond this the idea that historical Nazis hated all non-whites or that they liked all whites is blatantly and obviously false, although that might be true for the White Nationalist crowd today

>> No.21016093

>shock and surprise that someone who managed to seize power in an incredibly complicated situation was intelligent and well read
Yeah, it turns out that most people who excel under one system would excel under other systems as well. Bezos would have his name on aircraft design bureau and Stalin would be a US Senator if the circumstances of their births were flipped.

No, they get gibs from the US, which is arguably better.

>> No.21016178

Even worse than commie fags. Imagine looking up to some insane man who caused a World War, lost, and did astronomical damage to the reputation of the race you supposedly care so much about.

>> No.21016300

Most magicians are sociopathic, not schizophrenic. Your posts are immediately decypherable, that isn't the problem, the problem is that you've chosen to exit the glass bead game and instead are playing one handed roulette.

First of all Science Weekly isn't a disciplinary publication. Secondly why are you conducting a class analysis? Are you secretly marxist? Are you marxist and unable to help it because you're actually working class and individuate the collective recapitulation of Marx in struggle?

Wew lass.

>> No.21016311

>what books did the nazis burn

>> No.21016669

It's a contradiction even Hitler himself couldn't resolve. Is national socialism (race-socialism) collectivist or individualist? Darwinism and socialism don't work well together

>> No.21016719


Idiots. For instance many Jews were incredibly talented people. Many of the people working on the Manhattan project were Jewish, some I believe were German emigrants. It shoots itself in the foot in its own madness.

>> No.21016730

I like T777 but he should get on with his book on Nuremberg rather than shitting on Ukrainians and boomer forwardposting on telegram

>> No.21016733

One day you will realize that everything isn't about resources and economics. The Amerimutt mindset

>> No.21016768

Financed by rockefeller (standard oil, owned ig farben, which paid for 45% of hitler's 1933 political campain).

>> No.21017044
File: 48 KB, 590x525, Hitler-stupid-smiling-276417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't personally agree with Hitler, but...

>> No.21017413

dumb liberal filth hands typed this

>> No.21017420

I hate them because they killed three of my great uncles just for wanting to preserve their language, culture, way of life. The only reason my grandpa survived the war was because he was too young to be a partisan

>> No.21017524

Filthy communists.

>> No.21017585

it's hard to reject them now when liberalism means defending black criminals and giving perverts access to children instead of anything noble like we were raised to believe

>> No.21017600

Titoism was one of the closest things to nazbol irl though

>> No.21018058

Wow that is just retarded. Those things had already been figured out by the Volkists before Hitler was even born. He didn't have any contradiction with that.

>> No.21018875

It's based

>> No.21019725

Porn, anon. They burnt porn.

>> No.21019739

Nothing you say makes any sense, retard. Consider suicide.

>> No.21020924

It’s cringe

>> No.21020966

Your reading level is grade 10.

>> No.21021431

Liberalism is Capitalism in it's most advanced deployment. Had somehow nazi germany survived, my guess is they would have been pro immigration in the end.

>> No.21021716

I think they're annoying and off topic, now fuck off and stop posting here.

>> No.21022341

Literally how are they off topic

>> No.21022368

If we are talking to be as informed as possible, yes book burning is bad.
But if I was a nazi/president I would censor/burn books as well. Don't care if I didn't refute it, I don't want dissents in my country. Better stupid and loyal than smart and rebellious

>> No.21022473

Nazis have nothing to do with literature and neither do thinly-veiled bait threads, you can fuck off too.

>> No.21022641

Liberals generally didn't do that in the 1930s either.

But it's the market which is implicit in liberalism. Had the Nazis won, and abandoned their racial ideas, they would've demanded immigrants not to serve corporate interests, but instead to serve in the armies and state bureaucracy. It would have been post-war decadence, but a different type of post-war decadence.