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20998762 No.20998762 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people hate Holden again? He seems like the archetypical /lit/ poster, neurotic, depressed, lonely, feels like an outcast, hates the normies, sensitive, moderately intelligent, good with words, retarded around women, etc. I relate heavily to Catcher in the Rye, yeah Holden's a dumb pathetic shithead but am I not ?

Also I'd appreciate any recs that will help me out of the Holden mindset. I feel like I probably shouldn't still be like this at age 21.

>> No.20998779

only normalfaggots hates him, or people so insecure, they hate how they were in past

>> No.20998784

Have you ever noticed adults hate children?
Very curious phenomenon because it’s subtle rather than overt. Little comments and mannerisms are what give it away

>> No.20998804

>constant threads about this childish book with too adult themes
>memes aside, every anon identifies with the schizophrenic sociopathic manchild MC. Loves em. Memes that he’s an incestuous pedophile
>anon has to share his stupid ass blowjack AGAIN
Identify troll threads and report them please. Do not engage.

>> No.20998836

It's pretty obvious that you are meant to think Holden is dumb and naive but still sympathize to some degree with his amusingly cynical outlook.

The people who "hate him" are people with infantile brains who don't apply any critical thinking to a book when they read it.

>> No.20998864

because he's a teenager, and everyone hates teenagers.

>> No.20999358

Because he represents/lit/

>> No.20999389

I made this wojak back in 2018. It makes me mad every time someone posts it because I think I got the gray streak wrong

>> No.20999418

You didn't make shit.

>> No.20999428

I spy on that anon's web activity and I can confirm that he did make it

>> No.20999431

Because he’s a chud and normies and chuds will always be enemies. Been that way since the dawn of time.

>> No.20999500

>Why do people hate Holden again? He seems like the archetypical /lit/ poster
Answered your own question.

>> No.20999585

I thought that was an Ed Gein wojack for a moment there.

>> No.20999796

poor boy couldnt process his brothers death, he only has his little sister

>> No.21000143

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.21000745

'eery. Good job assholes.
lit is just dogshit now isn't it

>> No.21000813

nice meme faggot

>> No.21000837

Cheers cunt. Would you like to read the book now, or are you satisfied licking windows?

>> No.21000881

Because he represents/lit/ at their best.

>> No.21001150

Hes not dumb or naive. His outlook is through the lens of depression and he is hypocritical about people being phony when hes straight up lying to strangers but its not a story with a moral. Its adolescent to think the way he does only because hes right in between the naivety of youth and the many copes of adulthood to deal with the death of that naivety. But hes aware that they are copes. The book doesnt give you the right cope out of the mess