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/lit/ - Literature

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21002150 No.21002150 [Reply] [Original]

Please give me some recommendations for literature that you actually enjoyed reading and that you have read again and again.

I have accumulated surprisingly few over the years.

>> No.21002167
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Another one. This is probably the only one book where I ever felt some sympathy for the catholic church.

>> No.21002174
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Kubla Khan and the Ancient Mariner

>> No.21002192
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The Raven, mainly.

>> No.21002204
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The last one, I can think of at the moment.

>> No.21002232
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I haven't read that many books that I want to reread things already. But if there is one book I would like to reread it has to be One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey. Such an amazing book.

>> No.21002328
File: 124 KB, 423x720, Cover_The_Light_Fantastic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much. Will try this.

Also: Cohen the Barbarian

>> No.21002340

Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter by Mario Vargas Llosa is incredibly funny and helped me overcome a reading dry-spell, so I will forever hold that book in a special place.

>> No.21002347


>> No.21002385
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>> No.21002390
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Much appreciated.

>> No.21002424

The darkness which had come from the Mediterranean shrouded the city hated by the Procurator.

>> No.21002444

I would reread the Hobbit and Lolita. That's about it at the moment (:

>> No.21002453

Also Demian by Hesse

>> No.21002517
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Thanks a lot.
I have read Lolita enjoyed reading the first two thirds, but I thought that in the last part there was for some reason a very unconvincing break. Exactly at the moment when HH suddenly considers himself to be a pedophile. As if the author suddenly decided or was told by someone, that he had to give HH a bad ending.

I also read a lot of Hesse when I was young but when I started to re-read the Steppenwolf, I noticed that this is not for me anymore.

Liked Hardboiled Wonderland and Sheep Chase but found Murakami very repetitive afterwards.

>> No.21002523

I dropped the Steppenwolf actually, didn't capture my attention like Siddhartha or Demian

>> No.21002531
File: 352 KB, 2327x3554, c02810_da70337bc0594a59b2bb8e859bf3b465_mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last book I read that seemed to actually stimulate more than one of my brain cells

>> No.21002580
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This sounds very interesting. Never heard about it.

>> No.21002606

The Baron was one of Westphalia’s most potent aristocrats, since
his mansion boasted both a door and windows.

>> No.21002674
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Thanks for recommendations. Much obliged.

>> No.21004115

Of Mice and Men

>> No.21004675


>> No.21004810
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Once was enough

>> No.21004825

Gravity's Rainbow and lot 49, especially if you liked C22

>> No.21005808
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>> No.21005816

>literature you actually enjoyed
This is supposed to be a board for readers, so I would hope everyone would have a long list. Why read something if you don’t like it?

>> No.21006950
File: 171 KB, 1283x2000, ef5fa86df8e2e79e1a4ef5b6f7f3920318bfa261_BF2000-2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much. Read of Mice and Men and Stoner already.
Was never sure if I should start with Gravity's Rainbow and Lot 49. The first impression was that they are just willfully obtuse. Trying again certainly won't hurt.

I have a enough books that I read and didn't particularly enjoy. I read Stoner because I thought it would be very fitting to my life situation but I found the book was just getting tedious at some point.
The last book I read was Beim Haeuten der Zwiebel by Guenter Grass. And I found that it was written by a cowardly old man who needs two paragraphs of twisted German sentences to admit that he was jerking off.
So, for me there are few books that I started but I didn't finish and there are many that I finished but I did not particular enjoy.

>> No.21006966
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Looking at my previous selections, I guess this is a dark humor thread now.

>> No.21006971

Sounds fun. I will definitely start this when I am done with the Greeks and Finnegans Wake.

>> No.21007055
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>> No.21007126

How does this compare to 2666? Does it have an ending?

>> No.21007135

They’re short stories

>> No.21007142

It's a short story collection selected from his two main short story books: Llamadas telefonicas and Putas asesinas. I read this two books several times, not the american edition, actually.

>> No.21007165

Cheers. I will try this. Short stories should be very interesting.
I found 2666 on /lit/, greatly enjoyed reading it and then felt ever so slightly shortchanged on the non-ending.