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21009105 No.21009105 [Reply] [Original]

Brazilian education was terrible as you might guess, so i want to learn the country's history by myself. What books will help me?

>> No.21009112
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>> No.21009126

Yes, I already know this. That's not a book tho

>> No.21009134
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Don't do it, you'll be happier.

>> No.21009143

Fuck's sake, I just want a lil' history book

>> No.21009146
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>> No.21009162
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I read this two years ago.
It’s a pretty good introduction, it covers everything from the colonial era up until Lula’s presidency.
You’ll learn about slavery, bandeirantes, tenentismo, Getulismo, café com leite politics and why every Brazilians hates Brasilia

>> No.21009181
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>> No.21009185

The worst country ever lol

>> No.21009186

Thank you, I was looking for something just like that

>> No.21009215
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>> No.21009543

Brasil: Colônia de Banqueiros by Gustavo Barroso

>> No.21009582

Just read Sertaos by Euclides Da Cuhna, zapato.

>> No.21009626

A good general overview can be found in Brazil: Five Centuries of Change by Thomas Skidmore.

>> No.21009734

História do Brasil by Boris Fausto (the green and yellow book published by Edusp) is the recommended introductory-level book. It is suited for university entry examinations, for example.
Brasil: uma biografia by Lilia Schwarcz and Heloisa Starling is another good introductory book and it's well-written.

For the Imperial Era, José Murilo de Carvalho is the big name. Start with "Construção da ordem e Teatro das sombras". Then read "Os bestializados" for the republican coup of 1889, then "A formação das almas" for the construction of the republic.

For the Paraguayan War the classic text is "Maldita Guerra" by Francisco Doratioto. Detailed research that rebuked several myths about the war.

A good complete series, written by several heavy weights on Brazilian history is "História do Brasil Nação", in 5 volumes.

Some good economic history books are "Formação Econômica do Brasil" by Celso Furtado. Excelent book, published in 1959. Good for understanding the coffee economy and the first industrialization efforts. It introduces several important concepts, too.
The other is "História da Riqueza no Brasil" by Jorge Caldeira. It's focused on the internal economy, rather than the over-emphasized export-oriented narrative of our economic history.

A classic book about the Minas Gerais Conspiracy is "A Devassa da Devassa" by Kenneth Maxwell.

If you have a special interest in any particular episode or period, I can suggest other books, too, but these will be more than enough to fill any gaps in your education.

>> No.21011268

A good general overview can be found in Brazil: Five Centuries of Change by Thomas Skidmore.