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21005705 No.21005705 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so tired and exhausted and depressed. There are no happy sights before my eyes or happy thoughts in my head or happy sounds in my ears.

For the love of god, please give me a read that will make me happy, even if only for while I read it.

>> No.21005734
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>For the love of god
Here you go buddy

>> No.21005736


>> No.21005812


Habits for a happy brain

Self therapy by Jay Earely

The power of now

The mind illuminated

Happiness beyond thought by Gary Weber

>> No.21005818

Thomas More's Utopia, Francis Bacon's New Atlantis

>> No.21005834

The Bible.

>> No.21005850

Zorba the Greek

>> No.21005851

read about heroes. imbibe the heroic spirit. read the Plutarch's lives and paint yourself a picture of the giants of humanity's past. Watch lawrence of arabia and get swept away in the idea of being a man who refuses to accept the world as people tell you it is, and ride with lawrence raging against what people tell you can't be done even if it's just an act of rebellion. Inspiration is powerful stuff it helped me a lot, i hope any of it helps you the same way.

>> No.21006112

How is this supposed to make anyone happy?

>> No.21006120

Think a moment on what happiness is.

>> No.21006127

Imagine, if you will, a realization that eliminates all fear and anxiety and induces a state of undisturbable bliss.

>> No.21006130
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>> No.21006151

i have a lot of tech ive discovered in the last year
first, audiobook + walking/moving on the spot. even if you're a fat retard-- it's not about losing weight, it's about your strength/heart. in fact, if you're dieting (and not working out).. walking will help prevent muscle loss.
if you're stuck at home and want some VISUALS as well,, try something like, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_ESilO4l_o

>> No.21006239

>a state of undisturbable bliss.

>> No.21006249

Even better: immortal life.

>> No.21007229

Silas Marner
The Merchant of Venice
Much ado about nothing

>> No.21007337

Now, to demonstrate the grandeur of modern progress, we have a poor, miserable, disconnected populace with nothing but American films, politics, and empty vacations to satisfy the ever-present human need of living in harmony with the universal spiritual forces underlying nature and all phenomena.

>> No.21007373
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Songs of Innocence and Experience by William Blake

>> No.21007394

>universal spiritual forces underlying nature and all phenomena.

Literal drivel

>> No.21007408
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>> No.21007409

Suit yourself ignorant anon

>> No.21007420

Happiness is a cope. Only doom and gloom, only pain and grief! It's all going to hell isn't it? Who cares. Embrace doomer incel fascism, make others pay for your pain! Everything's fucked anyway! Be a based sigma!

>> No.21007421

>t. schizo

>> No.21007423

Schizos are genuinely the most psychologically and intellectually free people in globehomo

>> No.21007425

persuasion and rhetoric by carlo michelstaedter

>> No.21007429

Wrong. Autists are the most intellectually free. They are immune to propaganda

>> No.21007432

Demonstrably false

>> No.21007437

Cope, your schizophrenics are nothing to autists

>> No.21007488
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King Arthur and his knights will offer your soul rest and healing, if you will have it it.

This is not a childish book so don't be offput by the cover, but at the same time it is very wholesome and evolves as it covers Arthur's life.

>> No.21007516
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Otto Weininger - Sex and Character. Pretty much the only real psychological book out there. This is true psychology. Pretty much every part of Weininger’s work will alarm anyone in its timelessness and foresight. This book fix brain
>The reason why madness overtakes so many men of genius—fools believe it comes from the influence of Venus, or the spinal degeneration of neurasthenics—is that for many the burden becomes too heavy, the task of bearing the whole world on the shoulders, like Atlas, intolerable for the smaller, but never for the really mighty minds. But the higher a man mounts, the greater may be his, fall ; all genius is a conquering of chaos, mystery, and darkness, and if it degenerates and goes to pieces, the ruin is greater in proportion to the success. The genius which runs to madness is no longer genius; it has chosen happiness instead of morality. All madness is the outcome of the insupportability of suffering attached to all consciousness. Sophocles derived his idea that a man might wish to become mad for this reason, and lets Aias, whose mind finally gives way, give utterance to these words :
iv rig <f>pov£iv \ap firiStv nSiorrog j3/o£.

>This relation is, however, manifested in the most curious manner in the man of genius. No one suffers so much as he with the people, and, therefore, for the people, with whom he lives. For, in a certain sense, it is certainly only " by suffering " that a man knows. If compassion is not itself clear, abstractly conceivable or visibly symbolic knowledge, it is, at any rate, the strongest impulse for the acquisition of knowledge. It is only by suffering that the genius understands men. And the genius suffers most because he suffers with and in each and all; but he suffers most through his understanding

> A man is himself important precisely in proportion that all things seem important to him.

> There is an uninterrupted gradation from the man whose mentality is unconnected from moment to moment, and to whom no incidents can signify anything because there is within him nothing to compare them with (such an extreme, of course, does not exist) to the fully developed minds for which everything is unforgettable, because of the firm impressions made and the sureness with which they are absorbed

> The ego of a woman is the cause of the vanity which is specific of women. The analogue of this in the male is an emanation of the set of his will towards his conception of the good, and its objective expression is a sensitiveness, a desire that no one shall call in question the possibility of attaining this supreme good. It is his personality that gives to man his value and his freedom from the conditions of time. This supreme good, which is beyond price, because, in the words of Kant, there can be found no equivalent for it, is the dignity of man.

>The only thing which has any absolute and ultimate value in the world is the soul. "Ye are better than many sparrows" were Christ's words to mankind.

>> No.21007541
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> I must now raise the question—is a psychology of the male possible as a science ? The answer must be that it is not possible. I must be understood to reject all the investigations of the experimenters, and those who are still sick with the experimental fever may ask in wonder if all these have no value ? Experimental psychology has not given a single explanation as to the deeper laws of masculine life ; it can be regarded only as a series of sporadic empirical efforts, and its method is wrong inasmuch as it seeks to reach the kernel of things by surface examination, and as it cannot possibly give an explanation of the deep-seated source of all psychical phenomena. When it has attempted to discover the real nature of psychical phenomena by measurements of the physical phenomema that accompany them, it has succeeded in showing that even in the most favourable cases there is an inconstancy and variation. The fundamental possibility of reaching the mathematical idea of knowledge is that the data should be constant. As the mind itself is the creator of time and space, it is impossible to expect that geometry and arithmetic should explain the mind, that the creature should explain the creator

> There can be no scientific psychology of man, for the aim of psychology is to derive what is not derivative, to prove to every man what his real nature and essence are, to deduce these. But the possibility of deducing them would imply that they were not free. As soon as it has been admitted that the conduct, action, nature, of an individual man can be determined scientifically, it will be proved that man has no free-will. Kant and Schopenhauer understood this fully, and, on the other hand, Hume and Herbart, the founders of modern psychology, did not believe in free-will. It is this dilemma that is the cause of the pitiful relation of modern psychology to all fundamental questions. The wild and repeated efforts to derive the will from psychological factors, from perception and feeling, are in themselves evidence that it cannot be taken as an empirical factor. The will, like the power of judgment, is associated inevitably with the existence of an ego, or soul. It is not a matter of experience, it transcends experience, and until psychology recognises this extraneous factor, it will remain no more than a methodical annex of physiology and biology. If the soul is only a complex of experiences it cannot be the factor that makes experiences possible. Modern psychology in reality denies the existence of the soul, but the soul rejects modern psychology.

>> No.21007552

A Little Princess
Little Lord Flauntleroy
The Secret Garden
T. Tembarom
Beyond the City
The Wizard of Oz
Mary Poppins

>> No.21007571
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Lord of the Rings and Silmarilion

>> No.21007577
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> Many ill-balanced people, and in particular women, regard genius and talent as identical. Women, indeed, have not the faculty of appreciating genius, although this is not the common view. Any extravagance that distinguishes a man from other men appeals equally to their sexual ambition ; they confuse the dramatist with the actor, and make no distinction between the virtuoso and the artist. For them the talented man is the man of genius, and Nietzsche is the type of what they consider genius. What has been called the French type of thought, which so strongly appeals to them, has nothing to do with the highest possibilities of the mind. Great men take themselves and the world too seriously to become what is called merely intellectual. Men who are merely intellectual are insincere ; they are people who have never really been deeply engrossed by things and who do not feel an overpowering desire for production. All that they care about is that their work should glitter and sparkle like a well-cut stone, not that it should illuminate anything. They are more occupied with what will be said of what they think than by the thoughts themselves. There are men who are willing to marry a woman they do not care about merely because she is admired by other men. Such a relation exists between many men and their thoughts. I cannot help thinking of one particular living author, a blaring, outrageous person, who fancies that he is roaring when he is only snarling. Unfortunately, Nietzsche (however superior he is to the man I have in mind) seems to have devoted himself chiefly to what he thought would shock the public. He is at his best when he is most unmindful of effect. His was the vanity of the mirror, saying to what it reflects, " See how faithfully I show you your image."
In youth when a man is not yet certain of himself he may try to secure his own position by jostling others. Great men, however, are painfully aggressive only from necessity. They are not like a girl who is most pleased about a new dress because she knows that it will annoy her friends.

> The intelligence of man never grows as old as that of the woman, and it is only in isolated cases that degeneration of the mind is linked with degeneration of the body. Least of all does mental degeneration accompany the bodily weakness of old age in those who have genius, the highest development of mental masculinity. It is only to be expected that the philosophers who most strongly argued in favour of parallelism, such as Spinoza and Fechner, were also determinists. In the case of the male, the free intelligible agent who by his own will can distinguish between good and evil, the existence of parallelism between mind and body must be rejected.

>> No.21007579
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900 pages of 100% literary dopamine hit coming through

>> No.21007594

>A truly great man may honestly share in the desire for admiration or fame but personal ambition will not be his aim. He will not try to knit the whole world to himself by superficial, transitory bonds, to heap up all the things of the world in a pyramid over his name. The man of action shares with the epileptic the desire to be in criminal relation to everything around him, to make them appanages of his petty self. The great man feels himself defined and separate from the world, a monad amongst monads, and, as a true microcosm, he feels the world already within him ; he realises in the fullest sense of personal experience that he has a definite, assured, intelli- gible relation to the world whole. The great tribune and the great courtesan do not feel that they are marked off from the world ; they merge with it, and demand it all as decoration or adornment of their empirical persons, and they are incapable of love, affection, or friendship.

>> No.21007727

A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.21008998

Read it. Was nowhere near as funny as I was told it was going to be.

It's like watching old episodes of "Friends" and wondering "How the fuck did people laugh at this?"

>> No.21009079

Find a good comedy like the Jeeves stories or some of Steinbeck’s funny stuff

>> No.21009258

>>21005705 (OP)
Metzger's Dog is lighthearted fun.

>Chinese Gordon was fully awake. He'd heard the clinking noise again, and now there was no question the cat was listening too. The cat, Doctor Henry Metzger, had assumed the loaf-of-bread position on Gordon's blanket, his ears straight up like a pair of spoons to catch the sound and lock onto it. Doctor Henry Metzger sat up and licked his paw, then froze as he detected some variation in the sound that Chinese Gordon's ears couldn't hear.

>"What is it?" whispered Chinese Gordon. "Somebody trying to break in, isn't it?"

>Doctor Henry Metzger turned from the sound, walked up Chinese Gordon's chest, and stepped on his forehead on the way to the spare pillow. He'd identified it as a human sound, which placed it outside Doctor Henry Metzger's sphere of interest.

>Damn, thought Chinese Gordon. Burglars. He slipped out of bed, moved quietly to the doorway, and listened. He could hear from downstairs the faint squeaking of the garage door to the shop moving on its rollers. His eyes strained, but he could see nothing below except the familiar dim shapes of the shop machines. Then, as the garage door opened farther, he saw a man silhouetted for a moment. The man entered, followed by another, and another.

>> No.21009351

'How The Future Worked' by Alexander Boot will give you a good laugh.

>> No.21009395

Books aren't suppose to make you happy. Go on a walk and pump out some pushups

>> No.21009399

Based, but missing Hamsun I'd say.

>> No.21009442

Nutrient Power: heal your biochemistry and heal your brain by William Walsh

>> No.21009535


>> No.21009655

Hmmm, who's right... 4 billion years of humanity or one drug addicted tranny who will probably kill himself? Hmm.....

>> No.21009732


>> No.21009756
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>> No.21010511

Anon, I've tried to read this multiple times and I always get filtered by the first part. It's so fucking boring following Wart around as a stupid kid, I can't stand it.

What part should I skip ahead to in order to get to the cool Knights part?

>> No.21010531

The Gospels

>> No.21010564

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Hang in there, king. You can make it through this.

>> No.21010568

>The treasure was under his house all along!

I fucking hate that book

>> No.21010574

I'm about to buy picture books of frogs

>> No.21010579
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Thats cuz ur a fag, idk what to tell u.

>> No.21010667

show us when you do, anon

>> No.21010737

Got anymore weird visual stuff like that?

>> No.21010740


Unironically ironically Diary Of A Wimpy Kid

>> No.21010743

Kołakowski. Main currents of Marxism. Volume 3.

>> No.21010775

What are some novels where the protagonist is unhappy and then their life becomes hellish and just keeps on getting worse and worse and then things turn around partially because of the protagonists own actions and partially out of luck and they become happy, not joyous but happy

>> No.21010998

Les Mis, unironically

>> No.21011379

What the fuck is weird about a PoV walk video?

>> No.21011390
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Gargantua and Pantagruel by Rabelais. It's literally pic related, but in book form. It's the only book ever that is genuinely funny and will actually make you laugh out loud, and not sensible chuckles, but convulsing gut laughs.

Also, the old 17th century English translation by Urquhart is amazing. Avoid the shitty modern one.

>> No.21011395

William Morris - The Earthly Paradise is extremely wholesome, so far from the decadence and ugliness of modern life, a beautiful dream of another world. Its difficult to read on account of how alien it is from the kinkiness and angst of the modern world, but very elevating. If you can't into poetry you won't like it

I especially love the stories The love of Alcestis,The Proud King, The Marriage of Psyche from The Earthly Paradise

>> No.21011401
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>> No.21012007

Dangerously based, keep the good work anons, fighting the nihilism in your own lives, that is more than enough, you are not alone.

>> No.21013029


>> No.21013770


>> No.21013812
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>> No.21013850

Growth of the soil is not happy at every point in the book but has a very wholesome feeling to it

>> No.21014246

A confederacy of dunces will make you laugh out loud, I guarantee it